Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021


Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021

Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021

Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Within the summit, you will hear an entire track that is devoted to breath. In those talks, you will be exposed to “resting tongue posture.” Resting tongue posture affects overall posture, TMJ issues, walking, pelvic floor health and so much more.File Size: 14.183 GB

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Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021

Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021

Here’s what you get by upgrading now:
Keynote plus 27 fabulous interviews [$4200 Value]
9 dynamic panel discussions [$2000 Value]
22 Awareness Through Movement lessons with 22 different teachers. [$1000 Value]
60+ hours of expert sessions in MP3 format [$640 Value]

Get download Move Better, Feel Better, Feldenkrais Awareness Summit 2021
40+ Summit Transcripts [$2700 Value]
BONUS 1: Live 9-week deep dive into Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement [$500 Value]
BONUS 2: Live advanced study series on Biotensegrity meets Feldenkrais. [$500 Value]
BONUS 3: In-depth workshop on the tongue, jaw and mouth. [$400 Value]
In addition to all the incredible summit presentations to
watch, listen to or read,
You get these not-to-be missed bonus courses.
Value $500
For anyone wanting to experience the benefits of Feldenkrais Awareness Though Movement® in an in-depth way.
LIVE via Zoom weekly for 9 weeks.
Replays will be available for those who can’t attend live.
Cynthia Allen Headshot for Co-host of the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit
Cynthia Allen, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionercm and Senior Trainer in Movement Intelligence/Bones for Life®
Unlocking Your Learning Body
You were born with a learning body, but as we grow, we are wired to become more static in our movements and unaware of how we move. While habits allow us to acquire the next skill for daily living, in the long run, it equals dis-use of many aspects of our self. We gradually become a wear and tear machine instead of an organic wear and repair being. Movement declines. Pains appear. Less than ideal compensatory movements become the norm.
This fundamental class will explore how to unlock your learning body, no matter your age. Each week there will be a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, a deep dive into one of Cynthia’s 7 keys for unlocking your learning body, small group reflection, and large group Q & A. This is a perfect series for the beginner but also for wellness, movement, and somatic professionals to understand how to engage students in awareness and deeper learning.
Value $500
For Professionals in the health care, wellness and movement fields.
LIVE via Zoom weekly for 5 weeks

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Replays will be available for those that can’t attend live.
John Sharkey Headshot for Embodied Anatomy at the Feldenkrais Awareness Summit
John Sharkey, Clinical Anatomist and expert in Biotensegrity
Anastasi Sioatis, Assistant Trainer in the Feldenkrais Method
Conscious Integration – creating conditions for restoring cellular communication
5 sessions designed to improve health and human performance, while offering practical appreciation for how Feldenkrais lessons provide a means to regulate internal tensional forces.
When our fascial “tuning” is off, we have a dampening of our natural resonant body rhythms. By quietly attending to the quality of communication in our tissues, we can begin to allow changes that release the human body from static holding patterns and start to heal you naturally from the inside out.
Feldenkrais work is not “therapy” but rather a systematic way of learning to discover that which is sometimes right there in front of us, yet until that moment, invisible and therefore out of reach. Each lesson in this series will practically demonstrate foundational principles of the Feldenkrais Method® while unpacking the ideas of the unified theory of biotensegrity.
Our skeleton is made of crystalized fascia, we know as bones, and these are floating in a sea of soft tissue tension. Everything that moves us through space, including our heart that moves our blood through inner space, is made of fascia. Your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles all start off as mesenchyme cells that transform, according to the forces they experience, into this diverse array of fascial states. Given the right conditions, many of these tissues can undergo state shifts that allow a tension member to become compressive and vice-versa. It all depends on how you use yourself in action and what you come to experience of the universal laws of physics.
Gravity is our teacher and will ultimately be our nemesis. Creating lift is of prime importance to us. Only a harmonious balance of tension and compression can afford us comfort in our daily activities. As we move through our life, it is worthwhile for us to better understand how to make the most of our lived experience, while conserving our precious energy and life force for the things that matter most. Both Feldenkrais and biotensegrity speak to our capacity and potential to become ever more efficient in our use of self. We hope you are able to join us on this practical adventure into the Anatomy of the 21st Century.
Value $400
Stream these 4, 2-hour recordings anytime.
Robert Sussuma, MMUS,
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner
MOULDING THE MOUTH: Exploring the relationships between oral posture, the skull, and vocal artistry
How do you hold your mouth at rest? What does your oral posture have to do with your oral shape and health? What is good and natural oral posture for singing and for life?
Within the summit, you will hear an entire track that is devoted to breath. In those talks, you will be exposed to “resting tongue posture.” Resting tongue posture affects overall posture, TMJ issues, walking, pelvic floor health and so much more.
In this series, we will look at our oral habits and structure and find new ways to sense, hold, and use the mouth. It will change many things – vocal and otherwise!

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