Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus


Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus

Paul Zaichik - Easy Flexibility - Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus

Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus

Original price was: $169.00.Current price is: $69.00.

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Original price was: $169.00.Current price is: $69.00.

…steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Zaichik Stretching Technique…

File Size: 5.87 GB

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Paul Zaichik – Easy Flexibility – Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus

Paul Zaichik - Easy Flexibility - Ballet and Dance Flexibility Combo with Bonus

Why are professional dancers so good? How can you be that good or better?

Were they born exceptionally talented? If you ask many dancers they’ll answer “It’s 99% hard work and only 1% talent”. 

But you are probably working hard already and not getting any better… Why!? 

There’s a saying “If you keep doing something wrong, no matter how many times you do it, you get good at exactly that, doing it wrong”… Which we dare say is exactly what YOU are doing. 

So how can you improve your dancing skills? What can YOU do to be the next Star? The answer is the Zaichik Stretching Technique (ZST), which will not only get you flexible, but strong so that you can hold any position that you wish and truly shine on stage.

You Can Only Imagine What a Full EasyFlexibility Turn Out Routine Can DO For YOU And Your Hips!

Let us keep showing you how you can dramatically improve your:

  • Turn Out
  • Foot & Ankle Strength and Flexibility
  • Developpe A La Seconde
  • Arabesque and Attitude Derriere
  • Attitude Devant
  • Penché

…steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Zaichik Stretching Technique.

Ready to get started? Thousands of people worldwide have achieved the same results you’re dreaming about and you can too!

You can start right now! This program is online! -You can watch from any device. – Get support from our private group of students. – Lifetime access. Here’s what you’ll get:

Each of the 6 programs contains 3 videos.
That is 18 videos altogether.
  • Video 1 : An online video containing a follow along routine plus explanations before each exercise. (duration: 45 minutes on average).
  • Video 2: Video without explanations to follow along without interruptions.
  • Video 3: Explanations only video to review the techniques outside the routine.

Specific Warm-Up & Conditioning Techniques

Each routine begins with mobility exercises, followed by specific warmup and conditioning techniques that will prepare your body for the special stretching techniques that follow. Not only that, these exercises will also make your newly gained flexibility permanent, they will speed up flexibility gains as well as make you strong and in control of your body. You’ll feel lighter than ever!

Unique Zaichik Stretching Techniques

Thanks to the Target & Leverage mechanism (unique to the ZST approach), these techniques are the most natural way to stretch. Since the stretch reflex is avoided, pain is not present, and results are visible right away.


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