Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive


Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive

Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive

Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $48.00.

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Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $48.00.

  • Confidence and self-belief, baby, will SKY-rocket and become your norm. No longer will you need to question, second guess, worry or wonder, because you ALWAYS make the right decision and you ALWAYS know exactly what to do and how to do it!
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Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive


A 15 Day Immersion into DEEP Allowance, Ease and INSTANT Receiving, around Your Business, Your Money, Your Body, Your LIFE.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive at the Course Farm

We’ll Be Talking, Learning About, Releasing, All of This, and More:

  • What the emotions, energy, and energetic ALIGNMENT of receiving look and feel like, how to identify and know them, and call them in now
  • The critical difference between CALLING IN and simply BEING in. We like the latter, more. But the former is part of that, and I want to show you how to NOW call in, so it’s done, and you’re IN it.
  • Shit that stops you receiving. How to release it. Now. Plain and simple. No drama, no fuss, nothing to get emotional about, just – no thank you. And here is how.
  • Knowing what you truly ARE called to allow, with ease, and receive. Once you activate your receiving genius, you will ALWAYS let in EVERY thing you want and crave, so the only thing we want to be cautious around is to know how to know what we actually desire and yearn for and are ALIGNED for. I’ll show you.
  • Alignment, and what it actually FEELS like, how to therefore recognise it and step into it
  • Doing vs being: there is NEVER anything you need to do, but there is always action to take! This is one of the critical elements of receiving, to release the ‘how’ and simply step into moment by MOMENT knowing what you need to do, how to do it, and that it’s all PERFECT. This is what has made the BIGGEST shift for me, and I’m so excited to share it with you!
  • INSTANT elevation to ‘you 2.0’, that next next NEXT level version of you who simply has shit WORKING, who knows she or he is THE shit, and who doesn’t remotely even question whether or not it’s POSSIBLE, and also?

Fucking now baby.

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive at the Course Farm

Little Bit of Real Talk on WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT!

I know that YOU know that what this is really about, is FEELING the inner shifts and knowing that change, for the long haul, is done.

But let’s get real. I know you also wanna know what you can expect to see CHANGE.

So, here are just a few examples of what I see DAILY, from doing this work, in my life and also the lives of those who I do this work with.

  • Money flow with ease, more than you can even imagine right now, and part of that will be I will HELP you to imagine bigger, and BEYOND as far as your eye can right now see
  • Every dollar you spend gets to be returned to you 10x over
  • The way you feel and look, physical energy and HOTNESS, inside and out, is just EXACTLY what you want. There is no right or wrong way to eat or train or move or live anymore. You just KNOW how to tap in to what is right for YOU, and the results just – flow.
  • You’ll step fully into love, gratitude, self-acceptance and feeling all that as true IN you, now, with zero need for EXTERNAL validation or add-ons
  • You will sleep less, move faster, think faster, feel better, know EXACTLY what to do and EXACTLY how to do it, and the you will DO it, freakin’ fast, and with ease. Seriously. We’re activating super-human shit here.
  • You will automatically and just MAGNETICALLY attract in your ideal soul clients. They will just appear and they will come to YOU!! It’s the best thing ever also … they will pay you upfront, and / or with ease
  • You’ll be high vibing day in and day out, and it will become your normal state to be happy, excited, joyous, and truly just loving life and YOU
  • You’ll always know what to say in your business. How to message. How to create or unleash. As well as what to sell and how to sell it. And?
  • Your shit will just sell. With ease. With flow. On repeat.
  • Confidence and self-belief, baby, will SKY-rocket and become your norm. No longer will you need to question, second guess, worry or wonder, because you ALWAYS make the right decision and you ALWAYS know exactly what to do and how to do it!
  • You will be able to, quite literally, blink your eyes or click your fingers and GET WHAT YOU WANT, no matter what it is or how big and it will be a DAILY THING AND NORM.

Which I guess kinda sums the whole thing up!!

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Receive at the Course Farm

Archive: http://archive.is/Qnoc0


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