Learn Self Publishing – Ads for Authors Bundle


Learn Self Publishing – Ads for Authors Bundle

Learn Self Publishing - Ads for Authors Bundle

Learn Self Publishing – Ads for Authors Bundle

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $69.00.

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Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $69.00.

This course will show you how to make your ads as effective as possible – and what’s working right now.

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Learn Self Publishing – Ads for Authors Bundle

Learn Self Publishing - Ads for Authors Bundle


There’s that little thing called marketing to consider – in other words, how you’re going to get your words into the hands of people who want to read them.
Even traditionally published authors are responsible for a great deal of their own marketing these days, as publishers reduce the amount of time, money, and energy they invest in developing their lists. And if you’re self publishing, of course, the marketing is entirely up to you.


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It doesn’t have to be. In fact, marketing can be simple and (dare I say it?) even A FUN PART OF YOUR BUSINESS AS AN INDIE AUTHOR – if you go about it the right way.
The problem is that most authors don’t think of marketing the same way they think of crafting their books. Authors love to read all about craft, spend hours plotting and creating outlines, write reams on character backstory that may or may not ever make it into the book…
Yet when it comes to marketing and selling – if they’re doing marketing at all – they’re willing to just throw something together, post to Facebook once in a while when they remember (or when they’re procrastinating…), and maybe even dabble in Facebook ads here and there.

But marketing is just like writing – you have to know where you’re going and you’ll need a plan to get there.

If you want a successful, lucrative career as an indie author, you must create marketing systems that reach new audiences, sell for you, and leave you time to write and create.
That’s why we created the Learn Self Publishing Ads for Authors course.
It’s a full marketing system for authors that can be set up quickly and with a minimal budget. And then it will run in the background, working hard on your behalf to get your books into the hands of readers and pushing you up the sales charts. It will gather new readers, build your sales rank and add to your bottom line. All the while, you’ll have the time to concentrate on your writing, secure in the knowledge that your career is being developed. And you’ll be ready to market your next book when it’s ready.
The successful indie author is someone who understands that making a decent living from writing is not just writing a book – or even multiple books – but about embracing the power of new digital marketing techniques to create repeatable systems that get those books into the hands of readers over and over again.

Want to know how they did it?


“it’s too technical.”

The team at Learn Self Publishing aren’t especially technical – we’re not experts at websites and data and all the stuff you might think you need to know to make advertising work. You’ll be able to get ads up and running very quickly. Better still, we’ll guide you through the whole process, teaching you the trickier concepts, explaining the jargon and then presenting you with hours of detailed videos that allow you to look over our shoulders as we set up and monitor ads. We’ll demystify the process and show you how easy it is.

“i don’t have time!”

We won’t lie: advertising on Facebook, Amazon and BookBub takes a bit of time to learn and set up, but we’re going to cut your set up time by way more than half, because we’ll show you everything you need to know. And once you have your systems set up, it takes almost no time to maintain. Ten minutes – that’s all. The system we teach finds new readers for you while you write the new material that they’re going to love.

“i’m not a marketer.”

Successful writers know that you need to wear lots of different hats. The days when you could just write and leave someone else to get your books into the hands of new readers are long gone. And that’s great! If you’re anything like us, you want people to love your stuff, but you also want to be paid enough so that you can do what you love as your full-time job. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of the most efficient strategies to make that a reality?

“i’m not ready to launch…”

All you need is a finished book that’s ready to be delivered to readers. We’ll show you how to leverage that book to drive sign-ups to your mailing list – the #1 most powerful marketing strategy a writer can have. And then we’ll show you how to sell it. There’s a perception in the indie community that too many authors are advertising and it isn’t as effective as it once was. We disagree. This course will show you how to make your ads as effective as possible – and what’s working right now.

“it’ll be too expensive.”

This is one of the most frequent concerns we hear from other authors. It’s not true. You can run simple list building ads on Facebook for as little as $5 a day. And that’s an investment that should result in a tidy return – the goal is to make a profit as new readers buy your books.

At a certain stage in life – or your business – you’re not  interested in just doing what you’ve been doing. It isn’t working. You’re not getting the results you want. And that’s frustrating. You’re ready to take things to an entirely different level.

The problem is this: it’s not something you can do on your own. It’s not going to be you sitting in a coffee shop, figuring out how to make your books sell in the intervals between writing new stuff.

In fact, when you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to:

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Find your perfect readers and hit them with beautiful, well-crafted ads that convert them into buyers and fans.

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Build an automated email sequence that introduces new readers to your writing and encourages them to move on to your paid books.

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Grow your email list exponentially with readers who have signed up because they are eager to know more about you and your writing.

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Turn some of those readers in to fans, and then into superfans (and members of your Street Team – selling more books for you!).

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Write engaging emails to your readers that build strong lasting relationships.

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png Start growing the core posse of 1,000 true fans any creative artist needs to build a sustainable and reliable business doing the things that you love.

djkljsljs-removebg-preview.png And – I almost forgot – SELL BOOKS.


Why? Because they’re using ads very successfully and want to keep their strategies to themselves.
Not cool!
We created this course because we hate the idea of writers sitting on manuscripts, worried about self-publishing, because they think it’s going to be prohibitively expensive, when that’s just not the case.
And now that we’ve been teaching students how to do this for a while, the results have been astounding.
Our students have proven that ads work in any genre for any kind of writer. We’ve seen romance authors make FIVE times their investment on ads. I’ve seen writers from niche genres add THOUSANDS of email addresses (yes, literally) to their mailing lists.

It can be done – and you could be next.




The original and the largest of the courses within Ads for Authors, our flagship Facebook Ads for Authors covers everything you need to know in order to navigate the world’s largest social media ads platform. In this course you will learn:
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png How to use Facebook Ads to build a mailing list of superfans;
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png And how to use the ads platform to drive sales of your books. You’ll also get access to Advanced Facebook Ads for Authors – a steadily updated curriculum of high-level ninja tips and tricks.


Brand New for 2024 from Ricardo Fayet. Over the past decade, Ricardo has worked one-on-one with countless authors, across a wide variety of genres, to help them make the most of Amazon’s advertising platform. This course is the combination of that. Ricardo teaches everything that he has learnt, and condenses his personal experience into practical, actionable lessons that you can use to set up your first ads, or improve your existing ones, right away.
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png Why Amazon Ads should form part of your marketing strategy;
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png The different types of Amazon Ads;
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png How to develop the right advertising strategy for your books;
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png And all the tactics and strategies he’s used to make his ads work like gangbusters.


Lila Dubois and Jayne Rylon are two authors who’ve seen incredible success since they focussed on using TikTok to sell more books. They’ve put together an amazing course so that authors looking to replicate that success can follow in their footsteps, regardless of which genre they write in.
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png Learn how to create a profile, how authors sell books on TikTok, and how to navigate the app.
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png Understanding BookTok
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png Creating your TikToks, step by step guide on how to put them together.
sksjarrow-removebg-preview.png Growing your audience, the more followers you get the bigger your influence.

BookBub Ads for Authors

You’ve probably heard how effective BookBub’s Featured Deals are, right? Take a deep dive into the platform with an up-to-date and expansive module delivered by the BookBub team themselves, and learn everything from setting up an account to building an audience to creating ads with cheap CPCs… and much more!

Whether or not you become a successful indie author has much more to do with your marketing systems than anything elsE.

The good news is, the tactics you need to know to market your book are not difficult to master. We’ve done the hard work of putting all the information together into one hub and system you can use to find readers, introduce them to your work, and create fans and readers for life.
​The only thing left for you to do is make it happen.


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