Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets


Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets

Ken Kerr - Licensing Secrets

Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $52.00.

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Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $52.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)The wisdom of multiple streams of income in the 21st Century and what the fastest, easiest income stream you can add to your business is (anyone can do it!)

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Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets

Ken Kerr - Licensing Secrets

You’ll Learn “Hollywood’s Fortune Making Secrets”
Revealed Nowhere Else
Nowhere else will you find the eye-opening information I’ve packed into this amazing home study course and mentoring program — it’s the product of more than twenty years and tens of thousands of dollars I’ve spent discovering and perfecting these money-making methods and techniques.
Here are some of the ‘inside secrets’ you’ll discover:
What is licensing and the secrets of making it work for you…
How to protect your idea; your copyright; your patent; or your trademark…
How to make your (or anyone’s) idea licensable…
The 11 biggest licensing mistakes almost everybody makes–and how to avoid them…
10 ways to develop a “licensing mindset” that almost guarantees you’ll be one of the first to profit from new ideas…
The 2 key reasons why people buy–and exactly how to get them to buy your idea from you instead of a competitor…
The Secret Formula for making people respond to your licensed product every time…
Proven ways to make all your licensing efforts at least twice as effective–often without spending any more money!…
How to market your idea and make a fortune…
How to create value to maximize your income potential…
How to present your idea so they buy it everytime…
A simple system for negotiating the terms of a “killer” licensing deal…
The Pet Rock syndrome and how to avoid it…
Why getting your trademark, patent or copyright attorney involved in your idea too soon is sure to kill your deal — and how to make sure that never happens…
How to structure your licensing deal so everyone wins…
How to be a marketing genius almost overnight…

Get Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets download

How to find the right companies and contacts…
How to capitalize on anyone’s idea, anytime, anywhere…
Why it’s better for you not to be an artist or designer — and the secret to hiring them “dirt cheap!”…
How to manage your licensing deals to maximize your profit…
How to target future opportunities and stay 3 to 5 years ahead of your competition…
How to make your living from royalties…
How to determine if your invention will sell…
How to know when to manufacture your invention yourself…
How to discover if a working model of your invention is needed or will a sketch do…
How to have companies bidding for your invention…
How to protect your idea without a patent…
Why sometimes getting a patent is a “bad” idea…
How to have major manufacturers begging for your next idea…
You get over 300 pages of non-stop, no-holds-barred, step-by-step, paint by number information, tricks, secrets, strategies, systems — it’s like having the best brains in Hollywood in a box. You can use these techniques to make a fortune in any business–whether you’re a corporate giant like AT & T or a one-man business operating out of a garage (that’s how Walt Disney and Apple Computer got started)!
You’ll Become A “Marketing
Insider” (and why you need to be one)
Marketing is the engine that drives any business, profession, or organization–including your Licensing business. And with the insider’s perspective you’ll gain from this oversize manual, you’ll become a “marketing insider.” You’ll know exactly how to make a fortune in your licensing business, any business, profession or field of endeavor you choose!
NOTE: Licensing is a function of marketing, they work hand-in-hand, the more you understand about marketing the faster you’ll make a fortune in licensing. Order now and I will include a copy of “Mouse Power” – The Million Dollar Marketing Secrets of the Magic Kingdom!” — This step-by-step guide gives you the “keys” to unlock the genius of Walt Disney to turn your new product, idea, invention, technique, business or gimmick into a GOLD MINE! This money-making marketing manual alone has sold for over $495.00 and it’s yours FREE when you order “Licensing – How To Make Millions the Hollywood Way!”
There are dozens of specific examples and cash-creating tips in this manual that you can start profiting from right away. For example, you’ll learn:
Direct marketing techniques that can flood your business with new customers (Several companies have had to stop using one technique you’ll learn, because they were overwhelmed with new customers!);
How to develop an in-house mailing list that pulls 20%-50% response every time you use it!
How to calculate exactly what a new customer or client is worth to you–and how to decide exactly how much you can afford to spend to get her to buy from you;
60 proven ways to make your prospects an offer they can’t refuse;
53 ways to get your message across to your hottest prospects–and 6 simple steps for selecting the most profitable way(s) for you;
18 special techniques for creating advertising that sells;
A little-used, almost foolproof 4-step plan for outselling your competition everytime;
How to create your own perfect product over a short weekend… so you can start earning your fortune even if you don’t have a real business or anything to sell yet!

Get Ken Kerr – Licensing Secrets download

How to sell to more customers in a day than you could personally meet in a year!
The wisdom of multiple streams of income in the 21st Century and what the fastest, easiest income stream you can add to your business is (anyone can do it!)

Free Bonus #One:
“Mouse Power” – The Million Dollar Marketing Secrets of the Magic Kingdom!”
This step-by-step guide gives you the “keys” to unlock the genius of Walt Disney to turn your new product, idea, invention, technique, business or gimmick into a GOLD MINE! This money-making marketing manual alone has sold for over $495.00 and it’s yours FREE when you order “Licensing – How To Make Millions the Hollywood Way!”
Free Bonus #Two —
ONE YEAR of Access to my Inner Circle Mentoring Forum
My Inner Circle members will get access to my newly released mentoring forum. (I’ll give you a secret access code with your order.) You will be able to pose your questions to all of my other Inner Circle members. You’ll have advice from other motivated people with interesting projects. I’ll even stop in from time to time to add my insight. This is a great opportunity to make those “Million Dollar” contacts.
And it’s included in the “Inner Circle Mentoring Forum” bonus.
Free Bonus #Three —
The Cash Cow Marketing Idea Guide
You’ll learn the exact system that is the “heart and soul” of Hollywood’s creativity. This will assist you in the creation of all your million dollar ideas! This amazing bonus includes 153 Brainstorming Techniques You Can Use to Get Million-Dollar Ideas Like A Creative Genius! Here you’ll learn the secret brainstorming techniques that the most successful companies in Hollywood use. You can use these same techniques to generate hundreds of breakthrough ideas for your licensing business. Just one of these ideas can make you rich! Plus, I’ll include 201 Proven Ways to Make People Pay Attention to Your Marketing Message. Americans are assaulted with over 2700 advertising messages a day. This valuable report contains over 200 ways to make sure your prospective customers pay attention to your message and not your competitions…
Free Bonus #Four —
The Hollywood “Insiders” Marketing Plan Template & Questionnaire
(This never before published Hollywood “Inside Circle” marketing plan and template has been time tested secretly in over 50 major American companies — and has yet to produce less than a 500% increase in the bottom line.) This bonus alone is easily worth five times the price of the entire course.
Free Bonus #Five –
“Direct Mail & Direct Response Advertising Techniques” by T.E. Mudry
This 120 page guide was written a number of years ago by T.E. Mudry, one of the most respected direct marketing minds in the business. It is one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use pieces I’ve ever read, so when he retired I bought the rights to it. After all, the cost of postage may have increased but, thanks to the Internet, so has the effectiveness of direct mail!

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