Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner – Go High Level Master Builder


Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner – Go High Level Master Builder

Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner - Go High Level Master Builder

Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner – Go High Level Master Builder


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Step by step over 7 modules setting up a new clients from scratch in GHL, troubleshooting common issues…

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Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner – Go High Level Master Builder

Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner - Go High Level Master Builder

Perfect For: The Chronic Snapshot Buyer, The Frustrated Highleveler And The Local Business Owner That Just Hates Tech

High Level Mastery Awaits:

Shift from Overwhelm to Overachievement!

The Training & Support You’ve Been Waiting For !!!

We’ve all done it:

Bought snapshot after snapshot, promising the world but banging our head against the keyboard trying to get it to function correctly or the way we want it.

Not to mention once you do muddle your way through setting it up – the funnel styling is..meh, the automations barely work or they look like spiderweb of choas and what’s worse…

You don’t even have access to support to know how to get it to be functional for your team and business.

We all love Highlevel and the impact we can create in our businesses and for others we help utilize it

But what we DON’T love is

– Investing in snapshots with big promises, only to face endless challenges.

– Not enough knowledge, support and education all in one place

– Constantly having to create training for new team members

– Trying to figure out best practices alone

– Trying to juggle it all without proven systems setup

So after spending countless hours fiddling with janky snapshots, training our teams (and clients teams) and having to hire coaches to keep everyone updated on the fast pace this software releases new features at

We knew there had to be a better way

What if we could combine our years of High Level education + 10,000 hours of coaching with teaching you and your teams how to create your perfect snapshot and sprinkle in a little bit of B2B strategy to create a comprehensive curriculum for business owners to use themselves or with their teams.

Education + Snapshot Customization + Strategy + Support =


Your ONE place to…

– Get access to the education and support you need to make your own snapshots

Send new team members for training

A program designed with office Hours to give the support you really need

– Foundational Training to get you started on the right path

Unlock GHL’s True Potential

Become a Master Builder

PART 101

Foundational Skills

Step by step over 7 modules setting up a new clients from scratch in GHL, troubleshooting common issues preventing you from a smooth onboarding in an easy ready-to-go pack of training to handover to new team members from day 1

  • Domain, Subdomains & Paths What They are and How to Set them up
  • The Right Way to setup Lead Connector and Mailgun Email
  • Accurate Calendar Integration & Syncing
  • Painless Text Messaging Approval and Setup
  • Quick & Easy Team Member Permissions Approval Setup
  • Connect all your Social Media Accounts with Ease
  • Mobile Application Installation and Mastery
  • Get Paid!!! Installation of Payment Portals, Invoices, Estimates, & Proposals

PART 201

The Local Business Pro Pack

Local businesses usually only know how to do their specific trade. So they are prime for utilizing support you’ll be able to provide in running their booking calendars, client pipelines and email + text marketing campaigns. Kick off this new demographic with a bang from the start (or hand to your team to ensure they are implementing it correctly!)

  • Effortless Management of Pipelines
  • Meeting & Booking Calendars Setup and Management
  • Customize Forms & Surveys
  • Create Lead Generation Funnels
  • Proven Advanced Easy to Understand Automations
  • Review Generation & Management
  • Dormant Customer Re Engagement Campaign
  • Monthly & Weekly Specials Campaign
  • Local Citation Management for SEO
  • Social Media Posting
  • Troubleshooting Local Business Systems

PART 301

Deploy and Sell Your Snapshot

During the course of this program, you’ll craft a personalized snapshot tailored to your specific requirements, which can also be marketed to individuals and businesses sharing similar needs and clientele. Discover how to leverage your diligent efforts within GHL to establish a supplementary income stream by monetizing your tried-and-tested automations and sales funnels.

  • How to create snapshot accounts within your GHL system
  • Create a Funnel to sell your snapshots
  • Learn to Deploy and Update your snapshots
  • How to Sell Your Snapshots
  • Where to Sell Your Snapshots

PART 401

Outsourcing & Hiring A Winning Team

Empowering you with the knowledge and strategies to assemble a dynamic team of developers and harness the full potential of Go HighLevel Systems. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, having a proficient and cohesive development team is paramount to stay ahead of the competition.


Think beyond overseas VAs you are struggling to train, retain and turn into problem solvers helping your business run so you can actually focus on the most important aspects of the business. Brought to you by the outsourcing queen herself, Esther Inman.

  • Recruiting the right people to build out your team
  • Managing talent to optimizing your workflow
  • Ensure that you can effectively leverage Go HighLevel Systems to drive your business to new heights

Get in the Driver’s Seat

No more fumbling around trying to figure things out on your own, switching between multiple resources or banging your head against the wall frustrated with a team you weren’t equipped to train properly

Stop fiddling with broken snapshots and learn to make and sell your own

That’s why we created this for you.

GHL Master Class

Learn everything you need to know, from what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what to say, and what systems, processes, and technology to set up so you can start fast!

Beyond Just Another Snapshot/Template:

We recognize the pitfalls of the industry – the overwhelming choices, the lack of clear instructions, and the challenges of setup. That’s why we don’t just hand you another snapshot. We empower you with the knowledge and tools to craft and customize your very own. So, you’re not just buying a course; you’re investing in a future where your business thrives in the digital ecosystem.

Discover the Unrivaled Advantage:

Our edge? A whopping 10,000+ hours backing renowned brands like hlprotools, Fg Funnels, Pipeline Patriot, and more. Dive deep with experts who have walked the Highlevel path, weathered its challenges, and emerged victorious. With firsthand experiences and insights from supporting giants in the industry, our troubleshooting and build efficiency strategies are simply unparalleled.


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