Centre of Excellence – Novel Writing Diploma Course


Centre of Excellence – Novel Writing Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence - Novel Writing Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence – Novel Writing Diploma Course

Original price was: $184.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $184.00.Current price is: $42.00.

This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”When the characters start to take life and make their own way through the storyline, all you need to do is to dig deep, envisage to the best of your ability, creating an insightful back story that provides a solid foundation for the overall plot.

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Centre of Excellence – Novel Writing Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence - Novel Writing Diploma Course

“Salepage: https://www.centreofexcellence.com/shop/novel-writing-diploma-course/#:~:text=The%20Novel%20Writing%20Diploma%20Course,time%20at%20your%20own%20pace.

What Will You Learn?

There is no doubt that writing a novel requires many skills that test resolve but the good news is that even the complete beginner can rise to the challenge and create a compelling novel if adhering to the basic rules, writing while absorbing the many skills required to bring the novel to life.

Writing a novel, irrespective of the genre, requires the writer to put a little bit of themselves into each and every page. This means, utilising many of the experiences that you yourself have endured, including both the good and the bad times to make up part of the fabric of your storyline, creating a tangible and gripping read.

This powerful and thought provoking course will teach you everything that you need to know about one of the most wonderful creative experiences possible: how to write a novel. Embarking upon a project such as this, will test your imagination, your writing skills, and test your ability to create imaginary environments that epitomise real-life. You will be aiming to captivate the reader, while creating imaginary threads that weave in and out of any storyline.

It’s not a challenge for the fainthearted.

It takes time, patience and a great deal of editing to bring a novel to fruition, however, it is one of the most uniquely satisfying feelings, when you type the last word and know that you have achieved something quite amazing. It provides a written reminder of this moment in time, a poignant chance to review as you bought your creative senses to the fore, and the memories and the evidence of this time is something that will stay with you forever.

You may have dreams of writing a bestselling novel and although you are entering a tough market place, filled with competition from other writers all with varying levels of experience, sometimes it just takes a solid story-line, a unique approach and a whole lot of enthusiasm to the written word, and it can happen.

Writing a novel requires a complex set of skills. Having an unlimited imagination that is both expansive and thorough will stand you in good stead. Having an enquiring mind that will let you delve deep into a variety of plots and scenarios will also benefit you. Good research skills, an ability to visualise, especially when creating characters that are lively and realistic, plus a dogged determination to continue writing right through to the very last word is a must.

When the characters start to take life and make their own way through the storyline, all you need to do is to dig deep, envisage to the best of your ability, creating an insightful back story that provides a solid foundation for the overall plot.

You may be one of the many people who have had an idea gnawing away at you for a long time.Β  Over the years, the idea may have grown substantially and changed shape and format. Your mind may have already searched extensively for variables that could increase interest and make the read much more exciting. If so, having the basis of the solid plot to hand at this point will put you one step ahead, simply because idea generation is an essential component especially if you are considering a complex but realistic plot centred on the intricate intricacies of real life.

Your idea must stand the test of thousands of words and it’s worth considering whether your idea will last to make a sustainable read or if the idea will fizzle out half-way through.

What will I learn on the course?

Module 1: Ideas and Plot Development
7 parts

Module 2: Genre
4 parts

Module 3: Your First Chapter
6 parts

Module 4: Descriptive Writing
5 parts

Module 5: Viewpoint
5 parts

Module 6: Dialogue
5 parts

Module 7: Characterisation
5 parts

Module 8: Emotions
7 parts

Module 9: Creating the Villain
5 parts

Module 10: Outlines
6 parts

Module 11: Creating Obstacles & Generating the Hook
5 parts

Module 12: Getting Published
8 parts

Who Would Benefit from This Course?
Anyone, who is interested in improving their writing skills will benefit from this course. In essence, you will learn how to approach novel writing in the most productive way. As we reveal the nuts and bolts of the technical aspects, and this will make it easier for youΒ Β to take your storyline and to turn it into a fully formed book and one you are proud of.


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