Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters


Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters

Pam Foster - How to Write Engaging Newsletters

Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $124.00.

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Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $124.00.

(This course is available and delivery within one day!)You can make it your specialty and rake in $4,000, $6,000, or even $8,000 writing as few as four or five mornings a week… and still have plenty of time for yourself.

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Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters

Pam Foster - How to Write Engaging Newsletters


Looking forPredictable Writing Income?

This Overlooked Writing Gig Is in HUGE Demand… and Can Generate “Month After Month” Income that Never Stops:

Once You Can Write This Simple Project That Millions of Businesses Need…

The Choice is Yours

The project is the focus of a number of writers who are experts in it. “sweet spot” in our industry…

And for good reason…

This is a writing gig that you can get to Enjoy all the perks, freedoms, and perks the writer’s life

It’s possible to live without sacrificing the steady stream that writers love.

It’s truly the best of both worlds.

And it’s a lot easier to You have more than you think.

Today I’m going to Introduce yourself to This “sweet spot”…

Where you can enjoy high pay… flexible hours… time to play… comfort… and security…

Every writer could wish for.

What about the money?

Well, that’s what’s so amazing about it…

It can be almost anything you want. to be!

Get Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters Download

You can take on one client to make anywhere from $800 to $2,000 writing just one morning a week…

You can make it your specialty and rake in $4,000, $6,000, or even $8,000 writing as few as four or five mornings a week… and still have plenty of time for yourself.

Or, if you love the writing, you can really dial it up — and easily make six figures as a full-Time specialist

And because this is a writing gig where new copy is needed month after month…

It’s common for companies to Pay you a Healthy monthly retainer — just to Keep you as their writer!

I’ll explain more about how the money works a little later.

The bottom line is:

If you’re like so many writers I talk to here at AWAI…

Writers who Love the freedom being a freelance writer can give them — but are reluctant to Resign from Security of a steady job…

Then you’re definitely going to Want to This writing specialty is well-known.

I’ll explain it all ahead…

But I should first mention that there are other benefits beyond the money and security…

  • This is a writing project EVERY business should have as part of their digital marketing strategy — no matter their size, location, or industry… so there are always more clients out there (and we’ll show you how to These are your best bets!).
  • This is a simple writing style to Learn, have fun to write, and involves SHORT copy — making it the PERFECT starting point for a new writer.
  • This is not true “sales copy” But rather content to connect with your client’s customers on a regular basis — giving them useful information they’ll want to Read and enjoy.
  • You’ll never “labor” A project can be worked on for weeks or even days. Most writing projects can be completed in a matter of hours once you have the formula and the technique.
  • You get to Work with loyal clients who value your relationship. This means that the client(s), you land today, are likely to be fiercely loyal. to Clients that you will have for many years to come.

What You’ll Learn: A Complete How-To!

Lesson 1:
Why? Newsletters? It’s a Big Opportunity for You

You’ll start with a big-A look at newsletters. This includes the various formats that you can use and the audiences to which they are sent. to… and how e-Newsletters are different from the regular emails that businesses send.

You’ll start building your newsletter “swipe file” So you can find great examples of professional newsletters within the niches that you are interested in. to Send an email. (Pam Even a list of her top newsletters that you can sign up for!

Lesson 2:
The Power and Purpose of Newsletters

You’ll dive deeper into why newsletters are so valuable for businesses… why it’s so important for them to build an email list… and how that differs from their social media and blog audiences.

Plus, you’ll get six questions you should ask every time you sit down to Send a newsletter to make sure it’s all about the reader… a full video presentation on the state of e-Newsletters from MarketingProfs’ Ann Handley, author of the wildly popular e-newsletter Total ANNARCHY… and some of the fundamentals that create a powerful newsletter.

Lesson 3:
A closer examination of the Newsletter Content

Now you’ll go deep into the two most popular types of newsletters, original content and curated content, and how you’ll approach each one… You’ll also see the other newsletter formats you could write, including blended, digest, and episodic/POV.

Get Pam Foster – How to Write Engaging Newsletters Download

And you’ll see why writing newsletters that businesses send to their employees rather than their customers is another big opportunity that’s surprisingly fulfilling for writers.

Lesson 4:
Newsletter Content Elements and Formulas

Now it’s time to Explore the nitty gritty-gritty of each content element that’s important for newsletters!

You’ll get seven best practices for writing subject lines… tips for writing a relevant, riveting lead that keeps your reader glued to the screen… strategies for recommending powerful sidebars and graphics… the most common FAQs that apply almost universally to all businesses and that you can answer in a newsletter… and fun calls to action that will get readers engaged… along with examples that illustrate each of these critical elements (and more).

Lesson 5:
Let’s Dissect Some Newsletters

You’ll start with an extensive recap of all the different missions and audiences that clients have for their newsletters… the different content approaches each one can take… the many elements you can pick and choose from to include in a newsletter… and a broad formula that most newsletters stick to In some form or fashion.

This is as clear a snapshot as you’ll find of the array of opportunities for newsletter writers… and why your expertise is so valuable to clients. Pam You will also be guided through two newsletters that are different, and how each one suits their mission and audience.

Lesson 6:
Best Practices for Writing Newsletters

Okay — the time has come to Start Writing Subscribe to our newsletter! You’re going to Walk through the process of creating a monthly, fresh, and new e-mail.-newsletter for a client you’ve just landed… You’ll see the steps involved in understanding the client’s mission and audience… determining the content approach… mapping out what you’re going to include… and then researching and writing the content.

The next exercise is to Start writing!

Lesson 7:
Your Newsletter Copywriting & Review Process

You’ll walk through the steps involved in completing your drafts, submitting them to You can take feedback from clients and listen to them like a pro. And great news… Even if you’re starting a newsletter from scratch for your client, you still don’t have to Start with a blank sheet of paper.

You’ll learn how to You can either create or find templates that you can use every time you publish a newsletter. You’ll even get examples of what a typical timeline looks like for the entire process of publishing a newsletter.

Lesson 8:
Four Ways to Expand Your Role & Fees

Once you’ve gotten this far, you’re ready to Offer newsletter writing services But the opportunity doesn’t stop there…

In this lesson, you’ll discover four easy ways to elevate your role as a newsletter consultant/adviser… to write engaging, inviting copy that gets even more eyeballs on the newsletter you write… to Make it more common “go-to” writer for your clients… and start stacking up even bigger fees!

Lesson 9:
Get clients for newsletter gigs

Time to Land your clients! A newsletter can be a great tool for any business, as you probably know.

But here, you’ll get more specific instructions on WHO to Approach within a company and how to to Approach them. Plus, you’ll get seven tips from a working newsletter writer on how to Land your first client.

Lesson 10:
Get clients with your own freelance newsletter

Finally, remember — if any business, even a solo service provider, could benefit from sending an e-newsletter — then so can a solo copywriter like you.

Your e-Newsletter could be the easiest way to market your business! In this lesson, you’ll see the different ways your e-newsletter will work for you… get ideas for what you could include that would be valuable to your clients and prospects… and understand the goals you could have for your e-Newsletter, and how to Strategically plan and execute it to These goals can be achieved.

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