Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician


Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician

Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician

Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician

Original price was: $749.00.Current price is: $92.00.

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Original price was: $749.00.Current price is: $92.00.

This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days! To let you in on a secret: He’s not destroyed, that earnest young man inside you he’s simply coated in autumn leaves, half-forgotten.


Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, MagicianJordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician


Reclaim your pulse, your passion, your life.

On the fence? Want to know exactly what you will get for a whole year?

Get the inside scoop on LOTM below…


Lover Outlaw Trickster Magician

Take a moment. Now look at this image. Feel it.

You know what it’s like in the mind of this King.

Life isn’t always what you were promised.

It doesn’t always feel like what the outside world sees.

If the outside world saw you now without the mask,

They’d see that more than a part of you longs for something different.

You want more verve, more meaning.

To reclaim that joy. Spontaneity. Freedom.

Simply: to recapture the Passion that was part of your younger self.

I get you.

And it’s normal, in this world we live in.

You’re responsible, you’re creative, and you want to do good.

Which is where it all falls down.

The focus, the grind. It shapes a man.

But the earnestness of youth gets left behind.

That youth is the hopeful man at the train station. The one who chooses his destination at the ticket booth… who delights in women and lives for the night, who hangs out in cafés which open like palaces and talks of how everything —everything!— is possible.

To let you in on a secret: He’s not destroyed, that earnest young man inside you he’s simply coated in autumn leaves, half-forgotten.

Let me ask you:

☞ When did you last float into a room, and make love to the entire crowd?

☞ Do you ever still throb with revolutionary spirit, and chuck grenades into the shackles of planning and schedule?

☞ Have you heard yourself say ‘no’ to the things your heart aches and craves for; did your rules become the ruler of your soul?

☞ Do you spot openings for m a g i c just an inch from your face, but can’t summon the spark to speak that one phrase, and create it?

It’s not your fault.

It’s baked into the design of modern life. Unfortunately, it happens to so many of us men.

You get stuck in a rhythm of work, plans, and self-improvement. Whether you are living the dream or grinding to get “there”.

But make no mistake, this lack of spirit will be the death of you.

The ‘you’ that’s trapped, the ‘you’ that doesn’t live by playing small. And as you ignore this side of you, it’s shadow starts deteriorating your leadership, your art, your influence in the world. Not to mention your sex-life.

Do you realise how vital it is then, not just for your life but for all those you love and serve, that you make the commitment to reclaim your inner fire?

It is a simple question, that stands to re-define everything:

Do you choose to live an extraordinary life?
One with mojo, spirit, and zest?

Given you’re a man of the world, I trust you respond to that question with a resounding ‘YES’.

And this, my friend, is exactly where so many men fail.

They see the promised land. They follow gurus, sign up to workout schemes, accountability programmes and so forth.

The door to the promised land briefly opens. And then shuts right before you fully grasp the gold.

Why does this happen?

Because you’re relying on the external to help you.

So here is my real offer to you:

Do you want to know how to reclaim your pulse, your passion, and thereby your life?

Re-Invent Yourself, From the Inside-Out

Life offers a man many moments for re-invention. But you have to take them. You have to shed your skin before you get trapped in it.

When a man hits a crisis he starts looking outside, at all kinds of cliché:

— The red Jag; the affair with the younger woman.

— The expensive hobby or the self-conscious new wardrobe.

— Blowing up a multi-year relationship with a good woman (and kids)… before truly discovering how to give it your best shot.

— Lost months (even years) of lonesome travel in some country that has nothing to do with your soul..

— Orienting life around Friday night drinks in clubs where everyone’s half your age (and your depth).

— Expensive and exotic retreats, weekend ‘workshop highs’, and handing some coach (or plant medicine) the responsibility for a transformation you don’t fully understand.

(‘If I just chuck money at it’, you believe, ‘then I’ll access the passion’.)

— Lusty fantasies, porn, as a form of self-medication.

— Weights in the basement; practicing your new pick-up lines on the waitress.

