Jennifer Bourn – Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022


Jennifer Bourn – Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022

Jennifer Bourn - Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022

Jennifer Bourn – Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022


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(This course is available and delivery within one day!)You’ll focus on your audience and understand them on a deeper level to uncover what motivates them to hire you, buy from you, or learn from you.

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Jennifer Bourn – Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022

Jennifer Bourn - Content Camp Brand Messaging 2022


You Are Brilliant And Skilled At What You Do

You know the solution you offer is transformational and you’re confident in the value it delivers, yet you’re struggling to sell it. Something is missing and you’re not quite sure what it is…
If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place — and you’re not alone.
If you’re like most small business owners, freelancers, and digital entrepreneurs, you dove into your business head-first and sort of skipped all of the underlying work that goes into defining clear brand messaging. It’s super common and why…
  • You have bold goals and a clear vision of where you going — and you’re passionate, excited, driven, and yes, a little impatient.
  • You know in your heart how fabulous your offer is and you can’t wait to start working with clients and seeing their results.
  • You’re doing all of the right things — networking, blogging or podcasting, posting to social media, creating freebies, hosting webinars, engaging in niche groups, and even sliding into strangers’ DMs (ew).
It’s also why you’re working your tail off and not seeing much for it…
  • Lots of people seem interested at first but they never end up taking action or signing up.
  • Sales aren’t where you want or need them to be, and you’re tired of not seeing the results in your business you know you’re capable of creating.
  • And maybe — even it was fleeting — you thought of throwing in the towel and getting a job and maybe making this a side hustle.
Here’s the thing: When you’re the creator, you spend months or years thinking about your business and how you are going to help people — and you spend hours upon hours agonizing over every little detail and nuance, getting it just right.
So, when a potential client shows interest, you tell them ALL. THE. THINGS.
This leads to overwhelming prospects with too many details and failing to explain the frustrating problem you solve or the deep desire you satisfy — and because those are the things that drive buying decisions, they’re uninterested in learning more or taking the next step.

Brand Messaging Day 1 Agenda

You’ll focus on your audience and understand them on a deeper level to uncover what motivates them to hire you, buy from you, or learn from you.
8:30 am – 8:45 am Pacific
Kick Off And Opening Remarks
Get the lay of the land for the entire Content Camp event, instructions for all workshop and review sessions, and guidelines for participation. Receive tips to reduce overwhelm, stay focused, enhance participation, and ensure the best results.
9:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific
Define Your Audience And Ideal Buyers
Broad messages aimed at everyone attract no one and if your ideal clients can’t relate, they won’t buy. In this workshop, you’ll identify your target audience and its micro-segments so you know exactly who you’re selling, speaking, and marketing to.
10:15 am – 11:15 am Pacific
Uncover Your Audience Characteristics
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Unless you’re a parenting coach, it doesn’t matter how many kids your ideal client has. In this workshop, you’ll brainstorm, organize, and document relevant audience characteristics to ensure your brand messaging resonates with the right people.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Pacific
Understand Your Audience Buyer Journey
Map your ideal client’s buyer journey and what they need to know, learn, and feel at each stage. In this workshop, you’ll learn the type of messages that turn strangers into fans, fans into prospects, prospects into leads, and leads into clients.
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific
Identify Your “That’s Me” Statements
It takes time for people to form a connection with you and understand why they should hire you. In this workshop, you’ll create a collection of “That’s Me” statements to accelerate the process and show ideal clients you get them like no one else does.
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm Pacific
Extra Support From Content Camp Leaders
Feeling stuck? Fancy a fresh perspective? Need help? Want to get feedback on your work? In this final workshop session of the day, you’ll be able to pick the brains of Content Camp experts and get direct feedback and support for your brand.

