Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy


Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy


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Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

Dear Reader,

If you’re just starting out as a copywriter, there’s a fun little 2-minute quiz you should take right now.

It’s coming up in just a minute.

It’ll immediately eliminate any confusion when it comes to what “niche” of the copywriting world you should pursue.

And that’s important…

Because if you find yourself in a niche that doesn’t “fit” your strengths, your interests or your personality…

You’re not as likely to be as successful as you could be — as quickly as you could be.
Everyone’s Unique

Because it’s no secret…

Everyone has different strengths…

Everyone’s personalities are unique.

Some people love to be in the limelight — the star of the show… while others prefer the peaceful comfort of a more “anonymous” life.

Some crave attention and recognition while others prefer to be without it.

Some are born to be “shoot-for-the-moon” risk-takers… while others much prefer the safe route and the security it brings.

It’s the same for copywriters…

Some of us live to come up with the next “all-or-nothing breakthrough idea”… put it out there… pace the floor waiting for the results to come in… and then revel in the excitement and attention (and cash) a successful promotion can bring.

And if it bombs?

Well, by nature, these folks are usually quick to put it behind them and try again.

Other copywriters aren’t this way at all…

They love the writer’s life, the freedom that comes with it, and (of course) that nice six-figure income…

But they’re not crazy about the pressure to “sell, sell, sell”…

They’re not chomping at the bit to write that next “control-busting breakthrough” time after time…


These copywriters prefer a quieter, gentler kind of success…
Who Needs The Pressure?

The kind of copywriting career where the pressure to write the next “million-dollar sales letter” doesn’t exist…

Where your reputation as a copywriter isn’t solely based on how much money your last promotion brought in the door…

Where you can easily make $100K per year, year after year… even in a tough economy.

Some call these folks the “journeymen” of the copywriting world: competent, professional, reliable… and very well paid for their services.

Where do the vast majority of these ‘types’ of copywriters work?

In perhaps the most overlooked, misunderstood, and consistently lucrative sector of the copywriting market.

I’m talking about the “Business-to-Business” market.

Now, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Business-to-Business, sometimes called “B2B.” (It is, after all, one of the biggest opportunities out there for copywriters.)

But, do you really know what writing for that market entails… or how enormous the opportunity is?

Do you know why it pays so well — even though there’s no pressure to “sell, sell, sell”?

And, most importantly — do you know whether it’s for you or not?
Try This Little “Quiz”

Let’s take a minute to find out right now, with our quick little quiz I told you about.

Here are five simple questions with three possible answers each.

Depending on which answers you choose, together we’ll get a pretty good idea right from the get-go if B2B copywriting is for you.

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Here we go…
Given a choice, I prefer:

The challenge of long copy — sinking my teeth into 12, 16, and 20-page sales letters and video scripts.
Taking on smaller projects that pay me well… quick little ads, letters, and other writing projects I can finish up in a day or two at the most.
Really putting my selling skills to the test… challenging myself to come up with new and innovative “big ideas” every time I write a package.

Which best describes you?

I’m a bit of a renegade. I love to take chances, go out on a limb, and try new things. I’m not afraid to have a package fail.
I like to “keep it between the lines.” Show me what’s been proven to work and I’ll deliver, on time every time.
I’m easily bored, which is why I prefer to jump from one client to another rather than have a few steady reliable ones.

How would you describe your writing style (or the kind of writing style you’d like to have)?

Warm, personal, conversational, authoritative, backed up with solid research.
Somewhere in the middle.

You’ve been given a choice between three projects. Each pays $3,000. Which one do you take?

A direct-mail package to sell an investment conference — roughly 12 pages of copy where you need to detail who the speakers are, why they’re qualified, what they’ll be talking about, and why any serious investor should go.
A series of four, single-page letters encouraging your prospect to request some free information on a product he or she uses every day.
An 8 to 12-page research-heavy health promotion promoting the benefits of a natural supplement aimed at reducing daily stress.

As far as income goes, here’s where I stand:

I’m in this to make a lot of money… between $300K and $500K a year — and I’ll write as many letters in a month as I need to.
I’d be happy with $150K to $200K, so long as it means I can make my own hours and not have to work full 8-hour days every day.
50K is good for me. I’m just looking for some extra money on top of my current job.

Curious about what your answers mean?

Here’s what I can tell you…
Where You Should Be

If you answered mostly “A” — you certainly can become a B2B writer if you choose to, but it sounds to me like you’re better suited to long copy projects… more aggressive selling… and the potential for big, big, cash. There’s a longer learning curve, and the stakes are greater, but maybe you want to consider writing for the financial or health industry.

If you answered mostly “C” — you’re still B2B material — but it sounds like you might want to explore the consumer products route… supplements, credit card offers, household items, and so on.

But, if you answered mostly “B” — congratulations! Looks like you’ve found your niche! Because what your answers are telling me:

You want to earn a solid six-figure income…
You love working from home, at your own pace, no bosses, no time card, no commute…
You’re professional, reliable, and deadline-oriented…
You don’t need or crave a lot of glory or attention…
You like quick, short projects that pay well…
You prefer a few good reliable clients, rather than constantly marketing yourself for new ones…
Like a lot of copywriters — you don’t love long copy. You’re not crazy about spending weeks on a single project, crafting 12 to (sometimes) 60-pages of copy.
Half-a-million a year would be nice — but “high 100K” is just fine for you. So long as it means you can take an afternoon with the kids a day or two a week… get in a round of golf now and again… and vacation anytime the mood hits you or a good “last-minute” deal comes along.

