Automatic Intuition


Automatic Intuition

Automatic Intuition

Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $12.00.

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Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $12.00.

Product Include : 2 eBooks – PDF, 4 audio – MP3
Product Size : 60 MB
Delivery : Digital Download Immediately

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Automatic IntuitionAutomatic Intuition

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Professional Intuitive Training, Certification and Mentoring Program

You’ve had spiritual experiences — glimpses, nudges — that suggest to you that there is Someone Beyond, Something More than the earthly, third-dimensional reality of your intellectual mind and the perceptive senses of the physical body. But maybe your Messages from Spirit are intermittent, few and far between…

Do you wish you had a way to invoke spiritual information that is consistent and reliable?

Do you want to learn how to communicate with and receive accurate insights from Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ascended Masters?

Do you feel called to explore and to develop your intuitive abilities — and to use your spiritual gifts in service to others?


You witness all these other lightworkers — professional spiritual advisers, intuitive counselors, mediums, and energy healers — and wonder:

  • How did they learn to do this kind of work?

  • Is it something I can learn to do?

Perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end, you’ve been a client, you’ve experienced the profound benefits of paraprofessional work, and you feel an urge to follow in their footsteps?

You see that many of these lightworkers have been trained and certified as professional healers and intuitives, so you know that there are practical ways and means to acquire these skills.

Automatic Intuition Professional is a training, mentoring, and certification program created by Slade Roberson, intuitive counselor and author of Shift Your Spirits.

The goals of this home-study course and one-on-one private mentoring are to:

  • Learn how to perform Spirit Guide and Angel Readings for clients

  • Develop your intuitive abilities through your own professional intuitive consulting practice

  • Create a spiritually-based business in the paraprofessional/ healing arts (or to incorporate readings and energetic clearing into your existing practice)


An in-depth Spirit Guide and Guardian Angel profile reading is not just a set list of roles and numbers of guides that are the same for everyone — learn how to profile the spirit entities that are entirely unique to each client.

Identify the Primary Spirit Guide(s) for any individual
Accurately determine:

  • what type of entities are assisting your clients

  • the gender association of spirit guides with human souls

  • when your client has a primary relationship with higher-dimensional beings, such as Angels and Ascended Masters, as opposed to a human spirit

  • which clients have “group souls” instead of individual entities acting in a particular role

  • which types of guides will have names, and how to retrieve them

  • how many guides your client has and of which type

  • when you’re communicating with a transit or “special assignment” guide

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a way to cross-reference and “check your work” –a way to support your intuition with an accurate, “external” source?

Absolutely anyone can learn to identify the Natal Trinity Markers that indicate the basic characteristics of the Primary Spirit Guide — even multiple intuitive practitioners, reading the same client, will report the same information for that client’s Primary Spirit Guide, 99.9% of the time.


This course is not a single “modality” — it’s an entire toolbox of reading techniques. You may choose from a few or several or all training modules to create your own unique intuitive consulting service.

  • This course is not dependent on developing one psychic faculty

  • This course does not rely on one divination technique

  • You do not have to use just card readings

  • You do not have to know a lot about astrology

  • You do not have to be adept with a pendulum

You will learn how to incorporate any of these divination tools and systems if you wish to use them, and how to employ divination in such a way that you actually develop and strengthen your “Purely” intuitive abilities.

You will be able to use multiple skills, and tools, and techniques to retrieve the same information:

  • If you’re naturally skilled in one approach, but not another, you won’t be “shut out” of achieving a compelling, rich, and accurately detailed reading.

  • You can start out working with your natural strengths and abilities, and develop in other areas over time.


