Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again

Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again

Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again

Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again


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The more you train with weights and pack muscle on to your frame, the harder it gets to build new muscle mass. This is just the way our bodies have been engineered, since too much muscle starts to get too taxing for our bodies to maintain and hinder our everyday life.

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Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again

Brad Pilons Anabolic Again Review

By  | December 4, 2015

Brad Pilons Anabolic Again Review

Scam or Legit?: LEGIT!
Overall Ranking: 80 out of 100 points
Price: $77
Experience level: Advanced
Type Of Training: Weight Training
For what?: Muscle Growth

I had some off time from work and decided to do another review to help you guys out. This time I stumbled upon Brad Pilons Anabolic Again muscle building program and decided to weigh in the pros and cons of the program.

The program sets itself apart from all the other muscle building regimens by fighting off the anabolic slowdown which occurs after years of consistent weight training.

The more you train with weights and pack muscle on to your frame, the harder it gets to build new muscle mass. This is just the way our bodies have been engineered, since too much muscle starts to get too taxing for our bodies to maintain and hinder our everyday life.

Brads program claims to combat this natural mechanism and introduces ways to work around this issue and as a result you can start building that lean muscle tissue once again.

That being said, this program is only geared for people that are advanced in their lifting career and find it hard to pack on muscle after several years of serious training. So beginners and intermediate lifters, this is not a program for you! (check out this program if you’re a beginner or intermediate lifter)

The Author Brad Pilon

You’ve probably seen this guy on the TV or heard from his  since Brad is basically the first guy who revolutionised Intermittent Fasting as a weight loss tool.

He has been advocating intermittent fasting since 2007 to the general population. In the recent years Intermittent Fasting has gained a lot of interest from fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders alike, and it’s not a wonder because it produces results.

Brad had a high position in one of the largest supplements manufacturers in the earth before publishing his book Eat Stop Eat. He left his highly paying job to pursue academic studies and the main subject of his work was metabolic effects of short term fasting.

Brad is no beginner to the iron game. He really has an awesome physique and knows how to truly build muscle and what works and what doesn’t. He praises the proven basics of bodybuilding and puts a heavy emphasize on compound exercises and getting stronger. This is something that I’m a big fan of (because it works, but it is not easy!)

What Is The Anabolic Again E-Book?

The book is a complete step by step system on how to start building muscle again if you’ve hit a brick wall on gaining lean muscle tissue.

As Brad is highly educated guy all the stuff in the book is backed up by science. There is a lot of different studies referred in the book to back up the claims Brad is making.

But it must be noted that Brad has been training A LOT of people so the knowledge he has stems from the combination of personal anecdote along with the scientific literature.

The program has everything from explaining the theory of his “compound cluster cycling” training method to exercise regimens all the way to nutrition and recovery. So you’ll get a truly complete package of information on how to go from A to B to C. There is no room for guesswork in this system.

Compound Cluster Cycling

The main “thing” of the whole e-book is the compound cluster cycling, which basically means using different compound exercises such as squats, bench pressess, rows, overhead pressess, etc. with different combinations to give your body new stimulus to grow again. All the movements are instructed on how to perfrom them. There was also couple of exercises that I hadn’t heard before which was quite surprising.

There are different workout regimens that you’ll have to cycle in different timeframes to keep your body from adapting.

Brad states that the way he sets up the exercises and their orders will tap into the muscle fibers that have possibly got “forgotten” by your regular training.

While this is a bit cheesy claim I don’t see any reason why this would not work since everything is based upon heavy basic compound exercises that are the foundation for every single successful muscle building program out there. There are no substitues for the exercises that you’ll have to perfrom with Brads regimen!

Will The Program Explode Your Muscle Growth?

Absolutely not. And it is not claiming to do that. All the regimen is promising is the fact that you can start building muscle again if you’ve come into a point where you haven’t been able to pack on more muscle mass.

It will not give you steroid like gains in a couple of months.


Along with the theory and weight training regimen, there is a complete nutrition section in the book. You got ready made meal examples from 1500 calories to 3000 calories to leave no room for error when designing a proper diet to fuel muscle growth.

Although it has to be mentioned that there really should be more meal examples all the way to 4000 or even 6000 calories since active people demand way more calories to fuel their muscle growth than sedentary individuals.

In the book you also get instructions on how to calculate your calorie needs for you specific body type based on your sex, age, height and weight. This is absolutely crucial since you cannot use a “cookie-cutter” diet to fit every single person on earth.

Does The Program Work?

Yes it does but only if you’re going to put the work into it.

I cannot see any reason why it would not work. Everything from the training methods to diet and recovery are in top condition and you will gain new stimulus to your muscles by following the exercises and orders laid out in the program.

This is not something that you can just read and let it sink in, you have to walk the walk in this case. As with every fitness goal this program demands full commitment from your part. If you’re not ready to put in the work, do not bother wasting your money.


  • Emphasize on compound exercises.
  • Nutrition intake will be tailored to your individual needs.
  • Compound Cluster Cycling is an effective method to combat anabolic slowdown.
  • Based on research along with personal anecdote.
  • Easy to understand eventhough some of the concepts are quite difficult to grasp.
  • No BS promises of getting steroid like gains.


  • The sample meal plans should have included plans all the way up to 6000 calories.
  • Only available as a digital product (some people prefer physical copy of the book).
  • If you’ve gained your maximum muscle potential, there might not be any program that can yield more muscle growth, there is no way getting around that.

Get Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again at the Course Farm

Conclusion On Anabolic Again

So when it all comes down to it, this program is legit. The information on training, nutrition and recovery are solid there is no getting around that, but…

If you’ve reached your genetic potential, there is basically two different routes you can take.

The first one is to hop on program like this one and try it out if it works or not and keep grinding as a natural lifter.

The second one is to start using steroids.

When you reach your genetic potential there are no guarantees that anything other than steroids will build new muscle tissue.

But if you’re not keen on jumping to the dark side of muscle building, program like this one is certainly worth a shot in my opinion. The way you will train with Brads system will be something that you’ve never experienced before and that might be the key to get you on growing once again.

Get Brad Pilon – Anabolic Again at the Course Farm


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