Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction

Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction

Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction

Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction


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Taught in a way that makes it easy to understand and implement, explaining the concepts and then demonstrating them live on Adam’s two girlfriends.Based on science, and removes all the guesswork from body language. Shows you exactly how to approach, attract and keep a woman with positive body language. Also shows you how to flip the script and get women to approach you first.

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Adam Lyons - Kinetic Attraction

Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction

Product Type DVD
Format Type Webrip – 20 mp4,13 pdfs
Author Adam Lyons
File Size 2.798 GB
The Good

Taught in a way that makes it easy to understand and implement, explaining the concepts and then demonstrating them live on Adam’s two girlfriends.Based on science, and removes all the guesswork from body language. Shows you exactly how to approach, attract and keep a woman with positive body language. Also shows you how to flip the script and get women to approach you first.

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Adam Lyons – Kinetic Attraction Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

The Bad

The course assumes that you have handled your verbal communication since it mainly focuses on body language. If you’re looking for advice on how to talk to women, you won’t get much of that here.

The course content is disorganized in that the bonuses are separated. Some of them appear before the actual course content such as Seduce Me and Inner Nympho.

The Bottom Line

Comprehensive product that is largely focused around body language and physical touch. Best product on the market for practical advice about the sometimes difficult topic of body language.

Breaks down the process of first meeting a woman then escalating to kissing and having sex. Adam also shares his secrets for setting up threesomes and creating open relationships. (He’s in a long-term threeway relationship with two women.)


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