2nd Incident: Business failure in 2013
After graduating in 2009 I worked for one year, then I took a leap and started my own company in 2011. I was new to the Business world and didn’t know how to make it work. Later, I realized that the Business I was in was not the right one for me.
I was working my *** off to get it off the ground but nothing I did, helped me but put me deeper into Financial Debt. Slowly and relentlessly, I discovered that no matter what I did, it wasnât going to work. Each year in that business was a bigger failure ball, and it became increasingly difficult to ignore my ineffectiveness.
It effectively rendered me penniless, which was a major blow to my self.-esteem.
My friends were getting into Business schools, PhD programs, getting into relationships, getting into high paying jobs, getting engaged, getting married, having kids, enjoying different cuisines and roaming all around the country and countries outside India & here I was with no money, no friends to talk to, my health was in shambles and I didn’t know the way out this situation
3rd Incident: Breakup with Girlfriend 2014
While I was in recovery from Business Failure, I discovered something else. I left the Business in 2013, the same time, I got into relationship with my girlfriend at that time, it was co-Dependent relationship. Both of us tried our best to make it work. I was constantly afraid that she would leave me.
My worst fears were finally realized and she left me in 2014.
It was a Double Whammy. My already existing health problems got worse.
As I was building my own business, my health became secondary to my business. I started eating outside regularly, skipping meals, sleeping late and less and that became even worse after my breakup & eventually it started taking a toll on my health.
My health began to decline rapidly in 2013. I was often tired by the afternoon of almost every day. I felt tired all day. No matter how many things I tried, including diet, exercise and supplements, it didn’t seem to work. It was all hit-and-miss.
I also began suffering from a number of other health issues. I experienced constant anxiety and mood swings. My hands and feet used be always cold. I tried several other treatments but nothing worked.
I began to experience constant skin irritations. I would sometimes wake up with a rash and feel so irritated that I couldnât sleep. A cycle of low energy followed.
I used to have constant sharp headaches after my lunch & dinner. It felt like my head was about to burst. No matter how many times my diet was changed, it didn’t matter how much rest I took. I would still suffer from those painful, excruciating headaches no matter how much. I felt more tired when I took rest. It felt like nothing was working. After lunch, dinner, and heavy meals, it became impossible to focus on your work.
I was also forgetful. I had trouble remembering basic details, such as what I ate for breakfast and lunch. My brain felt like it was in a fog. I even stopped having morning erections. I had few erections after sexual arousal.
Worst of all, I began having digestive problems. Even though I was accustomed to eating at home, I suffered from bloating and food allergies.-Healthy food was my favorite thing. It was difficult to travel and meet people without thinking of going to the bathroom to empty my bladder. It was like I hadnât empty my bowels.
I would get a sharp headache and skin rashes if I ate certain foods. It would make my next few days completely miserable. Sometimes I had to rest to feel better for the next few hours.
I began to lose my hair quickly. I lost my hair a lot. This was followed by severe scalp itching. I used get anywhere from 30 to 40 scalp itches when I used hair combs.-50 hairs on my hands, along with a lot flaky dandruff.
I tried to avoid shame and embarrassment by constantly changing my hairstyles.
I am sure you have been through similar phases.
“Why Me, What’s wrong with me ? Why am I losing hair despite having proper diet, exercise and why that fat unhealthy a**hole who never exercises and eats fast food all the time has head full of hair ?“
You’ll understand why this happened to me when you read the 3 Pillars I discovered.
I used to hide my bald spots by growing lots of hairs, but after a while I realized that there weren’t enough hairs to cover the rest of my scalp.
Do you feel guilty when you see a handsome man or beautiful model with great hairstyles that you can’t copy?
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