Debra Silverman Astrology – Inner View 2023


Debra Silverman Astrology – Inner View 2023

Debra Silverman Astrology - Inner View 2023

Debra Silverman Astrology – Inner View 2023


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You’ll come to understand the Elements, the planets, and the Astrology signs in bite-size lessons taught by Debra Silverman…

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Debra Silverman Astrology – Inner View 2023

Debra Silverman Astrology - Inner View 2023

This self-paced version of Applied Astrology Level 1, is designed to help you quickly learn Astrology and apply it – without the confusion or the complicated lingo you’ll find in most books + courses.


…with instant access to Inner View:

A Self-Paced Discovery of YourSELF Through the Stars

Astrology’s function is to put words to your wounds that allows for the healing…

What if I told you that the parts of your personality you like the least, are actually the doorways to your inner peace and happiness? And that crisis is your soul’s way of getting your attention – and revealing your destiny?

At its most basic level, Astrology is about the four Elements:

When you’re in discomfort, it means these Elements are out of balance OR that you’re trying to be something you’re not…

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • You can have a life that fulfills your soul.
  • You can have both a career you love AND deep, connected relationships.
  • You can make a positive impact on the world, and live out your personal destiny.
  • It all begins with falling in love with YOU… the real you.

When you discover the Elemental medicine of Astrology through Inner View, you’ll begin to have compassion for yourself and others, creating a life that’s aligned with your most authentic self.

In Inner View, you’ll come to understand the Elements, the planets, and the Astrology signs in bite-size lessons taught by Debra Silverman through an online course.

Your online Inner View course includes instant access to video lessons, exercises, meditations, and step-by-step directions to help you understand Astrology and apply it to your life.

It’s the same profound online system that is inside the Applied Astrology Level 1 course just without the LIVE classes and the guidance from a Mentor  For $400 less than Level 1 Applied Astrology!


Inner View is custom-designed by you and your chart. You’ll learn the basics of Astrology, and you’ll get a deep-dive into what makes you you, inspiring you to fall in love with your fate.


Get instant lifetime access to an easy-to-use online classroom, where all of the projects, videos and assignments are housed and archived.


Learn from Debra herself by watching hours of fun, easy to understand lecture content.


Be introduced to a 7-minute journaling practice to help you really hear what your soul is whispering to you. This is where you really feel how the planets and signs show up in your life.


The course material requires memorization and application to fully put the material to good use. Do your homework (it’s all fun!) to help you better understand the concepts.


Learn even more about the 4 Elements and check out excerpts of Debra’s best-selling book, The Missing Element.


You’ll be invited to join the Inner View private Facebook community, where you’ll meet your new best friends, in a community of fellow students to talk about your new favorite hobby.

Because Astrology Alone Is Not Enough…

“Psychology will be a dinosaur science until it includes Astrology.” – Carl Jung

Astrology + Psychology were meant for each other… But alas, their love affair was not to be. Long ago Astrology was banished, while Psychology was captured by academia – and rewarded for its theories and endless modalities.

Despite their very different fates, Psychology and Astrology are deeply related.

It’s a little-known fact that the famous psychologist Carl Jung used Astrology charts in every session. His daughter publicly revealed that she herself executed charts for his patients.

Having been an Astrologer for nearly five decades, and a psychotherapist for almost as long, I know that these two practices are best friends. Jung was right. These disciplines were made for each other.

Psychology studies the psyche from the inner world. Astrology holds the angle from the outer. Together through Astro-psychology, they offer a healing that no other can do.

Though Inner View is primarily an Astrology course, I’ve interwoven aspects of this Psychological approach throughout the curriculum. This combination, I have learned from experience, is the key to creating powerful transformation for yourself and others.


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