Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy


Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy

Heather Robson - How to Write High-Value UX Copy

Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $124.00.

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Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $124.00.

(This course is available and delivery within one day!)So by the end of this lesson you’ll be able to look at just about any website and get an “instinctual” feel for what kind of UX it’s creating for readers.

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Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy

Heather Robson - How to Write High-Value UX Copy

Salepage: https://www.awai.com/p/is/uxc/

Which would you choose?

If it’s the one I’m guessing you picked…

Then you’re already “90% there”
It’s here to Copywriting’s hottest and most important phenomenon of today

(Here’s Everything Else You Need…)


Get started with the Triple-Win World
Copywriting for User Experience

In this first lesson, you’ll discover…

  • You can learn so much about what makes a strong team. UX Copywriters from Heather’s own firsthand experience…
  • A close-Take a look at who your potential customers are and what they most need from you as a marketer. UX copywriter…
  • Get a deeper understanding about how it works. UX copywriting can transform the way your clients build relationships with their readers…
  • A short video tour that takes you through a real estate transaction.-A great example of life UXThis article reveals how certain key factors can be used as “universal” happiness boosters for your readers…
  • How to Identify the critical “missed opportunities” on your clients’ websites… and How to turn them ALL into more potential writing projects…
  • how to Use UX to Your clients can sell without you selling. “sales tactics” in the dust…
  • Take a look at 19 types of writing projects to choose from. UX copywriter…
  • PLUS, a look at four top reasons why UX copywriting is quickly gaining a reputation for being one of the most FUN writing opportunities out there…

All that is not enough to get you “warmed up”!

Because in Lesson 2, the real fun begins…


Getting Into a UX Mindset

From this point on, you’ll start to see the world in a whole new way — through the lens of a UX copywriter.

Heather This will demonstrate how to anticipate the mindset of your readers… how to figure out (without ever actually meeting them) who they are… where they’re coming from… and where they’re trying to go…

Get Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy Download

She’ll show you how to Take apart the “clues” readers give us based on their behavior… what they search for and how they talk about their problems… so that you can meet them exactly where they are with a “perfect fit” solution like magic

After that she’ll show you how to bring your reader on a smooth and enjoyable journey with your writing… how to “bridge the gaps” Show them exactly where it is to step next…

And in a special video lesson, she’ll walk you through examples of how this UX A mindset of “anticipation” can create an amazing user experience… or FIX a poor one!

Here’s where that “cornerstone” lesson of empathy comes into play — and Heather We will use the information you have just learned about empathy. to put yourself in your reader’s shoes to The next level…

So by the end of this lesson you’ll be able to You can look at any website to find an answer. “instinctual” Please let us know what type of UX it’s creating for readers.

Lesson 2 may be the most important lesson of your life. UX Take a look at the lens again!


UXYour Client and Their Customer

It’s time to get to know the most important people you’ll encounter on your journey as a UX copywriter — your client and their customers!

As you can see, it is a UX copywriter you will become a sort of bridge between company and customer…

And in this lesson, you’ll learn exactly how to achieve that by putting the customer’s needs FIRST.

You’ll become a champion for your readers — making sure they get everything they need to make decisions they can feel good about…

And you’ll learn how to With the power of “over-delivering” A great user experience for their users to You can turn them into happy buyers for life!

Knowing your audience is the first step to success. So here you’ll discover…

  • How to “create a character” That represents your reader using demographics or psychographics (fancy terms for “who they are” “how they think”)…
  • Where to Find out more about your readers to “fill in the blanks” about who you’re talking to…
  • A checklist of important questions to Before you start any work for your client, make sure to ask. to Make it simple to slip into the mind of your reader…
  • An “outside source” that can give you even more insights into what your readers like and dislike… what they need and what little details really make them happy…
  • How to “embody” Write to your reader, so that you can just imagine the experience you WANT. to You can easily put it on paper. “flow”…
  • … and many other things!

By the end Of this lesson, you’re already entering a “professional level” of UX Copywriting tips that will help you get through any project.


UX Copywriting Fundamentals

Now that you’ve gotten deep into the mindset of a professional UX copywriter… it’s time to start putting words to paper! The only question is… how do you find the Right words?

That’s what you’ll cover in this lesson.

Heather Key techniques that can instantly be applied to your situation will be demonstrated. “declutter” Your writing and help you create engaging copy with personality.

