Marlon Sanders – The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy


Marlon Sanders – The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy

Marlon Sanders - The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy

Marlon Sanders – The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $27.00.

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Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $27.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)So you know the Amazing Formula is backed, not just by my reputation, but that of marketing experts from all over the world who’ve used it with success.

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Marlon Sanders – The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy

Marlon Sanders - The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy

Discover The Amazing Formula
That Sells Products Like Crazy
Your Products Will Sell Like Crazy
— Or Triple-Your-Money-Back!
Here Are 5 Really Good Reasons To
Take The Amazing Formula for a Test Drive!
The formula is unlike anything else you may have seen or tried before because what I’ve created is an actual SYSTEM that leads you through each step in the product, from start to finish.
So you don’t need to worry about not knowing where to start. Or what to do next. It’s all laid out for you.
It’s definitely NOT some flimsy little ebook that you’re going to forget about overnight… (I already know you’ve got enough of those on your hard drive!)
The new 2006 version of the Amazing Formula contains 300 pages of “no fluff, no hype” tips, secrets, resources, methods, systems and information — so you won’t waste even a minute of your precious time.
With more than 10o pages of customer testimonials from real live people (just like you) who have used the formula with good success, you know the formula doesn’t contain any “fly by night” marketing tactics.
Folks have been using the formula for more than 7 years to sell all kinds of products and services and because it works for ALL types of businesses, I imagine it’ll be selling like crazy another 7 years from now!
In March 2006, more than 15 marketing experts paid tribute to the Amazing Formula as (directly or indirectly) having played a role in the success of their online business.
The group of experts included:
• Stephen Pierce
• Jeff Walker
• Jim Edwards
• Yanik Silver
• Brian Rodgers

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• Frank Garon
• Carl Turner
• Rick Beneteau
• Alan Forrest Smith
• Terry Dean
• Kirt Christensen
• Simon Grabowski
• Bart Baggett
• David Frey
• Rod Cook
• Perry Marshall
• Paul Myers
So you know the Amazing Formula is backed, not just by my reputation, but that of marketing experts from all over the world who’ve used it with success.
The Amazing Formula is backed by a ONE YEAR, 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. So if, for some reason, you find you’re not entirely satisfied with your decision, it’s easy to request a refund.
In addition to a basic refund policy, I also offer a Triple-Your-Money-Back guarantee so if you try the formula and find it doesn’t work as intended, I’ll give you 3 times your money back.

If You Order by Midnight,
You’ll Receive 10 Incredible Bribes!
First, you’ll notice there are several free bonuses or bribes that I’m NOT offering:
For example, I’m NOT offering reprint rights to a bunch of reports you can resell. Why am I not offering this? Because you know and I both know that those reports are almost never commercially viable products. If they were worth a lot, would people be giving them away? Would they really turn down the extra sales?
If you need products or reports to sell, you can create them in a few hours using my methods anyway.
I’m NOT going to send you a book filled with products you can buy at wholesale discounts and resell. That’s crazy. You really think you’re going to make any money off a laundry list of products? If you do, I have some land in Florida for you … But if you’re looking for a product to sell, in my course, I do tell you the one right way to get one.
I’m NOT giving you access to some secret forum where people without lives go to bicker and argue all the time and rarely exchange useful ideas.
But in my course I do tell you several extremely useful places you can go for help and as one of the bribes you do get access to my exclusive Players Club.
Here’s What You’re Going To Receive
BRIBE ONE: You’ll receive my 31 page report entitled “How I Built A Successful Online Business From Scratch, With NO Experience and Very Little Money!”
This is a success story belonging to an average person who had a good idea and turned that into a successful online business.
BRIBE TWO: Special Report – “How To Accurately and Successfully Track Your Advertising Results!”
This BRIBE report reveals the hidden pitfalls in ad tracking systems and how they can be skewing your results.
Thought that latest promotion rocked? It may have… but then again the sales may have come from another promotion altogether!
If you can’t accurately track your ad campaings, how are you going to know what worked and what didn’t?
BRIBE THREE: Three FIVE step-by-step “Quick Start” videos.
These three FIVE videos (excerpts from my $997 Action Grid System) cover the following topics in depth, step by step:
Video #1: Setting up your online payment processing system (part 1)
Video #2: Setting up your online payment processing system (part 2)
Video #3: Setting up your online payment processing system (part 3)
BRIBE FOUR: A 30-day free trial of our “Ultimate Automation” service that lets you launch your own business in one hour.
At last there is a software program that does practically everything for you.
It keeps you from getting bogged down in technology and lets you focus on marketing your product and making money.
This new program:
1. Takes orders for you
2. Sends a series of follow up emails to customers
3. Signs up people to resell products for you

