Frankie Fihn – Loom Conversion Machine


Frankie Fihn – Loom Conversion Machine

Frankie Fihn - Loom Conversion Machine

Frankie Fihn – Loom Conversion Machine

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $59.00.

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $59.00.

The World Famous 5-Minute Loom Videos That Sell $1k-$10k/Month Digital Marketing Services Without Phone Calls Or Proposals…

File Size: 5.14 GB.

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Frankie Fihn – Loom Conversion Machine

Frankie Fihn - Loom Conversion Machine

Wazzup muthafucka?! Frankie here.
Don’t know about you…
…but I don’t look forward to… 

…blasting a gajillion emails…
…a full calendar of long 60-90 minute calls…

…chasing unconvinced strangers…
…following an unnatural robotic script…
…to hear 4 ‘nos’ for every 1 ‘yes’…
…not to mention proposals and endless “following up” (AKA chasing) people in email…
…to hopefully get a few clients.
Can you say Draining AS Fuck?!
Plus, with all those “booked appointments, bro”… it didn’t leave me much time left to actually serve clients.
Back in the old days, getting new clients meant a week like this…
Full calendar! A brother had no time to see his kids grow up… knowwhatimsayin’?
For the last 4+ years or so, we haven’t taken a single “sales calls”. Zero “booked appointments”. Nada. Zero. Zilch.
Today, selling $1k-10k/month services looks like this…
…toss out a short 1-3 sentence post, YT or FB ad, or outreach message (called a handraiser)…
…have peeps request a bit of info.
…copy and paste a 5-minute Loom video…
…and wake up to stripe notifications and “I’m in”.
We’ve taught a few folks with free training on Youtube. I’m always a little blown away by posts like these…
Today, we don’t “chase” clients. The process is more natural and authentic. New clients just show up in the ol’ inbox with a “let’s do it” and a payment notification.
…in fact, these are all high ticket services sold without a phone call…
(Stripe + Zoho subscriptions ←- highly recommended.)
…and, of course, Loom video sales are easier for you. (Duh!)
…But also it’s better for the peeps who buy from you.
This low-key approach makes peeps “hell yes”. Gives them a green light to work with you.
Now, as cool as these 5-minute Loom videos are…
…if you want your own converting sales video…
…one where you sound like you know what you’re talking about and not a complete idiot…
…there are details you gotta nail correctly.
The introduction. The offer. The who it’s for statement.
And you gotta be brief. Busy folks don’t want to sit through 42-minute videos.
Here’s how we do it.
  1. 1. The Handraiser: Even before the video… we get folks to say “I want to watch your video”. A handraiser is a 1-3 sentence summary of the offer inside your Loom video. We’ve done these handraisers with organic posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, IG, and email lists. We’ve run paid ads on Facebook and YouTube. We’ve done outreach messages by email, Facebook messenger, and LinkedIn. They work.
  2. 2. The 5-Minute Video: A 3-5 minute video. In these Loom videos, there are 4 key things (demonstration, qualifier, plan, and your offer) you have to get right. You have to open and close the right way. Pretty low-key but highly effective. Think of it as the 80-20 of a sales call. Get the recipe right and it’s just Stripe notifications and “I’m in”.
  3. 3. Answering Questions: Some folks will have a question or two before they’re in. Answer correctly and they’re in. Say the wrong thing and you’ll lose the deal. Plus, we use their questions to improve the whole process.
That’s it. Any time we want new biz, we put out 1-3 sentences, ask a question or two, copy and paste a video link, and get back “I’m in” with payment notification.
Even with our free training, you could put something together effective. But as they say, “the devil is in the details”.
Perhaps you want some extra special up close and personal attention from yours truly? Help you dial yours in. Faster and easier… if you know whatabrothaisssayin’?
We can help you dial in the deets: your handraiser, chat conversations, and your own 5-minute Loom video. 

When you want new biz, you can just pop out 1-3 sentences, copy and paste a link, and get stripe notifications and “I’m in”. Easy peasy.

Here are ye ol’ deets. 

Who it’s for:

Digital marketers offering a $1k-$10k/monthly service. Ideal if you’ve worked with clients and have a niche. Works even if you’ve never sold this way before.

We just need 2 things – (1) a clear niche of who your service is for and (2) it has to get a result for clients. If you’ve got those 2 things, it’ll work.

What’s included:

  • ● Handraiser templates: Any time you want new leads, just toss out a handraiser. Takes 30 seconds to create.
  • ● Handraiser swipe file: See some of the best performing stuff, so you can model your own after it.
  • ● Loom video slides: The whole conversion process is paint by numbers.
  • ● Loom video training: Walk you through the whole process A to Z.
  • ● Offer makeover: Tweak your offer so it’s an easy “I’m in”.
  • ● Example dramatic demonstrations: Get 70% of the sale in 3-5 seconds.
  • ● Handling objections: The easy way scripts and templates.
  • ● Example Loom videos: See example videos that are working now and model yours after them.
  • ● Private Facebook community where you can ask whatever. I’ll personally hold your hand and help you dial in your video.


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