Marie Manuchehri – The Shift Network – Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation


Marie Manuchehri – The Shift Network – Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation

Marie Manuchehri - The Shift Network - Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation

Marie Manuchehri – The Shift Network – Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation


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You’ll become proficient at accessing and working with your cellular memory to help you quickly release outdated energies…

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Marie Manuchehri – The Shift Network – Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation

Marie Manuchehri - The Shift Network - Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation

Experience profound guided journeys into your body’s cells and your cellular memory to access the wisdom of your lifetimes, release outdated energies, and embody the YOU your soul knows you were meant to be.

What if the experiences we encounter in this lifetime that we label “bad” are perceived by our souls as being absolutely perfect for us?

What if our challenges  and triumphs  (all aspects of our lives!) are part of an ideal unfolding of just what we need to evolve into the magnificent beings our souls know we intended to become when we reincarnated this time around? And, what if our human bodies hold this profound soul wisdom in our very cells?

The trillions of cells in our bodies do, in fact, hold the superior knowledge of our souls as cellular memory  a vast compilation of wisdom and insights we’ve accumulated throughout our past lives, according to renowned RN, energy medicine healer, and clairvoyant Marie Manuchehri.

In this comprehensive 12-module online healing journey with Marie, you’ll become proficient at accessing and working with your cellular memory to help you quickly release outdated energies and patterns so you can step into your truest self, full of vital energy and passion for life.

You’ll have the opportunity to experience the exciting, life-changing shifts your cellular memory can help you make… from better alignment with your intuitive powers to more easy access to the wisdom of your higher self to an increased capacity for self-healing, manifesting abundance, recognizing and achieving your true desires, and connecting with allies on the Otherside.

Awakening your cellular memory opens the door to living a fuller, happier, healthier life… an authentic life that your soul knows you came here to experience.

When you register for this powerful, life-transforming program with Marie, you’ll also receive her recent 7-module course, Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition, which teaches the importance of raising your energetic vibration to more easily access and work with your innate medical intuition.

Using Marie’s expert practices for keeping your energetic vibration up is not only good for your psychic ability, it also boosts the health of your cells and provides you with an empowering foundation for delving into this program and its profound exploration of your cellular memory.

When you join Marie for this online offering, you’ll learn how to energetically reprogram your cellular memory to release  from your tissues, muscles, and even bones  old energies and their trigger-response patterns resulting from past-life traumas.

You’ll discover the amazing benefits of having a high energetic vibration and healthy cells, including how together they amp up your inner light to enable helpful spirit allies to better spot you and offer their guidance.

Marie discovered her medical intuition and mediumship skills while working as an oncology nurse, and has since helped thousands around the world positively transform their health by teaching them how to expand their consciousness and heighten their intuition, manifestation, and healing. And, she has an uncanny knack for making it all fun. Her lighthearted, nurturing presence is a glowing testament to her finely-honed skills for cultivating and living at a higher vibration… where light, love, and wellbeing can manifest.

Throughout this fascinating 12 modules, you’ll experience profound guided visualizations to visit your cells and tap into your cellular memory in various parts of your body  including your brain, heart, and lungs. As you’ll discover, healthy cellular memory is so important for keeping your body well and vital.

You’ll explore how you’ve taken on many energetic forms for, most likely, centuries  living in different energetic realities, with multifaceted information and encounters  and how the incredible knowledge gained through your many incarnations is stored in all the cells of your body.

You’ll learn why spending a lifetime on Earth is an extraordinary opportunity to grasp the gift of now. For all that we seek can be found, understood, and expanded through the present moment  which bypasses the ego and allows deep cellular memory to awaken within you to reveal your higher self and unique magnificence… your soul’s true essence.

Are you ready to delve into the soul wisdom your body’s cells hold and release the insights and energetics of lifetimes for true self-knowledge and accelerated manifestation and healing?

Join Marie on this powerful transformational journey into the wise cells of your body to access your intuition through a profound exploration of your cellular memory  where you can expand your consciousness, boost self-healing, increase your capacity for manifestation, and step into your magnificence as the infinite soul you are.

