Coach Right from Michael Breen


Coach Right from Michael Breen

Coach Right from Michael Breen

Coach Right from Michael Breen


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Simple process and 3 brilliant questions Michael recommends you ask that enables you to let go of the past, eliminate incompletes in your life and frees you up to arrange your resources to get more of what you truly want. Works great with clients too! (Track 06)

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Coach Right from Michael Breen

Coach Right from Michael Breen

“Why Life Coaches Could Soon Be Replaced By AI, In The Next BIG WAVE of The Coaching Revolution” 

And How One Maverick Coach Is Having Amazing Success
Teaching A Brilliant NEW Coaching System That Coaches Love… Because It Has Them Doing Less, While Earning More… 

(And Propels Them FAR Ahead Of The Competition… ) 

The world’s biggest search engine – Google, showed the public had real concerns about the legitimacy of coaching.

Many bloggers and journalists were critical about life coaching and the ‘wash’ of people offering to life coach others, where they had very little experience of life themselves, yet promised to coach away any kind of problem.

Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm

Three Major Trends That Are Catapulting
Coaching In To The Mainstream

(And Paved The Way For The AI Coach) 

Every story has a beginning and if we were to drop a pin, a good place to start the story of how life coaching made the move from unknown to mainstream would be with the economic crash of 2007.

Three trends took hold…

Trend #1: Workplace Disruption

The Economic Crash of 2007 disrupted the global workplace. We all felt it.

The crash meant many individuals facing unemployment decided to become life or executive coaches and many people unsure about their next steps needed life coaching!

Ever since then the workforce continues to be disrupted. There has been a huge rise in the ‘gig economy’. Work has radically changed and continues to change.

According to Forbes, by 2020 it’s estimated that 50% of the workforce will be self-employed.

That’s a whole lot of people going on a journey they are currently unprepared for.

People who will be going through multiple transitions they aren’t even aware of yet.

What is driving this change – is pattern #2.

Trend #2: Technology Disruption

Technology is driving innovation and innovation is accelerating change.

Today, change is all around us and changes are coming faster than ever.

From the tablets to smartphones to Facebook, Google, Uber to self-driving cars, genetic engineering and drone deliveries to your home – it seems a heck of a lot has happened in the past decade.

What’s for sure is much more change is yet to come.

What we all take for granted today, won’t be the same in five years from now.

Work will have changed.

Technology will have changed.

And coaching will have taken a leap forward – in fact; it’s already begun.

(More on this shortly)

Everywhere you look, we are living through a time of incredible innovation and increasingly automation.

And automation and innovation are bringing profound change.

That’s a good thing for coaches.

Because change brings uncertainty and when people feel uncertain they look to others for help and guidance.

That’s where coaches can help.

Great coaches are skilled at helping people move through the transition generated by change, and excel at helping clients catalyse their resources to achieve their dreams and goals.

It’s a skill more and more employers want as you’ll discover shortly.

And the interesting thing is: the rate of change is no longer constant.

According to researchers the rate of change is accelerating. This has big implications for us all. As you’ll about to learn shortly, technology and digital innovation is driving a revolution in coaching.

Unlike any other we’ve seen before.

But first we need to understand why.

And to do that we need to follow the money.

Or to know more about the big financial drivers behind the next wave of coaching…

It all began when…

Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm

Trend #3: Business Leaders Started To Want Coaching
(To Help Cope With Accelerating Changes & To Drive Organisational Performance)

With technology and digital disruption and innovation here to stay – entire industries are being turned upside down. And leaders know it.

No industry is safe.

To help handle the change, more and more leaders started to hire executive coaches… on the quiet to begin with.

You see, executive coaching once carried a stigma.

Now, it’s viewed as a perk, a sign of having arrived at the top.

And to cope with the never-ending changes, more and more leaders turned to coaching as a means to create high performance teams.

Companies began to offer coaching for entire teams.

This lead to the rise of the ‘team coach’.

Everyone seemed to be getting in on the coach phenomena, and the scepticism about the industry began to quickly change.

Coaching Is About To Explode 

We’re still in the early stages of mainstream uptake of coaching.

