Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Power University


Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Power University

Lucio Buffalmano - The Power Moves - Power University

Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Power University

Original price was: $797.00.Current price is: $89.00.

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Original price was: $797.00.Current price is: $89.00.

(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)It’s selfish to expect that any top man or woman owes you anything, if you don’t also have top man or top woman value to offer.File Size: 107.43 MB Format File:Documents – 128 PDF, eBooks – 3 …  

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Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Power University

Lucio Buffalmano - The Power Moves - Power University


The Course to Join The Top 1%

A student’s public review

I started life as an underdog.

Socially unaware, romantically mediocre, naive, and, of course, clueless about power dynamics.

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Here’s What You’ll Get in

Lucio Buffalmano - The Power Moves - Power University

What is power dynamics, you may wonder?

It’s the “glue” that ties all social success together.
Power dynamics is:

Power dynamics is the science of power negotiation among people and groups, as well as the personal strategies that facilitate the acquisition of resources, and the achievement of goals.

And it’s the secret to how I’ve been able to live my dream social and dating life exactly the way I wanted it (and, in case you’re wondering, it’s how you can achieve the same).

But it took me quite some time to learn all of this.

Young me was a naive optimist.
The naive optimist is the type of optimist that has little skills and real-world awareness.
But who still believes that “things will turn out fine, because…. Why shouldn’t they”.

In life, naiveness and incompetence are the ingredients of disaster.
So, in hindsight, my life’s biggest failures were bound to happen.

This is the only time I have shared the story.

I remember one December night, Christmas light adorning a snowy white Berlin.
It was beautiful and picturesque.
Not for me, though.
That night I was crouching on the floor, crying.
I was in a cramped-up back-room of a gay couple. That was all I could afford.
I was broke, jobless, alone, and desperate.
My search for employment amounted to a string of rejections.
Equally fruitless was my search for a partner. No surprise there, women don’t exactly lust after losers with a beaten dog face.

I remember a particularly difficult evening, after yet another job rejection.
I picked up the phone to call my parents. I wanted to talk to someone.
But I did not place that call. I just looked at the phone, and then put it back. I wasn’t sure I could make it without breaking down, and I didn’t want to bring that pain to my parents.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t so sure that I was going to find a way.
For the first time in my life, I could barely see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Looking back, the worst time of my life was also the watershed moment that revolutionized my life.

I couldn’t understand it back then, but I do now.
Back then, I was still a baby.
It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you’re naive, have poor mindsets, and are socially incompetent, you’re ineffective at life just like a kid is.

Power University is how “nice guys” turn into nice but powerful winners

But as I scraped that barrel of despair, I also finally opened my eyes.
And that’s when I became a man.

If You’re Driven and Have Great Teachers, Change Happens Fast

Not that much time has passed, after all since that night.

Five years at the time of first drafting this copy.

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But it feels like a lifetime ago.
A distant greyed-out memory of a me that doesn’t exist anymore.

Monstrous learning, countless adventures, more than a hundred notches, and a personal growth that transcended those notches as a measure of my worth, I am SO grateful for that downfall.

As a matter of fact, I am most grateful for my searing losses, the most bitter rejections, and the hardest times of my life.
They have been the best teachers.
Talking about “tough love” teachers :).

Since then, my life has been on a continuous upward climb.
Fueled by hard work and copious amounts of the best information I could find, it’s also been an effective upward climb.

And when my life became “good enough”, I didn’t stop.

Once I found the keys to personal power and success, I just sped faster.

I didn’t stop at my first job, at my first promotion, or at my first equity deal.
I went for creating the job of my dreams (which is what I’m doing now for you: student, researcher, and teacher of power and strategies).

I didn’t stop at my first friend, at my first cool friends, or at my first social circle.
I went for being able to make friends and develop social circles at will, whenever I was.

I didn’t stop at my first seductions, at my first attractive girlfriend, or at my first rotation of “come at my place” women.
I went for being able to meet and get together with the women I liked, whenever I was.

When you master the social arts, you can walk in any place in the world as a stranger and quickly build social networks as you please.
That allows you total freedom of choice. For friends, partner(s), job, and location.

That’s my story.
But this might also be YOUR story.

Maybe you didn’t start as desperate as I was.

But if you are reading here, you also don’t want to settle for “good enough”.

You are also driven to live life on your terms.
To live life on your terms you only need to reach the top 10% in a few key areas of life.
And that’s very doable.

I started Power University so you can reach that op 10%, and live life on your own terms.

To do that, you will have to learn a set of new mindsets and skills.

Movies, school, self-help gurus…

They all tricked you in a big lie.

