Asianefficiency – Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate


Asianefficiency – Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate

Asianefficiency – Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate

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Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $62.00.

How to Finish Everything You Start, So You Can Finally Achieve Your Most Important Goals.

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Asianefficiency – Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate

Asianefficiency - Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate

How to Finish Everything You Start, So You Can Finally Achieve Your Most Important Goals

This New System Lets You Focus on What Matters — Even If You’re Overwhelmed and Don’t Know Where to Start

Something was seriously wrong. Mike was living the good life.

Every day, he was making a difference in the world – he was the CEO of a company that builds educational software for schools with children who have disabilities.

His work made him happy, and the value he provided to big clients was huge.

Past clients he hadn’t heard from in months would regularly email him out of the blue just to say how awesome his software was and how much it was helping them serve their community.

So what was the problem?

Mike was frustrated, every single day, because there was a huge gulf between his dream version of himself and where he actually was.

From the outside, Mike looked successful. He had a beautiful wife, 4 boys and big, beautiful home. But he’d look around at others on Facebook and Twitter — see them giving keynotes, appearing on podcasts, and landing huge clients, and think, “That should be me.”

This gulf between dream and reality showed up in other ways too. Mike wanted revenue to be 5x time what it was. He wanted to write a book. He wanted to be the devoted Dad he didn’t have as a kid, but he was barely eating dinner with his kids 1 or 2 times a week.

And like many people, Mike knew logically what he should do to achieve those things.

He’d spent hours and hours researching the perfect way to write a book, the perfect time management system to end every day exactly at 5pm, the perfect mindsets for achieving work-life balance.

Yet somehow, none of it ever happened. Why?

Let me ask you: have you ever been in Mike’s position? I know I have.

Back when I was in college, I was full of dreams. I’d envision my future, write out affirmations, lay out the perfect to-do list, plot out the ideal calendar. You name it, I did it.

Yet month after month, I was the same unfulfilled, frustrated person.

Here’s the problem I had, and the problem Mike had too. Maybe it sounds familiar to you.

Like me, Mike had a total inability to focus.

He’d sit at his computer and get ready to buckle down on his book, and then somehow, someway, the news would appear on his browser…

15 new tabs would suddenly appear, full of top 10 lists on the best books for entrepreneurs to read, the best to-do list apps, the best way to block out your calendar…

Then he’d spend an hour or more flipping through all these distractions, close the tabs one by one, and eventually get back to his book. Then he’d look at his to-do list, sigh, close Byword, and get back to the urgent business of the day: answering emails, making phone calls, etc.

You see, Mike was great at getting those things done, things he had to do, like client meetings — which he was a pro at. But then after the important or urgent obligations were over for the day, all his energy would vanish.

He might get one or two other things done in a day, but he just couldn’t find the focus to get more than the absolute essentials done.

(And that was just work — he also had a backlog of personal stuff to do: small projects around the house, plans with his family, decluttering, updating his computer.)

What little focus he could muster was sucked away by interruptions — people calling him, emailing him, client emergencies.

He’d forget stuff, get stressed out, and snap at his team members.

Mike could never summon the focus to do the real things that would get him to where he really wanted to be: a published thought leader and a devoted father.

And because he could only focus on “small fires,” as he called them, he never invested time in his real goals: making more money, becoming a thought leader in his field, and being an amazing dad.

He kept trying the same things: different productivity apps, accountability buddies, reading books, tinkering with his calendar.

But it was like being stuck in quicksand.

The more he struggled, the more he seemed to get sucked back in, never able to reach stable ground. Focus was always just out of reach. Distractions kept him stuck in the quicksand of stagnation.

He’d go on Instagram and see people on amazing vacations with their families, building their dream homes, presenting at TED Talks…and feel the envy like a gut punch. Those were his dreams, too.

Then he’d just sigh, close the tabs, and think, “Wish I could do that.”

Once you stop making progress, you’re declining. And that was true for Mike. He couldn’t break through to real growth, because distractions held him back.

Mike knew he was capable of so much more. He was coming up on 15 years since graduating college, and thinking back on his dreams at 22 versus his life at 37…he knew he’d fallen short. And this knowledge was eating him up inside.

He felt less confident about what he could do as a person. It seemed like his future would just happen to him…like he didn’t have control over it.

What Is Deep Work?

I’ve mentioned Deep Work several times now, so you may be wondering what I mean by that. Is it just another word for focus?

Nope. You see, you can focus on anything. You can focus on a grocery list. You can focus on finding the perfect show to watch next on Netflix. But that’s not Deep Work.

Deep Work is a flow state in which you do your most creative work.

It’s when your brain starts making connections between different concepts, when inspired ideas come into your head, when the words flow out of your fingers and onto the keyboard. It’s when you’re tackling a hard problem and instead of immediately doing something else when you get frustrated, you stick with it, until you push through to the other side.

Here’s how it can look. Picture this scene: you sit down at your keyboard for your early-morning writing session. The house is quiet — not a sound.

You’ve got your cup of fresh hot coffee or tea steaming beside you. Your Moleskine journal is next to you, fresh from the journalling session you just completed.

You sit up straight in your chair, click on your monitor, and settle your hands over the keyboard. You know exactly what to do. You have the ONE THING you need to do now.

You start typing, and the ideas start flowing out.

Distractions are the furthest thing from your mind. As you type, your mind zeroes in more and more on what you’re doing. No willpower. No internal friction. No nagging little voice in your head.

Just a state of flow. Deep Work.

After an hour has passed, you push back your chair, stand up and stretch, smile, and walk over to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

Your day has started with a win, and it’s only going to get better from here.

