Bobby Rio & Rob Judge – Make Her Horny with Humor
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Bobby Rio & Rob Judge – Make Her Horny with Humor
Course Intro
Get ready to embark on a fun course that will finally unravel the mystery of “attractive humor!” Both Bobby and Rob have found that humor is one of the most confusing topics to their students.
Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Bobby Rio & Rob Judge – Make Her Horny with Humor Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …
And it’s no surprise. There are A LOT of conflicting messages out there that make humor seem like an elusive quality that only a select few men will ever posses. For example, whenever a “seduction” is portrayed in the media, it often makes the man seem aloof, cool, and business-like.
Conversely, however, most women’s polls rank “sense of humor” as the number one quality women look for in a man. Most of us probably know very funny guys who DON’T get laid. Yet, we also know that when a guy can get a girl to laugh her ass off, he’s often on the fast track to getting laid…To make sense of all these conflicting messages, Rob and Bobby clearly define the difference between attractive humor and being a clown. They also explain how social humor differs from actual comedy.
The audio modules and eBook demystify what it means to “be funny” and reveals the roadmap for creating your own humor and honing your ability to make women laugh.
Audio Modules
- Intro
- Module 1: Breaking Her State
- Module 2: Establish You’re A Flirt
- Module 3: Rapport Through Humor
- Module 4: Playground Humor
- Module 5: Sexualized Humor
- Bonus Module: Tricks & Gimmicks
In these content-packed audio modules, Bobby Rio takes the lead as your humor course guide, explaining the 5 distinct “phases” of humor and how each phase attracts and arouses women. Listen carefully as Bobby drops plenty of golden nuggets in the way of examples and templates you can apply in your interactions with women.
As the course progresses, Bobby brings on guests such as Rob, Jon Sinn, and Brad (for the bonus module). Not only does each guest further define attractive humor, but they also add their own style of humor to the modules, which helps to round out the course.
No matter if you’re beginning who is just getting the hang of flirting and approaching women or if you’re a seasoned vet who goes on several dates a week, there’s something in these modules for guys of every level.
Also, make sure to return to the modules even after you’ve gone out and applied some of the techniques and tactics. Because Bobby packed SO MUCH great information into these audio modules, you’ll often discover new gems of wisdom with each re-listening of the course modules!
Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Bobby Rio & Rob Judge – Make Her Horny with Humor Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …
The eBook
Building on the audio modules, the Make Her Horny with Humor eBook further defines the theories and ideas behind attractive humor. Not only does the book fill in some of the details from the audio modules, it also expands on several humor concepts and offers step-by-step formulas for adding humor into your next interaction, date, or conversation with an attractive woman.
with Humor
If you’ve ever read any advice about what women find attractive in a man, a sense of humor is always right up the top of the list along with confidence. It’s something that’s just universally accepted, yet there’s rarely any discussion of what type of humor actually works with women. As a result, many guys are left confused on how to use humor in a practical sense to meet and date women.
Rarely do you see any famous comedians topping women’s lists of the sexiest men, so clearly it’s not just a matter of making women laugh to attract them. In this product Bobby Rio and Rob Judge set out to show you how to use humor in a specific way so that you can attract women, create a connection and get sexual with them.
Bobby and Rob make it clear that this course isn’t about teaching you how to tell jokes or develop a stand-up comedy act, it’s about using humor in social situations to advance your relationships with women.
How This Course Is Structured
There are five audio modules that make up this product, that go for around 40 minutes each, as well as a bonus module. There’s an e-book that goes into a bit more detail of the entire system while also summarizing all of the audio modules, except for the bonus module.
What’s good is that the modules are broken up into different phases that correlate with different phases the interaction goes through, from first meeting through to getting sexual. So you’re taught how different humor works best depending on what stage you’re at with the girl, giving you a clear roadmap to follow.
This is important as it’s something many guys struggle with, often not knowing when and how to transition to different types of humor as needed.
For example, if a guy is teasing a girl and getting a good reaction, he’ll often keep doing it and the girl will get annoyed or frustrated, killing the interaction. So it’s important to know why something works and also when it’s the appropriate time to use it.
With that said, as you gain more experience you’ll be able to experiment a bit more with your own style and structure. You’ll be able to mix and match different elements from each without having to follow such a linear style. For example, the book says that one of the stages should start a 30-35 minutes into an interaction, which is useful as a guideline for beginners, but a bit too rigid once you know what you’re doing.
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Starting Things On The Right Note
A concept that’s taught in this course is the Theory of Expectations. Basically it states that people form an idea or expectation of you pretty quickly, and the way that you act around them in the future is often in line with how they see you.
Bobby talks about how he was often shy when first meeting someone, and because they had this expectation of him being a shy guy, he found it harder to be more funny and outgoing. This is something a lot of people experience so it’s really important to be aware of it and make sure you use it in your favor.