During this comprehensive transformational journey, you’ll:

  • Discover how the key to healing this lifetime’s problems lies in healing perceptions from lifetimes long ago
  • Explore why you chose your gender, your family, the century to live in, your guides  and what you (and Creation!) thought would be the best opportunities for you
  • Experience a guided visualization in which you’ll visit the cells in your bones, marrow, and blood and start to release their past-life wisdom to access healing in this lifetime
  • Perceive everything as energy, constantly communicating with you, and learn how you are meant to feel energy’s vibration and understand its messages
  • Learn how feeling victimized is a pattern, regardless of the circumstances, and that the soul believes, rightly so, that your experiences are necessary for your current evolution
  • Discover why the soul never takes anything personally
  • Explore how learning to talk to your body helps create enzymes it needs to counter the negative physical effects it’s experienced
  • Learn how every cell in your whole body is listening to your thoughts
  • Experience a journey to the Akashic Records to explore your scrolls of knowing that dwell in this cosmic public library
  • Fathom the higher self as a large part of your soul that will not reincarnate on Earth
  • Learn how you bring parts of yourself to the planet that will help you accomplish what you desire as well as parts of yourself you wish to heal
  • Understand how when you emphasize the negative, its energy will close your cells, lower your vibration, and hide your magnificence from you
  • Recognize how releasing judgment will naturally cleanse your cells of debris that could be holding you back from important insights
  • Discover how you can communicate for others who are not yet ready for or wanting advanced communications from the Otherside

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Marie will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully access your intuition through a profound exploration of your cellular memory to expand your consciousness, boost self-healing, increase your capacity for manifestation, and step into your truest purpose for this lifetime.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Marie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to tap into the soul wisdom of your cellular memory.

If you have not experienced Marie’s teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition 7-module program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Aligning to Your Authentic Cellular Memory

You’ll begin your journey by visiting and understanding the cells of your bones, marrow, and blood  all related to your first chakra, which is busy moving a lot of information through your veins and arteries. Your blood cells protect you from infection while oxygenating your tissues and organs and preventing clots, so their healthy memory is important for keeping your body well and vital.

We’ll also explore how you’ve taken on many energetic forms for, most likely, centuries  living in different energetic realities, with multifaceted information and encounters  and how the incredible knowledge gained through your many incarnations is stored in the cells of your body.

You’ll learn that spending a lifetime on Earth is an extraordinary opportunity to grasp the gift of now. For all that you seek can be found, understood, and expanded through the present moment  which bypasses the ego and allows deep cellular memory to awaken within you to reveal your higher self and unique magnificence… your soul’s true essence.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore why you chose your gender, your family, the century to exist in, your guides  and what you (and Creation!) thought would be the best opportunities to restore oneness with all that exists
  • Discover how the key to healing this lifetime’s problems lies in healing perceptions from lifetimes long ago
  • Understand that having several lifetimes, perhaps even 100, simultaneously transpiring is not unusual and that your soul is enormous and capable of processing huge amounts of information
  • Learn how the first layer of the auric field is a hologram depicting all your anatomy and physiology in complete and perfect health, and that each time you exist in the present moment, this field of health quickly ignites healing in your body
  • Experience a guided visualization in which you’ll visit the cells in your bones, marrow, and blood and start to release their wisdom from past lives to access healing for issues in this lifetime

Module 2: How the Universe Constantly Communicates With You

Every blade of grass; every speck of paint; every tree, cat, and dog; every fiber of your carpet is alive with energy.

You’ll begin to sense that everything has a message, and you’ll learn how to allow yourself to communicate with all that is, as if you believe that all is truly alive  as if you believe that your coffee cup, toothbrush, or bedding is a viable source of precious life.

You’ll explore your connection to the outside world and all beings, learning the power and healing inherent in remembering to respect the life force in all things and to identify that all energy is living.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Perceive everything as energy, constantly communicating with you, and learn how you are meant to feel energy’s vibration and understand its messages
  • Learn how to greet objects, nature, and the items in your home as if they can hear you and know your thoughts
  • Explore how to communicate with other humans, animals, and objects using your mind, an ability that supports telepathy  the standard form of communicating between worlds  and creates a state of alertness to receive valuable messages
  • Experience a guided visualization into the curious world of kidney cells and sex hormones to learn how how they help regulate your system and to explore the powerful cellular memories they hold

Module 3: Discovering How Powerful Your Soul Is

Your soul has had many encounters throughout history and its memory is immense. And, no matter the experience, these encounters are perceived as perfect. Your soul is happy, smart, and very much believes that all experiences are valuable. This is what makes your soul so powerful, and this profound power is reflected in all your cells.