The nah-sayers are done.

A decade on, coaching is now legit and is only going ONE way; Up.

The intersection of workplace, technology and business disruption has changed the face of coaching forever.

But the changes that have elevated and transformed coaching aren’t done.

There is a new kind of coach that might just dominate the coaching industry.

And you haven’t competed with this type of coach before.

It’s going to change things all over again.

Neither life or executive coaches will be cocooned from the impact, that this new category of coach will bring.

It’s a coach that will cost less, learn faster, and do more.

And big names like Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon have invested BILLIONS in the underlying technology that is at the heart of the this new breed of Coach…

… Artificial Intelligence.

In the next 24 months the coaching industry will see…

The Rise Of The Automated Coach (The Greatest Opportunity or Threat to Your Career?) 

Ever heard of Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa?

Course you have.

They are all examples of artificial intelligence applications (also know as AI chatbots) that are used by millions everyday and are getting better all the time.

Just last month Google demonstrated an update to Google Assistant.

This type of shakeup is already on it’s way.

Once it lands, ‘overnight’ we can expect three things:

1. Coaching Will Go Mainstream.

Many more people will be exposed to a coaching dialogue through an AI app than was ever possible before, moving coaching in to the mainstream, beyond the current 17% market awareness that the International Coaching Ferderation (ICF) has previously reported.

2. Many Coaches Will Be Replaced.

In the AI age “Being a Good Coach” won’t be enough.

Many coaches will struggle to compete against ‘free’ and won’t be able to stay relevant. Ultimately many coaches will be pushed out of the industry or replaced by AI coaches.

3. Forward thinking coaches (and coaching organisations) will prosper.

They’ll ride the wave of opportunity and up-skill themselves to stay relevant, charge more and use AI tools to augment their coaching offerings as more people enter the market and more companies seek to roll out company wide coaching.

Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm


Created by Master Coach Michael Breen, Coach Right gives you an ALL NEW professional coaching system so that you can…

… coach like a pro and run professional coaching sessions with confidence (even if you’re NEW to coaching)

… get results for your clients in every session

… win more clients and stay relevant

while building a thriving professional practice.

Coach Right ensures that you know what to do and when to do it even if you’re a novice coach.

In this program you’ll learn a simple and effective coaching model that will get you started fast – it’s called ADVISORS PLANS and students love it for its simplicity and effectiveness.

If you’re just starting out, Coach Right will show you a step-by-step process for “starting strong” and running professional sessions.

You’ll discover the 6 stages to delivering great coaching and learn how to do what you LOVE better than you ever have…

… in a way that clients love the results and the experience too.

If you’re already a coach, Coach Right offers the opportunity to take a look at how you coach in a whole new way, where small tweaks can lead to dramatically increasing your coaching skills and the RESULTS you can get for your clients.

If you’re a manager or leader looking to up your game; Coach Right gives you the tools to work effectively and elegantly by better coaching your people.

Coach Right is different to other coaching courses.

Rather than give you more fixed techniques and fixed ways of coaching people (which assumes everyone should be coached the same procedural way), you’ll learn to coach by the actual functions of coaching – not the ideas, styles or theories of coaching – but through what is happening when coaching is working well.

Finally, you’ll go beyond mere techniques of coaching to learning the functions, used by elite coaches to get results for clients in every session.

And now for the first time ever available to the public the recordings of Michael Breen’s two-day masterclass workshop are available.

 The program starts with: 

Your Personal Transformation

The biggest difference you’ll have on your clients is the transformation work you do on yourself. If you want to become the best coach you can be, who consistently creates results for clients, you need to go to work on you!

