Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) – The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023


Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) – The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023

Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) - The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023

Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) – The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023


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Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) – The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023

Kevin Rogers (CopyChief) - The Copywriting Crossroads Summit 2023

Let’s Get Your 2024 Plan Together!

The Copywriting Crossroads Summit was a smash success. Copywriters who attended called it “life-changing” and said they now have “total clarity” on how to position themselves as a Best In Category Copywriter for 2024.
There is still time for you!
Rob and Kevin are actively coaching copywriters inside the CCS Private Club right now.
Get your full high-quality recording of the Summit, your personal Playbook, and we will help you put your plan into action!
An Urgent Warning For Freelancers Concerned About 2024

Following OpenAI’s (ChatGPT), Elon’s (xAI), and Amazon’s (Olympus)

Stunning November AI Announcements…
We Have Reached A Crucial Crossroads
For The Future of Copywriting.
The November Updates Confirm:
Only Two Types of Copywriters Will Exist in the Coming Year…
The Bots & The Best
The Bots Will Replace All But The Best and 

The Best (If They’re Fast) Will Thrive Like Never Before
By Providing The Critical Human Element To Sales Campaigns!
That’s why for Two Days in December,
I’m hosting an Emergency Strategy Session 

Broadcasting LIVE From The Studio in Tampa!
Where I Will Demonstrate The Bot/Best Hybrid Model 

That Has Become The New Standard in Direct Response.
Then, Together, You and I Will Create 

Your Own Personal Playbook for Becoming…
A “Best In Category” Copywriter
Before 2024 Even Begins!
That means More Work with Better Clients at Higher Pay… 

If you know how to position your new and existing skills to
meet the most urgent human copy demands next year.
Spend Two Days With Me And You Will Lead The Field in 2024.
Over two days together, you and I will…
  • Discover the Best Human Element Copy Categories that will increase in demand for 2024…
  • Choose where YOU can specialize based on your existing experience and natural abilities…
  • ​Meet “Best In Category” copywriters who are leveraging the hybrid model to absolutely thrive in the new standard…
  • ​Connect with the companies and clients who are hiring Human Element copywriters to bring their campaigns to life…
  • ​Customize your 111 Day Action Plan to stay in demand starting in December and propelling you throughout 2024 and beyond…
  • ​PLUS, my team will be hands-on in the chat and during break-out sessions to give you all the help you need to get clear, confident, and ready to have the best year ever in your copywriting career!

Watch this video…

Don’t put this off. Now is NOT the time to sit on your hands and wait. 

What you do, or don’t do, in the remainder of 2023 will have a major impact on how 2024 goes for you.
Make the right moves, and 2024 could be your best year ever in copywriting.
The Copywriting Crossroads  

At Which We Stand
It’s time to REDEFINE what it means to be a “copywriter” in 2024 and beyond. 

A Copywriter is NO LONGER:

  • Page filler (information-based articles and posts)
  • ​Title writer (Social posts, videos, podcasts, taglines)
  • Content Provider (Blog posts, podcast show notes, SEO)

A Copywriter GOING FORWARD is a:

  • Researcher (Seeing beyond the data and engaging in dialogue)
  • Storyteller (Finding and telling nuanced stories relevant to the customer)
  • Strategist (Planning campaigns with real time market conditions)
  • Resonator (Guiding voice of brand and the human voices behind the brand)
  • Connector (Engaging as a human with the market to understand core desires)
  • Convertor (Utilizing know, like, trust, and urgency to convert the sale)
Think of it like this…
If what you do is a “nice to have” for your clients, meaning it serves a purpose, but does not make sales, then that work has a fast approaching expiration date.
There is simply…
If you “get it” you can make it.
Copywriting is a team sport, yes, but it is made up of individuals.
Just like football or baseball; the best at their positions are responsible for the win in any given game.
They are specialists at their positions. Now it’s time for you to become that same kind of specialist.
So, if you are smart, hungry, and dedicated, the odds are in your favor, but time is not on your side.
Plain facts:
  • There is no more time for taking the next “hot” course that will surely flood the market in January…
  • ​No more hoping a “miracle mega prompt” is going to provide the “hack” you need…
  • ​And no more praying that the next version of ChatGPT is going to save you – it won’t!
       Here’s What You MUST  

