Peng Joon – The Event Codex Complete


Peng Joon – The Event Codex Complete

Peng Joon - The Event Codex Complete

Peng Joon – The Event Codex Complete

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $42.00.

In stock

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $42.00.

You promise to absolutely NOT share with anybody the fact that you got your hands on my system for the price you’re getting it for (those who paid $50k would be understandably SUPER upset)

You promise to use it and become my absolute BEST case study

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Peng Joon – The Event Codex Complete

Peng Joon - The Event Codex Complete

The ‘Event Codex’ Is Exposing The ENTIRE System To Launch, Sell Out, AND Close High-Ticket Products & Services WithOUT Spending More Of Your Money, Doing Any Hard Selling, Or Needing Tons Of Experience!”
Entrepreneurs (Both With & Without Event Experience) Are Reporting Making More Money
In A Single Weekend Following Event Codex Than They Did The Entire Previous Year!
It’s TRUE.
Events have been making a few folks very, very wealthy for a long time.
Real estate investing seminars. › Estate planning conferences. › Book writing workshops.
All are common examples of live events that have been happening for decades…giving the event hosts massive opportunities to cash-in on the crowds that came flocking…
Before, you’d need to have a broad offer to a large audience to make the expenses of hosting live events worthwhile and, most importantly, profitable.
But, recently we’ve seen a shift.
Something happened that nearly killed off live events, forever.
…and it has NOTHING to do with rising travel costs, saturation of the marketplace, or anything else related to events.
Keep reading.
What was this live event “killer”?
This thing called a webinar.
You see, when webinars first came out, they gave folks the promise to create ‘virtual events’ which got the masses gathered to watch presentations… without requiring them to travel and physically show up.
As you can imagine, it was an absolute gold rush.
Everybody started doing webinars. Because of this, live events became a thing of the past… and nearly died.
There’s just one problem with webinars, though… …
and it’s not just a “problem”, it’s a HUGE problem that’s plaguing almost every industry.
Fast-forward a few years and, as you already know, webinars have become so overused and abused, the mere name “webinar” is a dirty word in almost any niche.
In fact, most marketers KNOW how bad the perception of webinars is, so they try to ‘disguise’ them by using words like “online training” or “virtual summit”.
I bet you’ve even probably seen a worthless webinar that was just a dirty pitch fest, right?
Now, I’m not saying that all webinars are bad or that all webinars don’t work.
Some definitely do.
Mine work really well, you may even have found me from watching a webinar.
However, I’ll expose the truth that many of the ‘gurus’ out there do NOT want you to know about webinars…
You’ll notice there’s a very common denominator between the webinars that DO work, and those that do NOT work.
It holds true almost 100% of the time.
Here it is: the person running it is an existing, fully established
authority AND has an audience.
Makes sense, right?
…plus, those are two things that do NOT come cheap or quickly.
You can’t just snap your fingers and have 6 published books, endorsements by major names in your industry, plus a fan page with 2 million followers, can you?
Wouldn’t that be nice.
Unfortunately, the reality is this…
…if you’ve been struggling to gain traction in your business

are stuck at a plateau (whether that’s 5, 6, or 7-figures)
aren’t quite sure how live events can fit into your business
already know that others are absolutely killing it with live events and want to find out how YOU can, too
are already using live events but know you could improve them
you want to speak at other people’s live events and leverage THEIR audiences
just flat-out want to get the right information from the right person
any combination of the above

