Michel (Shelly) Denes – Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait


Michel (Shelly) Denes – Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait

Michel (Shelly) Denes - Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait

Michel (Shelly) Denes – Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait

Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $52.00.

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Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $52.00.

With the boomers getting older, you’re only going to see an increase over the next few years which is why CMS has pushed so hard on fall reduction programs. Gait deviations lead to issues throughout all aspects of life.

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Michel (Shelly) Denes – Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait

Michel (Shelly) Denes - Movement Pattern Restoration: Energy, Flow and Symmetry of Gait

Sale page: https://catalog.pesi.com/item/movement-pattern-restoration-energy-flow-symmetry-gait-75000

When you have a patient that is just not responding to treatment, it can make you feel hopeless.

And when those patients are in a state of disuse combined with their sedentary lifestyle, the CNS adapts and they lose even more mobility.

With the boomers getting older, you’re only going to see an increase over the next few years which is why CMS has pushed so hard on fall reduction programs. Gait deviations lead to issues throughout all aspects of life.

With this simple and effective method, you will have the ability to treat your patients in ways you couldn’t before – strategies for all of the common issues that you treat with gait impairment including: TBI, stroke, MS, Parkinson’s and chronic pain. You’ll learn strategies to:

  • Quickly pinpoint asymmetries
  • Correct gait compensations
  • Combine proprioception and neuroplasticity for improved outcomes

We’ll also incorporate a new therapeutic tool that effectively works to “remap the brain” – restoring movement patterns and creating a sensory-motor feedback loop. When you can quickly make improvements to gait – you can spend more time doing functional training!

Imagine the gratification you’ll feel after you have restored mobility and independence! Purchase now to forever change your patients’ lives.

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