— It all might get a bit American Beauty.

And these hundred hidden humiliations make the downfall of the King. Your King.

‘I don’t feel passion in here, it must be in the world, out there.’

This is how the mind, on the regular plane of reality, deduces.

From this erroneous thinking, all chaos ensues.

Yet it is true! From this kind of thinking, great stories also begin. The hero’s quest… the underworld journey… the decades in the wilderness! But we all know how these stories go:

Initial shyness —> Incremental wins —> Apotheosis —> The machinery creeks —> Full-scale breakdown.

And then, as if by magic, the light creeks in. A life-shuddering insight:

‘I had what I was looking for, always.

Always, waiting for me, deep within.’

It pains me to write the same old story to a grown-ass man who’s seen so many things.

So how about we explore a different path?

Instead of chasing some source of eternal passion outside, what if you built it from within?

From your own uncharted depths?

‘Can a man light his own fire?’ you might ask, ‘or is he always dependent on women and the world?’

Get Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician download

Here is a bold answer for you:

Life is theatre. When you’re free enough to see it.

Rather than chasing women, expensive vacations, and Friday night drinks to fill some passion-less hole… what if they become expressions of your abundant spirit?

Because otherwise, who are you fooling? A woman sure feels it when you’re just desiring her to fill a void. (I’m sure even the red Jag can feel it, too.)

Here is the truth:

Everything changes when you’re the one who embodies passion first.

Now the women call you back. Your wife seems… all-of-a-sudden more feminine. Career becomes not a burden but an elevated choice. You delight in those meaningful serendipities.

Only now you’re far less attached to these outer-world wins. For it’s the Passion itself that’s the prize. Even as you walk those grey city streets, you feel blood coursing through your veins again. You’re alive!

All of a sudden you’ve somewhere to go, someone to see, something to believe in.

And you can save yourself the shiny objects, and those morning-after headaches. Do you wish to know how?

How to Unfold the Passion that’s Trapped in Your Body

So how does a man accomplish this paradigm shift?

How do you discover, and have an ongoing, direct experience of passion for life… thumping through your veins, regardless of where you are, who’s loving you, or what happens outside?

Inner work. Self-knowledge. And desire.

I’ll get SPECIFIC for you. You have to:

1️⃣ Identify precisely what you’re lacking, and understand the nature of it.

2️⃣ Make space to get underneath your distracting habits, and feel into the mysterious void within.

3️⃣ And to speed it all up: open up the channels in your body, so this now-unleashing life-force can spread all around you.

All three of these steps are vital if you want to create a long-lasting, sustainable change in your internal world — in your disposition towards life.

But most people get stuck at 2). They are afraid to feel the mysterious void within.

‘If I slow down and really feel what I feel beneath my compulsions and distractions’, men say, ‘there’s a sadness so deep I’ll never stop crying. There’s an anger so intense I could tear down my home, take a life.’

This is the protective logic of the ego. The beliefs that keep you safe.

It is my experience that once a man feels his emotions fully, they clear out in a couple of minutes. The body cannot feel maximum grief – or maximum rage – for more than a few minutes!

(When allowed to cycle through, the hormonal rush of your emotions complete their circuitry, and the body returns to homeostasis.)

And at the end of those difficult emotions… Presence shines through.

What do you feel when you are maximally Present?

Well, Presence contains multitudes — so many different qualities and skills!

And I have found, after decades of exploration and research…

… that the most fun (and effective) way of dissolving your blocks, processing your emotions, and activating your healthy Presence…

… is through Archetypes.

Where Do Your Shadows Consume Your Power?

You might have heard about ‘archetype work’. It’s becoming de rigeur.

So what is it?

Archetypes illuminate where in life you’re empowered.

Archetypes illuminate where you lose it.

Working with archetypes is more than resonating with film characters or adapting to different postures and feigned confidence. Sure, the cosmo-quiz chit-chat around archetypes — which are you? Who d’you wanna be? — is a light-hearted exploration.