…you’re in the right place.
Maybe you haven’t done a live event, yet?
Or you’ve done dozens and want to really button them up and optimize them to the fullest.
It doesn’t matter where you are, this message is for you.
Whether you host your own events, you leverage other people’s events, or both…
You NEED to read every single word on this page.
Live events are the ONLY form of marketing that you do NOT need to be an authority, have a huge audience, giant budget, OR a bunch of crazy technical skills.
And you DON’T need a broad offer to a large audience to make a killing off of live events, either. (I’ve got students making 5-figures every single weekend they put on a TINY live event to their small niche)
Best of all, they’re not even that difficult to put together…and I’ll show you how you can run them, by yourself, for nearly free!
…plus land MAJOR gigs at other events, if that’s your thing, basically at-will.
And yes, even small events, with as few as 10 guests, can be worth $10,000+…easily.
I know, that sounds crazy…but…let me explain…
From the desk of legendary speaker, author, and internationally acclaimed thought leader:
It’s Peng.
Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege to speak and conduct events in 21 countries all over the world.
I’ve personally hosted more than 200 live events which have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue.
…I’ve spoken on the world’s largest stages, standing next to legends like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown, and many more.
But, it wasn’t always that way.
For a long time, I really struggled
This is me, at ten years old.
Growing up, I wasn’t some “child prodigy” or “heir to the throne”…
…I was a rambunctious kid from very humble beginnings.
“Peng, why are you posing next to a burn barrel?” <— I’ve been searching for that answer for 23 years.
I’m hesitant to share this with you, but it wasn’t until recently that I figured things out and really gained a lot of my fame.
Just a short few years ago, this was me on stage.
As you can tell, I didn’t look like a world-renown speaker.
Honestly, I was still figuring everything out.
The reason I show you that picture isn’t to show you how stylish I used to be…(look at that hair lol)
…it’s because I discovered something on that very stage.
Something that changed my life forever, and is going to change yours, as well.
I discovered that mastering just ONE thing has fixed nearly every single problem I was having in my business and personal life, while instantaneously enabling me to become the hero my audience was searching for…AND allowed me to serve them at the highest level possible.

I’m talking about LIVE EVENTS.
It wasn’t webinars.
It wasn’t coaching.
It wasn’t done-for-you services.
It wasn’t even courses.
It was live events.
They’ve been the ONLY thing that’s been consistently providing me the lifestyle I’ve always wanted…and given me the stability and explosive growth I craved in my business for more than a decade.
I know, I know.
This all sounds great, but you’re Peng Joon, of course you can pull this off.
That’s probably running through your mind right now, isn’t it?
I get it.
When people think about live events, they think one of 3 things:
1) Live events are really expensive and a lot of work
2) Live events are only for extroverted people who are comfortable in front of people
3) Live events leave me scratching my head on where to even start
While I’ll admit it’s true that if one event goes wrong (if you don’t know what you’re doing) it can cost you dearly…live events ARE the most lucrative and fulfilling thing that you can possibly do for your business (if you DO know what you’re doing).
Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?
Look at my transformation.
Just a few short years ago, I was the nervous, underdressed, nerdy guy on the stage.
Just a few years later, I’m an internationally acclaimed speaker.
I’m comfortable.
I’m confident.
I’m powerful.
I’m inspiring and changing countless lives.
I’m telling you this not to inflate my ego, but because I want all this for YOU.
That’d be amazing, wouldn’t it?
Now that I’ve successfully conducted 209 live events (NOT all of
them were successful, by the way, especially in the beginning), I’ve come away with a few lessons from:

Spending literally millions of dollars of my own money to host these events
Learning MANY hard lessons along the way
Rightfully charging $50,000+ to show others how to do events like this, which is actually worth much more
Literally cracking the code on running a profitable live event…which can be replicated in ANY niche and location