You’ll Learn:

  • The surprising truth about your feelings that clients don’t know that you can use to help them recover emotional choice fast…
  • How to train yourself to discover possibilities beyond where you have been so you can have a whole different life! (Track 2 –  7:00)
  • The amazing occult insight about money and how to liberate yourself from the idea that you can’t make the money you’d like. (Track 08 – 7:00)
  • Michael’s killer question to help you quickly discover a version of yourself that is more able and capable than the person you are being right now so you can create the life you want. (Track 07 – 00:08)
  • Great question for getting distance on yourself when you feel stuck.
  • Simple process and 3 brilliant questions Michael recommends you ask that enables you to let go of the past, eliminate incompletes in your life and frees you up to arrange your resources to get more of what you truly want. Works great with clients too! (Track 06)
  • Why paying attention to your past dreams and fantasies can unlock powerful states and resources you had long forgotten but can recover in a moment.
  • Why and how you should vet your dreams, and help your clients do the same, so you don’t fall in to the ‘danger’ of getting what you say you want – but it doesn’t make you happy (extremely common and yet most coaches don’t know how to do this).
  • What Michael regards as the real demonstration of your learning that he looks for in himself, his clients and encourages you to look for in yourself that moves you light years ahead of most coaches once you do it. (Track 15 -17:55)
  • The mind-blowing insight about reality that top coaches know, that once you embody will transform your attitude to problems, limitations and feelings of any lack. (Track 09 – 2:00)
  • The one pattern Michael uses with clients that you can apply right away on your dreams and goals so you enjoy greater happiness and fulfillment today and drop goals that don’t serve you.
  • Why there is no such thing as ‘clean language’ or ‘no influence coaching’ once you realise one fundamental insight about language that most coaches miss.
  • Why as a coach you don’t have to be the one who knows… and what Michael suggests you do instead.
  • 4 questions to unblock feelings of stuckness in yourself or others.
  • Why you always want to be retraining your perpetual filters if you want to excel year after year. (Track 2 – 11:45)
  • Discover what a coach really does (it’s much bigger than what you’ve likely thought before).
  • 3 strategies for dealing with all the negative programming that is holding you back and was programmed in to you (do this and your life becomes far easier). (Track 09 – 08:00)
  • The #1 thing you MUST do if you coach high performers that makes you look amazing.
  • The secret about the secret that most coaches don’t know! (Understand this and manifesting things become much easier…)
  • The “fantastic gift” Michael suggests you give to yourself that powerfully affects your clients. (Track 13 – 6:52)
  • Tips and tricks on how to self-coach yourself so you lead by example.
  • The Secret of people whose lives are continuously expanding and growing. (Track 16 – 19:20)
  • The attitude inspired from a hit Hollywood movie that when you embrace will transform your life
  • The one mental ‘trick’ Michael recommends every coach train themselves to… that eliminates fear/uncertainty/doubt when you don’t know what to do next. (Track 23 – 1:10)

When the foundation to transform yourself has begun Michael introduces…

Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm

Principles And Mechanics:

Here’s where you’ll build a solid foundation on how to coach right from the start. With a strong foundation and solid first principles for coaching right, you’ll be able to help a much wider group of people and create value and results in every session.

You’ll Learn: 

