Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism


Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - The Shift Network - Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism


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Explore how to access the wisdom and power of the cosmic and ancestral forces…

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Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - The Shift Network - Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism

Immerse yourself in the power, sacred gifts, and guidance of the Chakana to connect to your divine origins and activate your innate inner healer… as you cultivate strength and resilience, and learn to live in unconditional love and service.

Thousands of years ago, the Andean people received a sacred symbol  a complex and exquisite spiritual map of the entire cosmos…

… which provided them with all the knowledge and guidance they needed to live a conscious life that fulfills the individual and serves the greater good.

This ancient map, called the Chakana, represents all cosmic and ancestral forces and provides a portal to our sacred origins  a bridge between our human life and the entire universe.

Puma Fredy Quispe SingonaAndean Medicine Man, teaches us how our ancestors believed that we all originate from the heavens… that we’re here as temporary guests on Pachamama (Mother Earth)… and when we’re complete with this life, we go back to our sacred origins of absolute light.

The Chakana is the key to the cosmic portal that connects us to our divine light and collective consciousness. .. to help us manifest a healthy and happy life  rooted in unconditional love  so we can be of greater service to ourselves and others.

For the Andean people, caring for what they call your physical, mental, and spiritual temples is of utmost importance in helping co-create a new, vital, and nourishing life for yourself, your family, your community, and the planet  a personal and collective healing that we’ve never needed as much as we do today.

Because, when we’re not in harmony  individually or collectively  we suffer from stress, disease, depression, fear, and a lost connection to the soul.

To release our suffering, we need shamanic practices and rituals that help us align more deeply with Pachamama… open to her nurturing, healing energies… and give to her our blessings and care.

Join Puma via video in the Andean Highlands in this remarkable 7-module program, as he guides you through healing Andean methods to become stronger, more resilient, and more loving.

You’ll explore how to access the wisdom and power of the cosmic and ancestral forces…

… preparing you to take on life’s challenges and opportunities in more resourced ways, as you revel in the miracle of this life.

Journey Through the Portals & Learn to Live in Love & Service

The Chakana provides a complex system of portals through which you can access the universal forces, awaken your healer within, and activate the three levels of service you can provide:

  • Ayni  Service to yourself
  • Minka  Voluntary service in which you share with your family and community your life energy, love gifts, wisdom, and healing techniques that you’ve accumulated
  • Mita  Service of responsibility unconditionally offered to your family and community… for their wellbeing and a better life for those who come after

In this enlightening course, Puma will show you a variety of ways to move through the shamanic portals and receive the spirit medicine of deeper awareness, the beauty and nourishment of true connection with nature, the unconditional love inherent in the cosmos, and the lightness of heart innate to our animal family.

You’ll plug into the four directions and the four elements of air, fire, earth, and water, meet the essential animal spirits (the Puma, Hummingbird, Condor, and Serpent)  and explore the secrets of the Chakana through rituals and journeys.

During this richly transformative 7 modules with Puma, you’ll:

  • Dive deeply into the power and meaning of the Chakana and how it acts as a bridge from your sacred human life to divine light
  • Participate in shamanic ceremonies, rituals, and practices to deepen your connection with Pachamama and your embodiment of unconditional love here on Earth
  • Cultivate your connection to your Soul/Spirit, your physical connection to this world, and your connection to your inner world
  • Explore the 3 levels of service. .. your fundamental life purpose
  • Call on powerful allies to help you achieve your greatest service
  • Discover your soul gifts and use them to enter a new era fully awakened, happy, and healthy
  • Align with transformative energies inherent in the 4 directions and experience how they connect you to Pachamama and her essential gifts  unconditional love, the most powerful life force there is, and cosmic wisdom
  • Engage with the elements of air, fire, earth, and water and integrate their powers into your healing practices for wisdom, strength, and resilience
  • Meet the sacred animal spirits  the Hummingbird, Condor, Puma, and Serpent  and access their immense powers of liberation, passion, flow, and deep root connection
  • Balance the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine within you
  • Understand the core principle of love and how accessing this innate quality opens you more deeply to the miracles of life

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through the sacred gifts and guidance of the Chakana so you can connect to your divine origins and embody the ancestral and cosmic forces on Earth… to cultivate strength and resilience, activate your innate inner healer, and live in unconditional love and service.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Puma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to honor Mother Earth and your divine origins to activate unconditional love and share your soul offering.

Module 1: The Meaning of the Chakana Bridge  Understand the Original Program of our Ancestors

In this opening module, Puma will introduce you to the Chakana, the sacred program that was given to the Andean people  a map of the entire cosmos that provided them with all the knowledge and guidance they needed to live consciously.

You’ll begin to explore the wisdom contained in this ancient symbol, and the power it holds as a spiritual portal to parallel dimensions and dimensions within the Self.

Puma will show you how to access this portal as he stresses the importance of taking care of all three of your sacred temples  physical, spiritual, and consciousness  to cultivate a life of service, happiness, and success.

During this first module, you’ll:

  • Discover how the ancestors believed that we all originate from the heavens… live here on Pachamama as guests… and then return to our sacred heavenly origins
  • Dive deeply into the power and meaning of the Chakana and how it acts as a bridge from your sacred human life to divine light
  • Cultivate your connection to all 3 temples  your soul/spirit (Hanaq Pacha) connection, your physical (Kay Pacha) connection to this world, and your consciousness (U’ku Pacha ) connection with your deepest feelings, thoughts, and emotions (known as The Great Mystery)
  • Experience a self-realization meditation to connect to your spirit temple, your sacred being, and your soul
  • Be guided in a visualization to picture yourself standing in the center of the Chakana

Module 2: Explore the 3 Levels of Service  The Fundamental Purpose of Life

When we start to live in service to others, powerful forces come to be in service to us.

