Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter


Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter

Igor Ledochowski - Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter

Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter

Original price was: $387.00.Current price is: $62.00.

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Original price was: $387.00.Current price is: $62.00.

This course is available and delivery within one day!”How to deliver teaching material through the “Adult Learning Frame” to bypass any deep-seated (unconscious) “hang ups” many adults may have over their ability to learn new skills.

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Igor Ledochowski – Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter

Igor Ledochowski - Hypnotic Speaker & Presenter

Archive: https://archive.is/pAc4Z

How to be relaxed speaking in front
As a group of people as you are
Talking Privately with a Close Friend

You don’t have to learn any complicated performance skills, either.
You don’t need to be outgoing.
You don’t need to be super-confident.
And you don’t need a β€œradio voice.”
It is far from it.
In fact, with my hypnotic speaker & presenter secrets you just have toΒ RELAX into your β€œbest self”…
…and because my speaker & presenter secretsΒ allow you to deliver your message in an engaging, memorable, and yes, a hypnotic way… you will see amazing and encouraging responses from every talk or presentation you deliver.
By continuing on – here’s what you will have to look forward to…
  • You’ll seeΒ your ideas get more readily accepted and acted uponΒ by those in your care, counsel or company…
  • You’ll finally feel you’reΒ making the most of your ideas, insights and experience…
  • You’ll beΒ expressing yourself in a way that leads to beneficial resultsΒ for you and those around you…
  • And, finally, you’llΒ start receiving the recognition, respect, admiration, praise, promotions and pay rises your knowledge deserves.
It’sΒ easy.
You only need a few nice things-And-Simple hypnotic speaker/presenter secrets and someone (me) to show them how to use them.

How to transform from being painfully shy into a confident stage presence. β€œT+ State.”

How to deliver your content using β€œtraining cycles” To keep your audience interested.

How to make a? β€œthought matrix” and how to give an enriching experience to your audiences’ unconscious mind.

How to make your speech or presentation stand out.

How to use a psychological principle that is only known to a few high-ranking people-Experienced hypnotists and neuroscientists at the highest levels-Presenters) “tunes people into your presentation” In such a manner that they’llΒ We are eager to helpΒ You want toΒ PayΒ to hear you speak again, and again… before you even deliver your message.Β FirstΒ presentation.

The β€œgroup control” secret that allows one to speak in front rowdy groups of know-how-It-all’s – use this secret to control large groups of people with plenty of big egos (like high-(level executives) to the extent they “police” The audience will speak on your behalf.

How to “sync” Your presentation structure and delivery style can be improved with the UNCONSCIOUS mindsΒ AnyΒ group. Do this and everyone in the group will decide to follow your ideas and succeed… BEFORE they deliver the message.Β RealΒ ContentΒ Your presentation.

The simple β€œmind switch” You can stop performing anxiety and stage fright forever. This is how it works. β€œmind switch” secret you’ll be able to walk out in front of any intimidating group of people – no matter how large — and feel as comfortable as if you were meeting up with yourΒ everyday friends).

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How to bond with your audience in such a DEEP way that even if you make mistakes or completely lose your train of thought… they’llΒ love you moreΒ and walk away more transformed and “on board” You can communicate your message and ideas better than if you just delivered a pitch.-Perfect presentation.

How to get emotionally involved “buy in” fromΒ anyΒ audience by staying completely SILENT in front of them.

How toΒ naturallyΒ possess a mesmerising “hypnotic voice” – a voice-A cadence so cool, engaging, and fun that everyone in the audience feels as if they are having a one-on-one conversation with you-On-One “best friend type” Conversation with them. (Bill Clinton used this secret to seize the presidency from George Bush Senior in a TV debate).

How to NEVER run out of engaging, witty and humorous things to say in a presentation – and do so even if you have no pre-prepared speech and you’reΒ Thrown on stageΒ to do a β€œmake-or-break” Presentation 2 minutes before curtain goes up

The #1 thing you must do at any teaching or sales presentation is to get people to absorb your ideas and take immediate action. This is the most important thing you must do at the beginning of any presentation. The more you say, the less people will be open to your ideas. Your audience will change.

How to make your audience feel good “lucky” you can even be in the room to present. (Once you incite this β€œoh my God, this is what I’ve been searching for all these years” feeling into your audience with the techniques you’ll get in this program — your audience members will not want to leave the room evenΒ AfterΒ your presentation hasΒ ended).

A “lighting trick” My firearms teacher used me to instantly change me from someone who had firearm jitters (shaky hands that prevented my target from being hit) to an individual who could AUTOMATICALLY put a hole in the target with each shot. The concept behind the “Alternative to the” can be used. “lighting secret” to allow people to learn and accomplish things they had previously been emotionally and mentally prevented from doing.

How to get an Everlasting Job-Growing “yes momentum” You can sweep through your audience without ever raising their alarm. β€œsalesman alert” — everyΒ million dollar speakerΒ is a master at building an ever-Growing “yes momentum” in their audience – to the point that by the time they evenΒ Mention whatΒ Their product or serviceΒ It is

Most Of The Audience HasΒ Already
Unconsciously DecidedΒ That They
And then!

