Grace Lever – The Identity Project


Grace Lever – The Identity Project

Grace Lever - The Identity Project

Grace Lever – The Identity Project


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(Download available within 1-2 hours)Before we went through The Ultimate Offer this same female entrepreneur had no idea what was possible for her business… and how she could “package up” her Genius Zone.

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Grace Lever – The Identity Project

Grace Lever - The Identity Project


Week 1 – Your Elegant Business Models
I pull back the curtains on the exact elegant business models I’ve used… to build and streamline successful 6 and 7 figure businesses.
​How to package up your own “genius zone” into a valuable, sellable course even if you’re not an established “expert”.
Think you need a proven product or service before you launch your One Great Funnel, right? Wrong! I show you how to “build it backwards” so you can sell your first product without wasting months creating it… Yep I show you how to “sell it before you build it”.
The One Big Reason most female entrepreneurs fail when launching their first marketing funnel… I show you how to avoid falling into this big trap.
5 ways to make an immediate impact in a crowded market…before you even spend a dollar on advertising.
Week 2 – Done-For-You Funnel Flow
The 3 main things you should never do when building your automated funnel from the ground up… and why these simple mistakes will completely derail you.
​Say goodbye to “tech overwhelm”. See a faster, more effective way to build your own One Great Funnel… I give you my exact tools and over the shoulder instructions on how to use them.
The “real” truth about marketing funnels and why it’s essential to getting your hands off the keyboard…
​Why spending less time building your One Great Funnel will ALWAYS produce way better results… Slaving away for weeks on a marketing funnel never made anyone rich.

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​What to do if you don’t know what CRM email marketing system to use. I will match you up with the right system for where you are at right now… PLUS give you all my email marketing templates so you don’t have to waste anymore time.
When it’s OK to be a “tech dummy” and how you can use this “weakness” to your advantage.
Week 3 – Your Likeable Lady Email Nurture
In 2018 and beyond, email still = money… but only if you don’t go crickets on them! In this module I reveal the absolute fastest way to monetise your email database… with story based emails your subscribers will love reading.
A proven powerful way to turn cold emails into high-value clients… whether you are a coach, consultant, ecommerce business or brick and mortar store.
Say goodbye to “writer’s block” for good! A new way to write attention grabbing emails and subject lines that trumps anything you’ve ever seen… and hardly any other female entrepreneurs are doing it.
You need to send a monthly newsletter, right? WRONG. This could quite possible be the worst piece of marketing advice ever… and what you need to do be doing differently.
​You should only email your list once a week, right? Also…WRONG. I’ll show you how many times a week you need to email your list… and how to elegantly “ask for the sale” in a way that maximises your revenue.
​The almost “unfair” way to generate new leads and subscribers. It is like nothing you’ve ever seen before and positions your business as the obvious first choice.
​The exact email nurture sequence I use to get my leads to know, like and trust me… and I will dissect exactly what each email needs to include. No late nights trying to figure out what to write in your emails, just swipe and deploy my proven templates.
​How to remove sales resistance and skepticism with this one email marketing strategy. Write these magic words and see your email list respond in droves.
​My email copywriting training guides you step-by-step… so you can make sure your emails stand out from the mountain of spam flooding people’s inboxes.
​The easiest way to make someone on your email list want what you’re selling… DO NOT mention your product or service otherwise it will backfire completely.
The worst time of day to send an email (The sad thing is your competition make this mistake all the time.) Use my strategic email calendar to start making sales from your email list like never before.
Week 4 – Video Made Simple
The REAL way to get BUYERS from “selfie” videos. Forget about what the “video experts” say because I’ve spent millions of dollars testing what videos work best and I found the answer… Come behind the scenes of a six-figure launch all made possible with simple “selfie” videos.
​The ONLY 3 videos your business needs and why they work a charm.
When that flashing red light starts on your camera… It brings on a whole lot of anxiety and fear but this one simple 45-second script fixes EVERYTHING.
How to present with confidence without being a trained presenter or industry expert.
What your video scripts need to include (and what to forget)… to ensure the 90 seconds you’ve got with your market are memorable.​Confidential: I’ll walk you through my home studio and show you how I started filming my videos… with no equipment and on a shoestring budget!
​A proven way to get in front of your ideal clients or customers with video ads…for a couple of cents per view. This strategy alone has made my clients and I multiple 7-Figures.

