ez Biz Coach – How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom

ez Biz Coach – How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom

ez Biz Coach - How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom

ez Biz Coach – How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom


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Of course I realize you may not know me, so here’s a quick intro:

My name is Jim Daniels and I’ve been making a comfortable living as an online business coach for 20 years. I do it all in my spare time and spend the rest of my time doing what I want.

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ez Biz Coach – How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom

ez Biz Coach - How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom

Online Coaching is a Billion Dollar a Year Industry. Here’s How You Can Cash In On It…

Every month more than 200,000 people search for coaching at Google. People need coaching in every niche imaginable, and they’re looking for it online!

On this web page I’ll show you how to earn money from this growing trend, in two legitimate, respectable ways.

Of course I realize you may not know me, so here’s a quick intro:

My name is Jim Daniels and I’ve been making a comfortable living as an online business coach for 20 years. I do it all in my spare time and spend the rest of my time doing what I want.

You can read more about me in these issues of Entrepreneur Magazine and Opportunity Magazine…

Click the magazine cover to see the article on page 56 with me holding a copy of my first book, Insider Internet Marketing.

Click the magazine cover of this “Self-Employed and Happy” edition to see the article on page 26 featuring my ugly mug.

You’ll also find me in these other fine publications…

SmartComputing Magazine ~ Six Figure Income Magazine ~ Inc.’s 301 Marketing Ideas ~ Home Business Magazine ~ Wealth Building Magazine ~ Complete Idiot’s Guide To Starting An Online Business
This is the place on the web page where most marketers start showing you all their income screenshots.
I’m Not Gonna Do That. Because You Deserve Better.

Instead, I’ll just show you a couple reports from my member sites, so you can see I’m the real deal…

That’s $328,760.55 in income from my first coaching site.

That’s $266,380.79 in income from my other coaching site.

And I could go on and on with income screenshots from clickbank, paypal, JVZoo and all that jazz.

But this page is about you. And how you can start profiting from the ever-growing coaching industry!

So let’s get started…
Here Are Two Ways You Can Tap Directly Into This Ever-Growing Income Stream…

First, the most obvious strategy is…
Method #1: Become an Online Coach.

Online coaches are people who have had success in their life in a particular area, and feel they are qualified to help others. You don’t need formal education, training or certification to be a coach, you simply have to be willing to help others in a particular niche.
There’s a Coach In Almost Every Niche Imaginable, Including…

Weight loss
Exercise (personal training)
Starting a business
Becoming a better salesperson
Becoming a better parent
Becoming a better spouse
Dating and relationships

Learning a new language
Coping with a loss or tragedy
Overcoming an addiction
Becoming better at sex (yes, really)
Having more confidence
Almost anything else you’re good at!

Coaching Clients Online is Not Difficult. It is as Simple as…

Identifying where the client is and how far they have to go to reach their goals.

Setting higher standards than they would have set for themselves.
Helping them build a structure for success.
Giving them the support that they might be lacking.
Recommending the right tools to make changes.

With so much information on the web, it’s no wonder some people are just stuck in info-overload. With a coaching business you can help these people and earn a very nice income in the process.

That’s why I’ve created a course detailing exactly how to start your own coaching business. And I’ll explain more about the course in a moment.

But before I show you the course, let me explain the other way to profit from the blossoming coaching industry.
You Can Even Tap Into The Coaching Income Stream Without Being a Coach…

I understand that some people reading this page right now may not be interested in coaching.

They’d rather earn money with less personal involvement. And that’s fine. Because there is another way to tap into the coaching boom that can be just as lucrative…
Method #2: Help Others Become Coaches!

That’s right, you don’t need to coach at all if you don’t want to.

You can help other potential coaches get started in this industry by offering an in-depth course like the one I’m about to show you.

The course includes my EZ-Flip Master Resell Rights, so in a few clicks you’ll be offering the course to other inspiring coaches and keeping 100% of the profits.