Brand Messaging: Day 2 Agenda

You’ll focus on what you’re selling and the value you deliver to remove obstacles and position your offer as an irresistible must-have for ideal clients and customers.
8:30 am – 8:45 am Pacific
Kick Off And Opening Remarks
Share your Day 1 Ah-Has and accomplishments and get the lay of the land for the second day of Content Camp. Receive instructions for all workshop and review sessions, guidelines for participation, and tips to stay on track and get the support you need.
9:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific
Align Your Offer With Your Audience
To make your solution or offer irresistible to ideal clients, it must stand out from competition as the obvious and only choice to help them reach their goals. In this workshop, you’ll define the must-have “what’s in it for me” factor for your offer.
10:15 am – 11:15 am Pacific
Identify The Value Of Your Offer
Deciding the features to include in your offer is far easier than communicating its benefits. In this workshop, you’ll flip the script to turn features into benefits, explore the results possible for clients, and identify the greater impact your offer will have.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Pacific
Overcome Objections That Prevent A Yes
Benefits are important but so is understanding the obstacles and objections that prevent a yes. In this workshop, you’ll explore the reasons prospective clients feel hesitant, identify what’s at risk if they say no, and learn to overcome objections.
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific
Write Your Offer Description And Benefit Bullets
You know what you’re selling, who you’re selling it to, and the value you deliver. In this workshop, you’ll create a compelling offer description and benefit-driven bullet points to communicate effectively with ideal clients and inspire them to take action.
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm Pacific
Extra Support From Content Camp Leaders
Feeling stuck? Fancy a fresh perspective? Need some help? Want feedback? Step into the hot seat and share your progress with Content Camp experts to get direct feedback, tips, new ideas, and support so you can move forward with confidence.

Brand Messaging: Day 3 Agenda

You’ll use your audience and offer clarity to craft potent, compelling brand messages that capture attention and persuade the right people to take action.
8:30 am – 8:45 am Pacific
Kick Off And Opening Remarks
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Share your Day 2 Ah-Has and accomplishments and get the lay of the land for the last day of Content Camp. Receive instructions for the day’s workshops, guidelines for participation, and tips for crafting brand messaging that attracts ideal clients.
9:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific
Establish Your Brand Voice And Language
To gain recognition and be remembered, you must be consistent with how you talk about what you do. In this workshop, you’ll focus on your brand personality and its tone, words, phrases, and statements to establish a clear, unique brand voice.
10:15 am – 11:15 am Pacific
Craft Your Marketing Message And Elevator Pitch
Show up as the sought-after, brilliant, experienced, professional you are and own the value you create. In this workshop, you’ll create a powerful brand marketing message that communicates everything ideal clients need to say yes with confidence.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Pacific
Create Emotion-Driven Benefit And Risk Statements
Combine the benefits of saying yes with the risks of saying no to emphasize the value and impact of your offer. In this workshop, you’ll use the benefits/risks brainstormed on Day 2 to craft persuasive statements that amplify your brand message and sales copy.
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific
Write Your Powerful, Personal Brand Story
Leverage a brand storytelling framework that positions you as a trustworthy, helpful guide. At the end of this workshop, you’ll have a personal brand story that builds trust, connects with ideal clients, and makes them think, “It’s like you’re reading my mind!”
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm Pacific
Share, Practice, And Get Feedback On Your Brand Messages
Are your brand message, benefit/risk statements, and personal brand story clear, concise, and compelling? Step into the hot seat and share your message, statement, or story to get direct feedback and suggestions from Content Camp experts.

Plus, Get A BONUS Training From The SEO Experts At Pathfinder SEO!

Learn how keywords releate to branding and how to identify the right keywords to include in your brand messaging.
Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just for your website copy, sales and landing pages, and blog posts or podcast episodes. Identifying the right keywords for your brand can also enhance your brand messaging and make it more effective — but doing keyword research for a brand is very different than doing it for website copy or marketing content.
That’s why my friends at Pathfinder SEO have partnered with Content Camp to provide three unique, SEO-focused keyword research trainings — one for each Content Camp event.
  • The Content Camp: Brand Messaging SEO training walks you through the process of doing keyword research for your core brand.
  • The Content Camp: Website Copy SEO training covers the process of doing keyword research for individual web pages.
  • The Content Camp: Content Marketing SEO training reviews the process of doing keyword research for specific pieces of content and campaigns.

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