Monique Gallagher – Highest Potential Training

Monique Gallagher – Highest Potential Training

Monique Gallagher - Highest Potential Training

Monique Gallagher – Highest Potential Training


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Monique Gallagher is part of Stuart Lichtman SACP program. She has her own course called Highest Potential Training that explains the program in a better way. She goes by Aryana Rollins.

The material is courtesy of one of our best forum posters on this topic

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Monique Gallagher – Highest Potential Training

Monique Gallagher - Highest Potential Training

Monique Gallagher is part of Stuart Lichtman SACP program. She has her own course called Highest Potential Training that explains the program in a better way. She goes by Aryana Rollins.

The material is courtesy of one of our best forum posters on this topic

Home Office Business Owners…
You ARE the Driver of Your Life,
Will the Destination Inspire You?

Losing Focus on High Priority Items?

Hiding In the Area of Your Life You Feel Most Successful in?

Feeling Invisible Reigns Holding You Back?

HPT Teaches you How to Tap Your Success!

Joyously Move into Action in Your Highest Priority Areas

Eliminate Unconscious Mental Obstacles

Generate Inspiring Results in Home and Work

Create Freedom of Expression
“I’ve always felt I was powerless to truly control and change my life. Within weeks of working with Monique, I got the most exciting, once-in-a-lifetime job that knocked my socks off.”
– Marie Susan Lee

From <>

What is In-depth Private Training?

16 private coaching sessions learning the CT techniques so they become your own.
Weekly assignments to integrate and immediately apply what you are learning.
Recordings to help you integrate the materials faster
(each session available online for 30 days)
Personal review and revision of your Objective/Goal by a Certified CT coach to ensure the best possible outcome.
Intensive, live, practical on the spot coaching during our sessions.
Training Benefits: What you’ll get from HPT’s Training
Not only will you discover those unconscious blockers that have been limiting your success-ability, you also get the tools to:
• Release negative energy from rejection or discouragement, and turn it into fuel to support you in reaching your goals using the Past Perception Revision Process aka Base Reframing.
• Develop your own internal Mastermind aka Success Team built upon your past successes to guide you to create more.
• Clearly and accurately define your goals so that all parts of your brain are on board and in agreement.
• Express your Authentic Self aka True Self and easily develop and maintain mutually enhancing networking relationships.
• Raise your level of income or client base by breaking through your unconscious glass ceiling aka Unconscious Performance Limit.
• Develop the necessary skill set to become a confident, expressive, fulfilled entrepreneur.
• Use the Genius Idea Process aka SA Clearing to ensure ALL your important business/life decisions are given full consideration and get results.
• Succeed! Success in business does not mean neglect and conflict in your relationships and home life, discover how you can have it all; successful, fulfilling home life and work life.
The Next Step(s):
1. Get your questions answered with an HPT Private Introductory Coaching Session
(Click Link for More Information and Registration)

– and/or –

2. Participate in our monthly “Taking the Brakes Of” teleseminars held the first Monday of each month at 8 AM PST. Pre-register via email. A conference bridge access number will be mailed to you.

– and/or –

3. Email Monique with any additional questions you may have.

Get Monique Gallagher – Highest Potential Training download

Here’s What You’ll Get in

Monique Gallagher - Highest Potential Training

Individual “Try It” Sessions:

Ever think that your life feels like “Ground Hog Day”? In many regards it is because our tomorrows are determined by our todays and something called a Blue Print blocker.
What Blue Print is ruling your Life?
Get more information on HPT’s “Blue Print Blocker Process” 90-Minute Coaching Session
Does it ever seem that just when you are succeeding you hit a plateau of either money, clients or customers or things just start falling apart in your family or relationship? Well you may be experiencing an Unconscious Performance Limit which has been set by your unconscious as a cap where if you go beyond there is insecurity and trepidation.
Get more information on HPT’s “Breaking Through your Glass Ceiling” 90-Minute Coaching Session.

This is an intense, power-packed 16-week program… the best option to achieve YOUR highest potential!

Module 1: Building your Foundation
• Create a Master Mind Team
• Learn to Translate “Intuitive Messages”
• Create a Discovery List of the pivotal area of your life
Module 2: Goal Setting that Delivers Results
• Define Achievable Goals
• Develop and Use your Communication Point
• Learn to Apply the Genius Idea Process
Module 3: Implementing your Goal
• Work on the Implementation Phase
• Translate “Success” Messages
• Transform Obstacles
• Track Your Progress
Module 4: Ensuring Mastery
• Clear Stubborn Obstacles
• Take Ownership
• Develop and Draw On Your Internal Clearing Team
• Protect Your Energy


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