If you agree that this describes you, then let me give you an overview of the B2B market — and what it takes to be a successful writer in this fast-growing and lucrative niche:

The kind of projects you could be writing…
Why there’s so much demand for writers here…
How to become an expert in B2B very quickly…
Which “specialties” you should master first (and why)…
Where and who your customers are…
And, how to land your first client just as soon as you’re ready.

Let’s get started by answering the obvious question:
Just What Is B2B Marketing Anyway?

Simply put, Business-to-Business refers to companies that sell things to other companies.

For example, you buy a toaster from your local Walmart store. Maybe you saw an ad for the toaster… you liked what you read… the price was good… so you hopped in the car and went to the store or bought it online.

That’s a “Business-to-Consumer” sale…

But, there were perhaps a dozen “Business-to-Business” transactions that went on before that toaster could ever make it to the store shelf.

There was the metal fabrication company that supplied the machine to the toaster maker that enabled it to stamp out and shape the material used to make the product…

The printing machine company that sold the pad print product that enabled the company to print its name on the finished toaster…

The paper company that made the box the toaster came in…

The artist who designed the art for the packaging…

And, chances are, there was a consulting firm who convinced the toaster company that they could help them get their toasters into Walmart stores nationwide in the first place.

All these are “Business-to-Business” companies.

And there are more than 8 million of them in dozens of industries just in North America alone — all of which need to reach prospective customers by advertising their products and services using copywriters like you.

Get immediately download Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

But B2B advertising is a little different than traditional advertising…

This prospect doesn’t need to be sold “emotionally” like when you’re selling to consumers…

And you don’t need the kind of “big ideas” that drive a lot of copywriting success… or clever headlines to capture their attention.

Why? Because businesses know they need what you’re selling. It’s just a matter of getting them educated about your product or service… showing why yours is better than the competition from a cost and performance standpoint.

Often, you don’t even have to do that much…

One of the most common tasks for a Business-to-Business copywriter is to generate a “lead.” In other words — get the company to agree to simply learn more about your product!

Don’t get me wrong, though…

It’s not that there’s no selling going on here.

There is.

It’s just much more subtle. In fact, in just a moment’s time, I’ll show you some of the ways businesses market to other businesses — and share with you one of the most powerful secrets for getting results in any form of B2B marketing. (You’ll have this secret within minutes — and once you have it, you’ll be well on your way… more knowledgeable than half the B2B copywriters working today!)

But, before I get to all that, here’s a fascinating fact… one that no copywriter thinking about the B2B market should ignore.
The B2B Market is HUGE!

Because you don’t hear about or see much of the selling that goes on in the B2B market, it’s easy to imagine it being much smaller than the B2C market.

But it’s not…

According to Statista, B2C e-commerce sales worldwide reached $2.36 trillion in 2018.

That’s an impressive number, for sure…

But nowhere close to the $9.6 trillion in revenues generated by more than 200,000 B2B companies per year. according to Forrester Research…

And that’s just in the United States alone!

And it makes total sense.

Purchasing a B2C product is one transaction — the one you made when you went to the store or online to buy that toaster, for example…

But remember all the B2B transactions that went into making that toaster — and all the materials, equipment, and expertise that allow the manufacturer to make and wholesale thousands of toasters at an efficient cost!

We’re talking anywhere from a dozen to perhaps hundreds of B2B “transactions” — just on one product!

And here’s the even better news.

More and more B2B companies are using copywriters to facilitate those sales…

Through small but effective lead-generation emails, ads, content marketing, social media, and Google Ads.

Some B2B companies produce little three-minute video scripts that a purchasing manager can watch quickly on his computer or smartphone…

Sometimes a product will call for a white paper — which is a six-to-12-page research report on the B2B product or component you’re selling (and likely one of the “biggest” projects you’ll ever see as a B2B writer)…

Case studies — which are essentially little problem-solution “customer testimonial stories” — are another popular B2B marketing technique…

B2B companies often send their clients and prospective clients informational emails and newsletters that they pay copywriters like you to write…

In fact, there are over a dozen different marketing tools B2B companies can use.

And they all have one thing in common:

No hard selling.

Just one professional communicating the benefits about their products and/or services to another professional.

And because there are so many ways B2B companies can reach their customers — as a copywriter, you can generate a very comfortable six-figure income with just three of four active clients!

Add it all up and what does it mean?

It means a huge opportunity for B2B marketers like you…

Writers who know the B2B market…

Who understand the nuanced persuasive writing techniques that work for that market…

And who can write the ads, emails, content, website copy, white papers, case studies, video scripts that virtually every B2B company needs.
Your “Step-by-Step” Program

That’s why I’m excited to introduce to you AWAI’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy…

A program created by our friend and Master B2B Copywriter Steve Slaunwhite that’s become the industry standard for new B2B copywriters starting out.

Not only will Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy teach you everything you need to know about the B2B market…

It will teach you “step-by-step” how to write all the B2B marketing elements any client will ever ask you to write.

And you couldn’t be learning these skills from a better teacher than Steve.