…plus, it’s NOT hard.
It simply comes down to these 5 steps (which I’m going
to show you, in detail):
Yep, it’s that simple.
Keep reading because before the end of this page I’m going to walk you through all 5 steps so you can see EVERYTHING you need to launch and deploy wildly successful, predictably profitable, and extremely FUN live events…
…even if you’ve never thrown one before, are in a tiny niche, or don’t think you can pull this off.
While I know running events of 100 to over 1,000 people can seem intimidating, especially if you’ve never done them before, what if you did your first event that had only 10 people?
Do you think you could get 10 people in a room together, as a start? (I’ll even show you how)
Can you reveal the best things you know in your area of expertise to a group of 10 people, and charge them just $1,000 for a seat to attend? (Yep, you can and I’ll make sure of it)
That TINY little group would be a $10,000 weekend.
It’s seriously that easy.
After you did that, do you think you’ll eventually have the confidence to maybe do an event of 20 people? (Yep you will)
What if you charged $2,000 this time?
That would be a $40,000 weekend!!!
I don’t know about you, but those who follow my lead make more money off of their weekends and events than most make their entire YEAR slaving away all 5 days of the week. (And events are a whole heck of a lot more fun and fulfilling, trust me!)
Let’s face it.
You already know the value of live events, I don’t need to sit here and try to persuade you on that.
You also know there’s nothing else like it.
You get the best of both worlds.
People who go to live events are your MOST serious customers, are the LEAST likely to ask for refunds, are most capable to invest in your high-ticket products/service, AND become raving fans for life.
Ever had that experience from a webinar? (Me neither)
Of course not, you can’t serve them the same way you can live, in-person.
At a live event, you’re able to serve them at the highest level…and they can reciprocate by shouting your praises (literally), inhaling everything you have to offer like a ravenous pack of wolves, and connecting with your tribe in a way that’s simply not possible in any other medium.
…imagine standing backstage, peeking around the curtain to see a packed audience, full of people dying to see you…
…you hear the applause, the sounds of fans shouting your name, and come on stage to be greeted by an audience who can hardly contain their excitement.
You absolutely ROCK the stage, giving your audience major breakthroughs…and they’re basically BEGGING you to give them the next thing and upsell them…
And you follow the system to a T, and close half the room on your high-ticket offer…bringing you more revenue in a few days than you made in the past few years.
THAT is exactly what it’s like to run a live event, following my system.
Just look at these lives
I’m changing.
Now, it’s your turn.
You absolutely CAN do this, I promise you.
That said, is there any reason to NOT do live events?
Again, you do NOT have to have experience running events, have millions of dollars to throw giant events, or even feel overly comfortable on a stage. (I’ll show you the way, don’t worry)
You can turn a 10-person event into $10,000 easy, by this time next month, IF you do it the right way.
How would making $10,000 on a weekend change your life?
How about $40,000 on a weekend?
Would your spouse or family look at you differently?
I know what you’re reading is really hitting home, because I’ve sat in the same exact spot that you’re in.
It wasn’t long ago that I was the nervous kid on stage, trying to figure all this out.
Chasing endless opportunities that just don’t pan out.
Searching for the answer I’d been waiting for.
…and this is it.
Don’t stop reading.
By now, you can probably see why I charge folks $50,000+ to walk them through launching live events in their business (which is still a STEAL considering just how much revenue live events done the right way bring in, over time).
What other method can you make a CONSERVATIVE $1,000 per person, withOUT slaving away and providing crazy, back-breaking deliverables?
You can’t do this with coaching.
You can’t do this with services.
You can’t even do this with webinars…
…let me ask you a quick question.
How would you like me to show you Everything you need to do to launch live events in YOUR business, plus give you All the tools you need (already done)…withOUT paying me $50,000 to walk you through everything?
You’re in luck!
Drinking my own Kool-Aid, I JUST did a private, invite-only event that covered this EXACT 5-step system to a TINY group of high-level entrepreneurs who paid no less than $50,000 EACH for a ticket inside Russell Brunson’s Clickfunnels office.
I’ve NEVER exposed this to a group before, I’ve ONLY ever used this system to sell out my own live events and my own private clients who paid my exorbitant fee to walk them through it…
This private, 2-day event at Clickfunnels Headquarters in front of the high-level entrepreneurs will NEVER be repeated again…
…BUT the good news is I had the entire weekend professionally recorded.
Initially, I had decided to record it for my own review and to send home a copy for the event attendees.
…Until I started hearing the feedback from those in the room…
And so, here it is.
I call my system the Event Codex.
Event Codex is the key when it comes to planning, filling, and monetizing your event.
I never intended on selling this to the masses (let’s face it, a secret isn’t a secret anymore if everybody knows about it)… because it would potentially harm the value of my private service and effectiveness of my own events.
The feedback was so overwhelming, I had to open this up to a few more people.
This will NEVER be available to the general public (as you can tell, you’re reading this because you came into my world through another product of mine), but, putting it nicely, I was compelled by these amazing people to allow my BEST students a chance at getting this system in their hands…withOUT paying my crazy fees for it.
If it wasn’t for the attendees inside Russell’s office literally grabbing me and demanding me to share this with more people, I would never have taken the time to write this or make you this offer…
That should speak volumes about them and their character, by the way.
When most people find something that’s truly amazing, they keep it all to themselves…not this group.
Here’s the deal I’m going to make you.
I do NOT want Event Codex to become the next household system for folks to run live events.
I make my living off of live events.
Whether my own or my high-level clients.
If my system gets out to the masses, the value of what I do goes right to the toilet…and my business is, essentially, tanked overnight.
The reason you were invited to this page was because I hand-selected you and am trusting you to keep this our secret, okay?
So, in order for you to get your hands on this system,
I need you to make me a deal.