But this rabbithole is an occult one, and goes far deeper than that.

Archetypes instantly explain why you run into persistent personal challenges — because every single one of your life’s problems is accounted for by an archetype’s absence:

— Feeling dry, not present, and forgetting wonder? You’re lacking the Lover.

— Hemmed in by a lifestyle that’s lost its meaning? That’s a lack of the Outlaw.

— Can’t remember your last belly-laugh, and bored of your own thoughts? You’re missing the Trickster.

— You’ve run out of ideas to address it? The Magician needs to be reintroduced.

Eacharchetype represents a collection of embodied abilities, life-defining ways of showing up in the world and in your relationships.

When you embody the Lover, the emotions that make life vibrant return. When you embody the Outlaw, you have the energy to set boundaries and carve out your own fate.

When you embody an archetype, the whole world treats you as such. With curiosity. With respect. With fascination.

Most ‘men’s work’ gives you a cognitive understanding of archetypes or a workshop high. But I will give you specific ways to unfold these aspects within yourself so that the archetypes grow in you over time. Flavouring your character. Giving you access to core skills you can bank on for the rest of your life.

What does this mean?

Once you’ve incorporated an archetype, you get all of its skills, perspectives, deep capacities, and you imbue your presence with a sense of mystique.

A Note of Caution

Exploring Archetypes is not always fun.

It can get real, real quick.

You will be confronted with your shadow sides, and how these have contributed to the parts of you that you despise when you look in the mirror.

You will meet your limitations.

But I promise you this:

When you explore these shadows and meet your dragons eye to eye, you will obliterate the protective shells that have held back your vitality. Your passion and your vulnerability will rise to the surface in tandem. And your deepest masculine qualities will show in every aspect of your life.

How Do You Express the Archetypes?

I would love to show you how Archetypes show up… across culture, and within every human on earth.

But the first thing to understand is that if an Archetype cannot manifest in you in its pure, healthy form, it will come out sideways. It will cause…

… disruptions.

Everyone has the potential to access their version of a healthy Lover, a healthy Trickster, and so on.

But if you have some blockage, the Archetype will create a distortion in your state of being. And this is why life can so often feel off.

When a healthy Archetype runs through you, you feel all its positive, empowering traits.

But when an archetype is blocked from manifesting, your ego responds in two ways:

1]You Posture, meaning you actively try to fake it. Overcompensate. Bluffing that you really do possess the qualities you inwardly believe you lack.

This will wipe out your energy. And give others a sense of not to trust you.

2] Or, you Collapse. You tell yourself (and others) the story that you’re just not that kind of guy’.

Meanwhile, you fritter away into daydreams, addictions, escapism from life.

And thus by either Posturing or Collapsing you wave goodbye to the archetype’s skills. You wave goodbye to your own innate potential.

What do your Lover,Outlaw, Trickster and Magician look and feel like?


In its healthy form

You feel your body, live in-the-moment, and you know life’s inherent meaning.

You’re emotionally rich, replete with intuition, and you open closed doors with lightness and empathy.

‘The world is perfect as it is, including my need to change it.’


You see love as a mechanical process, you figure out methods for ‘success’, and become addicted to seduction and power.

Finding the ‘right things to say’ are a band-aid over your inability to feel.

You become the puppet-master’ — never yourself receiving the love you try so hard to evoke.


You hide your desires and sexual thoughts, fritter your life-energy out sideways through porn, eating, drinking, intensity seeking. Or through obsession. Melodrama.

You want to resolve your flaccidity or addictions, but don’t aspire to a full-blooded love of life.

You just don’t know how much beauty is available.


In its healthy form

You feel when rules constrict, where morality becomes corrupt, and you set boundaries to mindless conditioning.

You can live with the consequences of choosing integrity over group-think. You embody conviction; people trust your word, and what you’re devoted to.

The classic ‘bad-boy with a heart’.