       Understand Today…
AI is being incorporated into almost every software, search engine, marketplace, and social media platform, but most people (including many so-called “copywriters”) do not understand what this means.
For the average person, it may appear these advancements are making their lives “easier”…
But, for the copywriter – someone whose earnings are based upon creativity…
It means:
  • ​If you use mainstream AI solutions (right out the box), you risk sounding like, behaving like, and ultimately becoming “A Bot” and putting your future at risk
  • ​If you don’t understand how to best use any of these technologies and optimize the (inconsistent and unreliable) outputs, you are giving up your competitive edge.
  • ​If you are not able to use your Human creativity to optimize AI results, you risk being overlooked and replaced by a lesser-qualified, but more tech-savvy person.
Look, things are changing fast…
That’s why I recently locked myself in a room for an entire day with the industry’s top leaders to find out first hand what’s working right now.
How The Best Clients View Copywriting in 2024
At one point during the lock-in we were discussing upsell sequences… Justin Goff, who was there, is the undisputed best at these.
But, get this…
Donnie mentioned that he has spent “at least $300,000 hiring copywriters to beat Justin’s upsell sequence.”
Now, mad respect to Justin for being so bulletproof on upsells, however, the part of that statement that nearly KNOCKED ME OFF MY CHAIR was the fact that…
A true marketer like Donnie thinks nothing about investing three hundred thousand dollars to improve just ONE part of a funnel.
Let that sink in.
He’s just one guy from one company in one niche happily forking over this kind of money for better copy.
So, you can bet he’s fully aware of what the bots can do – and using them for all they’re worth.
On the flip side…
He is also extremely aware of their LIMITATIONS, and will spare no expense to fill the gap.
So, what’s your next move?
Well, you human creative “weirdo,” you…
During the Copywriting Crossroads Summit, I’m going to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know, and give you a rock-solid plan for what to do over the next 111 days (critical timing), so you can…

Beat The Bots and Become a Coveted, Highly-Compensated, and

In Demand Human Element Copywriter in 2024.
You’ll notice that I’ve kept the price as low as possible so this crucial game plan is accessible to anyone who wants it.

Here’s how I’m keeping the cost so affordable…

There are:

  • No affiliates for me to pay.
  • ​No travel, or meals, or lodging expenses for you to attend.
  • ​No “one click” upsells (sorry, Justin) after you purchase.
Throughout the Summit, I’m going to introduce you to copywriters and business owners who are embracing the Bot/Best Hybrid model to achieve breakthrough results in their businesses.

More may be added, but right now I’m excited to announce:

Here’s a general outline of what we’ll dig into each day during the summit:

Day 1

The New Copywriting Paradigm for 2024

(10 am- 4 pm ET – Streaming live from the studio)
Interactive presentation with Kevin and Rob, plus special guest copywriters and hiring partners, covering:
  • Why the best copywriters in the world expect their businesses to increase in 2024…
  • ​The top revenue-boosting services to add to your packages, and which ones to dump immediately…
  • ​The reasons UpWork and other freelancing platforms will be a complete dead end in 2024, and where to go instead to find the best clients…
  • ​How business owners have changed their expectations of copywriters inside the new paradigm (and exactly how to speak their language when pitching your services)…
  • ​How to reposition your services to make yourself irreplaceable to the best companies in the game right now…

Day 2

Your 111 Day Plan To Stay In Demand

(10 am-4 pm ET – Streaming live from the studio)
  • The biggest obstacle to your copywriting career or business in 2024…
  • ​Why these 3 “common practices” MUST be avoided to be successful in the new copywriting paradigm…
  • ​How (and where) to “show up” for your clients or risk being mistaken for “A Bot” instead of “The Best”…
  • ​How to claim official standing as a Top Voice on LinkedIn (no matter how much experience you have) and be seen and respected as an expert authority in your copywriting specialty…
  • ​Exactly how to use your personal 111 Day Action Plan to kick off the first quarter of 2024 and make this your highest earning year in copywriting yet!
  • ​Why the 21 days remaining in 2023 (beginning the Monday after the summit) are absolutely critical for gaining momentum going into the new year, and…
  • ​How to use the “Reverse-Callout” section of the 111-day plan, so you ensure this doesn’t become another failed “New Year’s Resolution.”
So, What’s All This Worth?


If we were to add up the value of my time alone, the price for two days of consulting is $15,000

Rob’s fee is even higher than mine – $20,000 for two days of consulting.
So, you’re getting a minimum of $35,000 of coaching from Rob and I alone!
Not to mention the value of our special guests (imagine what an hour with Donnie, Rich, Lukas, or Chris would cost), my personal team of A-list coaches, and the strength of my entire team fully present in the chat to help you with your plan.
Plus, the studio rental to make this fully interactive (I will see every one of you) is costing us $15,000.


If this were a private consulting event, I would charge upwards of $60,000 for the two days.


But, of course, I’m not going to charge you $60,000 for this potentially life-changing coaching. 

I’m not going to charge even $10,000 (although it would be totally worth it!)

And, you know what?

I was originally going to charge $1,000 for this event, which you and I both know would be a total no-brainer… 

But, I decided not to charge even half that much!
My team, my wife, my therapist, and even my dog, all agreed that I’d be certifiably CRAZY not to charge at least $499 for delivering this level of value!
So I lured them all into a walk-in freezer and slammed the door just like in a bad 90’s sitcom…
And before they could escape I wrote this page and decided to charge…
  • Two 6-hour days of real-time, hands-on coaching with Kevin Rogers and Rob Tillman
  • ​Live, interactive Deep Dives with our special guests and exclusive hiring partners like Rich Schefren, Donnie French, Lukas Resheske, and Chris Haddad
  • ​Your personally customized 111 Day Playbook for making 2024 your best year ever in copywriting
  • ​Live support from my private team of coaches inside the chat and during Q&A sessions
  • ​Full access to our special guests, including the world’s best copywriters and hiring partners hungry to bring on more Human Element copy talent


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