Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords


Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords

Ken Calhoun - Writing Adwords

Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)”Writing AdWords can actually be one of the toughest challenges for advertisers, but thanks to your Writing Ad Words DVD this is no longer a problem. This DVD ROCKS!

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Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords

Ken Calhoun - Writing Adwords

You’ll Discover Exactly How To Write High-Selling Google Ad Campaigns for YOUR Site β€” Watch the Copywriting Secrets that 95% of All Adwords Advertisers
Don’t Even Know Exist… And Yet Have Helped Me
Grab Over $102,000 a Year in Profitable Sales…!”
Check out these jaw-dropping ad tactics, revealed exclusively in this new DVD:
How to use astonishingly strong Google Adwords copywriting numbers tactics (using numbers in your adwords will improve your clickthroughs and sales β€” in this special section you learn exactly what to do – and what mistakes to avoid!)
β€œDo it yourself” (DIY) vs β€œDo it For Me” (DFM) adwords copy: See How To write ads that pitch differently to your visitor traffic for maximum sales to each type of customer, using actual case study examples that’ll blow you away (and give you the exact tips you need to improve your ads now!)
An easy-to-follow process for advanced copywriting split testing your adwords campaigns (and it’s not what you think – it’s an amazingly profitable tip that your competitors don’t know about – but you soon will!);
The secrets needed to quickly optimize how you word your ads differently from your competition, to make your prospects excited about your site before they click (this makes them hungry to buy before they hit your site);
Hey, Do Your Google Adwords Ads Make Your Prospects YAWN?
Not Getting High Sales Yet, Like I Do?
Grab This DVD Course And Instantly Wake Up Your Google Ads…!
β€œ7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid” in your adwords campaigns (and this relates to exactly how to write your ads for maximum impact and sales, not just simple campaign management and bidding newbie stuff);
Advanced adwords strategies, the secrets that SEO consultants don’t reveal to you (but I’m about to!)… and more…
Targeted CTR Copywriting β„’ explained in video, you’ll see the step by step process that’s crucial to helping you write different categories of adwords that target specific niches for your site’s visitors.
And it’s so much better than simple camtasia/flash online videos – you can WATCH and LEARN using your DVD player on Your Television Set, not hunched over a pc screen (though you can do that as well if you wish)… So You’ll Learn FASTER and REMEMBER What to do, easier!
Hidden Techniques for Boosting Your Adwords to Pull Sizzling Sales, Instantly..!
β€œGet Better Sales Results from Your Google Adwords Campaigns By Swiping the Top Insider Secrets
for Writing Profit-Pulling Successful Ads…You’ll Learn How To Write Better Ads That Pull More Sales in this Powerful, Step by Step Video…!”
You’ll Learn Exactly What To Write In Your Google Ads So You Can Get a 0.7 – 1.5% CTR Improvement and Better Sales At Your Site From
Qualified Buying Traffic – All Explained Step by Step Using Successful Google Ad Case Studies in this Comprehensive, Easy to Use DVD Course…
October 12th, 2004
From Ken Calhoun
Dear Google Adwords Advertiser,
Are you frustrated that your current Google AdWords campaigns aren’t getting enough clicks or sales as you’d like? You’re not alone β€” mine used to be the same way, years ago when I first started out. The secret to sales success?
You’ve gotta learn the savvy, streetwise techniques I reveal for writing high-energy, compelling Google ads that drive buying traffic to your site (plus how to beat the crap outta your competitors’ ads)… it’s fun (and profitable!) once you learn how….I should know, I make a six figure income with what I’ve learned – and you can, too:
Let me show you the β€˜mechanics’ of how to write high-selling adwords campaigns, using tested, successful adwords – here’s how you can write better adwords that pull more sales, explained step by simple step – guaranteed…:
What I’m about to divulge to you today can make an instant improvement in your site’s sales conversions (as well as cut your adwords expenses dramatically!), as I expose my top copywriting secrets in this sizzling new 118-minute DVD adwords copywriting video course:
Here’s what this is all about:

Get Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords download

My name is Ken Calhoun. I run 6-figure selling websites, and you may have seen me featured on some of the internet’s top marketing sites, by Corey Rudl, Michel Fortin and others…
And I’ve discovered (through months of expensive testing and trial-and-error adwords placements) an easy-to-use step by step process that can quickly help improve your campaigns’ sales results quickly, once you learn my top sales tips…
β€œYou’ll Discover Exactly How To Write High-Selling Google Ad Campaigns for YOUR Site β€” Watch the Copywriting Secrets that 95% of All Adwords Advertisers
Don’t Even Know Exist… And Yet Have Helped Me
Grab Over $102,000 a Year in Profitable Sales…!”
Check out these jaw-dropping ad tactics, revealed exclusively in this new DVD:
How to use astonishingly strong Google Adwords copywriting numbers tactics (using numbers in your adwords will improve your clickthroughs and sales β€” in this special section you learnexactly what to do – and what mistakes to avoid!)
β€œDo it yourself” (DIY) vs β€œDo it For Me” (DFM) adwords copy: See How To write ads that pitch differently to your visitor traffic for maximum sales to each type of customer, using actual case study examples that’ll blow you away (and give you the exact tips you need to improve your ads now!)
Popular Google AdwordAnalyzer Software Author says β€œThis DVD Rocks!”
β€œWriting AdWords can actually be one of the toughest challenges for advertisers, but thanks to your Writing Ad Words DVD this is no longer a problem. This DVD ROCKS!
After reviewing your DVD I immediately decided to put several of your strategies to the test.
Here are the current CTR’s for five of my campaigns as of 11/04/04:
2.3% 2.7% 3.4% 4.0% 4.8%
Needless to say, I’m very happy! If you have
ever struggled to write compelling AdWords ads
or if your CTR’s are just plain terrible…
then stop what you are doing right now and
grab a copy of this DVD!
I’ll be recommending Writing AdWords to all of my Ad Word Analyzer customers. Great job, Ken!”
Jeff Alderson
An easy-to-follow process for advanced copywriting split testing your adwords campaigns (and it’s not what you think – it’s an amazingly profitable tip that your competitors don’t know about – but you soon will!);
The secrets needed to quickly optimize how you word your ads differently from your competition, to make your prospects excited about your site before they click (this makes them hungry to buy before they hit your site);
Hey, Do Your Google Adwords Ads Make Your Prospects YAWN?
Not Getting High Sales Yet, Like I Do?
Grab This DVD Course And Instantly Wake Up Your Google Ads…!
β€œ7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid” in your adwords campaigns (and this relates to exactly how to write your ads for maximum impact and sales, not just simple campaign management and bidding newbie stuff);
Advanced adwords strategies, the secrets that SEO consultants don’t reveal to you (but I’m about to!)… and more…
Targeted CTR Copywriting β„’ explained in video, you’ll see the step by step process that’s crucial to helping you write different categories of adwords that target specific niches for your site’s visitors.
And it’s so much better than simple camtasia/flash online videos – you can WATCH and LEARN using your DVD player on Your Television Set, not hunched over a pc screen (though you can do that as well if you wish)… So You’ll Learn FASTER and REMEMBER What to do, easier
Even Famous Internet Attorney Bob Silber
Says these must-have videos show how to do any Adword Campaign β€œSuccessfully and Profitably…”
Bob Silber
β€œEvery smart marketer knows Adwords are the fastest way to bring buyers and traffic to your Web site.
Unfortunately it’s also the quickest way to drain your bank account if not done right. Your videos lay out the game plan to do any Adword campaign successfully and profitably. Great job.”
As you’re about to see, this β€œWriting Adwords Secrets” DVD course is so much more powerful than the simple β€œhow to run google campaigns and use keywords” type of rehashed ebooks you’ve seen out there ..
You get my top β€˜big money plays’, as I explode onscreen for you all of the specific words and strategies you need to help you know what to say and how to say it to drive a frenzied wave of buying clicks through to your site. It really works – guaranteed
Learn how to write adwords for: a) Opt-In Lead Generation b) 1-Shot Quickie Sales and c) Writing Adwords for Backend Sales…and you get much, much more!

Get Ken Calhoun – Writing Adwords download


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