John Alexander – How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction

John Alexander – How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction
$49.97 Original price was: $49.97.$17.00Current price is: $17.00.
$49.97 Original price was: $49.97.$17.00Current price is: $17.00.
About the only thing I had going for me was my brain. You see, I’d always been fascinated by psychology and ‘silent mind control’ techniques… you know the ‘hypnotic’ stuff big advertisers use to make you happily open your wallet (and earn billions doing, by the way).
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John Alexander – How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction
“The Lazy Man’s Way To Easy Sex And Romance With 20 Or More Women A Month”
How a Strange Discovery by a Desperate 22 Year-Old Virgin Hypnotically Draws Women To You…Eager For Anything-Goes Sex…Automatically…No Matter If You’re Old, Young, Dead-Broke or Have Physical Features That Now Turn Women Off!
alpha male, dating, attract women, alpha male system, seduction
Dear Friend,
Alone on a Saturday night, watching Friends re-runs and fantasizing about Jennifer Aniston. For years, that’s what I called my love-life.
I was 22 years old. So broke I didn’t have two pennies to rub together. So embarrassed about by my body that I wouldn’t take my shirt off unless I was alone. And after four years at a major party college… I was still a virgin.
Sure, I dated a few women (other guy’s sloppy seconds), but even they never returned my phone calls.
And anytime I’d make a few female friends, it always ended up the same: I’d follow them around like a dog, jumping at the chance to do them a favor or listen to their problems… hoping somehow it would lead to sex, but…
Behind My Back They Just Giggled And Called Me Their Emotional Tampon.
About the only thing I had going for me was my brain. You see, I’d always been fascinated by psychology and ‘silent mind control’ techniques… you know the ‘hypnotic’ stuff big advertisers use to make you happily open your wallet (and earn billions doing, by the way).
My thinking was, if they can use this stuff to figure out what people want to buy, why can’t the same techniques be used to reveal…
What Makes Women Go After Certain Men?
I figured it was probably a waste of my time, but I kept on with my research anyway… for 4 years. And what I uncovered changed my love-life in a big, big way.
You see, I went from this depressed, timid guy who always seemed to be wearing ‘invisible underwear’ around women…
To suddenly finding myself in one ‘can’t-miss’ situation after another… where hot, young girls were approaching me… and then literally begging to take me home for X-rated sex!
I’m not kidding.
And It Was So Easy, I’m Genuinely Stumped Why More Guys Haven’t Come Across These Secrets
I mean, it wasn’t like I changed anything about my basic personality. I still had no money, drove around in a rust-bucket and had less experience between the sheets than a 16 year-old.
All I did was apply the “underground” psychological principles I had discovered. It wasn’t hard… and… anyone can do it. That’s because I found out these techniques are based on powerful ‘mind’ principles you are born with – and are available to all of us.
What that means is, it doesn’t matter how old (or young) you are, if you’re dead-broke or even if you have physical features that you think are turning women off…
Whatever Your Excuse Is,These Principles Still Work
Just like advertising never fails in getting all sorts of different people to buy.
It’s been nearly two decades since I first discovered these techniques, and it’s been one hell of an emotionally… and… sexually satisfying ride.
These days I sleep every night next to the woman of my dreams (something I never thought would happen). And spend much of my time teaching other men…
The Secrets of ‘Magnetically’ Attracting Women To You…Without Ever Chasing Them Down…And Without Ever Having To Approach Them!
You see, once you have these secrets all the ‘work’ of meeting women will be done for you…automatically! You can just ‘flip on’ your magnetic powers of attraction… so to speak… and instantly bring sex, romance and more roaring into your life!
And this isn’t some New Age theory crap. It’s based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how desperate you think your situation is right now).
Not too long ago, I packaged up all these secrets in a guide I called How To Become An Alpha Male.
It’s the no-risk, never-fail blueprint on how to ‘magnetically’ attract an endless flow of horny, ready-for-sex women to you… without ever having to play their games or deal with rejection.
Some guys call it the lazy man’s way to easy sex and romance. And here’s a quick look at just a few of the proven techniques I’ll share with you inside:
- 3 ‘magic tricks’ you can start using this weekend that will have women begging to have ‘anything goes’ sex with you (even if they’re married or have boyfriends)! Page 51
- The 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying “hello” to a new woman…to sharing orgasms in bed with her… in just one evening! Page 101
- 9 silent techniques that ‘magnetically’ get a girl to like you (WARNING: you must agree to use these for legal/moral purposes only). Page 40
- Why… under absolutely no circumstances… should you ever take advice about women… from a woman (here’s what the female “experts” don’t want you to know) Page 44
- Confused over when you should “make a move” on a woman? Here’s the 8 silent clues she gives that scream “I want you inside me now”! Page 148
- The amazing psychological technique… proven through scientific research… on how to make any woman ‘dripping wet’ for you… with just your mind! Page 163
- 2 powerful ‘first date’ secrets that almost spontaneously lead to sex (even if you screw everything else up)! Page 137
- The hidden ‘mental hot-button’ that can instantly turn a flaming bitch into a horny slut (and how to push it anytime you want)! Page 24
- 7 simple secrets to changing your “appearance”… as soon as tonight… that will immediately double or even triple your attractiveness to women! Page 54
PLUS… How to get women to breathlessly pant “I’ve never done this with anyone before” while performing extremely intimate sex acts with you that they’d never even admit to their friends!