  • Overcome common misunderstandings about what coaches do so you start right, start strong and create results in every session.
  • What top coaches do and how they prepare to coach; so they always show up to do great work that gets results. (Track 12)
  • Learn Michael’s unique framework for penetrating a client’s belief and value system so you can effect change quickly (super powerful). (Track 04)
  • The vital role of duty of care and what it means that many new coaches don’t know.
  • The 5 reasons why top coaches keep notes and you should do… (Track 19)
  • 4 things you should keep in your notes. (Track 15)
  • The most important piece of advice Michael received about note taking as a coach… after spending millions on professional legal advice…
  • Michael’s foolproof process for keeping clients happy, keeping their focus on what’s working and stops issues from arising –  a must learn strategy. (Track 06 – 18:00)
  • Explore what the function of a coach is (it’s not what you’ve been told) so you always know exactly what you are there to do when working with your clients.
  • Discover what clients really want that many new coaches overlook at their peril. When you fail to do this, clients don’t stay clients for long!
  • The big magic trick of coaching that once you can do this for your clients, they’ll hire you again and again. (Track 08 – 1:25)
  • How to pattern and pay attention to a client’s map or model of the world so you can uncover opportunities to catalyse change and evoke them into action.
  • Learn Michael’s “Swiss Army Knife of Change” toolkit refined and developed over 3 decades as an elite coach and one of the worlds foremost NLPers.
  • The two things that you must get right before you start working with someone if you want to create results your clients love (even seasoned coaches miss this).
  • The one vital pattern you must find out if you want to truly create breakthrough results for your clients, that almost every coach misses. (Track 3: 11:39)
  • Limitation Transformer: Discover the linguistic structure of limitations and how clients express them; and how to change them with ease once you do this. (Track 09 – 5:49)
  • Goal Clarifier: Discover the counter-intuitive insight about what clients say they want that ‘average’ coaches mistakenly take for granted about clients’ goals but top coaches do not because they know it very often is NOT what they are actually seeking. (Track 06 – 00:10)
  • Winning Attitudes: Learn the mindset and attitudes Michael recommends every coach starts with, that top coaches demonstrate before every client session (Track 09)
  • Commitment: Hear examples of the lengths Michael is willing to go to, to make sure his clients follow through and get the results they want out of life.
  • The 4 key questions to ask yourself anytime a client presents a problem that transforms problems in to simply a series of activities your client can do.
  • The 3 positions most coaches overlook that top coaches never do – that enables them to co-create powerful results with their clients. (Track 10 – 11:00)
  • #1 thing you must NOT do if you coach high performers or you risk getting fired and ruining your reputation. (Track 5 – 6:30)
  • 5 great questions to ask at the beginning of every session.
  • Troubleshooting tips and questions to help clients who aren’t getting what they want.
  • What makes human-to-human coaching unique that no automated coach can match (Track 13 – 2:30) and great coaches exemplify when coaching clients.
  • What NOT to do. It may be a surprise but some people who are certified as coaches have been taught principles that simply do not belong in coaching and get in the way of their clients getting results.
  • The 2 types of coaching (Track 5 – 4:30) and why it’s important that you’re aware of which type of coaching your clients’ need so you can adjust or tailor your style to fit their needs and create results FAST
  • Values – How to work with them… discover what a value really is and how to find out what makes it important to your client … so you can help your clients get what they actually need and want; which may be different from what they have expressed! Pro insight. (Track 5 – 16:35)
  • The 2 key attributes of great coaches, Michael trusts and hires vs. those he won’t and never recommends. (Track 13 – 00:45)
  • A “fantastic question” every coach should ask themselves on a frequent basis that instantly helps you elevate and change your coaching game. Perfect for new coaches and experienced coaches to consider. (Track 4 – 5:50)
  • Discover how the human mind makes up our maps/models of the world; and how you, once you pattern the mapping process of the mind, can quickly shift presumed problems and uncover new solutions and resources in a flash. (Track 04 – 1:28)
  • The #1 thing you MUST do if you coach high performers that makes you look amazing.
  • The 4 types of coaching issues coaches bring and 6 ways to address them.
  • Why your previous coaching sessions don’t work.
  • The secrets of bringing your A-game to every coaching session.
  • What to do anytime a client comes to you and says “I just want to be happy” so you can quickly help them get what they actually want.
  • Principles of ethical practice.
  • What NLP is really all about that many NLP trained coaches miss or fail to create with their clients.
  • The #1 thing Michael suggests new coaches do that dramatically increase your confidence and competence as a coach. Hint: It’s something many coaches under-estimate. (Track 15 – 20:00)
  • Why if you are the kind of coach who likes to jump in to help solve your clients problems right away – you may actually be making a huge mistake! (Track 20 – 07:05)
  • The 1 thing you should focus on if you only have time for one thing.
  • Learn Michael 2×2 coaching framing that shows you there are only two kinds of problems and only four paths you’ll need to use in most coaching situations. (Genius)

Along the way you’ll also learn…

Coachee Psychology
(Or what makes them tick… so you can facilitate
effective change and transformation)

Many coaching programs tell you people are different but don’t teach you tools or underlying process to help you track and change unwanted behaviours.

Throughout the course Michael shares insights and tactics learned from almost 3 decades as a coach on how to discover what is unique and relevant for you to know that will help you do effective coaching that gets results.