OK, now that you know the two ways to cash in on this growing online trend, here’s a look at the course I’m offering today at a special launch price…
Introducing EZ Biz Coach: How to Profit From the Booming Coaching Industry

This course will provide you with all the information and tools required to start a successful coaching business.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside the course:
The EZ Biz Coach Guide Book

What you’ll discover in this eBook:

What coaching is, and what topics you can coach people in: This book is intended to define for you the job of coaching people and help you decide what you want to specialize in so you can best help your clients. Some people prefer to be “life coaches” without specializing, and the book has a great deal of information on that as well.
Understanding why people hire coaches and how it can help you to grow your own business: Once you understand why people hire coaches, you can better understand how to attract the clients you want, and attract the highest paying clients. The more you understand potential clients, the better you’ll be able to get them to hire you as a coach.
The different methods you can use to coach people: There are so many methods out there to coach people, from using the internet, telephone or even the old fashioned face-to-face method. You’ll familiarize yourself with all of the methods available so you can choose the best ones for your coaching practice.
How to choose a coaching style to build the perfect coaching practice: This book will describe the different coaching styles that are out there such as email, one-on-one coaching and group coaching, and go through the advantages and the disadvantages of each one. You decide which styles you are most comfortable with and how you can use them best to help your clients.
How to use the internet to maximize the amount of money that you make while minimizing the amount of time that you put in: You might be getting into coaching to help people, but you want to make enough to have a comfortable living from it, if not more. This book will help you maximize your income and develop multiple income streams. More importantly it will help you reduce the amount of time you have to work so you can spend more leisure time doing things you enjoy or hanging out with your family.
How to make coaching work synergistically with other projects you have: This section of the book will explain how you can make your coaching boost your other income streams and make those streams boost your coaching. You’ll understand what sort of income streams are out there and how you can use them to promote the other products and services that you have, or can easily develop.
How to coach people that want to increase their income: There are many people out there who need a coach to help them increase their income. You’ll learn some of the ways people can make money and what you’ll need to do to coach them effectively at it – even if you haven’t tried every method or had success yourself. You’ll also uncover some very interesting income ideas that you may want to pursue yourself.
Information on how much coaches actually make and how much you can expect to earn: This is the money section where you will learn just what coaches are making these days and where coaching salaries might be tomorrow. You’ll also learn how to price yourself so that you can still compete in the market without devaluing yourself or your services, to help you make as much money as you can with coaching.
How to do life coaching on the Internet: This chapter will detail how you do life coaching on the Internet including what sort of things a life coach helps with. It will give you the tools to be the most effective life coach that you can be and help your clients with all of the different aspects of their lives.
How to promote your coaching business using the Internet and how to get your very first clients: You’ll also need to learn how to promote your coaching business so that you can start to get clients. This section is all about the different ways you can promote yourself online and how you can even earn some extra income from many of these promotional methods. It is a comprehensive plan to help you promote your coaching practice and start making enough money to do it full-time…. and much, much more!

Get ez Biz Coach – How to Profit from the Online Coaching Boom download

Fast-Action Bonus #1: The Checklist

View or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point as you go along.

It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.
Fast-Action Bonus #2: Resource Cheat Sheet

You’ll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.

Inside you’ll find:

Social media platforms to join
Social media automation tools
Analytics tools
+ more!

Fast-Action Bonus #3: Mindmap

A quick glance over this mindmap and you’ll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide.
Let’s Recap How You Can Use This Powerful Coaching Course Right Now…

The entire EZ Biz Coach course together with all the bonuses and Master Resale Rights can be making you money as early as tomorrow. Just grab it during this special sale then simply choose one one or both of the following monetizing strategies…
Money Method #1:

Use the course to build your own online coaching business in any niche you want. It reveals everything you need to know including the best ways to setup and deliver your coaching. You won’t find a better resource for starting a coaching business online.
Money Method #2:

Sell this course as your own. I’ve purposely made all the training material generic and evergreen so you don’t have to change a thing. Just slap your name on the included sales page and download page and link the order button to your paypal address. Promote it as your own course and keep 100% of all sales.
100% Risk FREE Guarantee

Your purchase is absolutely risk free. Try the product for 45 days, and if you’re not satisfied just send me an email and I’ll send you a refund right away. So there’s absolutely no risk on your part. All the risk is on me.

I’m delighted to have the chance to share this powerful information with you, and I know you’ll be very happy with the results.

This is the ultimate and essential guide to starting your own coaching business — or helping others do the same! You’ll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you — and other inspiring coaches finally succeed online.

To Your Success,

Jim Daniels – JDD Publishing


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