You forge a grandiose self-opinion, you believe you’re better than the ‘sheeple’, those ‘in the matrix’, and so on.

Your judgments, your moral superiority, repel relationships that would actually uplift and fulfil you.

You create your own reality: with the story of taking pride in being the black sheep.


You walk through society feeling inferiority and shame. You lack energy to ever make a stand; cannot see your own inner gifts.

Perhaps you’re not an Outlaw by choice but were ‘always that way’. You perpetually feel an outsider even to groups you belong to. Your childhood clings to your present-day life.

‘I wouldn’t belong to any club that would accept me as its member’


In its healthy form

You have a deep connection to your animal instincts & creative genius. Humour is unrehearsed + spontaneous. You live the cosmic joke.

Your ‘tricks’ serve others by helping them take down their masks, allowing them to become authentic and free.

‘I only truly feel myself when I’m around you’


You lose your natural energy by putting on a show of false conviviality. You dissipate truth through comedy, you raise your voice to artificially inflate the energy in the room.

You ‘trick’ others to serve your ego: to get what you want, or stop others from getting theirs.

The Joker; The Pied Piper of Hamlet: tales of destruction and revenge.


You hold back. You freeze instead of blurting your inspiration. You don’t speak your truth to others for fear of conflict, rejection, ridicule, humiliation, etc.

The world is denied your genius. Your innate wisdom never gets a chance to shine.

‘The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.’


In its healthy form

You are full of wonder & curious to the core. You explore and experiment from a place of fascination. You feel alive: knowing secrets about life that most never gather.

With love in your heart, you quietly become an instrument of service for others. You don’t even need recognition for the everyday miracles your presence seems to bring.

‘Just follow the yellow brick road.’


You inwardly want others to acknowledge your skill, expertise, and superiority. You grow tendencies of the Influencer: applying your magic to create mirages, rather than deep understanding.

You secretly clamour for more knowledge, and cast spells before you’re ready. You keep your magic to yourself, for your own benefit (including keeping power over others).

‘I am the prize.’


You’re lost in your endless reading, and you very rarely act. You can’t find enough inner vitality to put things into action. Overwhelming fear of failure (and success).

Here, you don’t see how a magician is made through practice and failure. You use ‘magic’ and imagination as a hiding place from life, rather than a creative force within it.

Is there a ‘bookworm’ archetype? A life of escapism.

And what of the King?

Well, the more the King archetype postures, the more he becomes a tyrant.

I don’t think that’s you. Except in an off-moment here or there!

But if the King doesn’t hold each of these archetypes in his personal court

He loses meaning, he collapses, and becomes easy to topple.

Succumbs to outer temptations.

To the myth that he needs to re-source from without – not within.

Why Should You Care?

Because as you become a leader and creator in your life – not properly accessing the archetypes – will suck the life and joy out of you and those around you.

And so the Lover, Outlaw, Trickster & Magician will equip you with fresh ways of acting in the world, and bring you an embodied confidence to go with it.

I’ve chosen these four for a reason. They make the biggest difference to men who create and lead daily, and risk falling prey to the dryness of man’s life.

I hand-crafted this course based on my two decades of exploration because I want to offer good men like you:

Ways of understanding your true nature. To escape the cycles of suffering, and deepen your self-knowledge.

Ways of rekindling the spark in your relationships. To bring the glow of Passion into the world.

Ways to make your art, your work and your leadership more beautiful… because my God the world needs it right now.

Join me for an expedition into the nature of your shadows.

I will give you a glimpse of your own innate Passion, and teach you how to build it – sustainably – from there.

You will shave off the posturing, and stand up from collapse.

And reclaim the humour, the vitality, and mischief you once thrived on.

Join me for a journey of meticulous instruction. And a veritable feast…



Get Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician download

This Is My Offer To You:

This is what you are here for. To know how to ‘Reclaim your Pulse, your Passion, your Life’. 