- The 3 unbreakable rules of spending money on women (screw these up and not only will you go home broke, but you’ll have blue-balls too)! Page 14
- My very private “frame” technique that mentally intoxicates women (and can have women who’ve totally ignored you in the past, now shamelessly flirt for your attention)! Page 51
- 2 magic words you can use … when the moment is right… that almost hypnotically guide a woman into your bedroom! Page 41
- Avoid these 3 behaviors and you’ll immediately become so seductive that women will actually feel themselves getting “wetter” around you! Page 42
- 14 specific topics you should never, ever bring up in conversation with a woman you want to have sex with! Page 130
- 6 behaviors you’re probably doing right now that make women want to treat you like crap and lead you on. Page 30
- How you accidentally kill the attraction women naturally feel for you (99% of guys do it – here’s how to reverse it in under 7 seconds flat) Page 17
- 3 questions to ask that instantly reveal if a woman wants to have sex with you! Page 14
- 24 non-verbal clues almost every guy does that immediately repel women (how many are you doing?) Page 25
I Always Get Asked…“But Do These Techniques Work For Online Dating Too?” You Betcha – See page 105 for complete details
- 5 easy changes you can make to your body language… tonight… that will have the hottest girls embarrassing themselves to get your attention! Page 99
- Forget all that crap in relationship books. Here… based on over 2 decades of real-world research… is exactly when you should call a woman after getting her phone number! Page 124
- The exact word-for-word script to follow when you do call her! Page 125
- The “alpha” method of moving from first-kiss to home plate (and why making even a single mistake here guarantees she’ll say “we shouldn’t be doing this”)! Page 155
- What all women live in fear of (and the trick to soothing this anxiety so they’ll do whatever you ask)! Page 8
- The powerful psychological tactic you must use when a woman offers to pay for a meal or do you a favor (use it and she’ll be ready for sex, don’t and you’ll never see her again – it’s as simple as that) Page 37
- Give a woman a compliment, follow it up with these words, and she’ll believe anything you say from there on out! Page 38
- The one and only time you should ever take a woman out on an expensive date! Page 15
Get John Alexander – How to Become an Alpha Male: Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction at the Course Farm
There Was a Time When I Used To Be So Terrified of Speaking To Women That My Vision Blurred, My Face
Turned Beet Red And I’d Stammer Like An Idiot…
But that changed forever when I discovered the secret I share with you on page 69. If you have this same problem, it’ll work like magic for you too.
Now here’s more of what you’ll find inside this coveted guide:
- What you must do… immediately… when meeting any woman in a bar (unless you really want to go home drunk and alone to masturbate)! Page 109
- The only place you should ever take a woman on a first date! Page 126
- The amazing secret to getting over ‘shyness’ around women… permanently… in one weekend! Page 91
- How to use the ancient technique of “Locus of Control” to draw sexy, young women to you… while you drink beer and totally ignore them! Page 68
- 3 secrets that instantly raise your “value” to women (and they have nothing to do with looks, cars or money)! Page 45
- A stunning new psychological discovery that reveals… finally… what all women want (and how to easily take advantage of this breakthrough to get sex any time you feel like it)! Page 11
- The one emotion you must never make a woman “feel for you” (chances are you’re already guilty of it… and worse yet… it could be the single biggest reason why women now reject you)! Page 42
- 9 hypnotic words to use when meeting a woman for the first time that practically guarantee you’ll end up eating breakfast in your underwear with her! Page 116
And It Only Gets Better…
You see, the techniques I will be revealing to you have become something of legend across college campuses and throughout the singles scene. So much so, that single (and married) guys all across the country now come to me for personal, one-on-one coaching on these powerful techniques.
And I help them out too… at $50 for a single email consultation.
But when you receive your copy of How To Become An Alpha Male today, you’re going to receive all of the information right at your fingertips. It’s so thorough, it’s like having a professional coach right there at your beck and call.
That’s a Value of $600 a Day… But At No Cost To You!
What’s the catch? That I can only extend this offer to an extremely limited number of men. And here’s why.
It’s simple math. Women are only half the world’s population. So if too many men get their hands on this powerful information, it will lose its effectiveness.
So I have to limit this offer to first come, first served. I’m sure you can understand. The very real fact is there’s only so many guys in the world who can learn these powerful secrets… and once the slots are full, the offer I’m making will vanish.
Creating Attraction Through Body Language – The vast majority of communication between men and women happens at the non-verbal level. Or as one world-class woman put it “I can tell if a guy is going to get laid simply by how he acts.” This exclusive report reveals 27 key techniques men must use (and a few to avoid) that attract ‘trophy’ women… without ever even speaking to them!
What If She Has a Boyfriend? – What to do when you’ve found your dream girl – but she’s already someone else’s dream girl. Here you’ll discover how to fly under her radar, plant a special seed, and then watch as she almost unconsciously breaks her relationship… while becoming irresistibly drawn to you. Also included: 5 ultra-powerful words to speak to a woman in this situation to make her instantly obsessed about having sex with you.
Getting Over Your Social Anxiety – You don’t need prescription drugs, alcohol or therapy to get over your fear of social situations. In this report, I’ll reveal to you a single word that will completely eliminate social anxieties in 14 days or less. If America’s drug companies knew what this one powerful word was, they’d try to patent it and sell it in a bottle.
How To Detach Yourself From Desperation – Animals smell fear, women smell desperation. If you’re desperate to get laid, two things will happen: 1. Nothing 2. A woman will bleed you dry while never spreading her legs. In this report I will reveal a method on how to immediately remove “the smell of desperation” from yourself. Owning this simple secret can get you laid more often than a great haircut, a killer body, a fat bank account and a new BMW… combined.
Workplace Romances – Are you dying to hook up with that perfect girl from the Accounting Department… but terrified over office rumors, the humiliation of being rejected or even sexual harassment complaints? In this special report I’ll show you how to put each of these fears to rest, eliminate all of your risk… and finally know what it feels like to move your hand deeply up her skirt, as you share a warm, slippery kiss… on company time!
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