You’ll Learn: 

  • How to find out what your clients are really pursuing that’s rarely expressed in their overt communication but is vital to understand if you are going to do effective work.
  • How to quickly map out what keeps your clients stuck and what to change so you can work like a pro and create meaningful results in every session
  • What vampires can teach us about being becoming better coaches!
  • Discover the easy way to work with a client’s beliefs the seat of deep and rapid change.
  • Why you want to pay attention to how a client makes choices in everyday activities so you can uncover how they are organised and what they are really seeking so you can help them get it.
  • How the cultural programming process starts as a babies and continues on to adulthood. Once you realise how it happens you can help your client (and yourself) more easily let go of past conditioning, fears and labels and explore new possibilities. (Track 5 – 19:45)
  • How to detect and uncover what a client is actually valuing and doing that is getting in the way of what they want.
  • Why suggestions and offers to help bounce off of clients when you make this mistake and what to do instead so your questions and suggestions are happily accepted and acted on.
  • The #1 thing you need to do first with clients stuck in a loop of “I can’t do it” or “It can’t be done”.
  • DTS: The mechanism by which client’s stay the stay and struggle to change. (Track 19 – 16:30)
  • The 3-Word killer question that you can ask any client when they are stuck or unsure what the next step is that immediately gets them going. (Track 23 –  1:10)

Take Your Coaching Skills To The Next Level
With Elite NLP Tools & And Advanced Tricks

As a coach or aspiring coach to be, NLP offers an incredibly powerful set of tools and insights about how to create change and learning.

In Coach Right you’ll learn some of the best insights about how to use key components of the NLP toolkit to create dramatically better results.

You’ll learn to apply the power of NLP to coaching from one of the worlds leading NLP masters and thought leaders.

You’ll Learn: 

  • Discover how inference, scope and cause-effect works below the conscious level for your clients to create seeming fixed realities and stuck states.
  • Belief change: Discover how you can quickly break ‘limiting beliefs’ once you understand and do this. (Track 08 – 2:15)
  • Learn deep insights about how to use the Meta Model to create the seeming impossible and quickly change your clients’ beliefs without sounding like a robot!
  • Radical Insights – Why there is no such thing as values (and why you’d do well to remember that when working with clients, plus what Michael suggests you do instead that makes working with ‘beliefs’ and ‘values’ much more effective and easier to change…)
  • Discover a remarkable idea about the unconscious you’ve almost certainly overlooked that could be holding you back as a coach.
  • Hear a perfectly clear definition of what installation is and watch Michael demonstrates it over and over again; really useful to know since coaching is all about learning. (Track 05 – 10:31)
  • See Michael demonstrate the important role non-verbal communication plays in coaching and how paying exquisite attention to your clients’ states can unlock doorways to faster change.
  • Discover exactly how language binds constrains in to place and constructs clients’ world views and how using some simple questions you can easily change them. (Track 08 –  1:50)
  • Why it’s important to pay attention to the verbs a person uses to describe their goals if you want to quickly enter their map/model and help them get what they truly want
  • Learn 3 powerful NLP models that every coach should have in their toolkit that will dramatically elevate what the quality of results you create for your clients
  • Plus more…

The Jewel In The Crown:
The ADVISORS PLANS Coaching Model

Most coaching program fixate on techniques and procedures for coaching others, at the expense of knowing the principles and functions upon which great coaching occurs.

In Coach Right Michael teaches you the actual function of coaching.

Get this right from the start, and no matter what theory or style you’ll wrap around it – your clients WILL get results.

(And you’ll take your coaching to the next level.)