You promise to absolutely NOT share this system outside of your own business

You promise to absolutely NOT share with anybody the fact that you got your hands on my system for the price you’re getting it for (those who paid $50k would be understandably SUPER upset)

You promise to use it and become my absolute BEST case study

I’m putting my faith in you to do the right thing and take those above points serious, cool?

In turn, I’ll get you my ENTIRE system, Event Codex, for an absolutely insane deal.

But, I’m not going to keep this open forever.

Ready for this?

You’ll discover my EXACT blueprint…including action plans, worksheets, to do lists, marketing and monetization strategies, and all the fill-in-the-blanks assets you’ll need to fill up your event, monetize it, and create absolutely raving fans.

If you tried to figure this all out on your own, it’d take you years and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to get close.
When you invest in Event Codex, here’s what you will be getting:
Selling the Tickets
My “It’s NOT Difficult Or Expensive” Method To Sell ALL The Tickets To Your Event (Worth $17,499, Included FREE)
You’ll discover how to sell out your own event, virtually every time, withOUT spending a ton of money or going crazy to find attendees
The simplest and most clear Facebook Ads Breakdown you’ve ever seen, giving you the EXACT ads and everything else you need (you literally just load them into your account and press “go”) to sell out your event EVEN to cold audiences

The Funnel Stack so you can use a simple, proven funnel to sell your event and maximize the amount of money you get BEFORE your event even takes place (again, it’s already DONE for you, you just fill in the blanks and press “go”)
The “OPE” Goldmine (Other People’s Events), my own tried-and-true method to snag speaking gigs at other people’s events to leverage their audiences and generate crazy revenue with zero overhead
Getting the Gigs, complete clarity on when to get paid to speak vs speak for free vs sponsored lunches vs 50/50 splits…and how to absolutely maximize your time and build your celebrity quickly (just like I did)
Packaging Tickets With Online Courses the RIGHT way, and when NOT to give your tickets away for free (99% of people do this WRONG)
Private Q&A session with high-level entrepreneurs asking the most valuable questions

I know a thing or two about selling out events, wouldn’t you say?
Getting Them to Show Up
The “RMRT” (Right Message Right Time) Approach I Use To Get Them To
Actually Show Up ($8,999 Value)

Micro Commitments, leveraging little “yes’s” to get them to WANT to show up, every time (just cause they buy doesn’t mean they’ll show, your money is made in the back end/getting them to show up!)
Physical Product Welcome Gifts that’ll blow them away with value, virtually demolish ANY signs of buyer’s remorse, AND get them excited as possible to show up for the event
Pre Training, getting them small wins BEFORE they show up for the event, so they’re “true believers” by the time they show up (virtually guaranteeing they’ll BUY when they get there)

