John Carlton – Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview


John Carlton – Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview

John Carlton - Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview

John Carlton – Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $42.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)That’s the lot. And if you aren’t salivating at the thought of possessing these insider tapes, then you aren’t serious about succeeding.

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John Carlton – Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview

John Carlton - Scuttlebutt Sessions Interview

Hear everything for free, if you like…
during this urgent market test!
Ever wonder what kind of top secret, super-privileged
info the most successful and notorious experts share with
each other…when they think you aren’t listening?
“What Successful Marketers
Know About Making The

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Big Bucks… That You
Don’t Yet…”
Forget about reading any more books… the REAL action in your business
only starts after you get hip to the advanced tactics of the insiders who
understand the honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building…
Now, you can get the lowdown on the most urgent and critical topics that
only the best in the biz know how to tweak for maximum results…
Here, finally, is your chance to get the inside scoop on scoring huge in life and business
from superstars like Gary Halbert (on what it takes to be the “go-to guy” who makes the
magic happen in your business)… Dan Kennedy (on zooming past the obstacles that
prevent most people from tasting true success)… Dean Jackson (on how to stay on the
cutting-edge of Web opportunities, way ahead of your competition)… Bob Pierce (on
how to dominate your market niche, no matter what)… and other “secret weapon”
marketing masters who slip under most people’s radar…
This is privileged information that almost no one outside the “inner circle” of these
millionaire experts even hears about (let alone gets to study closely). It’s a tremendous
opportunity to put the proven secrets of wealth-building and living well to work in your
life, right now…

Hear everything for free, if you like…
during this urgent market test!
Ever wonder what kind of top secret, super-privileged
info the most successful and notorious experts share with
each other…when they think you aren’t listening?
“What Successful Marketers
Know About Making The
Big Bucks… That You
Don’t Yet…”
Forget about reading any more books… the REAL action in your business
only starts after you get hip to the advanced tactics of the insiders who
understand the honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building…
Now, you can get the lowdown on the most urgent and critical topics that
only the best in the biz know how to tweak for maximum results…
Here, finally, is your chance to get the inside scoop on scoring huge in life and business
from superstars like Gary Halbert (on what it takes to be the “go-to guy” who makes the
magic happen in your business)… Dan Kennedy (on zooming past the obstacles that
prevent most people from tasting true success)… Dean Jackson (on how to stay on the
cutting-edge of Web opportunities, way ahead of your competition)… Bob Pierce (on
how to dominate your market niche, no matter what)… and other “secret weapon”
marketing masters who slip under most people’s radar…
This is privileged information that almost no one outside the “inner circle” of these
millionaire experts even hears about (let alone gets to study closely). It’s a tremendous
opportunity to put the proven secrets of wealth-building and living well to work in your
life, right now…
Audio #1: “The Go-To Guy”
With Gary Halbert. One of the most notorious and talked-about tape in the series. You may have already received this tape, if you ordered anything through my Website Doesn’t hurt to get a fresh copy. This tape covers a topic I have never heard any other players discuss publicly — namely, what it takes to be that guy who can run the whole show. The guy everyone else knows can be trusted to do whatever is necessary for the job. A rare trait most people never learn on their own. Priceless insight to how things get done at the upper edges of the marketing world.
Audio #2: “Prospering in a Rotten Economy”