You’ll Learn: 

  • The Advisor Plans coaching models – Michael’s all NEW coaching methodology showing you step-by-step on how to coach others to create to measurable results
  • Why you don’t need to be the ‘Guru’ or ‘Expert’ to coach others to breakthroughs, once you understand and follow Michael’s framework and know this one thing. (Track 19 – 8:40)
  • How you can do less, earn more by doing the fundamentals better (which the ADVISOR PLANS model will show you how to do).
  • The antidote to resistant clients – discover this and you’ll be able to help even so called ‘resistant clients’ to take action. (Track 10 – 3:20)
  • The 2 dynamics to encode in each session that will change your client’s filters to notice for and act on opportunities that will help them get out of their own way and capture more of what they want. (Track 10 – 10:35)
  • Why you only need to get the client to this outcome to build and maintain coaching momentum. (and get win after win)
  • Discover ‘MOM’ and how to get it to work for you and your clients and not against you. This is one of Michael’s power coaching tricks that your clients will LOVE.
  • Go beyond ‘ordinary coaching’ focused on goals and outcomes; to one where you are able to quickly penetrate beyond the presenting desire or want to help your clients uncover and get unrealised goals.
  • The secret to making Coaching a ‘breeze’ and evoke powerful states of desire from your clients. (Track 14 – 5:19)
  • Discover the two aspects of your pre-session preparation every top coach intentionally attends to which ‘average’ coaches do not.
  • Visioning: How to collect the right level of information so that you know precisely what the client wants, how to use it to arouse action and know when “the job is done”. (Track 13 – 08:10)
  • Tips, tricks and questions you can use to connect up your client’s vision to their goals (Powerful).
  • The 1 trait that the world’s top coaches all hold that when you do too, your coaching already begins to transform to the next level. (Track 17 – 7:48)
  • Why Michael says “Success is meaningless without…” this one thing! (And lessons about happiness from highly successful people.)
  • Why you’re NOT there to run your clients through a goal setting model (e.g. SMART goals) and the #1 killer tactic Michael recommends instead … that ensures the client will act and stay in motion.
  • What you never want to do to your coaching client… if you want to get repeat bookings
  • The real reason why you can give clients all the help in the world but they won’t take it up, unless you know this ONE thing about them first. (Track 15 – 12:15)
  • Why it’s not a good idea to always require clients to state their goals in the positive; if you want to
  • The #1 key characteristic Michael discovered each one of the the world’s best coaches did religiously in every session that ‘average’ coaches do not. It’s easy to do, and creates big benefits right away… once you learn how.
  • The ‘secret’ strategy Michael uses for note taking that means he remember far more and can generate killer questions much, much easier… (Track 19 – 6:45)
  • A vital question to ask before you walk in to the room to coach a client; that practically guarantees your client WILL get results. (Track 16 – 10:50)
  • The elite coaching power move for dealing with ‘cross motivational’ issues, where clients say they want one thing, but really are pursuing something else…
  • Personal Kaizen: 6 magical questions to ask your clients in every session that creates happier client’s and more referrals! (Track 19)
  • How to transform obstacles and discover better ways for the client to get in to action even if they’ve been stuck for ‘years’.
  • What you should do once you have dissolved the apparent obstacles your client faces.
  • The critical part you must get right if you are going to create the success (and results) in your sessions. Get this right and your clients will love you.  Blow it and they won’t hang around for long. (Track 20 – 2:41)
  • Secret of how elite coaches create raving fan clients by doing and delivering these two outcomes in every session.
  • Discover the powerful coaching diagnostic process Michael has built in to the ADVISORS PLANS model.
  • Simple expert tricks every coach should know and use with their clients that makes you look like a Coaching BOSS. Michael’s a fan of simple heuristics that anyone coach can use that clients love – he shares them here…
  • The one question every top coach asks of themselves – that when they apply to their coaching, has them leave their competition in the dust… (Track 21 – 5:35)
  • The 3 things you always need to track in every coaching session. (Track 23 – 2:30)
  • The 1 thing every elite coach does at the end of their sessions that leaves their clients delighted!
  • Who Michael looks to model and learn from that you should too if you want to be the very best coach you can be. (Track 22 – 15:46)
  • Live Hot Seats: Watch Michael demonstrate key aspects of the ADVISORS PLANS model through coaching interactions with participants throughout the two day workshop
  • Go to questions and power coaching moves Michael uses anytime a client doesn’t seem to have resources, appears stuck or for whatever reason isn’t able to make progress (Track 23 – 5:55)

Discover The Key To Creating A Thriving Practice
(Or As Michael Calls It ‘The Business of Your Business’)

One of the most important aspects you’ll learn inside Coach Right are insights about how to run a professional coaching practice, so you start strong, avoid pitfalls and attract more clients by offering a service that people want — and happily refer others to you.