Selling Them the Show Up so you can feel confident your event will be plump full of raving fans, NOT empty seats
Follow Up Video Series to get even ice cold buyers to know, like, and trust you BEFORE they ever meet you
Minimizing Refunds with just ONE message: the right message at the right time (yep, I already wrote it for you)
Negotiating with Hotels to get them to actually compete with each other, turning into a bidding war, getting you the BEST possible rates
How to Get the Venues Nearly for Free with my simple trick that works 85% of the time!
Logistics Checklist to make sure NOTHING is left out or forgotten (this took us years to get right and MANY expensive mistakes along the way!)
Private Q&A session with high-level entrepreneurs asking the most valuable questions

Fulfilling the Event
My “Everything You Need And Nothing You Don’t” Roadmap To Fulfilling Your Event
The RIGHT Way ($12,499 Value, Included FREE)

Setting up Context to ensure all your surroundings are set up for success (all the perfect environment, rules, frameworks, etc.)
Messaging to preframe the outcome of your event (following the ‘perfect path’ of struggles, successes, strengths, beliefs, and finishing with my beliefs)
How to Serve Them at the Highest Level (go through my checklist to get them “all in” by going after motivation, fears, choices, and aspirations)
Topics to Teach, with absolute clarity on theory vs tactics vs transformation…the easy way

How to Increase Energy Levels to keep everybody excited, engaged, and at peak state throughout the ENTIRE event
Written Exercises, Partner Share, and Class Share to connect the audience and break walls down instantly
Manners of Speaking, including the ‘maximum money’ style of talking “at” vs Presenting To vs Conversation With…and which will be a win-win for everybody
Powerpoint vs Flipcharts and why you absolutely MUST use both
Seeding for Upsells, making the upsell an absolute no-brainer
Price Marinade to establish prices of upsells ahead of time to make NOT buying feel like the “wrong decision”
Private Q&A session with high-level entrepreneurs asking the most valuable questions

Executing the Upsell
Executing The “Perfect Upsell”, Where The REAL Money Is…
(Worth At Least $7,999)

What to Present Right Before the Upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
Advanced Seeding to get your audience connected with you like never before, and at the absolute edge of their seat…begging you to make your offer
Value Marinade which separates the top 1% of closers from everybody else (this alone is worth the whole investment, trust me)

Transition to Upsell and make them feel like they’re not even being pitched anything (the craziest, coolest feeling in the world)
How To Use Testimonials the Right Way to instantly gain trust and full belief in your offer
Mastering the Stack to justify your offer price, no matter how high
Bonuses to push those “over the fence” and buy on the spot
The Different Closes that actually work…which you can use everywhere (not just on stage, literally wipes out the “hard selling” and gets at LEAST 50% of the room in)
Creating a Table Rush that sends the message “the water is fine, jump in” to the rest of the room, creating a buying frenzy
The “Tony Robbins” so you can reverse-engineer one of the greatest speakers in history and integrate the BEST of his stuff immediately into YOUR events…including language impactors, how he tells stories, and more…without seeming like you’re copying
Private Q&A session with high-level entrepreneurs asking the most valuable questions

Look at these table rushes! People stampeding to get their hands on and buy my upsell. That’s going to feel pretty good at your event, isn’t it?? (Just don’t let them trample each other)
Leveraging the Event
Leveraging The Event & Momentum To Propel EVERYTHING Else You Do
(Worth $3,004, Included For FREE)

Testimonial Acquisition which fill up your ‘vault’, one of the most valuable assets you’ll ever have
Sizzle Reel Creation to prevent you from EVER getting “stuck” at the $1-3mil mark OR ever trading time for money, by repurposing your events as fuel for your marketing/branding for everything else
Group Photo Boost for ultimate social proof and viral impact
Repurposing it into a course which becomes a digital asset that you can sell over and over again, 24/7

Private Q&A session with high-level entrepreneurs asking the most valuable questions