If you don’t know him already… Steve is a bona fide and respected superstar in the world of B2B marketing.

He’s been writing big-league B2B copy for more than 20 years…

His clients are some of the biggest in the B2B world: UPS, Hewlett-Packard, Sprint, Symantec, Mitsubishi, and Forbes, to name a few…

He’s written books, been featured in Writer’s Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Canada’s Globe and Mail, The Daily News, Direct Marketing, Forbes, Small Business Trends, and more… .

He’s won industry awards, including the prestigious ACE Award for Direct Mail Copywriting and AWAI’s Copywriter of the Year…

Clients he writes and consults for love him:

Michael Hughes, The Networking Coach, said Steve’s advice helped him “triple his sales.”

Rich Gaasenbeek of IXACT called him “One of the best B2B Copywriters in North America.”

Mark Organ, CEO of Influitive said Steve was “instrumental” in creating their direct marketing copy.

Terry Jarvis of UPS said their marketing success “could not have been possible” without Steve’s consulting and writing.

That’s why when we wanted to create the quintessential program for AWAI members interested in breaking into the B2B niche — we went straight to Steve.

And, what an amazing job he did.
EVERYTHING You’ll Ever Need to Become a B2B Expert

Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy is a full immersion into the B2B world.
Get immediately download Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy
It shows you how the Business-to-Business market works… how the buying decision is made… what motivates and drives the decision-making process.

It shows you different emotions that can impact the buying decision and how to appeal to them in your copy.

As a quick example…

You may think greed and vanity don’t play a role in the B2B buying decision like they do when selling to consumers. Truth is, they do — but in a different way.

Remember, your B2B prospect may be a purchasing manager who wants to impress his superiors. His reputation may be affected — either positively or negatively — by any given purchase. So, if the product you’re selling can save the company time and money, a good Business-to-Business writer will find a subtle way to let his prospect know that this purchase will reflect well on them — and show them why.

And that’s just one of the “subtleties” of writing powerful B2B copy revealed in Steve comprehensive program.
Some of the Secrets You’ll Discover

You’ll learn:

The 4 “key influencing factors” of every B2B buying decision and how to use them to super-charge your copy…
The “Twin Pillars” of B2B persuasion and how to inject them into every piece of copy you write…
The 9 most common projects you’ll take on (and how to be a master in each of them)…
The unique needs of the B2B buyer — and why it’s crucial you understand “the CNI factor”…
Why it’s crucial you understand every B2B buyer’s “split personality”…
Steve’s “5-point strategy” for quickly understanding any B2B product you’ll be asked to market…
8 tips for explaining a product’s technically complex features clearly, concisely, and accurately…
The B2B headline that virtually never fails…
Where and how to source build the ultimate B2B Swipe File…
60 of the most powerful B2B headline words…
The “3-C’s” of B2B ad copy (all you need to create short, crisp, killer copy)…
8 short “lead types” that work very well in B2B copy…
Two “copy killers” you want to avoid…
The two secrets to ultra-persuasive B2B copy…
11 powerful techniques for making your client’s product or service stand out in a crowd…
When you should (and shouldn’t) use pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams, and testimonials in a B2B ad…
14 ways to build instant and unshakeable credibility for your client…
The secret of the “motivating sequence”: 5 things every B2B ad, email, or brochure MUST do…
5 strategies for master the “B2B style” (Rule #1 — lose the hype!)…
7 things you, as a professional B2B writer, need to do to prepare for every B2B project…
Steve’s exclusive “Copywriting Information Worksheet” for every project you take on…
9 knock-out strategies for writing perfect lead generators (the heart and soul of the B2B trade!)…
How to become a millionaire specializing enormously popular “white paper reports”…
6 letter and email templates you can copy…
8 research tips, techniques, and shortcuts…

The program spells out everything you need to succeed at every step of the B2B process — from working with your client for the first time… to understanding the B2B selling process… to knowing what course of action you recommend your B2B client take to get the job done.

Each of the 16 learning modules is conveniently organized into three elements:

The “How-To” Guts — crisp, concise, detailed information on how to craft any B2B sales approach proven to work
A short and powerful “Exercise” you can do, meant to drill the information deep into your mind
The B2B Writer’s Toolkit — tips, tricks, techniques, and shortcuts you can use… things you absolutely need to know to be a great B2B writer, including: 28 ideas for writing a powerful B2B headline… 7 strategies for writing an effective B2B offer… What to say if the client says “I hate your copy”… and the best way to know and research your target audience

Plus, there are “Bonus” articles along the way that help drive home points made in the chapter — or illustrate an alternative way of getting the job done.

And, you can listen to each chapter of the program via an audio feed, which you can listen to on your computer, or download to your iPod, iPhone, or MP3 player, and listen while you’re driving.

Bottom line: Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy is everything you need to launch a successful career as a B2B copywriter.


You took our little quiz.

And I’m guessing you wouldn’t still be reading if you weren’t at least a little bit interest in the B2B niche.

So let’s take a moment to drill down a little deeper — into what your day as a B2B copywriter might look like:

The kind of copy you’ll write…

How you’ll prepare for an assignment…

And the fun part — how much you’ll get paid!
How B2B Copy Is Different — and Why that Makes It Easier for You

As we’ve said…

The two things that draw many copywriters to the B2B market are short copy and the variety of projects you can take on.

