Brian Begin – The Art Of Seduction
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(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)This shift allows men to desensitize through the negative “fight or flight” emotions and frees their upper body from restriction.
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Brian Begin – The Art Of Seduction
Discover Solid, Doable, Grow-You-As-A-Man Principles That Open Doors For Love, Sex and Adventure Without The Cheesy Pickup Lines, Gimmicks, Or Peacocking!
Attract The Women You Actually Want
…Without Gimmicks, Lines, Or Manipulation!
I’m talking about a shift that allows you to naturally attract and seduce beautiful women by simply “being yourself…”
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…Your TRUE self.
In the next 5 minutes, you’ll see the one, powerful shift that naturals with women make to build intense sexual tension with any woman you want – automatically.
One that YOU can now start using today to instantly to catapult yourself into an exciting dating and sex life with beautiful women.
In fact, this shift will also re-ignite your inner masculine confidence. transforming every aspect of your life.
In business, relationships, your mental health, and more…
So if an abundant dating and sex life sounds good to you…
If it finally replaced the loneliness, anxiety, frustration, and depression with fun, sexy, smart women who won’t leave you alone…
And allowed you to attract any woman you want – whenever you want – like you’ve always dreamed of…
You’ve come to the right place.
Because I have a brand-new book that will tell you exactly how to do that.
It’s called The Art Of FEARLESS Seduction, and I want to send you a copy at a RIDICULOUSLY LOW Cost.
I’ll tell you exactly why in a moment.
But first, here’s a little sample of what you’ll find inside…
The REAL reason why common dating advice is fundamentally broken. See page 4.
The difference between the guy who struggles with women and the guy women can’t get enough of (Hint: it’s got NOTHING to do with money, looks, or status) Page 7.
The secret meditation that programs your subconscious mind to believe that you were put on this earth SPECIFICALLY to attract women. See page 13.
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And the best part?
It doesn’t require you to change who you are…
And you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not.
And you don’t have to trick or manipulate women just to get the respect, sex, or love you deserve.
Yet I’d wager not one in 10,000 men in the U.S. knows about these secrets.
Secrets like…
How to flip a woman’s shit-test back on her and make her uncontrollably aroused, every time. See page 40.
How being vulnerable can lead to the best sex of your life.
See page 49.
How to make any woman you set your eyes on submit to your masculine energy in any way you want. This subtle technique allows you to change a woman’s emotional state at will. And on an unconscious level, she’s HOPING you learn how to do this! Some lucky guys have sex at least twice a day! See page 55.
How to always control the “frame” so women can feel safe, relaxed, free and sexy around you. See page 67.
And much more…
I know how little-known these secrets are, because it took me 10 years to uncover them myself!
My name is Brian Begin. CEO and Founder of The FEARLESS Man.
And up until now…You’ve Been Lied To!
Chances are you’ve been fed the same “how-to-seduce” instructions you’ll find in the 10’s of thousands of dating books out there:
- Gimmicks, pick-up lines & Old school routines to pick-up women…
- How to stand, move, and other body language techniques to look powerful and confident
- The “right words to say” to women to turn them on…
- How to flirt and tease women to spark attraction…
- How and where to touch women to instantly arouse them…
- They’re even teach how to make women fall in love…
Sound familiar?
Don’t get me wrong, this all sounds good on the surface…
But here’s the BIG problem:
And when men try these tactics and they don’t work (which is most of the time)…
they automatically assume they’re unattractive.
As a result, they develop what I call, a “strong negative reality.”
They spend most of their time in their own head.
They’re holding onto what happened to them in the past…
…Or afraid of what might happen to them in the future.
They’re constantly chasing validation and getting rejected by women…
Then they repeat negative stories about how they’re not good enough.
Or that women would NEVER want to be with them.
If this sounds like you, it’s not your fault.
The real reason guys struggle with women has NOTHING to do with memorizing pick-up lines, saying the right words, or even having the right body language…
It’s because…
Most Men Have NO CLUE
Who They Really Are..
Common dating advice says you NEED women to be happy and feel valued.
As a result, men have no clue what makes them happy outside of a woman.
And even worse: men have no idea who THEY really are.
Pretty twisted, huh?
It’s no wonder why men can’t relax around beautiful women…
…or why they take rejection so harshly!
And why it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to have fun without a woman’s attention or approval.
This is the REAL reason why most men live in a strong negative reality.
And why most men desperately try to enter a woman’s reality (her pants) to escape his own.
So the question you’re probably thinking now is…
“How Does A Man Go From Having A Strong Negative Reality To Attracting And Seducing Hot, Sexy Women?”
Well for starters, men don’t need to escape from their reality and get into a woman’s reality.
And you don’t need a woman to like you in order for YOU to like you.
More importantly, you don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not.
Here’s the truth:
When You Actually Start “Being Yourself,” You Change Your Strong Negative Reality Into A Stronger POSITIVE Reality Almost Immediately!