When you feel that you are under attack, unworthy, or ignored, you are experiencing the world from a limited, unauthentic vibration. When you are in this space, feeling demoralized, it’s imperative to be kind to and comfort yourself. As you do, your vibration will rise, and your cells will release powerful truth. This genuine reality will surprise you and set you free from the victimization prevalent on Earth.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand that all real emotions are outside of your body, in the second layer of the auric field, and that there is more to them than we may think  even circumstances we’ve labelled “bad” are actually perceived as favorable and desired by the soul
  • Learn how feeling victimized is a pattern, regardless of the circumstances, and that the soul believes, rightly so, that the choices are necessary for your current evolution
  • Discover that the soul never takes anything personally  a tall order for us to accept in our human experience, yet imagine how humanity could evolve if this authentic truth were accepted
  • Learn how to embody the truth that all things “just truly are” and nothing is ever personal, and how to adopt this as the backbone of your evolution and the human condition
  • Experience a guided visualization to visit the cells of your intestinal tract and explore how they maintain the health and wellbeing of your entire body and connect to the third layer of the auric field where all thoughts exist

Module 4: Learning How to Talk to Your Body (PLUS an Extended Q&A Session)

Now that you’re becoming intimate with your cells, you may notice an improvement in your body’s health and vitality. You might have more energy; perhaps health problems are fading or have disappeared. As these natural happy changes take root, you can be assured that you’re enjoying the transmission of information from your cells.

Marie will dedicate 60 minutes to answering questions so you can dive even deeper into communication with your cellular memory and your growing ability to use its wisdom to increase self-awareness, boost self-healing, and manifest more proficiently.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover that when you have a loss of memory regarding your cells’ clear communication, you merely need to talk to your body to let it know, and then acknowledge when you clearly understand its needs
  • Discover how learning to talk to your body helps create enzymes your body needs to counter negative effects you’ve experienced in life
  • Learn how every cell in your whole body is listening to your thoughts
  • Experience a guided visualization to visit the cells in your heart and lungs and explore the cellular memory they hold

Module 5: Discovering the Veil of Illusion & the Superpower of Nothingness

From the vantage point of a soul having a human experience, many do not remember any of their past lives or why they traveled to Earth for this lifetime. All memory, unless you have awakened your cellular memory, is asleep. This is not a mistake! The veil of illusion that surrounds Earth is strong. It has a purpose  just like the placenta surrounding a baby  to protect what lies within it and to ensure that it is nourished.

This veil can and will thin for those who wish to know more about their past lives, while also allowing the individual to have deeper intuitive awareness and greater consciousness. Waking up from the illusion of the ego, protected by the veil, can initially feel boring to some. Drama, gossiping, complaining, and negative thinking do not exist beyond the veil. Extracting that type of energy from your daily life can feel boring and lonely to the ego, but your soul will be thrilled by the opportunity to help you expand into your magnificence.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn that it is vital not to listen to the mind unless you are present  devoid of the ego’s banter  so you can thin the veil above you and allow energy from your seventh vortex to shine into the cosmos, where your higher self lives
  • Discover how the seventh chakra and your higher self work together to bring you advanced knowledge from beyond the veil
  • Understand the higher self as a large part of your soul that will not reincarnate on Earth
  • Learn how you bring parts of yourself to the planet that will help you accomplish what you desire, as well as parts of yourself you wish to heal
  • Experience a guided visualization to visit the cells of your thyroid, which have everything to do with speaking your truth

Module 6: Reality Awareness as Your Highest Vibration & Best Healing Tool

Most of us remain in a contracted state of urgency  unaware that we are mostly light  actively vibrating our negative words and mind-made feelings into manifestation. Your reaction to drama is not the same as the Universe’s response or that of your higher self. Imagine how we humans would respond if we ignored 95% of what we think is going on and aligned to our higher awareness to perceive the truth.

The biggest killer of the human body  cardiac disease  would cease to exist, simply because the cardiac cells would stop interpreting factual information. The word “anxiety” would no longer be in any human vocabulary.