I have spent two decades accumulating and embodying this knowledge. And have so very carefully constructed this programme in a way where it’s multi-dimensional. I have poured my life and own passion into it. For you. Not just to experience, or consume. But designed in a way to truly master accessing your life’s passion.

It is brand new. Unlike anything we’ve offered before. And it’s self-paced with plenty of my personal guidance should you need it.

This is what you can expect…

+ 45 brand-new HD videos & audios.

+ Guided practice audios you can take on the run.

+ On-demand — immediate access to everything, today.

+ 13 ‘Inner practices’ designed from years of exploration. Micro-practices that shift your consciousness, and fit into the busiest of lives.

+ 13 distinct embodiment modalities that you can do anywhere. I offer you comprehensive teaching on how embodiment works, as we practice.

+ Fun + deep guide to Archetype Work… focusing on the 4 that make the biggest difference to modern artists, creators and kings.

+ 6x 60-minute Q&A sessions with me via zoom (group classes with recordings), where you can tweak your progress for more efficiency and depth.

+ Delivered on our safe & (if you like) anonymous custom-made platform… nothing is delivered through mass-market social media.

+ Optional: comments section & private group to meet like-minded men on your journey.

+ My highly subjective but impartial views on today’s strange marketplace of spirituality and self-improvement… I’ll show you how to the get the tastiest fruits of various approaches, while cutting through the mis-steps and culty dynamics that tend to hinder explorers rather than liberate them.

+ A commitment to help you master each of the course’s practices, so that you install them in your mind and body – as techniques of your own.

+ Access to the material for 365 days.

This course is a self-study approach. No group calls. No ‘motivational coach’ yipping down your neck.

I designed Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician to empower you as an explorer – not make you depend on accountability partners or coaches to get you through.

‘The Tightrope of Change’

Master the Law of Cause and Effect

One of the quirks of this programme is that it’s on-demand learning. However, I will not give you access to the material forever. You only have 365 days from the moment of enrollment.

Why only 365 days access and not a lifetime?

I know, you’re busy.

But part of what it means to empower yourself to embody this material — is to own the practices in your muscle memory. Not enslave you to a set of guided videos to come back to once in a while.

So after one lap around the sun, you will lose access to this online portal. Because I trust your urgency and devotion to make a change for the better.

You have what it takes to succeed in this programme.

And I challenge you to practice along with the programme, little and often – just five minutes a day – and claim these techniques in every fibre of your being.

Five conscious minutes per day is enough to shift the moving tides of your life.

The practice that counts is the practice you do.

This is a gentle course. Designed to help you, not fight you.

I don’t agree with the warrior mentality, to battle your body and your will, hacking yourself into shape with a chisel.

We all inwardly know that vitality springs from something deeper than your physical body.

It has more to do with release, trust, and letting go…

You need only look at the Tai Chi master and compare him to the Boxer. Which do you believe lives more in flow?

LOTM is an embodiment course, not a harsh fight of mind over matter. In fact, we’re conjoining your mind with matter, syncing your brain to the signals of your soma. Rebirthing aliveness through body-awareness. A path of delicate intention.

The form of discipline you’ll practice is a cheeky one. You will play a trick on your ego. We are going to sneak in under your defenses — the resistance that has kept you from living fully for so many years — and we are going to show your subconscious that change is fun.

So let us celebrate each incremental step you make! And let’s leverage micro-practices to ensure you can keep your golden practice streaks even when traveling… even when in the midst of a busy day… and even when family chaos descends upon your life.

Change is a spell, not sado-masichism.

Magic. Not muscle.

The 26 Greatest Teachings I’ve Lived and Loved… and Now Share with You

Inside LOTM you will be taught 26 of the greatest lessons on embodiment and inner work.

Archetypes have become popular, and a Jungian view of our unconscious potential grips both Hollywood and the online world alike. But most courses and books lead you to a cosmo-quiz understanding: a whimsical 30 min daydream, where the power of archetypes gains no traction in your actual life.

But this programme is not about Archetypes

“Wait, isn’t it called Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician?”