You’ll learn…

  • How to Make sure your writing is clear and understandable for your readers to follow and understand…
  • How to “build momentum” Keep your reader on the move! to the next step…
  • How to eliminate any sources of confusion in your copy so the reader always feels confident they understand…
  • How to Make sure you are using the correct details to Bring your subject to life for your reader…
  • How to Write with emotion “end goal” in mind so you can predict the exact effect your writing will have on your reader…
  • How to Please fill in the blanks to You can get a better idea of who your reader really is and what they need so that you can write one-On-one for a stronger personal connection…
  • How to build trust with consistency your reader can depend on…
  • More!

Get Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy Download

PLUS you’ll learn about the biggest fundamental difference between UX copywriting and regular sales writing… including how you can “sell without selling” Useful guidance and respect to Guide your reader to an action that will improve his or her life!

I wish I could take this lesson and put it in front of EVERY writer in the world…

Because not only will these writing techniques make your writing much stronger and more effective, but…

They also create a better, more genuine relationship with your reader…

This will make everyone’s experience better!

That authentic, helpful attitude is what I love. UX copywriting takes is so important, you’ll go even deeper with it in the next lesson…


Persuading with Helping

This is where you’ll get to Check out your UX Copywriting “action” — because here Heather will show you how everything you’ve learned so far…

… advocating for your reader… creating an empathetic mindset… putting their needs first…

All this adds up to make them not only appreciate and trust you… but be HAPPY to Take action and buy from your customer.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about a fundamental rule of all copywriting — that no one wants to feel like they’re being “sold,” and what you can do instead…

You’ll see real examples of subtle ways you can persuade your reader into action by giving them all the helpful information and support they need to feel good about their decision…

You’ll see how the UX strategy of respect for your customer is WAY more powerful and ethical than the old sales tactics of manipulation…

You’ll learn how to spark your reader’s interest and desire by building exciting curiosity in your writing that pulls them in…

And you’ll learn how to Make sure you have persuasive copy “bulletproof” With real facts and evidence to support it…

You’ll even dissect examples of powerful headlines that effectively persuade without being pushy…

All of these things add up to You and your reader can feel good about persuasive copy!

Armed with this lucrative and authentic writing skill, it’s time to Take a look at some of these high-end properties-Paying projects that you can apply it to…


UX Mobile

These days, people spend even more time on their smartphones than any other device…

Recent surveys have shown that more than 52% of users believe they are less likely. to do business with a company that doesn’t offer a good mobile UX…

Which is why it’s critical for businesses to make sure their mobile user experience is flawless…

Why YOU are required to Before anything else, you need to understand how your readers will interact on mobile with your copy!

So in this lesson you’ll walk through a clear and easy-to-Use this checklist to make sure everything you write is just as effective on a smartphone as it is on your computer, including key principles like…

  • making sure you’re packing all the most important information into key places where mobile users are most likely to see them…
  • writing your most important copy in the right length and format so it won’t get cut off or completely overlooked on mobile…
  • How to engage your mobile readers with interactive requests they’ll be happy to Respond to…
  • How to Use “micro copy” — the tiny headlines, bullets, and buttons that your mobile readers will skim for — that have only a few words to make a BIG impact…
  • As always, we will show you real examples of these principles in action. to These can be used in real projects.

Many thanks to Heather’s super-Writing that is simple and engaging UX Mobile phones will be EASY, instead of being complicated “technical,” and you can assure your clients they’ll have all their UX When you work on a project with them, all bases are covered!

And mobile is likely to be the first thing your readers see when you write. to Seeing that would make the next section the “main course”…


What your clients really want when they ask for you to UX Their website Copy

A business’s website is usually the Heart of their presence online…

It’s the hub where everything happens… or at least, it is if they have a good user experience on their website!

That’s why this lesson is so critical to Your success as a entrepreneur UX copywriter…

Here you’ll discover…

  • You’d be surprised at how many opportunities a single website could offer you to improve your reader’s experience…
  • exactly what your clients need from their website copy and how knowing this ahead of time can give you a powerful edge when starting any project…
  • Take a closer look at mobile and desktop differences UX and how your client’s website (and your copy) can adapt to both…
  • Examples of dynamic websites that are “nail it” It’s here to Great website UX…
  • five of your client’s top “pain points” That you can solve together UX skills…
  • What a wonderful idea! UX You can draw large crowds to your client’s website… and encourage them to stay longer…
  • a simple eight-Step-by step guide to planning and writing UX This content will be of value to you. Shine on your client’s website…
  • How to Craft “authority-building” homepage that can give your client a major reputation boost…
  • How to Come up with useful incentives for readers want that will help your client get valuable leads…
  • How to Turn “first-time readers” In “lifelong subscribers”…
  • And so much more!