In fact, most diseases would disappear because all disease is created by stress. When we begin to align to our higher selves, the cells in our bodies become more aligned and we notice their alertness to the truth. We feel freer, healthier, more vital.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover that collectively, there are 2 basic motivations for why a soul chooses to have a lifetime on Earth:
    1. To experience joy in the physical  there are many things you can experience on Earth that will never be felt in the nonphysical worlds
    2. To manifest  learning how to create here is a game changer, as it may take longer to create a desire here than in a nonphysical place
  • Learn how practicing the art of co-creation while living in a body will perfect your manifestation skills, upgrade your life experiences, and assist in raising the frequency and consciousness of all humankind and beyond
  • Experience a guided visualization to visit the cells in your brain, your neurons, and your non-neurons  and discover why your intuitive sense works much better when you get out of your head

Module 7: Asking Yes-or-No Questions to Understand Your Real Emotional State

The Universe has been studying you for centuries. It knows your greatest likes and dislikes and will use that knowledge to assist in its answers to your questions. In fact, knowing yourself better will facilitate your ability to translate all intuitive information your body receives.

Along with asking questions with specific wording while you rest in the lower half of your body, away from the busy distracting mind, it is important to understand how your higher self communicates a Yes-or-No answer to you.

We’ll explore Yes-or-No answers through a repeat of sitting in the lower abdomen and letting go of our thoughts.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how the Universe communicates with you and how to allow this information to guide all intuitive communication you receive
  • Discover how insights presented from the Divine are most often expressed in a way that’s highly personal to you
  • Know that there is no magical book with accurate translations of global insight  answers and messages will always be presented to you in personal ways
  • Experience a powerful meditation that will convince you that you are not alone and that wonderful solutions  that you can easily access  are consistently delivered to you from the heavens

Module 8: Your Cells Know Everything About Your Magnificence

What if you believed (down to your toes!) that you are magnificent? If you did, your cells would align through the ages to the exact moment you became you  even if that moment was thousands of years ago! In that moment, you became perfectly aware of your genius.

The pure genius that is the truth of who you are has a blueprint of the moment you emerged etched into its design. This blueprint, like all the blueprints of each of your human existences (and perhaps even your existences in other physical realms of being), is held in a public library in the sky: the Akashic Records. In this session, you’ll visit this library.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how when you first exploded into existence, your perception of yourself was pure, just as babies’ perceptions of themselves are pure
  • Learn how as you steadily remember your brilliance, access to anywhere in the cosmos becomes natural  even when you’re enjoying a human moment
  • Understand that the intelligence in your cells has no understanding of time or separation and grants you access to any information you desire that emanates integrity
  • Experience a journey to the Akashic Records, outside of the Earth’s orbit in the fourth dimension, to explore your scrolls of knowing that dwell in this cosmic public library
  • Experience a guided visualization to visit the cells of your neurological system  an exploration to activate your seventh chakra and connection to source

Module 9: Strengthening Your Belief in Your Ability to Know (PLUS an Extended Q&A Session)

Learn to ignore your weaknesses. In truth, you don’t have any  how could you when you are an irreplaceable part of creation? Perhaps instead, there are things you simply do not want to do because they have nothing to do with who you really are.

As an alternative to telling your cells that they just aren’t good at certain things, you’ll explore telling your cells you simply have more inspirational things to do. This shift in conversation with your cells will alert them  the trillions in your body  to remind you what truly rouses you. It is those things that you’re meant to do!

Also, Marie will dedicate 60 minutes to answering questions so you can dive even deeper into communication with your cellular memory and your growing ability to use its wisdom to increase self-awareness, boost self-healing, and manifest more proficiently.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how there are many things you enjoy or are curious about  and what can happen if you only focus on those things
  • Understand why when you emphasize the negative, its energy will close your cells, lower your vibration, and hide your magnificence from you
  • Learn how to stop wasting your time on those things that aren’t truly important
  • Explore your ability to trust yourself through a guided meditation where you’ll access information that only you would know or be moved by  this will help you believe in your ability to know!

Module 10: Aligning to Your Psychic Abilities Through Cellular Memory

Everyone is multisensory and pure energy… and pure energy has no limitation as to what it can become. This means you must understand all things.

Understanding all things is an intuitive adventure that can open you to new perceptions. The Earth, for example, is a third-dimensional space, according to our human perception, but of course we don’t concretely know how the Otherside views its placement. And just beyond the third dimension are the fourth and fifth dimensions. The fourth dimension is a place of travel, sometimes referred to as the astral plane  the place where past lives can be viewed, where mediums often sit to communicate beyond the veil, and a jumping-off site as one leaves Earth and travels to the heavens.