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Also with Gary Halbert. Very timely stuff, aimed at everyone who has been affected by the war, any of the ongoing stock market crashes, the paranoia of the buying public and the whole general bashing of most businesses lately. While most people are singing the blues, a precious few are actually enjoying this roller-coaster economy — and seeing huge increases in income, despite the horror stories of their less-savvy competition. See what’s up. Learn how to cope and prosper no matter what happens.
Audio #3: “6 Easy Ways to Really Screw Up Your Business.”
With entrepreneurial genius Jeff Paul. I’ve known Jeff for years, and he truly understands how to go from scratch to riches in the shortest time possible. He’s one of those rare guys who absorbed all the information available on world-class marketing… and then actually put it to use to earn a fortune. He also made most of the mistakes you’re about to make — and he can help you avoid them. We had a blast on the call, and what you learn can save you years of struggle and a fortune in blunders.
Audio #4: “Classic Salesmanship Secrets.”
Sam Fishbein is a world-class copywriter who also runs his own mega-profitable retail business… and (most interesting to me) manages an enormous stable of “on the floor” sales people. Sam learned his copy chops working with guys like Jay Abraham and Halbert and yours truly… and has decades of experience with killer face-to-face salesmanship tactics. And, because he has to teach and motivate and corral actual salesmen (and keep close track of their progress), he has an incredible “scientific” understanding of what it takes for one human being to convince another to buy. This is the great secret at the heart of killer sales copy: persuasion. It’s also the weakest link in most of the copy I critique for Insiders. You’re gonna love hearing this intense “mini seminar” about salesmanship… and it’s going to increase the power of your own abilities amazingly fast. Among my favorites.
Audio #5: “The Secrets To Success That Scare Most People Half To Death.”
With the amazing Dan Kennedy. Dan and I go way back, and I’ve had the pleasure of working on an infomercial with him, having him speak at seminars I co-produced, and speaking at his seminars. (I was the featured speaker at his amazing “Copywriting Boot Camp” last November.) You always want to hear what Dan has to say about anything… and in this tape, we got down and dirty about what it really takes to succeed. Not your usual interview, by any stretch. Amazing stuff that players gobble up eagerly.
Audio #6: “Getting It.”
The last “R”-rated chat with copywriting legend Gary Halbert. This is a topic Gary and I have hashed and re-hashed over for years — what it takes for people to not just absorb the secrets of world-class business… but what it takes for that information to take hold. In other words: What it takes for someone to “get it”. Most never do, no matter how hard they try. There are deep implications for your business and career here, and if you want to hear what it’s all about, you must get this tape.
Audio #7: “How to Dominate Your Market with Guts and Tactics.”
A stunning “straight from the trenches” talk with my good pal Robert Pierce. Robert runs OHP, the joint that mails my golf ads. He’s a master at sensing what will work in any new market… but just as important, he has the “nuts and bolts” expertise to make it work even if you’re short on bread and going up against Fat Cat competition. The little guy can stomp the fat cats, if you understand the power of showing a little courage and trusting the proven effectiveness of certain, um, “shock and awe” marketing tactics. You’ll never find this kind of real-world advice on the shelves at Barnes & Noble.
Audio #8: “Big Boy Secrets of Controlling Your Data.”
My long-time cohort Stan Dahl gets jetted all over the world as a consultant. He’s worked with the likes of Exxon and NATO (over in Belgium). These behemoths call him in when they get overwhelmed with data. And don’t know what the hell to do with it all. You may not be overwhelmed with data yet… or you may be ignoring the crisis you’re actually in, invisibly. At any rate, we’re in the Information Age now, and every scrap of insider info like this will put you a step ahead of everyone else. Most businesses are losing money, because their data isn’t properly corralled or worked. Find out how to change that, fast.
Audio #9: “War Stories from the Advertising Front Lines.”
Ever wonder what top copywriters talk about when they get together? My good friend and colleague Scott Haines got on the horn with me, and we let fly the insider gossip. You may be shocked to learn how veteran writers think of each other, and what we say when we’re pretty sure no one is listening. I recorded the call anyway. It’s great stuff, and will let you in on some secrets about the industry you would never be privy to otherwise. We pissed a lot of people off with this tape, for good reason.
Audio #10: “Confessions of an Information Age Info-Junkie.”
Phil Alexander understands things about the Web, and about the guys who are hoarding the secrets of making it work, that are (right now) at the cutting edge. I’m more and more excited about Web marketing everyday especially as the money gets bigger and bigger)… and tapping into the hidden resources of an expert like Phil can shortcut the entire process. Very cool stuff, whether you’re a rookie or a veteran Web-head.

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Audio #11: “The Dirty Little Secrets of Zooming from Obscurity to Wealth and Fame.”
I call my marginally-sane friend Joe Polish “Mr. Action Central”, and let me tell you, he earned that title. This is a guy who started out knowing zilch about anything… and very quickly climbed his way up the success ladder… in one of the smallest and most obscure niche markets in the world. Nevertheless, he is now famous internationally, selling out mega-expensive seminars in the States, Australia and Europe. He did it by attaching himself to the most powerful and brilliant people in marketing, earning their trust and absorbing their most sought-after secrets. This is all about chutzpah, chops and humility, and you NEED to hear how it’s done… especially if you ever intend to climb the ranks in your own field. More proof that the little guy can beat the fat cats.
Audio #12: “The Life-Changing Secrets of Simply Focusing.”
Most marketers know about Paul Hartunian. He’s a fire-breathing genius at public relations — especially getting millions of dollars worth of it… for free. He’s been interviewed, oh, about a thousand times (including stints on The Tonight Show and national radio) about PR… but I’ve always been more interested in the subtle “secrets behind the success” that he knows. Most entrepreneurs understand, intellectually, the necessity of being able to focus… but they almost NEVER put it into action. They simply don’t know how. It’s the difference between driving a car in a video game, and really getting out on the highway. In a souped-up Jaguar. You gotta check this out if you honestly want to move ahead.
Bonus Audio #13: “How to Permanently Stay On the Cutting Edge of Web Technology.”
With my favorite non-geek geek, Dean Jackson. Right now, the Web is over-stocked with techie-gurus (“technology experts” to you) who promise to deliver the absolute latest whiz-bang gimmicks… which are supposed to magically cause your Web-based marketing to bring in a fortune. Doesn’t happen. Worse, if you aren’t a “computer baby” who thinks nothing of logging 20 hours a day online researching mind-numbing minutia… then learning any one piece of technology can actually DOOM your marketing efforts. Why? Because it all changes so fast. Hey, it was only a few months ago that everyone was blitzing email lists without fear. No more — Congress has demonized ALL mass emailing as “spam”… and innocent marketers are now at risk of serious jail time. What’s the answer? Easy — don’t learn new technology… instead, learn the process of staying hip to only the best current technology. So you aren’t dangerously reliant on gimmicks that are guaranteed to pull the rug out from under you… and, instead, you’re poised to be among the FIRST to plunder the best new stuff, long before the rest of the world catches on.
That’s the lot. And if you aren’t salivating at the thought of possessing these insider tapes, then you aren’t serious about succeeding.
Here’s the deal: To get the entire Scuttlebutt series, it will cost you about the price of a good (but cheap) lunch for each audio download.
The info you receive is worth a hundred times what you pay. Each audio file is an intense mini-seminar, like I said, packed with secrets and insights you will never hear about outside the company of the most wicked-savvy businessmen on the planet.

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