Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma


Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - The Shift Network - Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma


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This powerful training will prepare you for the healing miracles that can only be provided by sacred plants.

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Puma Fredy Quispe Singona – The Shift Network – Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona - The Shift Network - Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma

Immerse yourself in the ancient teachings and powerful practices of two sacred plant medicines  Ayahuasca and Huachuma  for personal transformation, the awakening of human consciousness, and the healing of our planet.

You are undoubtedly aware of the explosion of global interest in Indigenous lineages that work with sacred plant medicines.

You may even have participated in ceremonies yourself and experienced great healing and deep blessings. And while many aspects of the modern interest in Ayahuasca and Huachuma have created profound benefits, some others have led to a more mechanistic and disrespectful way of working with these plants.

The good news is that you can learn from the master teacher plants themselves  without even ingesting their physical forms.

This program gives you access to a real lineage holder, trained from the age of six, who has profound wisdom to share about how to work with sacred plant allies in an Earth-honoring spirit of reciprocity. This powerful training will prepare you for the healing miracles that can only be provided by sacred plants.

Our sacred intention is that you’ll:

  • Experience powerful healing, transformations, and blessings
  • Heal trauma, depression, or physical dis-ease
  • Transcend feelings of disconnection, depression, and dis-ease  and shift into awakening.
  • Learn how to heal yourself and your family
  • Evolve humanity and meet your soul’s purpose

According to Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, who was trained in ancient ways by his grandfather, you can receive potent messages from these ancient sacred plant allies without ingesting them at all.

To do so, we must begin by approaching these powerful, sacred spirits with respect, reverence, and right relationship. Our evolution itself may depend on it.

More and more people are awakening to the call of working with these plants as a portal to discovery and expansion.

There is a potential to create an evolution of consciousness. We must enter into this potent, initiatory relationship in the right way.

Accessing the power of these plants to create superconscious states requires the utmost respect and clear intent.

It’s vital that we see them in the context of deeper understanding and connection with Pachamama, Mother Earth.

Andean lineage holder Puma Fredy Quispe Singona can guide you into right relationship with the sacred wisdom of specific, powerful plants during this time of shifting consciousness and real global healing.

In Peru, Ayahuasca is often referred to as Grandmother, and she offers a kind of grandmotherly “tough love” in nighttime ceremonies, whereas Huachuma (or San Pedro) is a more grandfatherly “solar” medicine taken during the day.

Both spirits, when they are approached with respect and honor, have great wisdom for how humanity can more fully embody our divinity and thus transition into a rebirth. The coming collective era of rebirth requires each of us to go through our own portals of darkness, wounds, and grief in order to welcome in the full light of the new dawn.

In this transformative new course, Puma will take you on a profound journey into the heart of his ancestral lineage and into sacred work with these plant spirits directly. You will not need to ingest the plants directly in order to commune with them.

Creating an authentic sacred container, Puma will help you activate a direct connection with the plant spirits so you can experience their healing powers in the safest manner possible.

Through songs, prayers, and intention-setting, these plant spirits can become active guides and allies in your life  and can even support you in what Puma lovingly refers to as “cosmic surgeries” that can lead you to miraculous healing.

You are truly in good hands with Puma, who emanates a calm and loving presence with a sense of real reverence and knowledge. He’s become a favorite Shift faculty member with people around the world who experience the authenticity of his transmissions.

Puma will share stories  diving into the knowledge and myths of Ayahuasca and San Pedro that have been shared since ancient times  as you merge into the magical, mystical world of these clear-seeing spirits.

If you seek to heal trauma, depression, or physical dis-ease, these medicine plants can be real allies in your healing journey.

Through a deep relationship with the plants  and the alchemy of ceremony  you can transcend feelings of disconnection, depression, and dis-ease and shift into awakening.

Join us for a new, deeply experiential course with Puma  and cultivate a deep sacred symbiosis with the plant spirit world for lasting transformation.

You will be gently guided to call in your protectors so they can support you while working with the medicine.

For your journeys with Ayahuasca, you will learn icaros  special ceremonial songs  to help you forge a direct connection with the plant spirits. When learning to connect with the medicine of Huachuma  a mind-opening and emotional process  you will tap into a more subtle natural energy.

You’ll learn to reach higher frequencies of vibration and higher consciousness and establish a more sacred relationship with other plant teachers from around the world.

This medicine serves as a bridge to create change more rapidly  to accelerate the process of evolution and healing as the global human community faces the difficulties we must address across the planet.

Are you ready to answer the cosmic call?

Week by week, Puma will guide you along a journey into the Self. You’ll learn that what you want to discover in this journey is within you. By approaching and integrating the medicine with love and clear intentions, you can achieve harmonious alignment with the spirits of these plants.