You may be wondering — if long copy’s proven to work with consumers, why wouldn’t it work in the B2B market?

The answer’s pretty simple.

With consumer direct-response, you have to do “everything”: take your prospect from little or no interest in your product — to a level of interest where he’s willing to write a check or pull out his credit card — on the spot.

You have to grab his interest, gain his trust, make a strong promise, prove you can deliver by giving him lots of proof and benefits, make a strong offer, and “close” the sale.

This “emotional transformation” can take a lot of carefully crafted copy…

The B2B sales process is a little different.

It’s typically not a purely emotional buying decision. It’s one based on logic, need, and budget. And in many cases, your client (your reader) already knows he or she needs what you’re offering.

Your biggest challenge is convincing your product or solution is the best one he or she can choose.

And that’s what Steve’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy explains so brilliantly!

You’ll learn the tone and tempo your copy needs to have…

Words and phrases you should and shouldn’t use…

The “language” professional B2B buyers speak…

ALL possible steps to the selling process…

And because the B2B sale so often is a “multi-project” proposition — just a single client can be a very lucrative proposition for you as a professional B2B copywriter.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.
How a B2B Campaign Works

Let’s say your client just developed a new device that allows you to print logos, names, instructions, etc., on any surface shape or type.

It’s a device thousands of manufacturers use every day — and your client’s version of the machine takes up less room, is cheaper to run, and can handle twice the work.

And, he’s come to you to help market it.

What do you do?

What kind of projects could you expect to write?

The first thing you do is what any copywriter selling anything would do:

You study the product inside and out.

You learn what makes this printer so much better than the competition’s. And you make a list of features with corresponding benefits, as many as you can come up with.

Now, if this were a consumer product, you’d take your list, organize the benefits in order of importance, and write a personal letter explaining why the prospect needs this product — and how his life will be transformed once he uses it.

But, because you’re selling to a business — an “entity,” if you will, that’s essentially void of emotion… and where there’s a “chain of command” when it comes to buying decisions — you’re going to need marketing pieces that address each stage of the sales process.
The Many Short, Billable Projects You’ll Master

For instance — to generate buzz, excitement, and awareness of the product you might want to write a series of space ads suitable for trade papers and industry websites…

You’ll need press releases for distribution to industry media…

You’ll need to update the company’s web pages with information about the new product.

Like most B2B assignments, these are all projects you can complete in a day or two…

Next, you’ll need to generate leads for the company’s sales force.

Get immediately download Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy
For that, you’ll be asked to create ads, email, and direct-mail campaigns inviting prospects to get free information on the product — white papers and case studies which provide even more detailed information… and can be offered as a special report lead generator, mailed, or “left behind” by the salesperson…

You can help the sales force land appointments by crafting telephone scripts, sample letters, and emails — even a two-or three-minute video script that describes the products advantages and benefits.

Once again — very simple single-day projects you can bill handsomely for.

And, remember, once you’ve done a few of these projects for one client, just use the same format for other clients! (Then watch your speed, productivity, and income soar!)

There’s more you can do…

Interested prospects are going to need to be educated on the new printing device — so there are all kinds of opportunities to write in-depth product brochures, sell sheets, web copy, and online videos (in addition to the white paper reports and case studies I mentioned)…

You’ll want to talk to your client about the importance of keeping the prospect “warm” throughout the buying decision. Here’s a great chance for you to offer to write newsletters, special emails, and postcards.

Literally dozens of projects you can take on.

And as a professional B2B Copywriter, your job is very simple:

Let the client know what he needs to do to effectively promote a product by knowing what goes into a successful B2B campaign…
Deliver the copy.

Here’s what your invoice might look like for just some of the work described above:
John Smith Inc. Copywriter

25 Your Street
Your Town, State, USA
For creative services rendered:
3 Ad copy and layout suggestions
Same basic ad concept and message. Three different sizes.
(¼,½, full page)
1 Press Release

Lead Generators
Email (series of 5)

Direct mail (envelope, lift, mailer)
Web copy for sales pages
Email Newsletter (Copy and editing. One short personal message. One 500-word article. One short blurb about a new product or offer.)
Total Fee:
Please Make Check Payable to John Smith Inc.
Thank You!

And remember — the projects you billed for on this invoice involved maybe a week or so of writing and research combined.

And, there are a lot of elements you’ve yet to do.

You may be asked to write a white paper report (potential $5,000 fee), a series of case studies (potential $1,500 fee for each one), a video script (potential $1,200 fee)…

That’s another potential $7,000 to $10,000 in billable copy.

And remember — that’s just one company… one product!

Most companies are marketing several products simultaneously to different clients…

In addition, many companies need someone to keep up monthly newsletters or e-letters aimed at clients…

They need help maintaining their websites…

Companies are always looking for new leads… new ways to market themselves… and a better way to position their products.

So if you’re their go-to B2B copywriter — you could be looking at $60,000 to $80,000 in fees for three campaigns a year and some “miscellaneous” work…

Which is why three or four clients is all any seasoned B2B copywriter will ever need!

That could be you…

But, first you need to learn the ropes…
Business-to-Business — From Soup to Nuts…

And that’s where AWAI’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy comes in.

