Erik Hoffmann – Cook Your Copy


Erik Hoffmann – Cook Your Copy

Erik Hoffmann - Cook Your Copy

Erik Hoffmann – Cook Your Copy

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $9.00.

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Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $9.00.

So, if you follow this step-by-step action plan, you will be amazed how quickly you can cook your copy. You can finish all the copy texts you need in your funnel in Just ONE weekend.

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Erik Hoffmann – Cook Your Copy

Erik Hoffmann - Cook Your Copy

One Brilliant IDEA helped me build
My First $ 450k Funnel In 3 Days
It was in 2011. My website was broken. I spent more money on ads than I made from it. Of course, I tried to fix it:
I changed the ad settings and …

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Didn’t work!
I changed the ad targeting and …
Didn’t work!
I made some design tweaks on the site …
Didn’t work!
“What’s wrong? Where’s the problem? ” I asked myself
Then I found my SAVIORS …
I found a few competitors’ websites that were doing amazing. They were able to turn visitors into customers with ease.
They didn’t have a nicer design, higher-quality product or better-targeted ads.
The ONLY difference was in the text.
Then I realized that…

…the REAL PROBLEM of no-converting sales pages is
Look. I am not the only person thinks so.
There are tons of marketers focused especially on copywriting.
BONUS #1 Irresistible Offer Blueprint (value $197)
BONUS #2 DONE-in-a-weekend Action Plan (value $47)
BONUS #3 “Smooth-Action” Support (value priceless)
Bonus #1
Irresistible Offer
Let’s be honest. Selling to the deadly cold audience (ppl, who have never heard of you before) is hard.
People are sick and tired of buying courses. They don’t want to learn. They want results. The sooner, the better.
Discover 11 + 2 bring-the-results types of digital products people are craving, even if they don’t know who you are. Because these 10 secret types bring results for your customers FASTER than any course.
Moreover, you can create any of those types of products QUICKER and EASIER than a course.
Bonus #2
The coolest part of this action plan is this:
Next to each step in the plan, there are written numbers of hours you should spend on that particular task.
No more wasting time!
So, if you follow this step-by-step action plan, you will be amazed how quickly you can cook your copy. You can finish all the copy texts you need in your funnel in Just ONE weekend.
The plan helps you keep you on the right track.
2 versions of the Action Plan:
PDF action plan
Trello board action plan
Pick the one that suits you the best.
Bonus #3
If you get stuck and aren’t sure what to do, just write a comment in our members area.
We know you want to be UNSTOPPABLE.
So that we are here to help you move forward as smoothly as we can.

Get immediately Erik Hoffmann – Cook Your Copy


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