Later, a friend asks why you’re so happy, and you tell them you’ve been getting up early to write the book you’ve been talking about for years. And that you’ve already written 50 pages.

“ Wow,” your friend says. “You’re really doing it. That’s awesome.”

Does this sound like a pipe dream? Or something only a super-disciplined Zen monk could ever hope to achieve?

I want to tell you this: I get Deep Work like that done every single day. And if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you. It doesn’t require willpower. It doesn’t require working 12-hour days. It doesn’t require yelling at yourself in your head about what a lazy underachiever you are.

It doesn’t require any of that.

Deep Work is something that makes you feel better about yourself, because you get real work accomplished every time you do it. Work that lets you achieve your goals and be the person you know you’re capable of being.

Deep Work is something Mike had never experienced. No wonder he couldn’t write his book. His book wasn’t just a simple “open Byword and write” plan. It was a systematic way to take write the book, get it published and a marketing plan so it would be seen by millions of people across the world.

To get his book out there, he needed to level up his life, his skills, his approach, the entire way he thought of himself.

He needed to get himself from here to there.

But at that moment, as he had been for the past 5 years, he was too overwhelmed to even start.

What he didn’t have was a way to START and FINISH everything he needed to do to accomplish his goal.

“Where do I even start?” Mike asked me

Mike came to me because he realized he could only keep doing this for so long.

And as he described the situation to me, I could hear the anger in his voice.

Are You Stuck in “Putting Out Small Fires” Mode?

Have you tried using GTD, task apps, OmniFocus, Spotify playlists, and other productivity tools — and still find you can’t focus?

Do you still find yourself overwhelmed with distractions, open loops in your head, ideas, and your backlog of tasks?

It might surprise you to know that a lot of our clients have this problem. They’re excellent at their work. They rarely fail to deliver on things that have to get done.

But when it comes to achieving their goals — the goals that keep them up at night — that’s where they fall short.

And that’s because they’re stuck in “putting out small fires” mode and managing the urgent — but neglecting the non-urgent and important.

Over the past 7+ years, we’ve helped hundreds of clients get better focus.

So when Mike came to me for help, I knew what to do.

I guided him through the focus system we’ve developed, and that I use personally to stay focused in my life.

I gave him quick wins to instantly boost his productivity.

Then I guided him through the myths holding him back from focusing, helped him develop new mindsets, and gave him real-world ways to handle the emergencies that pop up and threaten to destroy focus.

We also worked together to define his One Thing to work on — out of the 300+ on his list.

This gave Mike a clear plan for how to prioritize and where to start.

Before, Mike used to do maybe 20 minutes here and there of focused work. Within a week, he was doing 2 hours of focused work a day. Within a month, he’d handled his entire backlog and was able to do 4 hours of focused, high-value work every workday.

He wrote eight chapters in one week. The daily energy boosts Mike got from accomplishing important, focused work every day gave him the confidence he needed to approach the big, intimidating publishers he knew he could land — but was too scared to contact before.

His employees noticed the difference. He was calmer, more on top of things, and handling all his responsibilities with minimal stress.

His wife and kids saw a happy daddy. He was there every morning to get the kids ready for school and at 5pm ready for dinner time.

After seeing Mike’s results, I started thinking: I love working with clients one on one, but I wanted more people to see these results for their own focus.

Your Finisher’s Fastlane Package

When you join the Finisher’s Fastlane, you’ll be joining a group of hundreds of Asian Efficiency customers who have radically increased their focus for life.

After you log in, you’ll be greeted by a welcome video. Underneath, you’ll see the course content, starting with the Focus Quick Start. Once you’ve clicked on that, you’ll start moving through our focus system step by step.

In only 7 days or less, you’ll change your self-defeating, procrastination-enabling mindsets, and replace them with healthy, focus-boosting mindsets. You’ll get the tools you need to put the system into place.

You’ll finally be able to choose and start a project with the confidence of knowing you can finish it — because you can do Deep Work at will.

And everyone around you will notice, as you start achieving more goals in a month than most people do in a year.

How to Decide Which Package Is Right for You

I know this course isn’t cheap. And if you’re not ready to invest in your focus, that’s OK.

But if you’re sick of not being able to focus — of never knowing what to work on or how to get started, or never being 100% sure that you’ll finish what you start — then this course is definitely for you.

When you’re ready to invest, I want to make sure you choose the right package.

Finisher’s Fastlane Corporate is for any manager or high-level employee working in a corporate setting. We offer you real-world ways to boost your focus, even if you have too many meetings to attend, a boss who constantly interrupts you, and multiple goals from multiple departments competing for your focus.

Finisher’s Fastlane Elite is ideal if you don’t work in corporate, and you want to gain the ability to do deep work and focus. You know that without deep work, your business or your work will stagnate. You’ll do fine — like you are now — but you won’t get the fast results like you want to.

Finisher’s Fastlane is perfect if you want the foundations of increasing focus — the system that has worked for hundreds. (But you’ll miss out on all the free bonuses that will help you defeat procrastination, ignore shiny new objects, and boost your focus as a parent.)

Are You Ready to Do Deep Work, Finish Everything You Start — and Finally Achieve Your Biggest Goals?

Finisher’s Fastlane is laser-focused on execution. I want you to go ASAP from “dreaming about my goals but don’t know where to start” to “achieving my goals like a pro.”

You can do it. I know that because hundreds of other people have with our system.

The only question now is whether you’ll take the leap.

There are always going to be those people who get their act together and move forward with their lives. You’ve read this far. I think you’re one of those people.


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