It’s your “soup to nuts” program — more like a Master’s Business-to-Business program, really — where you learn:

How to convert the “long copy” persuasion skills to work within the short, quicker-copy world of Business-to-Business…
Everything you need know about the B2B client: who he is, where he is, why he needs you, and how effectively to sell your services to him…
How businesses market to each other. It’s not like Business-to-Consumer at all — and once you understand that, it may just be the easiest sale you’ll ever have to make…
And most importantly, how to set yourself up as a “One-Stop Business-to-Business Powerhouse,” by mastering all the B2B copy your client is going to need — everything from a trade journal ad… to a lead-generating email… to a professional white paper report.

You’ll Want to Learn Everything

This program is written so clearly, so concisely, with so much energy, you won’t want to stop learning.

That’s because on virtually every page you read, there’s a new skill you’re learning… a new revelation about the enormous potential of this market… a new way to position yourself as an expert in this huge and little-tapped market.

It read beautifully — and for good reason:

That’s because one thing a very good Business-to-Business copywriter does well is explain complex ideas in a very clear and energetic way. And that’s precisely what Steve does here:

He takes a potentially complex idea, like the typical B2B sales cycle, and makes it instantly understandable to anyone.

And don’t forget…

You’re learning from one of the best here.
A Masterful B2B
Marketer — A Superb Teacher

Steve’s not only written case studies, white papers, direct-mail letters, email campaigns, ads, web pages, newsletters, and more for over 100 publishers, mid-sized businesses, and Fortune 500 companies…

He’s also been asked by many of those same companies to come to their offices to teach their in-house writers.

Add to that his regular contributions to professional publications like DM News, The Wall Street Journal, Target Marketing, and Inside Direct Mail…

Plus, the books on the business of copywriting, including Start & Run a Copywriting Business and The EVERYTHING Guide to Copywriting…

You won’t find a man more qualified to teach you everything you need to know about B2B copywriting than Steve Slaunwhite.

And fortunately for you…

Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy — is his most comprehensive piece of work… over two decades of high-energy B2B success secrets jammed into a step-by-step guide and instructional audio series.

It includes dozens of examples of each kind of project you’ll take on as a B2B copywriter (in itself worth thousands… because as you’ll soon learn, much about Business-to-Business is creating a successful “template” so you can use the same winning formula for every new client you take on… )

And because Steve’s program is offered online — you’ll be entitled to a lifetime of updates ensuring you’re up on the latest B2B trends, copy techniques, and examples from the marketplace that are working now.

Even the pros love it.

Lee Gilliss, a professional proposal writer and freelance copywriter said:

“Steve Slaunwhite’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy is THE best home study copywriting program on the market.

The course is very thorough and offers numerous helpful examples on lead generation, white papers, multimedia scripts and direct response copy.

Follow Steve’s advice and you’ll have more clients (and money) than you’ll know what to do with!”
— Lee Gilliss

David Fideler, a principle at Concord Editorial and design told us:

“Steve is more than just an award-winning Business-to-Business copywriter. He is genuinely passionate about copywriting as a field (which he knows inside-out), and genuinely devoted to helping his fellow copywriters take their careers to the next level.”
— David Fideler

And, this from B2B legend Bob Bly:

“As for Steve Slaunwhite’s program, I can recommend it because I have carefully read and absorbed every word. I had to — because AWAI hired me to review and edit it — and Steve’s program exceeded my every expectation.”
— Bob Bly
Help From Steve, When You Need It!

One of the great aspects of Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy is you can ask Steve DIRECTLY through the members-only Facebook forum. should you have any questions.

And like a lot of his fellow AWAI members, Mike Hulme raves about the level of personal support Steve gives every aspiring B2B writer he meets:

“Every newbie who wants to become a professional B2B writer should consider Steve Slaunwhite’s advice an absolute must-do part of their business writing training.

But the ‘secret sauce’ bonus factor is the wonderful personal support Steve always gives to his students.”
— Mike Hulme

There’s Noel, who completed Steve’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy in just three months’ time and watched her career take off:

“My first B2B assignment was to launch an in-house journal. I soon got another assignment — writing the Mission & Vision Statement. I was stuck so I [asked] Steve who responded immediately with an excellent tip! I’m now on to drafting a Sales Proposal for the company and writing product brochure copy.

“I’ve also started writing a B2B column for a news magazine. AWAI’s B2B program is perhaps the only one available for home study and certainly the best — the content is current and easy to understand.”
— Noel
By Now You Have a Hunch…

By now you probably have a pretty good idea whether the Business-to-Business market is right for you or not.

You’ve thought about what kind of writer you want be.

If you’ve come this far, my guess is you’re the kind of writer who prefers smaller, shorter projects that can be done more quickly to traditional B2C sales letters than can take a month or more to finish.

You’re likely someone who’d rather write copy that’s more professional and more direct… than Business-to-Consumer copy, which relies on more aggressive messaging…

Get immediately download Katie Yeakle – Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy

You likely welcome a nice balance of writing, research, and client interaction…

And maybe you want more flexibility as far as your writing schedule goes (shorter projects means you can have more hours of the day to save for yourself)…

If all these “ifs” add up — then… I think you’ll agree:

B2B is a great niche for you…

And there’s no one better to teach you everything you need to know than Steve Slaunwhite.

Now, you may be wondering…
What Will this What Will this “Full Immersion” in B2B Cost?

