Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self

Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self

Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self

Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self


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Working with the power of Spirit, we can become more aware of our inner orientation to relationships, and we can clear and heal anything blocking us from connecting to others in the highest and best way intended for us.

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Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self

Healing Your Relationships, Session 2: Clearing, Healing, Acceptance, & Integration of Relationship to Self

Everybody wants to have good relationships.
More relationships, letting certain relationships go, attracting friends, soulmates, or business contacts.
But few people realize that our relationships always reflect our inner vibration–how we truly relate to ourselves, to Source, and to Life.
Working with the power of Spirit, we can become more aware of our inner orientation to relationships, and we can clear and heal anything blocking us from connecting to others in the highest and best way intended for us.
In this 39-minute audio recording, we work with the power of Spirit to present a new view of possibility in relationship, and we work with clearing an additional important energy center of your body for attracting and sustaining higher-vibe relationships: your solar plexus chakra.
This is the second recording in a 3-part series, and we are working from a basic assumption in all 3 of these healings: Your relationship to Self–to God, to Being, to Live–truly is your relationship to others. As we clear one, we clear the other.
Join me in this journey of healing and clearing, and of opening up more fully and clearly to the One Relationship that defines all others.

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