Philip Cooper – Mastering Options

Philip Cooper – Mastering Options

Philip Cooper - Mastering Options

Philip Cooper – Mastering Options


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(This course is available for immediate delivery!)It also provides seasoned investors and traders with new insights into using options as an investment tool.File Size:7.05 MB

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Philip Cooper – Mastering Options: Effective and Profitable Strategies for Traders (Fnance and Financial Management Collection)

Philip Cooper - Mastering Options

If you are a beginner to the world of options, Mastering Options—Effective and Profitable Strategies for Traders is essential for learning the basics of option strategies that will enable you to start making consistently handsome earnings.

  •  This book gives the novice a comprehensive understanding of using option investment and hedging strategies successful.
  • The content is aimed primarily at the undergraduate whose ambition is to become either a trader in a financial organization or an online investor through a financial broker’s trading platform.
  • It also provides seasoned investors and traders with new insights into using options as an investment tool.
  • The key trading tools available on online trading platforms are explained in enough detail that beginners will be able to understand as well as learn how to invest effectively in the financial markets using options.
  • Chapter by chapter, this book builds a complete understanding of the basic building blocks of investing in options, including common terms, easily understandable case studies and strategies.

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