Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar

Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar

Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar

Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar


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David Rolland Dobson, PhD., was a psychologist, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist for over 40 years. He also had extensive business expertise as a business owner and employer.

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Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar

Dave Dobson – Pain Alleviation Seminar


David Rolland Dobson, PhD., was a psychologist, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist for over 40 years. He also had extensive business expertise as a business owner and employer. Dave worked with companies and employees in communication and sales, as well as working with thousands of private clients.

He created the term and intellectual property of Other Than Conscious CommunicationTM and No Fault PsychologyTM…OTCC TMand NFPTM. What made Dave such an expert on muting pain? Experience. For years Dave worked with severe burn patients and by “talking” with them, assisted them in muting pain. He often referred to himself as a “de-hypnotist.” Now, experience his humor and hearty laugh as you learn and have fun. Softbound, 236 pp.

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