Why is it that some guys can attract and seduce women effortlessly, regardless of what they look like, or how much money they have…
While the VAST majority of men struggle and settle with women they don’t want?
Because being yourself has nothing to do with pick-up lines, manipulation, or routines…
I’m talking about accepting the version of YOU who is hidden deep within yourself…
A natural, primal energy that exists in ALL men and attracts almost any woman who senses it…
I’m talking about:
Becoming Your True, Natural, Sexually Masculine Self!
A man who’s being himself embraces his true, sexual nature as a man.
It’s the only reason why “naturals with women” exist – they embrace this truth.
They relax in the belief that they’re naturally, sexually attractive to women simply because they’re MALE.
And this allows the natural to create a strong positive reality for himself.
He can BE attractive to women instead of ACTING attractive.
And he can get almost any woman he wants without pick-up lines or gimmicks.
Lastly, he can invite women into his strong positive reality to be free as well.
Mainly because…
The BULK Of Women Are Attracted To Men Who Can FEARLESSLY Be “Themselves.
Most women want a man who’s so comfortable in HIS sexuality, he sets women free to enjoy and explore deeper aspects of their sexuality.
Resulting in laughs, trust, comfort, intimacy…and lots, and lots of sex.
So how do men tap into this hidden masculine power buried deep within?
They don’t just tell themselves over and over how women found them attractive…
They do something MUCH deeper…
They make a noticeable shift from their thinking mind down into their body.
And this shift prevents them from:
- Overthinking
- Freezing with nervousness or anxiety
- Taking rejection personally
- Seeking approval and validation from women
- Instead, this shift not only grounds them in their strong positive reality…
Instead, this shift not only grounds them in their strong positive reality…
It also allows them to RELAX in the natural tension between them and the women they are talking to.
Next thing they know, women are flirting with them, kissing them, and eventually sleeping with them.
This natural shift is what separates naturals with women from the rest…
And the craziest part is almost NO woman can resist it…
To put it simply…
These Guys Made
“The Grounded Masculine Shift”
Now what exactly is the Grounded Masculine Shift?
This powerful shift happens when men ground themselves into their masculine energy.
The moment they do this, they almost instantly become more attractive to women.
When women find themselves in the presence of a masculine man, she’s free to relax into her feminine.
She can’t help it.
Because the powerful, masculine energy is a part of YOU.
The “Grounded Masculine Shift” Allows Men To Attract Women By Being Their True, Masculine Selves…
When men feel fear or anxiety in the presence of a beautiful woman, it’s not the guy’s fault.
They’re just misplacing the natural sexual tension within their bodies.
Tension from the feminine energy is actually meant to flow THROUGHOUT the man’s body.
Yet, most men who struggle with women hold their tension in the upper part of their body.
When men make the Grounded Masculine Shift in their body, they push this tension ALL the way down to their feet!
This shift allows men to desensitize through the negative “fight or flight” emotions and frees their upper body from restriction.
…allowing them to remain calm and relaxed in the midst of sexual tension.
And more importantly, it allows men to give off, positive, authentic, fully expressive energy and vibes.
That’s why, if you notice, these types of guys almost never get offended or respond angrily or sensitively to women’s insults or tests.
Instead, they let the tension flow through their bodies, down to their feet.
So they can remain playful, relaxed, present, and sexually expressive with women…
Causing women to become relaxed, comfortable, and playful themselves.
Think of it like this…
A Man Who Makes “The Grounded Masculine Shift” Is Like A Lightning Rod In Action…
When the lightning strikes the rod, it channels the electricity down into the ground providing safety.
Otherwise, lightning strikes would destroy buildings, strike fires, and cause chaos!
As a man, your body works the same way!
Your head is the “lightning rod,” which is connected to your feet – your “grounding rod.”
But instead of lightning, your body is designed to channel tension, stress, drama, nervousness, or any other chaotic energies of the environment into the ground to provide safety…
…Including the unpredictable FEMININE energy!
As you drop this tension into your lower body, you can feel through the tension of the woman’s body…
From your head, through your spine…
All the way down to your feet.
This is why…
Grounded, Masculine Men Make Women Feel SAFE.
A grounded man allows women to surrender their masculine to the man and become more feminine.
Because a grounded man is being true to himself by tapping into his natural, masculine energy.
Which is EXACTLY what almost every woman wants!
This is why many women can’t control themselves in the presence of masculine energy.
They’ll drop everything and aggressively pursue men like this…
Even – and ESPECIALLY – when she knows you’re sleeping with other women!
And here’s the thing…
EVERY SINGLE MAN ON THIS PLANET has the same masculine energy inside them.
Which means any guy who makes this shift into their body can attract any woman he wants.
To prove this, I grabbed a couple of guys from the struggling group to help them make the grounded masculine shift within themselves.
And the results were nothing short of incredible.
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