These events basically sell themselves! You’re going to LOVE these photos, btw!
You’re getting ALL that…because the amazing human beings in Boise urged me to give it to you for ONE low price.
I know, you’re DYING to know how much, right?
Well, I’m not done.
Because you’re one of my loyal customers (by the way, if you’re not a customer of mine please close this page as this is only intended for my best customers, please)…
…I’m holding absolutely NOTHING back.
That means you’re getting EVERYTHING those who paid $50,000 for me to walk them through this got, so again PLEASE do not share that I gave you this…
If you order RIGHT NOW
(meaning you do NOT close this page, go ask your partner, or wait and think about it), I’m going to also
throw in these PRIVATE bonuses:
Bonus #1! My “Everything You Need” Actual Tools, Templates, And Action Guides (Worth $4,999, Included FREE)
…that you can easily edit, fill in the blanks and customize for your own events. This will save you at least a decade and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to figure this out on your own. Best part? You can easily implement these important steps so you can be on your way to putting on your lucrative events by this time next week!
Bonus #2! My “Fill My Event” Marketing Swipe File (Others Pay $2,999, You Get It FREE)
You’re getting my very own swipe file (full with samples and examples that you can easily “swipe and deploy”) to fill up your events virtually every time! This collection, that I tested and perfected, will save you from figuring out what to say or write when creating your marketing materials for your events…it’s already done! This collection is worth the investment all by itself, trust me!
Bonus #3! The “It’s Not That Complicated” Facebook Marketing Checklist And Swipe Campaigns ($5,499 Value)
You’ll be on the fast track to implementing this whole system so you’re not wasting time trying to figure things out with your social media campaigns…even if you’ve never ran an ad or aren’t tech savvy (it’s so simple)…so you can get the RIGHT eyeballs on your event, fast!
Bonus #4! My “Banging Doors Down” Action Guide For Causing Stampedes To Get Their Seats   (Worth $1,999, Included FREE)
You’ll be virtually guaranteeing that the WORST issue with live events (people buying tickets but not showing up) NEVER happens to you. Your events will be full, all your guests will show up, and you’ll have everything you need to make sure your event is successful and profitable…every time!
Bonus #5! The “This Cost Me Thousands” Logistics Checklist To Make Zero Mistakes, Even On Your First Event (Easily $2,999 Value, Yours FREE)
You’ll have ALL the critical details of putting on an event already taken care of, making it virtually impossible to screw anything up — including contracts, negotiations, food, securing the venue at the lowest rate possible (this alone saves me tens of thousands of dollars on EVERY single event).

Again, if it was up to me alone, there’s no way I would package this stuff up and sell it like this.
Total value for private access to the Event Codex: $68,495
As I said the ONLY others that got their hands on this paid $50,000 for me to walk them through this, and there are only a handful of folks that’ve gotten ALL this information and ALL the tools you need.
BUT…I’m going to let you have a private deal (which is outrageous considering how much just ONE live event is going to be worth to you).
Up until this point, the only way to get access to this information was to pay $50,000 AND get a private invite from me.
I’m going to let you have the ENTIRE system, easily worth
the $68,495, for just ONE payment of ONLY $1,997!!!!
Holy CRAP, right??!!

(I know, I agree this is insane and you probably believe me now that I really did privately invite you to grab this)

Take a second to really think about this…
How much is just ONE event worth to you?
If ALL this did was help you run your very first event and make a profit… would it be worth $1,997?


Get Peng Joon – The Event Codex Complete download

If ALL this did was add 10 extra attendees (buyers) to your event… would it be worth $1,997?
And this is just from ONE event.
What if you did 4 events in a year? (SUPER easy)

How much would that be worth?

Way more than you’re paying, obviously. You can get in and have FULL & unrestricted access to EVERYTHING, immediately for just ONE payment of only $1,997.

You’ll NEVER need to pay for an expensive event management company, EVER.

That alone will save you hundreds of thousands (or even millions) over time.

Don’t believe me?
They charge THOUSANDS up front…PLUS demand a % of the backend sales (YOUR profits).

Plus, I’ll share a little secret…what they do isn’t complicated.

How do you think I figured all this out?
I was sick of paying these crazy fees for a simple service…so I created my own system.
And I don’t need them anymore.

Luckily, neither do you :)



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