What’s it going to cost to own this comprehensive, “complete business” program?

After all, Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy isn’t just about adapting your writing to a different niche…

It’s a chance to play an important role in a business’s immediate and long-term success — someone they’ll value as a “trusted partner”.

You can use the experience you may have gained over the years — by working with clients from your “former” line of work… or dive into an industry that’s always been an interest of yours…

It’s a chance to be constantly writing about interesting things… learning as you go…

And as far as an educational experience goes:

It’s a complete “immersion” into an area of copywriting you’d typically have to apprentice in for years before you could ever learn everything you need to learn:

I’m talking about white paper reports… case studies… specialty ads… B2B newsletters… all forms of lead generators.

It’s stuff you just can’t learn through the typical copywriting channels.

Plus, it’s the only “niche” program where you’re invited to maintain an ongoing relationship with its’ expert… and have the ability to ask questions whenever you need to.

Given all this, you may be thinking Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy would be a great business/career education value at $5,000…

And, it would no doubt — especially given that a simple white paper or two could pay you at least that back after just a few days of writing.

At $2,500 it would be an amazing bargain — again, an amount you could make up with two days of writing ads, emails, or a few short content pieces.

So, you’ll be thrilled to learn Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy is not $5,000… or $2,500… or even $1,000…

But before I share the “actual” price of Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy with you…

There’s FAR more I want to give you beyond the core program…

Starting with a BRAND-NEW bonus just added:
High-Performance Bonus #1:
** Exclusive Automated WEBINAR **:
A “Day at the Office” with Steve

Order your copy of Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy today and you’ll get immediate access to this exclusive webinar…

Where you’ll experience, first hand “A Day in the life” of a professional B2B copywriter.

This is an excellent way for you to see what it’s like to work with clients from the B2B world — and “mimic” the daily routine of one of the best B2B copywriters in the business.

During this one-hour-plus webinar, Steve will take you through all aspects of the “client-writer” relationship — from writing up the copy proposal… to meeting with the clients… to gathering all the information you need… to how Steve does research…

All the way to the writing, revision process, and how material is submitted to the client.

But that’s not all. As an added bonus — and after he’s shown you every aspect of the project cycle — Steve will reveal his “7 Secrets” to client relationship success… so you won’t make the mistakes so many “newbie” B2B writers make when they land their first client.

This is an amazing opportunity to get a “big picture” understanding of what it’s really like to work as a professional B2B writer…

And learn some powerful secrets you won’t find in the program along with answers to some frequently asked questions…

You’ll find this webinar housed on your exclusive “High-Performance B2B Copy” Member Page.

I think you’ll agree, this is a HUGE added bonus…

But there are more, including another Steve has just added to the mix:
High-Performance Bonus #2:
**New** Special Report:
Pricing Strategies for B2B Writers

There are so many price ranges for B2B projects — from a couple of hundred dollars for an hour or so’s worth of writing… to $10,000 for a bigger White Paper that might take you a few weeks…

So it’s no surprise, one of the most common questions Steve gets:

How do I know how much to charge for any given assignment?

It’s important you know…

Because the last thing you want to do is lose a client because you’re process your work to high… undermine your credibility because your prices are too low… or get stuck working long-term with a client who’s paying you too little!

This report solves that very real problem for new B2B writers once and for all.

You’ll learn:

What’s best when it comes to how you get paid — hourly or fixed fee?
What today’s “going rates” for B2B projects are — and how to keep abreast of them going forward…
The right way to answer when a client asks: “How much do you charge for ____?
Key questions you should ask your client — before you quote the job…
How to write and structure a professional writing proposal…
The single best way for dealing with client price objections…
How (and when) to increase your fees…
And much, more.

No question — this is a powerful resource you want to have “at the ready” when you land your first prospective client…

And you’ll have instant access the moment you secure your Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy program…
High-Performance Bonus #3:
Getting Clients: Steve’s 5-Step Strategy for having all the Clients You’ll Ever Need

And speaking of clients — Steve’s got that base covered too with his powerful new report “How to ‘Warm Call’ Using LinkedIn.”

This amazing five-step proven strategy for landing new clients is the easiest way to land your first clients — and all the clients you’ll ever need going forward (remember — with B2B — sometimes three of four active companies is all you’ll need!).

And the great thing about Steve’s exclusive “LinkedIn social media platform strategy”: No cold calling!

Only what he refers to as “warm calling” which involves five simple steps, the “lynchpin” of which is establishing yourself as an expert within your niche… and then creating or sharing highly valuable content that your target clients are only too eager to see.

Believe me — this is a very effective approach (I know, because it’s worked on me) and there’s no better niche in which to employ it than B2B.

And Steve lays out everything you need in thin highly useful and invaluable report.
High-Performance Bonus #4:
The B2B Writer’s Handbook: “How-to” Instructions and Tips for Tackling More than 30 B2B Copywriting Projects

Wait until you see this amazing resource…

A handy “go-to” guide for over 30 B2B projects — ones you’re most likely to get… and others the most sophisticated clients will be surprised you’ve heard of!

This report makes sure you’re prepared for everything!

It shows you what the sales piece should look like, what the copy is meant to accomplish, gives you design and layout times, and shows you dozens of examples you can mimic and use for inspiration.