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Your videos need to be filmed in a professional studio right? WRONG! Avoid the #1 mistake female entrepreneurs make when trying to film “professional” videos for their business… and why this approach will do more harm than good.
Why ditching video on these pages of your website will actually improve your sales…
Week 5 – Filling Your Funnel
If you currently struggle to attract quality leads who will convert into customers… start writing your Facebook ads using this ONE simple formula… and your results are very likely to improve within 24 hours.
​Discover where your target market is hanging out and how to get them to notice you… before your competition has even the slightest chance!
​I unpack the #1 traffic source that helped me to go from zero to 6 figures in 6 weeks… and 7 figures in under 12 months. The best bit is no one is doing this right… so you’re in an amazing position right now to harness this tool…the best time to start is NOW.
​The truth about the alternative ways to attract traffic into your funnel… including blogging, free social posting, Google Adwords and more. I show you how to harness these too!
​The best types of products, services and offers to make that are ALWAYS popular when running Facebook ads… Go outside of these and your funnel is guaranteed to flop
What to do if you are brand new and have never spent $1 on Facebook ads.
A proven way to use Facebook ads to have potential clients and customers begging you to help them… This is one of my favourite strategies I have used for the past 3 years and it’s still going strong!
How to end any remaining sales resistance in your prospect’s mind. Write these few short words in your next Facebook ad to push anyone sitting on the fence…over the line.
You need a huge budget to get started with Facebook ads right? WRONG. I show you how you can get started with just $5-$10 a day so you can start seeing immediate returns.
Discover the fastest way to go from unknown to “industry leader” in a matter of months… using this one simple strategy that combines “selfie” videos with Facebook ads.
Week 6 – Numbers Are Sexy
How to eliminate uncertainty in your business by knowing the 5 simple numbers that will tell you everything you need to know… about how well your business is doing.
How to easily budget, forecast and plan your marketing campaigns and business growth… with laser focussed accuracy even if you don’t like numbers.
What to do if a marketing campaign is tanking. I’ll show you how to work out what parts of your funnel aren’t working so you can turn a loser into a winner.
​Where to find hidden revenue in your business even if you think you have exhausted all options.

BONUS #1 – How To Hire & Grow a Team
(Valued at $197)
So why is it so important to hire and grow a team you can trust?

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Because you are only ONE woman and there is only so much you can do before completely burning out.
I wish someone would had pulled me aside when I first got started and told me this.
I guess I kinda thought I needed to wear all the hats and do it all…
To save money and time training staff…
I was strapped to my keyboard 24/7 and everything was on my shoulders.
I couldn’t have been more wrong and that is why I have included Bonus #3…
How To Hire & Grow a Team
I learned how to do this early on even when I had no money and it saved my sanity.
I created this bonus for you to save you the pain and hurt I experienced… in trying to be Wonder Woman and burning out in the process.
Too many female entrepreneurs when they are growing their businesses are basically… creating low paid jobs for themselves rather than an asset.
I say “low paid” because if you were to add up the number of hours you spend working in your business… and what that worked out to from an hourly rate…
You would be shocked at how little your business is actually paying you :-
If you’re not building a business asset…
Something you can move out of and sell…
Or something you can move up in…
And actually enjoy…
Then all you have is a job that pays slightly more than minimum wage….
Lifestyle is just as important as profit and this bonus will show you how to achieve that with your very own team to support you…
Even if you have zero budget to start with.
This bonus is valued at $197 USD but is yours free when you join me today inside The Identity Project.
Plus you will also get access to…
BONUS #2 – The Ultimate Offer
(Valued at $197)
Marketing funnels flat out work. We know that right?!!
They are only as good as the offers they are promoting.
What I mean by this is you can have the best funnel ever…
All the tech connected…
Beautiful landing pages…
But if your offer doesn’t resonate with your ideal client then your funnel won’t deliver you the sales you want.
That is why I have created The Ultimate Offer bonus to help you match up your One Great Funnel… with an addictive offer your market won’t be able to refuse.
There is a fine art to creating an offer that is both irresistable and one that also sells…
…and builds a business you are excited to be a part of
So inside this bonus valued at $197 USD…
We are going to look at your Genius Zone and craft together the perfect program, product or service… that will help you create both profit and lifestyle…
I followed this same process recently with a private client and after we had gone through this same Ultimate Offer Bonus together…
She was able to craft 3 winning offers…

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Offers that:
Provided incredible value to her customers…
Were so attractive, her market were unable to resist them
Paid her really well to share her Genius Zone
Gave her both profit and lifestyle and the same time.
Before we went through The Ultimate Offer this same female entrepreneur had no idea what was possible for her business… and how she could “package up” her Genius Zone.
When you join me inside The Identity Project for the next few days…
You will also receive The Ultimate Offer, valued at $197 FREE.
And finally…
You are probably thinking:
“Grace this all sounds amazing, but you probably have a team to help you with all of this?!!”
And yep, I do 100% and I have trained them really well….
So creating funnels and offers in my business is now quick and fun.
I am excited to announce my last day bonus for all those that join me inside The Identity Project during the next 24 hours…
If you are reading this it means I am shutting the doors on The Identity Project at $297 USD for good…
But it also means that you can get access to this amazing bonus.
Bonus #3: The 42cent Attendee Case Study (Valued at $497)
This bonus is for you if you are someone that wants to tap into the power of live events and workshops to grow your business and brand.
I put this together with one of my favourite members Nicole Cody.
She’s delightful…
And she applied my strategies to her wellbeing niche and was able to fill a room with 120 hot prospects (so many business opportunities!)…
For just $50.
Yep, that’s not a typo
And that works out to be 42cents per attendee!
In this intimate, behind-the-scenes case study, we’ll walk you through exactly how she applied these steps to her niche on the cheap…
So you can turn theory into practical, actionable steps you can take and use too :-

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