In this session, you’ll explore the three levels, or systems, of being in service that were cultivated by our ancestors.

Based on the cosmic law that nothing ever flows one way, Ayni is the reciprocal exchange of your labor, or service. Minka is about voluntarily joining forces to enact family, community, and global service. And, with Mita, you discover your area of expertise and offer it generously as a way of life  to provide for your family, community, and future generations to come.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Harmonize your being by living in the balance of Ayni
  • Call on powerful allies to help you achieve your greatest service
  • Discover your soul gifts
  • Program your life mission and purpose into your being
  • Participate in rituals to acknowledge your area of expertise, and offer it to yourself or others

Module 3: Engage the Essential Gifts From Pachamama for Self-Realization, Healing, Liberation & Purpose

Out of her unconditional love, Pachamama offers us essential gifts  powerful essences to integrate into our life to experience self-realization, healing, liberation, and purpose.

In this module, you’ll explore those gifts  Munay, the power of unconditional love… Kausay, the most powerful life force you can access… Llankay, being in service as our life path… and Yachay, cosmic wisdom or divine intelligence.

In this module, Puma will guide you as you:

  • Open your heart to unconditional love
  • Reclaim your inner beauty
  • Activate your inner vitality
  • Begin to consciously cultivate your greatest service
  • Start to embody cosmic wisdom and divine intelligence
  • Experience a practice to call in and embody the essences in your daily life to both give to and receive from them

Module 4: Integrate the Power of the Elements Into Your Healing Practices

In this module, you’ll engage with the elements of air, fire, earth, and water. These powerful elements have been here long before we came to this planet, and will be here long after we leave it.

Around the globe, our ancestors have worked with these elemental spirits, receiving infinite blessings from them. They offer two gifts… the capacity to embody their sacred nature and to journey into their essence.

When you integrate their power into your healing practices, ceremonies, and rituals, these timeless forces bless and prepare you to work with them.

You’ll work with Air (Wayra) to liberate yourself from your limitations… Fire (Nina) to activate your passionate being… Water (Yaku or Unu) to cultivate the power of consistency and flow… and Earth (Allpa) for continuous connection to your roots.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Become a powerful healer by integrating the abundant elements into your being
  • Call on each element in your everyday life
  • Practice calling in each of these elemental spirits and activating them within yourself  giving to and receiving from them

Module 5: Integration Session

In this special integration session, you’ll begin with a meditation to arrive at the center of the Chakana and connect to the Cosmic Mother. Puma will guide you as you deepen your roots to Pachamama and call yourself back from all parallel dimensions.

This meditation is designed to help center you in the here and now… transcendentally present.

You’ll then have the opportunity to enjoy the recording of a Q&A session with Puma, and integrate the work you did in the first four modules to move more deeply into the experiences you’ve had in this course so far.

Module 6: Journey Into the Mysterious Realm of Animal Spirits

Since creation, the animal kingdom has been considered a very sacred and mystical realm. When you’re able to access these powerful realms, you can receive blessings and initiations into their great mystery.

In this module, you’ll learn how to connect with the animal spirits through the portals of the sacred four directions.

The Inca people began with four main animal spirits  the Hummingbird at the East (Qente), who represents the generations of the evolved consciousness and the new era… the Condor at the West (Kuntur), who represents the people with the strongest connection to Spirit… the Puma at the North (Titi), who represents the powerful leaders present in these new times… and the Serpent at the South (Amaru), who represents the wisdom keepers, the carriers of ancient lineages.

When you connect with these animal spirits, you can embody each of their unique powers to use as an elemental aspect of your healing work.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to access superior consciousness, by realizing that YOU are in a new era
  • Awaken the inner leader, fully present in unconditional love
  • Practice releasing the heaviness in your heart and liberating yourself from conditioning
  • Access the cosmic memory and ancient lineages
  • Journey through these 4 portals with each animal spirit

Module 7: Balance the Sacred Feminine & Masuline Polarities  Medicine for the Soul

God transcends gender, and, for creation to happen, God becomes Father and Mother.

Paña, on the right side, is the Divine Masculine polarity. Represented by the Sun, it holds the power of giving. The Divine Masculine has absolute clarity and, like the Sun, shines on everything.

Lloqe, on the left side, is the Divine Feminine polarity. Represented by the Moon, it holds the power of receiving. The Divine Feminine, like the Moon, is absolutely present in the mystery.

In the Chakana, the Ayni ley line creates the exchange between the Masculine and Feminine. The balancing force is love, compassion, sharing, and the acknowledgement that the existence of both polarities within you is a powerful medicine.

And, in this final module, you’ll bring everything you’ve learned of the powerful essences, elements, animal spirits, realms, and worlds, into synthesis by:

  • Allowing Puma to guide you in a practice to access the Divine Mystery with the Full Moon, and absolute clarity with the sunrise
  • Honoring your transcendental being
  • Activating the powerful energy of giving by working with the Sun
  • Activating the powerful energy of receiving by working with the Moon
  • Healing the Divine Feminine and Masculine within

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken the Healer Within Through the Chakana Portal of Andean Shamanism Online Training

We feel honored that Puma Fredy Quispe Singona has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an Andean medicine man whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about connecting to your divine origins and embodying the ancestral and cosmic forces on Earth so you can cultivate strength and resilience, activate your innate inner healer, and live in unconditional love and service, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.


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