Getting Started

  • Select, clear, and charge a variety of divination tools

  • Receive an attunement to the Universal Collective Intelligence and access to the Akashic Records

  • Establish a relationship with the special guide(s) assigned to assist you with reading client’s soul records

  • How to select the best potential practice clients and the exact information you need to connect to their soul charts and spirit guides

Automatic Writing techniques
Divine Dialoguing and Channeling
Associating Divination systems and Astrology with the Akashic Records


Learn to Perform a “Basic” Spirit Guide Reading
I would consider a basic reading to involve the following:

  • Identifying the Primary Spirit Guide, using the Natal Trinity Marker

  • Retrieving and reporting any Spirit Guide Names you pick up (optional — this may be “basic” for some people and “advanced” for others)

  • Identifying details about the Personal Guardian Angels — for those whose Natal Trinity Marker indicates the presence of Emissaries and a natural spiritual attunement to entities of a higher frequency

  • Investigating the Angelic Calendar for synchronicities regarding the governing Named Angels

  • Responding to a client’s focus questions (1 – 3 issues) using the Automatic Intuitive Response time-constraint automatic writing/channeling technique, with or without the use of oracle tools, such as cards

  • Executing the reading by written report/email format

Learn to Perform an Advanced Reading
I consider a reading advanced when it incorporates the basic reading, along with additional depth and content that includes any or all of the following techniques:

  • Scanning the Energy Body “Tower” and connecting with other types of entities at various frequencies

  • Scanning and interpreting the colors of the aura

  • Scanning and clearing energy in the chakras

  • Mediumship — picking up on and sharing information about loved ones who have transitioned

  • Investigating, identifying and synthesizing energetic/archetypal patterns according to the Twelve House system

  • Including Time-frames in response to requests for “predictive” information or “potentialities”

  • Responding to multiple client questions or issues (2 or more) in either a written report/email format using the Automatic Intuitive Response automatic writing/channeling technique, or

  • Responding to client questions in a “live” context, such as by telephone or in person, using the Divine Dialoguing Vocalization technique

  • Incorporating any other paraprofessional healing, counseling, or coaching modality

Logging into the Universal Collective Intelligence

  • Devising your own unique “log on” process/ ritual

  • Retrieving client soul records

  • Using free web-based tools and services for casting natal charts

Primary Spirit Guide(s)

  • Descriptions and explanations of the Primary Spirit Guide relationship you can share with your clients

  • “Pure” intuitive exercise for identifying the gender of human-soul guides

  • How to “check your work” and find external confirmation of the spirit guide’s basic identity using Natal Markers

  • Learn about the Natal Trinity Markers, a unique proprietary intuitive astrology technique you will not find in any other course

How to identify clients who have:

  • primary guide relationships with entities known as Emissaries

  • lightworker angelic sensitivity

  • “group souls” guiding them, instead of an individual entity

Annotated Spirit Guide Written Report

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Automatic Intuition Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

A complete, step-by-step walk-through of an actual Basic Primary Spirit Guide Email reading with full commentary.

Clairvoyant Scanning of the Energetic Body

  • How to scan the client’s energy body in person or from a distance

  • Reading and interpreting the Aura

  • An alternative technique for receiving information in the form of Aura colors

  • A reference chart of energy colors and what each color means or indicates


  • How to scan the client’s energy centers or chakras, either in person or from a distance

  • How to interpret the activity within each chakra

  • Chakra Reference Resource

Spirit Entities
How to scan the client in person or from a distance to determine what spirits are attending her — the different types of Spirit Entities that exist at various frequencies, chakras, and levels of vibration:

  • Elementals –- devas, fairies, earth spirits

  • Animals –- including living and deceased pets

  • Animal guides –- totem animals and the elevated souls of bonded pets

  • Deceased loved ones -– people you have known in this lifetime who have crossed over

  • Deceased loved ones who have elevated or ascended to the role of spirit guide

  • Ancestor spirits –- relatives who were crossed over prior to this incarnation who watch over you as spirit guides

  • Spirit guides (proper) –- human souls who contracted with you prior to this lifetime to serve you as guides

  • Personal guardian angels

  • Archangels & Ascended Masters

  • Higher Self

  • The Archetypes

  • Holy Spirit | Source | Universal Collective Intelligence

Basic Mediumship Skills
Including how to identify from which side of your client’s family an attending spirit hails

Spirit Guide and Angel Presentation

  • Visualizing the spirit guides and angels from three different subjective perspectives

  • How to tell the difference between human-soul guides and angels

  • How to identify negative entities and request their removal

Spirit Guide Names

  • How to retrieve the names of human-soul guides and named angels

  • How to request physical, external, easy-to-understand signs of confirmation regarding guides’ identities for your client

  • Simple techniques for determining which Named Angels are participants on your client’s guide team

  • Which Named Angels are governing a particular life area or question your client has

  • Which Named Angels have been associated with your client since birth

  • Additional references, including free online resources

Negative Entities
Discover the reasons why I do not write posts about negative entities. This section of the course is my only public offering on the subjects of negative entities, hexes, and curses.