Yes. That’s where we start.

And we kick on from there…

This is not about how well you can fit yourself in a box, in a mental self-comparison.

This course is about your real life, and how you show up in the world. The archetypes let you access deeper facets of yourself, but the benefits are far more complex and rewarding…

Inside LOTM, I will show you how to…

→ leverage micro-practices and hone your environment, so you can tap quickly into your best self (even when traveling, or in stressful periods) [Lesson #14]

→ become unnervingly conscious of the subtle ways your energy gets fuelled or zapped throughout the day, and deepen your creativity by saying ‘NO’ to the energy-sucks [Lesson #2]

→ identify, feel, move and release stuck emotions even the challenging, complex and hard-to-feel ones and learn how to transmute them into Presence [Lesson #21]

→ carve out simple moments each day to ‘lose your mind and come to your senses’ to bring your body back to the ground [Lesson #4]

→ bring the spirit of humour and ‘innuendo’ into your daily interactions, without learning lines or acting the clown [Lesson #5]

→ let go of the strife of self-improvement, and teach your body a more relaxed path to personal unfoldment [Lesson #7]

→ use music, art, gastronomy, the small pleasures… to build a mindful affinity to all life (and thereby learning to trust your body’s discernment more than outside critics) [Lesson #9]

→ get to the heart of your erotic blueprint. So that sex becomes less compulsive and instead opens you to a realm of delight. Empowering you to overcome blocks in intimacy, sexual shame, and flagging desire in your relationships. [Lesson #11]

→ move sexual energy around your body, so that skin-hunger, frustration and unwanted daydreams become things of the past, and orgasm becomes a sensation that fills up your body from head to toe [Lesson #27]

→ learn to steer your life from depth, not from impulsivity or compromise [Lesson #12]

… and many more to follow.

Unlike Any Other ‘Inner Work’ You’ve Ever Done

Trust me. I’ve seen and tried many paths and practices that promise a man’s change… only to be left deflated by a whole lot of extra ‘work’ on my plate.

From my experience, such approaches can stunt your results. Or they have you subscribed to limiting notions of ‘what the masculine should be like’.

With this knowledge close to my heart, I’ve worked carefully to bring you a training that sees you as a grounded philosophical and sovereign being.

And rather than spurt dogma, I prioritise helping you come to your own self-understanding, your own opinion, and your own embodied insight. Unique and yours.

In Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician…

[1] We don’t buy into the myth that more action, more results will paper over the cracks of any sense of inner lack…

LOTM believes that you already are what you seek. We aim to unfold depth rather than over-compensate.

[2] We don’t have you lean on brotherhood with other men to enforce accountability, outsourcing your innate motivation to others.

For when a man is properly inspired, he needs no external accountability. We help you leverage your internal passion to take the steps in life you want to make.

[3] We don’t fetishise the notion of the ‘breakthrough’ or the ‘big emotional release’.

Instead of getting stuck in over-sharing and never-ending ‘processing’, LOTM shows how feeling your emotions isn’t a destination, but a tool to arrive at a deeper state of consciousness.

[4] We encourage you to question stereotyped definitions of masculinity, and not calibrate your behaviour on what other gurus proclaim.

We invite you to explore the full range and experience of your animalistic and spiritual nature.

[5] We challenge the view that ‘deep inner work’ equates to self-analysis and feeling your past.

What if depth also meant grappling with the arts, first-principles thinking, and the nature of a life well-lived?

[6] We challenge the view that ‘inner work’ has to feel like work!

What if the ultimate gift of depth is that it brings a levity to our hearts?

And finally…

[7] Men are subject to all kinds of strange, moralising and conflicting messages about porn, ejaculation, ‘opening your heart’, how much practice is necessary, what you’re obliged to eliminate from your diet, as well as what being “integrated” means.

LOTM strives to offer a paradigm of liberation, a way of defining your own optimal intimacy practice.


Living Fully Begins Today

We live in the age of a noetic conspiracy.

