Elise Darma – Take It To The Bank


Elise Darma – Take It To The Bank

Elise Darma - Take It To The Bank

Elise Darma – Take It To The Bank

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.

Take It To The Bank is a 6-part course experience for you to create a juicy promo, have a screenshot-worthy, record-breaking week of sales…

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Elise Darma – Take It To The Bank

Elise Darma - Take It To The Bank

With Promotional Strategies That You Can ? Rinse-And-Repeat ? Every Single Quarter, All While Instagram Is Steadily Growing Your Audience…

This Is For The Business Owner Who’s Ready To Have Their Best Quarter Ever.

It’s time to stop wondering how others are having record-breaking promos that seem perfectly timed, seamlessly positioned and drive a frenzy of buyers.

Heard of hockey stick growth? Yeah.

Read on for an important message that could change the trajectory of your sales this year.

 From the desk of your “minimalist marketer” friend, Elise Darma
JANUARY 7, 2024
BARCELONA, SPAIN (my current home, hello!)
There’s a perfect storm brewing…
Between the holidays and events that already happen every single quarter (that you can “newsjack” for your next promotion)…
And Instagram being the best sales tool out there for growing a fresh audience and closing those sales.
I’ve been tapping into both promotions and Instagram since 2017, and when I look at our numbers, I can see a clear-as-day trend:

Our Best Quarters Happen When Running A Promotion Alongside A Major Event.

  • Q1: New Years
  • ​Q2: Spring
  • Q3: Back To School
  • ​Q4: Black Friday

Take It To The Bank is a 6-part course experience for you to create a juicy promo, have a screenshot-worthy, record-breaking week of sales, and simultaneously grow fresh followers on Instagram to launch your promotion to.

Since launching three mini courses and one signature course over the last two years, along with running (relatively) easy flash sales and promos, I’ve been asked to teach on product creation and launching countless times.

You’re not only getting behind-the-scenes access to what’s worked in my business when it comes to product creation and running flash sales…

You’re also getting training from 6 highly specialized experts who’ve either taught me promotion strategies OR who’ve already ~been there, done that~ with their own promos.
what you get:
From messaging experts to email copywriters, here’s everything you get inside of Take It To The Bank.
Learn from the exact experts who’ve either taught me product strategy, or who’ve already been there, done that – in a variety of key phases of the promotion process.


Learn from coach Julie Chenell, co-founder of Funnel Gorgeous and funnel expert (for real – she used to work for ClickFunnels while running her full-time mastermind and suite of digital products).

In this ready-for-you training, Julie walks you through the various promotion strategies available that don’t require ~drastically~ slashing your prices.
After week one, you’ll have the foundation of your promotional offer outlined.


The key to your promotion standing out? Nailing your positioning (AKA why your followers should care) and your key message points.

The second step of Take It To The Bank is learning from coach Ash Chow on how to conduct research on your audience (even if Instagram is your only platform), how to analyze the market to find where your offer can fill in any gaps, and how to create your offer name, tagline and key messages.
After week two, you’ll have 3 key messaging points so that your promotion is a no-brainer purchase. 


Next, learn from coaches Chessica and Nickie (The Funnel Sisters) on how to write a snappy but effective sales page in Google doc format. You can share that page publicly for your promotion or bring that copy over into your sales page software (if you have it, but it’s not a must). We’re all about being scrappy but effective in this flash sale!
After week three, you’ll have your sales page copy done for your promotion.


For the 4th step of creating your promotion, learn from coach Prerna Malik on the four kinds of emails you need and how to write them fast. Plus, you’ll be getting “recipes” (in the form of Google docs) so that you can customize Prerna’s email templates as you learn.

P.S. if you don’t yet have an email list, you can apply Prerna’s trainings to your Instagram captions. Win-win!
After week four, you’ll have your flash sale emails ready to go.


Next, we’re covering another key aspect for your promotion: your overall Instagram content and Reels strategy.

I’ll be your coach when it comes to prepping your account for your flash sale, giving yourself a profile makeover and plotting out the content you’ll create and share. Then, learn how to plan out, batch-film and edit your Reels that you’ll need to warm up your audience and SELL your offer during your promo.
After week five, your Instagram profile & content will be ready for your promo.


This week, you’re learning from the two of the best when it comes to selling in a way that feels good.

Aandra Bohlen is a sales consultant for service-based businesses and in her training, covers strategies for you to stress less while selling your promotion.

Becky Keen has sold over $50,000 of her packages solely from Instagram, and in her training, you’ll learn the best ways to generate conversations on Instagram that naturally lead to sales (Becky does not do pushiness, ick or inauthentic so there won’t be any of that).

After week six, you’ll be prepared to launch and sell your promotion – in a way that feels good for both you and your customer.
6 “BINDER NOTE” WORKBOOKS ($1,182 Value)

What’s the fastest way for you to digest the trainings from all 6 experts and get your promotion done and out there?

It’s by giving you the “cliffs notes” version of every training, along with the action steps you need to take to make progress in your promotion planning.
Every single stage of the promotion process has been distilled into “binder notes” form where you’re getting just the key information you need, plus examples, along with the action step you need to take next.
Time-saving, efficient, and perfect for you if you prefer text over video? Check, check, check.
who this is for
Not everyone can join Take It To The Bank. It’s a hyper specific, guided program for business owners serious about growth.

It’s designed for the business owner who’s already sold something online.

Whether it’s their servicescoaching or even a product.

Why? Because this program is NOT for people who don’t yet have an offer. We just don’t have time to cover offer creation so you won’t find that in this program.

In my experience, there are often two very different types of people who join group coaching programs. There are those who put in the time and energy necessary to hit their goals, sometimes having to move mountains in the process.
Then there are those who skim the emails, skip the support, don’t get their homework done, and don’t ask questions. Their efforts are minimal and their results show it.
Take It To The Bank is for those who are already selling online, are action-takers and are committed to doing what’s necessary to hit their goals.
If you:
  • Are ready to have a chart-topping quarter with a strategic promotion…
  • ​Are ready to show up and stretch beyond your comfort zone…
  • ​Can commit 4 hours each week to growing your audience and crafting your promo…

Then you’re exactly right for Take It To The Bank.

Here’s What Take It To the Bank IS and ISN’T

 6 weeks of promotional trainings from industry experts
 Behind-the-scenes of $300,000+ digital product launches
 Lifetime access to Social Bank and all its future updates
 A motivating push to get your promotional offer out there
 A private community of your fellow business owners
 A 183-hour course that you have to go through on your own
 For non-business people or those who’ve yet to sell online
 A drain on your resources without an end goal in sight
 Hands off, leaving you to figure it out on your own
 Boring! (Believe me, making an offer is FUN! You’ll see.)

Ready to have your best quarter of the year?


Get Digital Download ” Elise Darma – Take It To The Bank ” Right Now!


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