Lucas Leite – The Coyote Half Guard No Gi


Lucas Leite – The Coyote Half Guard No Gi

Lucas Leite - The Coyote Half Guard No Gi

Lucas Leite – The Coyote Half Guard No Gi


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After he is able to pull them into his world and establish his Coyote Guard he will be able to control and dictate the pace. It is all about leverage. He gets himself so tight on his half guard that sweeping is easy. One of his favorite sweeps is called the, ‘Carry the baby,’ sweep – it involves carrying your bigger opponent like a baby, even if he is 100 lbs bigger! It works and it is easier to master than you would ever believe.

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Lucas Leite – The Coyote Half Guard No Gi

Lucas Leite - The Coyote Half Guard No Gi

How To Sweep Bigger Guys With The Half Guard That Actually Works Better Against Heavier Opponents Without A Gi
For The First Time Ever, Lucas Leite Shares His World Famous Coyote Half Guard Adapted For No Gi

Check out Lucas Leite’s Darce Defense:

What Will You Learn?

Learn The Weird Techniques that Lucas Leite uses so well against bigger opponent’s that he voluntarily enter tournaments in the ultra-heavy division with an almost 100 lb weight deficit.

The Coyote Half Guard was one of our best rated and best-selling instructionals ever and Lucas has since been recognized as the “half guard wizard.” Lucas utilizes a unique and effective half guard he refers to as “coyote half.”

What makes his guard so different is the way he traps the leg in the half guard. This guard is SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE . Anybody can learn it whether they are experienced or a beginner. Lucas prefers to play this guard against bigger or faster guys.

The reason Lucas prefers going against heavier and faster guys is because his variation of the half guard works better on them. The way that he traps his opponent allows him to capitalize on people weight. It also allows him to slow down the faster and more elusive opponent’s. This throws them off and Lucas capitalizes on it.

The coyote Half is also an excellent position to play to avoid leg locks, guillotines, Darce chokes and more. Lucas plays his half guard in a methodical way where he is able to stay away from danger.

With the growing popularity of lower body attacks Lucas has adapted his half even more. He maintains total control of his opponent and if they attempt to attack his lower body, it is nearly impossible.

No Gi can be particularly slippery and typically the athletic and elusive guys have the advantage here.. that is, unless you know the coyote half Lucas shows. One of the primary focal points of Leite’s system is that he wants to emphasize control. Lucas knows, especially in no gi, that he has to be able to control his opponent and reduce the pace of the match.

After he is able to pull them into his world and establish his Coyote Guard he will be able to control and dictate the pace. It is all about leverage. He gets himself so tight on his half guard that sweeping is easy. One of his favorite sweeps is called the, ‘Carry the baby,’ sweep – it involves carrying your bigger opponent like a baby, even if he is 100 lbs bigger! It works and it is easier to master than you would ever believe.
Check out how Lucas defends the knee slice and ultimately takes the back

Get Lucas Leite – The Coyote Half Guard No Gi download

So What Exactly Is On This Series?

Part 1:

Pulling half guard and getting to the back

Defending the darce with rollover swee

Defending the knee slice to dogfight

Defending the knee slice to single leg x to foot lock

Open guard to dogfight to kiss of the dragon

Half guard back door to the back

Dealing with pressure passing with coyote half guard

Escaping from shoulder pressure

Part 2:

Knee shield to dogfight coyote to jumping rollover sweep

Cross arm drag sweep from knee shield

Russian 2 on 1 from knee shield to kimura trap

Rollover sweep to dogbar

Deep half to coyote sweep to mount

Knee slice defense to dogfight to back take

Part 3:

Defending the mount attempt

Octopus half guard sweep

Countering the back step to get to mount

Side control escape to coyote half guard

Weave pass defense to x guard to knee bar

X guard to toe hold

Arm drag to dogfight

Part 4:

Countering the sprawl and getting to half guard

Knee shield placement

Defending the weave pass

Double underhooks to coyote to back take

Defending knee on belly

Wiggle wiggle sweep

Same side underhook pass

Live rolling

So What Does It All Cost?

Well, that depends, what is it worth to learn the secrets of arguably the best half guard player on earth?

We could have easily charged you $147, but we’re not going to do that, instead cut that price by almost 50%

That’s right, get the No Gi Coyote Half Guard for just:


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