Andrey Kurpatov – Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)


Andrey Kurpatov – Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)

Andrey Kurpatov - Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)

Andrey Kurpatov – Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)

Original price was: $252.14.Current price is: $59.00.

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Original price was: $252.14.Current price is: $59.00.

Adapt in the safest way for your psyche and the most beneficial way for your wallet.

File Size: 4.260 GB.

Format File: 7 MP4, 7 SRT, 7 MP3, 9 DOCX.

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Andrey Kurpatov – Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)

Andrey Kurpatov - Read with intelligence and pleasure (Russian with English Subtitles)

Protection from hidden threats of the new reality.

We survived the 2022 crisis and more or less learned to adapt and even develop in the new conditions.

But beware: now there is a hidden threat!Β Many, overcoming difficulties, have acquired chronic stress, which is exhausting and does not allow you to move forward.

And as soon as the situation worsens, a new wave of neuroses and panic attacks will come, which will throw us back to 2022, when it seemed thatΒ the world was collapsing.

Negative information background and alarming news constantly add fuel to the fire.

  • How to stop reading the news?
  • How can you not worryΒ when there are so many reasons to worry?
  • How to prepare when you don’t even know what to expect?
  • How to maintain and replenish strength when the crisis drags on?

You are witnessingΒ a deepeningΒ crisis. Not all changes in the economy are obvious. And what is currently escaping your attention will soon be covered by an avalanche of problems. Now you see rising prices, and tomorrow you may lose your job and the ability to provide yourself with your usual standard of living, pay off loans and support your children.

You already know this, but for now you only watch the news twice as often as before, believing that awareness will help you. This is an illusion of control.

If you do nothing, you will accumulate stress, and a new wave of negative events will provokeΒ a real explosion!

Panic and horror await youΒ , rash decisions, neurotic anxiety and rapidly developing depression.

  • And these β€œgifts of the crisis” will stay with youΒ for many years.
  • Therefore, curling up into a ball, hiding, or moving forward despite the accumulated stress is not a solution.

Take action with purpose and take back control
of your own life.

How to do this?

The answer is simple:Β β€œcool” your head, get rid of stress and decide on the tactics of your next steps.

A unique emergency aid program for any life situation

This is why the ANTICRISIS 2024Β courseΒ is so valuable – it is your chanceΒ to overcome chronic stress,Β stay calm, confident and find new growth points in a difficult period.

You need a course if you:

  • you constantly feel anxious, stressedΒ and take it out on your loved ones
  • you can’t see a picture of your futureΒ and can’t even plan a vacation
  • the first thing in the morning you read the newsΒ and get charged with negativity
  • tired of whining colleaguesΒ and fear of being fired
  • you no longer feel support from your familyΒ and experience constant dissatisfaction from your family
  • don’t know how to prioritizeΒ and what problems to solve first


What you will get after completing the course

  1. Learn to manage stress, and you will immediately have more time and energy for productive work, communication with family and personal development
  2. You will conduct an audit of your resources and understand how to use them profitably to get a promotion and other benefits
  3. Try out the tools of thinking in practice. You will be able to increase your income and stop conflicts at home and at work
  4. Set priorities and understand how to manage your resources to spend less time and earn more
  5. Learn to make plans for your activities and save several years of your life
  6. You will be able to use your thinking most effectively to achieve results in the shortest possible way.

Course program

In Express Mode, you will stabilize your mental state, identify your resources and capabilities, make a plan, and use thinking tools to implement this plan.

Block 1

Manage anxietyΒ and take control of stress

You will learn:

  • How to embrace a crisis
  • Why Uncertainty Causes Stress
  • What physiological reactions to stress are inherent in us by nature and how to work with them
  • How to direct psychic energy into a creative channel, and not into a destructive one

After completing the block you will be able to:

  1. Relax quickly and have a good rest
  2. Get rid of stress and save a couple of hours a day for more useful and enjoyable activities
  3. Shift your attention from frightening thoughts about the future to the real situation at home and at work

Block 2

Learn to use your intellectual potentialΒ and take stock of your resources, tasks and actions in order to eliminate unnecessary things and focus all your efforts on the main thing.

You will learn:

  • What happens when a person loses the image of the future, and how to get this image back
  • How to discover patterns in the world and take advantage of past experiences
  • How to Take Stock of Your Resources
  • How to Set Priorities Correctly

After completing the block you will be able to:

  1. Stop stepping on the same rake and communicating with people who waste your time.
  2. Determine what you need to do to get your boss to give you a raise
  3. Develop 10+ ways to increase your income, taking into account your skills, resources and circumstances
  4. Achieve your goals without failures and serious mistakes

Block 3

Launch your β€œthinking machine” for targeted problem solving!

You will learn:

  • What is thinking and how to use it to recreate the lost image of the future
  • How to Get Rid of Negative, Self-Destructive Thoughts and Reprogram Your β€œThinking Machine”
  • How to β€œdownload into your head” the circumstances, processes and people you deal with
  • How to rid your brain of information garbage
  • How to learn to think purposefully

After completing the block you will be able to:

  1. Create a β€œdatabase” in your head and create different options for solving your problems, whether it’s changing jobs or finding housing
  2. Make decisions that will immediately produce noticeable results
  3. Save your energy and time by not overloading your brain with unnecessary information, especially if it is negative news or whining colleagues

Block 4

You will learn how to involve other people in solving your problemsΒ and will draw up a plan of your actions for the near future.

You will learn:

  • How to β€œsort” your tasks after inventory
  • Why a crisis reveals all existing conflicts
  • How to Work Properly in a Team with Close People
  • How to effectively engage another person in solving your problem
  • How to Focus on What Matters Most with a Plan

After completing the block you will be able to:

  1. Set priorities and don’t waste time watching videos and fulfilling your neighbor’s requests
  2. Involve other people in solving your problems, even if they are not initially ready to help you
  3. Find a job, increase your income, resolve conflicts in the family.


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