Thinking of becoming a coach? Get the facts about coaching before jumping in.

Already a coach? Learn key insights to help you build momentum and attract and retrain more clients.

You’ll Learn: 

  • What the coaching business is really all about from someone who has built MM coaching and consulting businesses and operated as a coach at every level to board level and across multiple industries.
  • Discover a dirty little secret about the ‘business of the business’ of coaching that will surprise you!
  • Uncover Michael’s top 22 mistakes he looks for when helping other coaches grow their practice, which if you’re making can quickly result in your coaching practice spiraling downward.
  • Discover why you must keep your attention on the ‘business of the business’ if you want to stay in business!
  • The number one question you should ask yourself to discover the business of your business and make more money…
  • The trick to how top coaches work less and charge more; do this and your clients will gladly pay more to be coached by you.
  • The 2 things you must get clear about that once you are can elevate your performance and amplify your effectiveness. (Track 12 – 00:45)
  • Why you MUST create this one structure in your business if you want to avoid the trap of self-employment. (Track 19)
  • Michael step-by-step strategy for immediately getting more practice clients – it’s so easy you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it already. (Track 19 – 11:40)
  • Discover a radically different (and more powerful way) to communicate what you offer to clients as a coach by just changing one word!

And in case you’re new to NLP Times and don’t know Michael Breen’s story,  let me share a little bit about his background and why he is someone worth learning from.

Michael is passionate about helping you to get more of the results you want as a coach or aspiring coach to be.

In Coach Right, he shows you what to do and how to do it… so that you get it right from the start. You’ll learn how to create measurable results for clients in every session.

Whether you’re a volunteer coach, want to start up your own coaching practice, are in business as a coach, or you’re a coach internally in your company, Coach Right will give you the start (or jumpstart) you need to do what you love — Coaching.

When you order during our launch week I’m also going to include the following 4 client-getting bonuses:

Bonus #1: Value $297.00

Get A Grip On Coaching:

Creating First Coaching Sessions 

That Rock & Convert 
[Video Series]

Fact: Most coaching relationships do not survive beyond a few sessions, with the majority lasting just one session.

That’s heart-breaking when you work hard to win new clients, only to lose them!

It’s time to put an end to ‘leaky’ client converting sessions!

In this exclusive all NEW recorded video bonus training Master Coach Michael Breen guides you step-by-step on how top coaches structure and convert more first sessions into paying clients… and turn coaching opportunities in to long term coaching clients.

Stop giving your best stuff away for free and hope that it works.

Instead focus on creating first coaching sessions that rock and convert!

Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn:

  • How to run sessions like an elite coach
  • What clients really pay you for (it isn’t the coaching!) Get this mind set right and you’ll rarely make a move wrong which so many coaches do that causes them to lose clients
  • The winning mindset of coaches who convert first sessions in to happy clients
  • The four pillars framework used by top coaches use to create winning first sessions
  • How to contract so each coaching session goes smoothly
  • 19 elements to consider when creating a contracting agreement with your client in the first session… so you create a relationship that is far more likely to succeed and thrive far beyond the first session
  • 6 things every top coach speaks about in every first sessions that lead to great sessions
  • How to use an in-tuitiation, in-formation in session to create better and quicker results with less stress
  • How to take session notes like a pro and why note taking is so important to professionals
  • How to manage client records
  • A copy of “Get a Grip Guide – First Coaching Sessions That Really Rock”

After completing this module you’ll never have to worry about the right way to run a coaching session again and with confidence you can convert more customers to ongoing clients.

Bonus #2: Value $297.00

Business Building Secrets 

For Building A Successful Coaching Company
[16 Video Series]

Michael Breen has built 3 separate 7-figure businesses in the Coaching, Training and Consulting fields. He’s helped countless other coaches and business grow and develop and WIN.

In this exclusive bonus module taken from our $4,997.00 Start-Up Coach, Consulting, Training program Michael shares secrets for building a successful coaching company.