Get Marlon Sanders – The Amazing Formula That Sales Products Like Crazy download

4. Tracks associate orders
5. Drops new associates in an autoresponder series
6. Gives you unlimited autoresponder sequences
7. Has built-in ad tracking software
8. Processes credit card orders in real time
9. Manages your mailing list for you
10. Sends out surveys and puts answers in a database
11. Much, much more
12. Allows you to move your whole business to a new ISP in a flash
Before this program, automating an entire business took weeks or months. You had to hire a programmer and so forth. It was tough to integrate autoresponders, your associate program, real time credit card processing, a list serve and a shopping cart.
This program does it all for you. Best of all, it’ll cost you less than several sequential autoresponders. And it’ll save you a ton of time in trying to put all these systems together.
You get a 30-day free trial to the service.
BRIBE FIVE: You’ll receive a 30 minute audio recording from my “How to Get The Alligators Out of Your Pond” conference call.
Here are a few of the topics we’ll be exploring on the 30 minute audio:
Do You Have Alligators In Your Pond?
Are ‘Gators (In The Form of Bills) Biting At Your Toes?
Do You Need To Make M*ney Sooner Rather Than Later?
Are You Tired of Feeling Gullible?
How To Get Out and Stay Out Of The Pond!
What You Need To Know In Order To Become a Pond Builder
What’s The #1 Secret Of Getting Off To A Quick Start?
How Do You Avoid The 3 Most Common Mistakes That
People Make Getting Started On The Internet
How to Avoid Listening To the “Songs of the Sirens”
Which Usually Ends Up Being An Illusion That Leaves
You Broke and Frustrated!
What Is The Hidden Cause Of Gators In Your Pond That
No One Really Understands?
You’ll get instant access to the 30 minute audio conference recording.
BRIBE SIX: 13 page PDF transcript of the “How to Get The Alligators Out of Your Pond” 30 minute conference call.
You get instant access to the PDF transcript after ordering.
BRIBE SEVEN: 28 page “Secrets of Joint Ventures” magazine with step-by-step instructions on how to do joint ventures.
You get instant access to the magazine right after ordering.
BRIBE EIGHT: You’re going to receive a 19 page PDF transcript of the “How to Grow and Promote Your Business” 30 minute conference call.
The topics discussed in the 19 page transcript:
The Secrets Of Growing Any Business, Idea, Organization,
Group, Company, City, Office, Government or Cause!
How To Understand What It Is That Gets People To Respond To Your Offer And What Gets Results!
BRIBE NINE: Access to my exclusive “Players Only” web site.
This is for players… that is, for my customers who are aiming to make serious cash and ready to take action now, instead of sitting around dreaming. Players are the folks who make things happen.
You get a 7-month membership to the Players Club.
BRIBE TEN: Full color, beautifully illustrated 20 Page “Buzz Marketing” magazine.
In This Issue You Will Discover:
Introduction to Buzz Marketing:
An overview on how to get “buzz”
Spreading the Word: How to Get a Group of People Talking About Your Product Or Service.
Step-By-Step: Buzz Marketing Campaign How To’s

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