The lie that if you work hard, be honest & play by the rules…

…You’ll be rewarded.

Few people teach these skills.

Why not?
Because these are the top 1% mindsets, skills, and strategies.

The top 1% doesn’t teach it because, one, they’re busy living their good life.
And two, because the TOP 1% doesn’t want you to know about power.

They want you in the bottom 10%, not the top 10%.

If you remain ignorant, it’s less competition for them.
And it’s easier for them to use you, one-up you, and use you as a social peg for their social climbing.

The top 1 % would rather keep you ignorant of power dynamics

But if you are reading here, maybe you’re awakening to the truth.

Not only the standard path to success is untrue, it’s often counterproductive.

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And that’s why despite doing all the things you’ve been told you should do, you haven’t been able to get the life you want (yet).

Those who don’t understand power dynamics are doomed to a below-average existence, far below their potential.
And that, to me, is the ultimate waste of life.

And that is why I create Power University.

THAT is why I created Power University

Because this isn’t just about power.
It’s about life.
I got to work on Power University once it became clear to me that:

  • I wasn’t the only one being held back in life
  • Most people unwittingly act low-power right when confidence matters most (work superiors, attractive mates, and people they admire)
  • Once you show driven men and women how success really works, they 10x their lives

What would life be like if you had the tools to gets all that you always wanted?

That’s what Power University gives you.
Power University gives you the tools to achieve the type of dream life that you want.

And Once you get the tools to succeed, you can live life on your terms. 
You can climb the corporate ladder, get the hot spouse, the big house, the Ferrari, and all of that.
Or you can disappear and do your own thing, as Lucio did.

But whatever you choose, that power of choice is life-transforming.

Do you think this sounds too good to be true?
Just read on.
Because as you will see in the end, I am guaranteeing you that you are going to change your life.

I know because I’ve been there.

I’ve seen my life grow from something I was really dissatisfied with to a living dream. And along the way, I’ve noticed this simple universal truth again and again:

Your ability to do well with people is the biggest factor for your success, as well as your life quality.

But it’s not the “social skills” that most courses teach.

Great social skills must include things such as frame control, manipulation, value-exchanges, Machiavellian strategies, and winning.

Believing anything else is not only naive, but selfish.
It’s selfish to expect that any top man or woman owes you anything, if you don’t also have top man or top woman value to offer.
And lacking those skills will only lead to more failure,

So now the question becomes:

How do you become that best possible option, acquire status, power, and make people want you to as a leader?

That’s what no other courses teach.
And those are the unique skills that you will learn in Power University.

The Dawn of Power University

That night crouched down on the floor something changed in me.

I flipped a switch, and decided that enough was enough.

I took massive action, coupled with massive studying.
Specifically, I started studying power, self-empowerment, and social success.
Eventually, there was less and less material for the type of success I wanted, and my research was more on more self-generated.

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I started developing my own approach to social skills, including seduction, power dynamics, and the “darker” aspects of socialization, like manipulation and Machiavellian strategies.

And like Neo, I started to see the Matrix.

I got to a level of unconscious competence where everything started to come naturally.
I got to the point where I could see power dynamics on the fly, flip the scripts on shit-test, control frames, and then… Then I was able to acquire status in any group I entered, and to gain people’s respect and admiration.

It felt like a superpower.

That’s when I became what we call here a “high-flying eagle”.
The eagle is a high-quality individual with great mindsets and advanced life skills.
He’s free to move and roam anywhere he wants. He can make friends and meet partners anytime he wants, and swiftly avoids and value-takers because… Because he knows how to recognize and connect with the best of men and women.

Why am I telling you this?
Because I want you to become that high-flying eagle.

How would you feel if you knew you could gain status in any group, be liked, respected, and wanted by anyone?

Well, the great news is that you can do it too. Because it’s all learnable. And I put all the steps and skills into a coherent system.

That’s Power University.


This module is for more advanced social challenges.

 How to handle daily but difficult social challenges

 How to deal with physical threats and physical escalations

 Recognizing and beating “shame attacks”

Says one student:

Value: 297, included in Power University


At this point, you’re wrapping up and leveling up.

3 more quizzes will further increase your emotional and social intelligence, and 22 micro case studies will take you to the next level of power and influence.

But Power University delivers one big cherry on the pie, and the last super-power for life-success: Machiavellianism.
Machiavellianism, and Machiavellian life strategies.

 How to be more Machiavellian: a field guide

 3 quizzes to increase your emotional intelligence

 Nice guy VS bad boy case study

 22 brief “power techniques”, with real-life examples, to increase power, EI, and influence

Value: 397, but included in Power University

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