The best part?

All of these powerful tools can be used UX Tools and techniques to help any client — big or small…

Get Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy Download


Help E-Commerce Sites, Small and Large

There’s no doubt about it… With the e-commerce industry growing more than 23% year after year… and with the Nasdaq estimating that 95% of purchases will be made online by 2040…

Essentially ALL business will be online business…

This is why businesses are changing more frequently to UX to help them stand out from their competition…

And in this lesson, you’ll learn how to Some of the following should be written “keystone” e-Commerce pages that are most urgently needed UX copywriter’s touch to Bring them to life…

From the very first page your readers land on… to It’s helpful “breakout” category pages where they can find more specific information… even product descriptions and order pages!

All of these key pages are an essential part of your reader’s user experience…

And in this lesson you’ll not only get to see both good and bad examples of each… but also have the chance to Send us your own samples to Put your new UX Put your copywriting skills to use immediately!

And this isn’t your only chance to Your own writing UX copy, either, because in the next lesson you’ll be able to Try your hand at some of the most challenging. Numerous UX copywriting projects out there…


Why email has to be more UX Attention…
How to Deliver

At this point you’ve made a connection with your reader by providing them a great UX online… and now they’re ready to take your relationship one step further…

By inviting you to Write to They can be reached directly via email

This is an amazing thing to do UX Copywriter, because this is not only your chance but also your responsibility. to help your reader even more…

But it’s also a chance for you to Get paid over …and more Please try again to Write UX-Focused emails

Every email is another valuable touch point between your client and your reader… so they don’t need just a couple of emails…

They have to thousands.

That’s why you’ll spend an entire lesson with Heather Learn the intricacies of writing strong UX Emails your reader will receive Get excited to open, including…

  • five steps you’ll never want to skip while writing an email…
  • Writing promotional emails will make your reader happy. to See their inbox (goodbye spam!))…
  • seven critical UX techniques for writing persuasive emails that get results AND nurture your relationship with the reader…
  • How to Transform “forgotten” Or “overlooked” transactional emails into personal and engaging messages that strengthen your bond with the reader…
  • and simple ways your emails can make readers smile — and why that’s such a big part of your job as a UX copywriter.

These are my recommendations UX Copywriting skills are essential for creating emails that build strong relationships with readers. You could even make a whole career of email copywriting!

But with Everything you’ll have learned throughout this whole course, you’ll have the power to You can tap into a bigger pool UX picture…


The Bigger UX Picture

As a UX copywriter, you’ll have the power to make the internet a much better place for the millions of people who depend on online businesses for products and information that can improve their lives…

Amazing! “superpower” to have!

That’s why Heather Is it devoting this last lesson? to getting you “out there” and landing paying clients ASAP…

You can now start using your UX Copywriting skills for good (and making a great living at this) are available immediately!

In this lesson she’ll walk you through three low-Stress management to Land UX copywriting clients…

She’ll point you toward the “low-hanging fruit” You can tap into it easily to get an easy start…

Show me how to Stay “top of mind” With potential clients so that they can contact you when they have a need UX You are the first person they call for help to…

How? to Accelerate the process and get clients FAST to start earning. UX Copywriting income is possible immediately

Next Heather will guide you through exactly what you can expect when working with clients, including…

  • How to prepare for your first call…
  • questions you should ask during your initial conversations…
  • How to get all the info you need from them about a project while impressing them with your professionalism…
  • How to submit a proposal for your writing project…
  • The best ways to do it to Get in touch with the design team to become powerful allies throughout your endeavors UX Copywriting process

And that’s just the beginning!

After all that, you’ll have a chance to Try the three-step editing process that will guarantee your copy stands out as polished and professional… even if it’s your first project…

That means you can be. Be confident In your writing AND to your ability to Treat clients like professionals

You’re ready to Do this!

Get Heather Robson – How to Write High-Value UX Copy Download


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