Learn direct from someone who has done it and operated at the highest levels of coaching.
Learn key “industry insights” on what it takes to build and run a successful coaching business.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn:

  • Why you must actively seek out people who are better than you (it’s a rule every top flight pro and business owner lives by)
  • What the top coaches do that make their businesses successful
  • The critical role of self honesty and reflection if you want to be successful
  • Hear the most common reason Michael believes most CTCs have so much difficulty launching their business
  • Discover what will be really expected for you in order to succeed
  • What the top coaches do that make their business successful
  • What to consider when “working with friends” in business so your business can excel (so you can avoid the many pitfalls)
  • The harsh truth about WLB that many new coaching entrepreneurs mistake
  • Discover what are the minimum prerequisite skills Michael recommends if you want to shift into the executive coaching space
  • #1 thing you are always selling as a coach that many coaches miss
  • What you need to focus on as a coach so you can grow quickly
  • Hear the kind of things Michael wish he knew when he started and what building a successful practice is all about
  • Over two hours of expert industry insights to help you get to the next level

Bonus #3: Value $297.00

The One Strategy 

That Always Works To Build Your Business

This is one of Michael’s most potent tools for building a highly successful coaching practice.
Michael has taught this only to high-end corporate clients and our elite NLP Times  clients.

A quick comment from Michael:

“The One Strategy That Always Works to build a business is the result more than 25 years of access to superior performers in many industries who consistently built either a large part of their business or stellar careers – by applying the tools and principles that I will be sharing with you in this exclusive masterclass.”
In this fast-paced 2 hour and 20 minute masterclass session Michael shares his go-to strategy for client attraction and building a highly successful service business.

You’ll Learn:

  • “The One Strategy That Always Works” to build a business or your career used by movers and shakers but unknown to 99% of business professionals.
  • The surprising science of “small networks” that you need to know if you want to be able to reach just about anybody.
  • The little known 1960’s study by famous social psychology Yale researcher Stanley Milgram made about social networks. (It’s is even more amazing than his work on obedience and authority!)
  • The best way to serve your network so they happily say “Yes!” to helping you (this one tactic could be worth thousands to your career all by itself).
  • The 3 key components of the “One Strategy That Works”, which multiply by at least 20x the value of your contacts and existing relationships (even if you are a pro of the little black book).
  • The secrets behind great networks (it’s so easy to do, even deep introverts can follow this strategy!)
  • The 6 rules of the One Strategy That Always Works so you can start using it like a pro right away (and start creating opportunities today)
  • The #1 failure almost every business professional makes – young or old – which causes you to waste a fortune of opportunities
  • Expert recommendations on how to put the One Strategy to work in your business or career.
  • The 6 key attitudes demonstrated by people who get the best results.
  • The #1 key question to answer when considering how best to serve your network.
  • Case examples and success stories of people who have put the One Strategy That Works for them.
  • The best way to get going and implement the strategy in your career and life.

PLUS, much more…

Bonus #4: Value $57.00

Coaching Secrets

How To Become A High Performance Coach In 

Demand With Clients

This special 90 minute masterclass gives you the unvarnished truth about what it takes to excel as a high performance coach.

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn:

  • What skills you need to develop and what practices to cultivate to become a highly paid executive coach
  • The 3 most important aspects you MUST master if you intend to start and grow a successful coaching practice (and get paid the BIG bucks)
  • Discover what legal and professional responsibilities you need to be aware of as a coach and how to avoid the most common pitfalls around insurance, lawsuits etc. as a professional coach (these are the kind of things that most coaches never knew they were responsible for but can get you in hot water really fast if you fail to do them)
  • What are the key current trends affecting the coaching industry that will effect every coach today
  • What prices are top coaches being paid today and how to deal with issues around getting paid for your work
  • Learn about growing role of top tier executive coaching firms and what kinds of things they look for in potential executive coaches who they place with high powered CXOs, celebrities and entrepreneurs.
  • 90 minutes of direct, no-nonsense practical insights about what it really takes to become a high performance coach in demand with clients.

Below is Proof content:

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Get Coach Right from Michael Breen at the Course Farm



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