And we’re talking everything:
Print ads Banner ads E-zine ads Search Engine ads Advertorials Director and classified ads Billboard ads Point of sale copy Sales proposals Radio ads SEO copywriting Telesales scripts Trade show exhibits Content articles Video scripts Brochures
Catalog descriptions Direct mail packages Self-mailers Dimensional or 3D packages Email marketing Landing pages Microsites Case studies Press releases Video news releases Presentations Web pages White papers Taglines & slogans And more!

Way more than you’ll likely ever need — but one of the most amazing “just in case” cheat sheet of resources you’ll ever see!

Yours, courtesy of Steve when you get his “High-Performance” B2B program.
High-Performance Bonus #5:
The Copywriter’s Toolkit: The only 8 Documents You’ll Need to Run a Successful Freelance Copywriting Business (Plus 70 “Bonus” resources from another B2B copywriting legend Bob Bly)

Being a freelance B2B copywriter is like having your own income generating business.

You set your hours. You set your prices. You decide how many clients you want to work with.

But like any business there are “documents” you’re going to need: writer-client agreements, cover letters, new client questionnaires, creative brief templates, bio/testimonial sheets, invoice templates…

Of course, the last thing you want to have to worry about while launching your B2B copywriting career is creating these forms from scratch…

Which is why Steve will send you examples of his “years in the making” time-tested collection of vital business and communication forms you’ll need and use regularly in your professional B2B copywriting business — client questionnaires, price quotation templates, prospecting emails, client communication templates, and more.

But that’s not all…

Through a special arrangement with Steve’s friend and B2B copywriting legend Bob Bly — we’ll send you Bob’s MASSIVE collection of over 70 contracts, letters, forms, and other boilerplate documents and copywriter roughs he’s used over the last 40 years to generate millions of dollars in sales of his freelance copywriting services.

In every case, you have Steve and Bob’s permission to use the forms “as-is” or as a template for forms you create for your business.

Will you ever need them all? Probably not. But remember…

Steve’s primary goal in creating his High-Performance B2B Program is to make sure you have everything you’ll ever need to master B2B copywriting and launch your own successful writing business…

And if that means giving you more than you’ll ever likely need — all the better!

Collectively, these forms took years and cost thousands of dollars of Bob and Steve’s time to write, refine, and test. Now you get them — FREE!

So between the “Day at the Office” Webinar… Pricing Strategies for B2B Writers… your B2B Writer’s Handbook… and the B2B Copywriter’s Business Toolkit — each of which are easily a $79 value…

We’re talking over $300 in powerful educational bonuses.

But there’s more.

In fact, when you first log on to your Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy you’re going to be amazed at all the resources Steve and AWAI have included…

And again, it goes back to Steve’s character and the kind of professional he is…

He sincerely wants to see you succeed as a B2B copywriter!

For two reasons really…

One, he knows how great life can be when you are able to live life on your own terms… control your income… and have the freedom to come and go as you please.

And two, he’s cognizant of the massive demand that exists for quality B2B copywriters — people who understand the B2B selling cycle… are able to write effective copy… and work professionally with clients.

And those will be the three “touchpoints” Steve drives home throughout the entire “High-Performance” program…

Including the five BONUS webinars you’ll be able to watch immediately:

Your “Fast Start Action Plan” — Set Up Your Business and Land Your First Client in Six Weeks or Less!

It’s one of the first questions all new copywriters ask: How do I get started?

Of course, the first thing is to gain the skills you’ll need. And that what Steve’s “High-Performance” program is all about — going from “zero to 100” when it comes to elevating your writing skills as quickly as possible.

But there’s also the “business” side of things — the “tools” you’ll need, the procedures you’ll follow and, importantly, how to land and deal with clients.

In this concise yet information packed webinar, Steve lays out how he set up his business — and explains his sure-fire technique for not only landing, but gaining the full confidence of your first of many clients.

Finding Your Ideal B2B Niche

A big key when it comes to both your success and your enjoyment as a B2B copywriter is making sure you’re in the niche of the B2B world that’s right for you.

And with literally hundreds of options — it’s not always apparent to the newcomer which niche you should make your focus.

In his “Finding Your Ideal Niche” webinar, Steve will help you uncover where your focus in the B2B world should be.

By examining your personal interests, professional background, training and hobbies, Steve will walk you through a proven process for selecting a copywriting niche that is best for you.

Creating an Effective Website for Your B2B Writing Services

Every professional writer needs a website.

Fortunately, these days, it’s very simple from a technical standpoint. And as a writer, you don’t need a complicated one at all.

But what is important it what content is on that site.

Because your website reflects on you — both as a writer and a professional.

During this free bonus webinar, Steve will show how to create a very simple, very direct website that positions you as the professional B2B clients want to see.

He’ll show you how the page should look… what links you should have… and the most important things you need to say on your website, including:

Why putting a traditional “portfolio” section on your website is a BAD idea.
How to write a service description that convinces a potential client to pick up the phone and call you.
Why your bio page is so important, and how to write one that convinces prospects that you’re the best writer for the job.
And more.

Again, these are just three of the Free Webinars you’ll see. With a value of $40 each — that’s another $120 educational value…

So just in the free bonuses alone — we’re up to $515!