The sixth layer of the auric field is the field of psychic energy. This field assists in astral travel, not only with the type of encounters where one flies around a room or over a landscape on Earth, but with the energy needed to explore the astral plane and other dimensions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how all past lives exist now in a hologram that can have its perception changed
  • Discover how meditation can be used to visit the astral plane, review an important past life, and release any negative hold it may have on your current human form
  • Recognize that any form of judgment is in misalignment with the psychic layer of the auric field
  • Learn how releasing judgment will naturally cleanse your cells of debris that could be holding you back from important insights
  • Experience a guided visualization where you’ll visit your soul pod and learn from this huge organization the beauty of who you are, and how all that you have learned is perfect

Module 11: Releasing Old Beliefs From Your Cells About Abuse of Power

Old souls are kind and loving. They often shrink away from their personal power in order to not make others feel uncomfortable, or they simply decide to wait until everyone on the planet feels authentically empowered before they release their own potential into the world.

There are several reasons why one holds back their divinity. None of these reasons are real or necessary. In this session, you’ll explore why.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how being an old soul automatically means that you have abused power or committed crimes, and how you need to release this part of your past  which has helped you develop compassion  to align with your authentic self
  • Learn that real power occurs when you align with your higher self, and that it’s only when we feel separate that we act in opposition to our truth
  • Discover that even when you act in misalignment, good is also occurring because each soul is looking for experiences that support cellular change
  • Learn a meditation that can help dispel a past life where you believe you abused power
  • Experience a guided visualization where you’ll visit situations from the Earth’s past that may seem terrible  to help you recognize that every event is powerful

Module 12: Your Cells Connect You to Departed Loved Ones

One of the benefits of allowing your cellular memory into your tissues is that you will remember that you are a being of light capable of connecting to those living on the Otherside.

The seventh chakra on top of your head reaches into the heavens  perhaps moving thousands of miles above your head. As you become more connected to your authentic self, your light from this center can be seen by many on the Otherside.

At the end of our journey together, you may now better understand that those living on the Otherside rarely need or require our help. Instead, those on the Otherside who wish to assist in the Earth’s expansion and the raising of our consciousness will do so through their messages to us. Reminding all of us that we are all one and that all is well.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience an exercise to raise your vibration further and allow your being to connect consciously with a departed loved one
  • Learn how the veil has thinned for you, which is allowing expansion for all of humanity
  • Understand that your heightened awareness brightens your inner light, alerting deceased loved ones and friends to notice you, know your capabilities, and share their wisdom
  • Discover how you can communicate for others who are not yet ready for or wanting advanced communications from the Otherside

Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition Introductory Training Is Included!

This intensive builds upon the core teachings of Marie’s Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition 7-module course. When you purchase the 12-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well!

In this 7-module transformational course, Marie teaches you how to raise your vibration permanently and become the gatekeeper to your authentic emotional response system  the power source of your entire being. In seven sessions, you’ll expand your consciousness, ignite multisensory wellbeing, repattern your energy, and reshape your life with medical intuition.

Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to charge your intuition with a guided journey through your auric field that unlocks the incredible power of your emotions to spark accelerated manifestation and healing.

Module 1: Medical Insight Is the Opposite of Mental Thinking

Module 2: Feeling & Moving Energy Within Your Body

Module 3: Managing Your Mind to Promote Healing

Module 4: Receiving Energy as Medical Insight for Healing

Module 5: Medical Insight Is Speaking Truth

Module 6: The Third Eye Is the Projector of Original Insight

Module 7: The Seventh Chakra Can Extend Miles Into the Earth Atmosphere

PLUS, you’ll get the Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

Dancing With Your Aura
Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri

Bonus #2

Self-Hypnosis Meditation
Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri

Bonus #3

Toning: A Powerful Way to Increase the Vibration of Energy
Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri

The original price of Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken the Power of Your Cellular Memory to Boost Intuition, Self-Healing & Manifestation Online Training

We feel honored that Marie Manuchehri has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an energy medicine healer and medium whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about experiencing profound guided journeys into your body’s cells and your cellular memory to access the wisdom of your lifetimes, release outdated energies, and embody the YOU your soul knows you were meant to be, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.


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