Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria


Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria

Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria

Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $11.00.

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Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $11.00.

Scientifically formulated a course to give you the best format for learning. Engineered according to cognitive learning techniques that allow the brain to absorb more of the information.

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Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria

Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria

We have compiled for you in this course, Top tips and techniques to improve the way you communicate so you can get exactly what you want.

Scientifically formulated a course to give you the best format for learning. Engineered according to cognitive learning techniques that allow the brain to absorb more of the information.

This is a practical and smart guide to communication, talking and conversation. It gives you clarity among all the fluff around communicating so, that you can become a better, more fluent, more confident orator.

  1. The principal that will make your speech more impactful, inspiring and convincing.
  2. Starting a conversation can often be the hardest especially, when it’s with a stranger or in a room full of people, learn to start and keep the conversation flowing.
  3. Non verbal and the importance of this in your communication repertoire, with some practical techniques on how to make your non verbal communication stronger NOW.
  4. Be more persuasive with your words, Because not everyone will agree with what you say or want to do initially, they need convincing and with our course, you will learn how best to do it.
  5. The Science and Art behind being a more charismatic, interesting and a more memorable person to speak with.

What does Effective Communication Skills Course – Yahya Zakaria include?

Effective Communication Skills

  • 1. Communication in our life (27:27)
  • 2. Communication Types (15:44)
  • 3. Communication Components (10:31)
  • 4. Baics of Effective Communication (12:54)
  • 5. Personality Types and Communication Styles 2 (21:11)
  • 6. Verbal – Oral Communication – Speaking (17:11)
  • 7. Verbal – Oral Communication – Listening (18:24)
  • 8. Written Communication – Reading and Writing (23:36)
  • 9. NonVerbal – ParaVerbal Communication (20:46)
  • 10. NonVerbal – Body language and Symbolic Cues (23:08)
  • 11. Communication and Diversity (23:30)


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