And here’s a little secret…

There are even more bonuses and webinars on the “High-Performance B2B Copywriting Member Page that I haven’t covered here…

Bonuses that cover more advanced secrets… business success roadmaps… Q&A’s… Targeted learning…

All the resources you’ll ever need on your journey to A-level B2B copywriter.

And not only will those be waiting for you when you sign up for Steve’s Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy…

We’re adding new ones all the time!

So, with everything I’ve talked about so far, you’re probably wondering…

What’s all this cost?

Well, as I mentioned before…

It’s not $5,000, $2,500, or even the $1,000 it could very easily be…

Especially when you consider this one program alone, with a focused effort on your part, could very easily lead to a writing career that could pay you between $150,000 and $200,000 per year…

Not to mention give you a lifestyle that most people can only dream about…

Working from anywhere…

Choosing your hours…

Taking as many vacations as you want…

Able to walk the dog when you want to… have lunch with your family… take an afternoon off to golf, shop, do chores — anything you want!

That’s why people are always surprised when they learn this amazingly comprehensive — with all the extras and bonuses — is only $490…

Think about that for just a minute…

For less than the value of just the “bonuses” attached to this program…

You can learn from — and have access to — one of the best B2B copywriters working in the industry today…

A man who’s received rave after rave from clients and AWAI members alike about his knowledge and his commitment to helping aspiring writers get their start in the B2B world!

It’s an amazing deal…

A perfect match for anyone who took our little quiz earlier and found B2B is the best “copywriting match” for you.
Sign up now.

When you join Steve’s program, you get a great educational value…

Entrance into a fun and “hype-free” writing career that can pay you literally millions of dollars over your lifetime…

While affording you a “work from anywhere, when you want” lifestyle that gives you full control over your life.

Plus a chance to get started (with full access to everything) at the lowest price possible!

But I want to give you this very powerful assurance in the form of a money-back guarantee:
“Test-Drive” Steve’s High Performance B2B Copywriting Program Risk Free… FOR 1 FULL YEAR!

Take the time you need — up a full year — to explore what the Business-to-Business market is all about.

Go through the program — find out how the B2B sales process is different… get inside the mind of a B2B buyer… learn the 4 key influencers of the B2B buying decision… how easy it is to set up your very own B2B consulting firm.

Get a feel for what it’s like to write a short, 200-word ad… a case study… a lead generator… a white paper report…

Get a sense of the income you can make for yourself. Learn why companies are happy to pay you $500 for a simple landing page (about two hours of writing)… $750 for a two-page brochure (a morning’s work)… and up to $5,000 for a white paper report (two, maybe three days of writing and research)…

Then if, at any time during the next year, you decide: “Thanks, but this really isn’t for me after all” — then no problem.

Just let us know and we’ll not only refund the cost of the Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy program, but we’ll offer any assistance we can in finding you the niche that’s right for you.

I think you’ll agree — that’s an incredible guarantee.

But again, it goes back to what I said before.

This is about offering you life-changing information — and a chance to learn from one of the very best in the B2B industry — for price that’s more than fair…

And if at the end of it all you decide it’s not for you — Steve nor AWAI is interest in keeping your money.

The Next Move is Yours!

But I think you will love B2B as a writing niche…

Especially if you answered “mostly B’s” in our little quiz earlier.

I think you’ll love learning about new products…

The fun, fast, short, “non-hype” copy…

That feeling you’re a major contributor to a company’s success…

And, of course, that part of copywriting we all love: The ability to take back total control of your life.

For those reasons and many more, I urge you not to delay on this.

So please do not miss out.

Plus, as we add more and more benefits to the “High-Performance B2B Copy” program (all of which you’ll be entitled to when you sign up today at ZERO extra cost) the price could very easily go up in the future.

You’ll get everything the instant you sign up — whether you pay in full or take advantage of our free payment plan:

The entire Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy program and ALL of its power-packed contents…

Your FREE bonus reports — including your FREE “Day at the Office” webinar with Steve, where you’ll learn what being a B2B copywriter is all about…

Your series of Free Webinars — each designed to give you the added and deeper insights into what you need to do step-by-step to build a successful B2B Copywriting business…

Plus — an NEW resources we add going forward (at ZERO charge, for life)…

Access to our exclusive B2B Writer’s Forum, where you can meet other writers and find even more valuable resources on B2B copywriting…

The ability to email Steve directly… and get answers to you questions anytime you have them…

And much, much more you’ll discover on the Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy member’s-only website when you join.

And remember…

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed by one of the most remarkable guarantees you’ll ever see:

Take a full year to review the program and give B2B copywriting your best shot. If you decide it’s not for you — let us know — and every penny you’ve paid for the program will be returned to you…

No hoops to jump through…

No questions asked.

I truly hope you see the enormous value in this offer…

And the incredible opportunity before you.

B2B is a massive niche — the biggest in the copywriting universe, with over 200,000 potential clients in the U.S. alone…

And qualified writers are in HUGE demand.

Learn the skills now and you can build a very successful six-figure copywriting business helping them.

And I promise you…

You will not have a better ally… a better teacher… a better champion when it comes to your success as a B2B copywriter…

Than Steve Slaunwhite.

Order Secrets of Writing HIGH-PERFORMANCE Business-to-Business Copy today.

It’ll open up an entirely new and lucrative world for you.

You won’t regret it.


Katie Yeakle
Executive Director, AWAI

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