Bill Schley – The Brand Titans® Master Course


Bill Schley – The Brand Titans® Master Course

Bill Schley - The Brand Titans® Master Course

Bill Schley – The Brand Titans® Master Course


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(This course is Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)Take Fred Smith, who got a C-minus from his economics professor on a paper he turned in for a new business idea. Fred reckoned he knew better and years later, he started a company, now called FedEx.

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Bill Schley – The Brand Titans® Master Course

Bill Schley - The Brand Titans® Master Course

About five years ago, I heard a story that made my heart break. It wasn’t the first time I heard a story like this of course, but it still gets me every time.

A friend of mine told me about a downtown town coffee shop that had just gone out of business. He really liked the owner, too. He said they had great coffee, great service, and awesome pastries. It was better than Starbucks!

I then asked him a question I always hate to ask: “Did people know about them … That they were unique?

Long pause.

“Not-t-t-t really,” he said. “A few regulars did, but… hardly any.”

You see the thing is, when most people think “coffee shop,” they instantly think “Starbucks.”

Even in that Connecticut town. But with a completely forgettable name like Tim’s Coffee Shop and NO BRANDING WHATSOEVER, they died.

And the worst thing is—THEY DIDN’T HAVE TO! It’s a problem most businesses have, and any business could avoid, if only they knew the ONE REMEDY THAT ALWAYS FIXES IT. And I don’t blame the business owners either. I blame the advisors.

The fakers and fraudsters out there everywhere, who tell them they know what “branding” is when they don’t have a clue!

The fact is that 50% OF ALL BUSINESSES have a death sentence the day they open.

And time after time, lack of good branding is the main reason why good businesses die.

Well, that PROBLEM ENDS NOW on this website.

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Because I’ve spent decades creating THE ONE KIND OF BRAND that makes YOU STAND-OUT from EVERY COMPETITOR, whatever your category! I did it for the biggest Global companies down to the scrappiest start-ups from coast to coast.

Because I CRACKED THE CODE of the greatest Branders of all times, THE BRAND TITANS of Madison Ave, New York. The people I personally worked for. They showed me their secrets for making ordinary Brands #1. Then I made it into a formula that ANYONE CAN LEARN. And after years of proving it with my clients, I created this website. And now I’d like to give it to you.

So, unless your company is already a household name, I’m sure you’ll want to hear what I have to say. It’s the difference between winning and losing in an age of endless competition.

And like so many business owners, if you’ve EVER WONDERED how you can BREAK THOUGH, get more, let people know you’re as good as you really are—I GUARANTEE YOU THIS: by the time we’re done—I’ll show you how to become the STAND-OUT BRAND – THE FIRST CHOICE OF CUSTOMERS in your niche vs. EVERY COMPETITOR.

Starting NOW.

These days, EVERY business needs a Brand. Every single business.
In a moment, I’ll show you how your business can leapfrog over your competitors, whether you’re big or small.

But first, look at how powerful Branding is WHEN IT’S DONE RIGHT, and why you want to follow in the footsteps of the BEST BRANDERS, EVER—

Take Fred Smith, who got a C-minus from his economics professor on a paper he turned in for a new business idea. Fred reckoned he knew better and years later, he started a company, now called FedEx.

This is important. The company really took off when it was Branded with a few bold words that were impossible to forget: “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” Today, FedEx is #54 on the Fortune 500.

Or how about Harland Sanders? His Kentucky Fried Chicken store in Phoenix was on live TV, when a lady called in to complain he was licking his fingers when he ate the chicken! Someone on the set blurted out, “Well—it’s finger-lickin’ good!” Powerful branding, but NOT an accident! Because Harlan picked up what she said. Then he used it—one phrase—to make his difference unforgettable. And today, KFC is the second-largest fast-food company in the world.

And you know the famous Wheaties tagline, “Breakfast of Champions?” Great branders came up with that in 1927. Nearly 100 years ago! Yet athletes still drool as they dream of having their picture on a cereal box. And Americans still eat about 15 million bowls of Wheaties a year.

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