How I engage an entire audience immediately by refusing to speak to all members of the audience. This is what I call the “rippling wave effect” Get full hypnotic-like audience attention

How to make your life easier “vaccinate against” Any objections your audience members might have to the ideas that you will be presenting. This secret nearly eliminates the fear. “price resistance” You actually make people want to spend more money with you!

How to get more targeted attention and engagement from the audience “nuclear” You should be able to identify them. (Granted, not every presentation will be like this — but if your disruptive ADD is present, it’s okay.-Type audience this “surprise-attack” Secret will bring the audience back to a state where they can be themselves “please-let-me-stay-and-quietly-listen-to-you” attention).

How to use the internet to teach material “Adult Learning Frame” To bypass any deep-Unconscious (sitting) “hang ups” Many adults have doubts about their ability to learn new skills.

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How to elegantly “feed” Your information will be entered into the β€œwhite-hot core center” Your audience’s unconscious and conscious minds. Do this and they’ll instinctively accept the new information you have presented and then go away and follow-It is possible to take action by following through.

You’ll also learn the quick 30 second presentation framework.

This Framework Is Great For Quickly Seeing If You Have “Ready-To-Go” Hypnotic-Like Presentation That You Could β€œRussian Doll” Delivery in 30 minutes, 3 hours or 3 days

How to “install” This ensures that people don’t forget the logical reasons why they do something (e.g., to buy your product or service or study for an exam). “back track” or get buyer’s remorse after the commitments they made at your presentation.

How superior teaching methods can help you unlock your full potential as a teacher. “layering” Model of teaching to unlock transformative potential and skill development for everyone you are presenting to.

How to “put the audience on your side” If someone tries to interrupt your presentation or derail it, you should let them know. This secret is that the more someone tries to distract you from your presentation, the more the rest will support you and neutralize their attention.-seeking jerk.

Why, in certain situations, REFUSING TO ANSWER YOUR AUDIENCE’S QUESTIONS can make you a better presenter and teacher of your material.

Millionaire speakers are able to connect with their audience without having to do anything “visible selling.” (In fact, if your audience feels this way, you can actually tell them). “sold” their minds – and wallets — will shut as tightly as a clam on you).

How to get your audience to listen. “fired up” Even if they are forced to attend, they should still be able to discuss the subject of your presentation. This is crucial information if you ever have the occasion to present to a corporate audience that is only there because their boss has instructed them to.

How to make your body more attractive “talk” to theΒ unconscious mindΒ of the people in your audience… thus hypnoticallyΒ InstallΒ β€œinternal compliance” Self and others-Motivated action in them

How to useΒ multiple levels of hypnotic communicationΒ so the audience follows your directions like a herd of sheep. (ThisΒ advancedΒ multiple levels of hypnotic communication secret will give you β€œTHE boss” As if you have authority over your audience. You will not be able to learn this secret from anyone else.

How to project a “wise aura” in front of a group… even if you are talking on your subject for the very first time toΒ people who previously looked down their nose at you.

A bizarre “confusion secret” It is a way of teaching that goes against the grain. This allows people to learn FASTER from you and to perform new skills at a higher level than they have ever been able before. If you are a teacher (to children or adults), you should only use this.Β OneΒ Your future classes will be secret…

You will inevitably have students you bump intoΒ YearsΒ Later Telling youΒ YourΒ Their lives were impacted more by classes than any other.
They Taken a Class

Seriously – this teaching β€œempowerment” Secret is just as powerful, and more impactful than it sounds.
  • The biggest and most embarrassing mistake most people make β€œtraditionally-trained” Unknowingly, speakers make mistakes in their presentationsΒ PhysicalΒ RepulsesΒ audiences — and how to completely cut it out from your behaviorΒ before yourΒ NextΒ presentation.
  • Fearing that you don’t have enough knowledge or experience in your field can actually make it more difficult to bring about positive transformational changes in your audience. I don’t mean to suggest that you should not have knowledge. I’m just saying that even if you do not have a lot of knowledge, it is still something to strive for. “paper thin” you canΒ stillΒ be an extremely effective hypnotic presenter byΒ structuringΒ your information in the way I will show you.
  • How to deal avec any “verbal attack” Even if there is no audience member, it’s possible to ask. “come back.” (Interestingly, byΒ NotΒ A quick solution to dismantle this “verbal attack” you can elevateΒ your level of authority and composure in front of the entire group).
  • How to let your unconscious guide you into being the most authentic, genuine and hypnotic speaker anyone in your assembled audience hasΒ ever seen.
  • The secret to directing the audience member’sΒ emotional experiencesΒ so they feel the way you want them to feel and associate those β€œembedded” Feelings that are in alignment with your ideals of how they should think. This is something that is rarely taught in presenter or speaker courses.
  • How to take a “lifeless” presentation that put your last audience to sleep and transform it into a hypnotically memorable presentationΒ that will put your next audience into self-motivatedΒ ACTION (all sales managers and organizational leaders need to know this one!).

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