JK Molina – The Molina Letters


JK Molina – The Molina Letters

JK Molina - The Molina Letters

JK Molina – The Molina Letters


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(This course is available and delivery within one day!)The sales tactics that turn your “I have no clients” problem into a “I can only take 1 more this quarter” problem.

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JK Molina – The Molina Letters

JK Molina - The Molina Letters

What You’re getting is speed

  • The speed that allows tweets to go viral in your first couple of months on Twitter.
  • Access to the network that would usually take you tens of thousands of followers to reach.
  • The Sales tactics that turn your customers “I have no clients” Problem into a “I can only take 1 more this quarter” problem.
  • It’s not a good idea to spend months trying to figure it out when the game is already figured out.
  • This is not a sport.
  • You don’t need 10,000 reps to get something right.
  • There are proven frameworks that build accounts, networks, and bank accounts faster than what you’ve been trying.
  • This is why small accounts can sometimes do better than large accounts. You may have seen them before and they are part of this community.
  • They are taught what works and they follow it.

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