It’s the reason why some guys are able to say something and get a great reaction, while another guy could say the same thing and have it bomb. Depending on the expectation people have of you, it might not fit with their idea of how you should act.
In a practical sense, this is why a woman can feel comfortable discussing explicit sexual details with a guy she barely knows, but wouldn’t dream of doing so with a guy stuck in the friend zone that she deems as non-sexual.
So it’s important that you set the tone early that you’re the type of guy that is fun and comfortable flirting with women. That’s why the first two modules are established on breaking her state and establishing that you’re a flirt. If you can get women laughing and flirting with you right away, then it gives you a confidence boost and helps make everything that follows even easier.
Finding Your Own Style
Humor is incredibly subjective, as what makes someone laugh can vary wildly from one person to the next. So throughout this course you’ll want to keep in mind that you’re meant to apply these principles and fit them in with your own personality, not try and copy exactly what Rob and Bobby do and say.
They make it clear throughout that you shouldn’t be using their examples as routines that you copy and use yourself, but just as illustrations to see how the concepts and formulas work. To make this easier, there are templates you can use where you just plug in your own specific details and will know what to say.
Even if the specific examples don’t seem like something you would say, try and examine the reason why they work. One issue that’s highlighted here is that what women find funny is often different from what makes men laugh. So the kinds of things you joke around with your buddies about might bomb with women and vice versa.
If you’ve been through any of Bobby and Rob’s other products you’ll probably have an idea of their own individual style.
Rob’s humor is very playful, often talking about experiences from childhood and making lots of pop culture references. Bobby’s humor is generally a bit more biting and dry, so there’s two different styles and you can see how the principles work for each of them.
In the book most of the examples that are included seem to be things that Rob says. At times it does seem a bit repetitive and it would have been good to see some different examples written down that incorporate different styles of humor.
You also need to be careful that you watch each girl’s reaction to make sure what you’re doing is working.
There’s a few times where something is suggested that would be easy for guys to get wrong. For example, to use ‘callback humor’ and keep teasing a girl about the number of guys she’s slept with, or rather, how many guys you think she’s slept with.
If done right you can get away with this, but for the average guy with little experience there’s every chance you’ll do more harm than good with something like this, annoying the girl because you don’t know when to drop it. As a general rule, if a girl doesn’t laugh at something or looks upset, don’t try it again.
Duplicate Content
One of the things that stuck out in this product is how the content is similar to Seductive Storytelling. Particularly in the module on rapport through humor, some of the content and examples seems to have been copied and pasted in both products.
This isn’t an issue if you haven’t seen the other product, but if you have then you may feel as though you’re getting rehashed material. Similarly, if you’ve been through Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy you might recognize some of the same ideas and examples, but it’s not as noticeable as with Seductive Storytelling.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with getting both products, as you’ll learn different things from each of them and have more templates and examples to learn from.
However if money is an issue or you only want to devote time to one of them, then Seductive Storytelling is the more complete product and has had more attention put into creating it.
Guest Coaches
One of the modules is on sexualized humor and has Bobby interviewing Jon Sinn, who is one of the masters on this particular topic.
There’s some good content here, although if you’ve seen much of Sinn’s work it probably won’t strike you as anything new. If you’re looking for further details from him on this topic then you should check out The Seduction Roadmap.
The other guest coach is Brad Jackson, who joins Bobby on the bonus module which is about tricks and gimmicks. Brad is renowned for using magic tricks in social situations as away to meet and attract women, and if you want more info on what he teaches you should check out his flagship product Puma Skills Mastery.
The whole idea of using magic tricks and gimmicks (things like palm-reading, fortune telling and handwriting analysis) was somewhat popular in the earlier days of the seduction community thanks to the likes of Mystery, but is less common nowadays.
You certainly don’t need to use tricks and gimmicks as a way to meet and attract women, but if it’s something you’re into anyway or think you’d enjoy it then you might want to try it out.
The important point that Brad stresses here is that he’s not using his tricks as a way to impress women, but rather as something that is fun for him and makes his night more enjoyable.
Some of the gimmicks he mentions are a bit outlandish for an average night out and would be more suitable for something like a bachelor party or other occasion.
I don’t know if many guys will get much practical use from this module, but if nothing else it might show you the importance of making your own fun the number one priority, which will then help attract women.
The Bottom Line
This is the best product we’ve reviewed so far that deals specifically with how to attract women through humor. If you struggle to make women laugh, or you can make them laugh but they’re not attracted to you, then this is worth checking out.
If you’ve purchased other products from these coaches, namely Convesation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and Seductive Storytelling, then you’ll notice that some of the ideas and content overlaps. If you’ve mastered both of those products there might not be enough new material here to make it worth your while.
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