Anna Sayce – The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022


Anna Sayce – The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022

Anna Sayce - The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022

Anna Sayce – The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022


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(This course is available for immediate delivery!)All of this can be achieved through intuitive healing, which is now available to learn through Anna’s Professional Intuitive Healing Program.

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Anna Sayce – The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022

Anna Sayce - The Professional Intuitive Healing Program 2022

How will it feel to know that you have an effective way to help clients:

  • Get closure on break-ups
  • Release attachments to past partners
  • Heal from past difficult experiences
  • Recover from abusive relationships
  • Improve existing relationships
  • And free themselves up to attract positive, new relationships and experiences into their lives

All of this can be achieved through intuitive healing, which is now available to learn through Anna’s Professional Intuitive Healing Program.

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Here is the Curriculum:

Module 1

This module is all about laying the groundwork to ensure your success as an intuitive healer, later on in the course. 

In this module, you will choose specific techniques that can help you to activate and develop your strongest gifts, to help you with the intuitive healing techniques that you will learn later on.

Also included in this module is an audio attunement to the powerful Divine-level Energies that you will be working with as a healer. This attunement will connect you in with these energies so that you can co-create with the healing realm during your client sessions.

Module 2

This is a deep dive into the human chakra system. In this module, we cover the 7 major chakras and the 162 chakra databanks held within them. I also cover the most common negative energies I encounter in the various databanks in my client work, and give you a super easy and highly accurate way to read the energy body during an intuitive healing session.

If you already have an understanding of the chakra system, this module will massively expand on that knowledge and make it so much easier for you to complete your intuitive healing sessions with your practice clients.

Module 3

In this module, you will learn how to clear ordinary earthbound spirits from a person’s aura. And best of all, you’ll also receive a process to pass on to your clients, to ensure that earthbound spirits are never a problem for them again. In addition, you’ll receive step-by-step and word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing this healing session with your clients.

The end result: a super easy and beautiful ceremony that you can do with your clients to help them to release spirit attachments, and also to help lost spirits to cross over into the light.

Modules 4  & 5

In both of these modules, you will learn how to cut a cord for a client.  I walk you through every step, one by one, and give you word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing this healing session with your clients.

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The groundwork you put in place in Modules 1 and 2 ensures that you will have no problems channelling and intuiting for your clients in this cord cutting session.

Module 6

In this module we cover the issues and energies that most commonly come up for clients during a cord cutting session, including: grief/loss, trauma, abusive or toxic relationships, attachment issues, limerence, and fear of psychic attack. You will learn about how these issues commonly manifest in cords. You will also learn how to spot energies from past lives in a cord of attachment.

Module 7

Learn how to release enmeshed earthbound spirits for clients (enmeshed earthbound spirits are those attachments that are located on the inside of the energy field.) 95% of energy healers do not know how to release this type of spirit! In this module, you’ll receive step-by-step and word-for-word protocols and cheat sheets for doing an enmeshed spirit healing session with your clients.

In module 7, also learn how to do a general aura cleanse session for clients. This involves removing negative thought forms, unwanted influencing energy, emotional residues and psychic ties from your client’s energy field. As with all of the sessions taught in this course, I will give you a cheat sheet and word-for-word protocols that guide you through doing this type of session with clients.

Bonus Module:

(for Apprenticeship Students only)

Anna’s Online Spiritual Business Building Course

This is the recording of a workshop that Anna held in June. It is 2 hours and 40 mins of Anna’s online business wisdom amassed over the last 14 years and distilled down to what is only relevant and valuable to new spiritual business owners. In this very candid workshop, Anna holds nothing back and tells it exactly like it is.

If you wish to set up a spiritual business using the cord cutting and aura cleansing techniques Anna teaches in this program, this business workshop will be an invaluable additional resource for you as you journey down that path.

You can read all about this bonus here. The course is valued at $250 and is currently only available to students of the Intuitive Healing Program.

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