We lose our thrust and passion because we are constantly subjected to misdirections and myths. And when these myths are echoed by the world around us, our lost sense of inner wholeness compounds.

‘Youth is the time of your life, and it’s all downhill from there.’

‘A man should take responsibility for his life… and for others.’

‘If only I get that promotion, add 30% more to my net worth… then I’ll be free.’

‘Next year I’ll focus on getting a relationship, or igniting the spark with my wife. When my agenda starts looking more clear.’

‘Next year, next year… I’ll begin to live my life.

Our entire modern society is riddled by the same unconscious trap.

And the longer you continue projecting passion into the future – believing the traveling, the sportscars and the waitresses’ waistline will fill your cup – the more you fall prey to the misdirection.

We become what we repeatedly practice.

And the longer you continue the habit, the easier it gets to topple your inner King.

Have you ever taken a vacation with your work laptop, convincing your friends and family that you’ll just send ‘one last email’?

How much more of your life can you afford to miss?

I know what it’s like in the mind of your inner King.

It’s not entirely your fault.

But you are the one who enforces your habits. It is down to you.

This is an opportunity to unwind the striving, to hit ‘fast-forward’ on that hero’s journey, and find a more original treasure than any map can coax you into exploring.

I look forward to meeting the real ‘you’ on the other side of this page.

For now, I’ll leave you with just one nugget of wisdom, one final provocation:

No man ever achieves true abundance. Only when you release just enough, do you see how you’re already in its midst. And it is this realisation that ignites passion more than anything else you could do.

The only remaining question is this:

Do you want to know how to live an extraordinary life? 

One with mojo, spirit, and zest? 

What Happens Next?

When you are ready,

Simply click the ‘Enroll Today’ button, enter in your details, and join the course.

As soon as your payment is received, you’ll receive your log-in details to our private Amorati.meplatform. Go in and set up your profile and dive straight into Lesson #1. In case you run into issues signing up, there is a help-desk available to guide you.

Once inside, you’ll join the countless other men from countries around the world, and find a magical, refreshingly delightful way of regaining your passion.

I look forward to meeting you.

—Jordan Luke Collier

Get Jordan (Ars Amorata) – Lover, Outlaw, Trickster, Magician download

About Jordan Luke Collier

I’ve the soul of an artist and adventurer; the training of a philosopher and a personal coach. I’m a sliding doors figure for most of my clients: I’ve spent the past twenty years studying nothing but beauty and love, the nature of transformation, and the good life.

Growing up in small-town England, my own conditioning (parental and social) acted as a subtle-but-constant muzzle on who I was deep down. Feelings? Don’t be gay. Sensuality? Yeah, maybe in the dark once you’ve had a few drinks. Innate wisdom? You ought to get yourself a proper job! Whatcha gonna do with a philosophy degree?! Trickster energy was encouraged – but the Lover, Magician, Outlaw? Derided and scorned.

If our youth were the days of our lives, I wasn’t going to stick around for whatever middle-age had in store.

So I set sail for Argentina, spoke their language, learned their ways. I lived three times in Brazil: embodying the culture, steering well-clear of my own. Why this exotic searching? These cultures promised an access to the sensitivity, the know-how, and that emotive form of passion that felt so restricted in my own.

Living abroad got me half-way there. I awoke several archetypes of my being. My true self came more online.

But these Archetypes weren’t the full healthy ones: I had my posturing tendencies, my collapsing habits to work through (for wherever you go, there you are!). From full-strung travel I bridged into deep training, an apprenticeship of inner growth. Years spent at the knee of coaches, psychologists, spiritual adepts, lovers.

Over the years my clients, students, brothers-in-arms… many have shared with me they would have lived my life, and almost did. But they committed to a career, or met the perfect girl, before they dived quite this deep. They couldn’t live the odyssey that I had gone through, but would happily pay to share in the gold.

I rode the wanderer’s roller-coaster, and the path of inner work, to its fruition. To presence. To this moment before you.


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