  • How to tell if there are negative entities or attachments present

  • How to isolate negative entities and request their removal

Time Frames
Working with client questions regarding linear time, including several different approaches and techniques for receiving accurate predictive information — Symbols, Systems, Personal Vocabulary.

Establish systems with your guides for conveying time frames according to a variety of intuitive senses:

  • Clairvoyant time frames

  • Divine Numbers

  • Seasonal Symbols

  • Visual words

  • Calendar visualization

  • Clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient time frames

  • Dowsing for time frames

  • Using programmed dice as an alternative to pendulum dowsing

  • Astrological transits

  • Tarot and Oracle Card divination regarding time

Answering Client Questions

  • The eight most common basic “source” questions underlying most client questions

  • Determine what life themes lie at the root of your client’s issues and concerns

  • Focus on and investigate only the life areas impacting your client’s questions and challenges

  • External sources for investigation

  • Internal sources for investigation

  • Hybrid sources for investigation

How to integrate investigation and channeling
Suggested areas and techniques for investigating a variety of the most common life themes, areas, issues, and client questions.

The Archetypal Houses

  • Working with Jungian archetypes and astrological houses to investigate client issues

  • Reference Resource for house meanings and associations

  • Applying the houses to client questions

  • Steps for investigating the houses and communicating with governing spirit guides

  • Identifying the energetic patterns that connect client concerns, chakras, houses, and aura colors

Past, Present, and Future Energetic Patterns, Themes, and linear Time Lines or Life Stories

Employing divine dialoguing, channeling, and automatic writing techniques to communicate with your client’s guides and retrieve answers to her questions.

How to choose from a variety of potential training modules, modalities, and techniques to assemble a complete reading, customized to your own strengths and intuitive faculties.

How to incorporate oracle card divination into your readings
The right point in a reading to bring in cards to support the development of your pure intuition, without replacing, substituting, or becoming overly dependent on external tools

Energetic Clearing, Healing, and Protection for both your client and yourself

The Importance of logging off correctly

  • clear energetic cords of attachment that form between you and your client during a reading

  • how to identify when you have not properly logged off a reading

  • how to implement a clearing with the aid of your guides

  • a variety of practical suggestions for ensuring your ability to log off properly and protect your personal energy

Recap Summary
A complete outline walk-through of the entire process of investigating, synthesizing, and performing a reading.
You can use this outline as a guided structure for both working with the training modules and establishing your own process.

Working Your Professional Practice as a Business

  • How to develop your own reading templates to manage your work flow and perform a higher volume of reading requests

  • How to handle skeptics, “tire-kickers,” and psychic addicts — identify the clients you may not wish to work with, and ensure you attract clients with the highest intentions

  • The ethics of working as professional intuitive

  • How to identify clinical therapeutic issues and suggest referrals


Automatic Intuitive Response is a Divine Dialoguing — or channeling — technique based on the premise that we are all intuitive, and that anyone has the potential to access a Universal Collective Intelligence, to develop and use their intuitive abilities.

The Body-Mind-Spirit connection is a kind of technology comparable to a computer-network-internet relationship.

By using Time (timing constraints) as an ally, you can train your Intellectual Mind to take a secondary role to the Intuitive Mind — to serve and support, instead of drowning out.


Intuition is more an art than a science, but as with any creative profession some of the skills can be taught and combined with your unique perspective.

Are you new to intuitive work?

Are you already a practicing spiritual healer or adviser?
The training modules and information retrieval techniques you will learn in this course can be incorporated into any other healing or coaching practice.


Become a leader, not just a follower.

This professional intuitive training, private mentoring, and certification is designed to assist you in building your brand, not mine. You are not required to label yourself or put your practice in a limited box or to identify as one of many practitioners of the same modality.

This course is comprehensive and fully customizable.

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