This course consists of a dynamic balance of wisdom teachings and practices you can apply and embody in your daily life. Puma’s teachings will enlighten you to the cosmic agenda that will help you cultivate greater union with yourself, the master plants, and higher consciousness.

The course will culminate with Puma focusing on the integration process  specifically how to understand the teachings and learn ways to incorporate them into your life so you can share these gifts with the community and the rest of humanity.

Join this dynamic and inspiring 7-week journey and experience powerful transformation and healing through a connection with ancestral medicines.

In this transformative new course, you’ll:

  • If you’re currently using plant medicine, learning to connect with sacred plant spirits promises to elevate your experience
  • Learn how to create a connection to the spirits of the plants without even consuming them
  • Move the healing energy of the master plants by calling on their spirits
  • Discover how to program a cup of water with the plant spirit energy and prepare your medicine way for easier and gentler cleansing
  • Experience the gift of transformation, self-realization, and enlightenment
  • Address any fears and safety concerns about plant medicines
  • Explore how to create a sacred space with protection and guidance for yourself
  • Learn songs and prayers to invoke the presence of the plants for miraculous, instantaneous healing
  • Receive guidance on how to continue to work with the plants
  • Learn how to integrate lessons, learnings, and healings brought to you by the medicine

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through ceremony for self-transformation to evolve humanity and meet your soul’s purpose.

The Power of Livestreaming Video

You’ll connect with Puma and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Puma’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)

Module 1: Prepare Yourself for a Journey With Plant Spirits (April 27)

In this opening module, Puma will introduce you to the rich history of plant spirit medicine  teaching about the great spiritual leaders, governors, prophets, and chosen priestesses and priests.

Puma will share how the spirits of the light came from the stars and transformed into plant medicine for the awakening of cosmic consciousness and cosmic mind.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Connect with ancestral medicines and the spirits of the plants
  • Discover the power of plant medicines
  • Cultivate what to look out for and be aware of in your search with the medicine
  • Learn how to protect yourself through songs and icaros (whistles of ceremony)

Module 2: Discover the Medicine Huachuma (San Pedro) for Absolute Healing and Protection (May 11)

This week, you’ll explore the plant spirit of the sacred cactus medicine Apu Huachuma (Echinopsis pachanoi), also known as San Pedro, originally accessible only to societal leaders.

You’ll learn how to connect with the spirit of Apu Huachuma with a directed mind, inviting in a lifelong teacher and healer into your life  to cultivate your evolution beyond perfection.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to approach the sacred Huachuma spirit
  • The ways of the medicine for absolute healing
  • How to call on the guardians of San Pedro for protection
  • How to program the medicine with your prayers

Module 3: Shift From Limited Thinking to Cosmic Love That Opens and Heals the Heart (May 18)

Huachuma medicine opens the heart and mind and unifies it into superior feeling and thinking, so that heart and mind can work together as one. Eventually, you will no longer think with your mind, but with your heart from the intelligence of love.

This week, Puma will show you how to program the Huachuma spirit into a cup of water, which will give you a taste of enlightenment and self-realization.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Shift from limited thinking to the transcendental mind
  • Experience cosmic love to open and heal all heaviness from the heart
  • Discover the technique to prepare sacred medicine from the spirit of the plant and materialize it into water
  • Receive an initiation and alliance with Apu Huachuma as you begin to walk together in life

Module 4: Prepare to Call on the Spirit of Ayahuasca for Protection of Your Body & Mind (May 25)

The medicine of the gods is the magical alchemy of two plants  the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and Chacruna leaves (Psychotria viridis).

When you connect with this ancestral medicine, you enter the portal of the soul, which connects you directly with God, the Creator.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Connect with the ancestral spirit of Ayahuasca and experience rebirth
  • Learn to listen to the call of the plant spirit  and discover how to prepare yourself before calling on this spirit
  • Discover the infinite possibilities of healing and transformation
  • Learn how to call on the guardian spirits of Ayahuasca for protection of your body and mind
  • Program your sacred space with prayer and intent

Module 5: Open Portals and Activate Healing for Powerful Transformation (June 1)

Ayahuasca medicine takes you on a journey of healing and transformation in many dimensions. One of the most important is the healing of your physical, mental, and emotional being. When you work with this plant spirit, you must be willing to become a new person  because transformation is inevitable.

As you enter the realms of the soul, you receive the vision of your new life. You begin to see with absolute clarity that which no longer works for you so you can implement change.

Puma will guide you to pray to the Ayahuasca spirit in a cup of water, as you connect with plants of the forest and spirits of the animals. They will become your doctors, who you can always call upon.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the power of icaros  whistles of ceremony
  • Connect with the spirits of the forest
  • Connect with the Divine Feminine doctors  the mermaids
  • Learn how to receive and download powerful songs to open portals and activate healing

Module 6: Q&A Session  Meet the Plant Spirits of Apu Huachuma and Ayahuasca and Their Supporting Animal Guides (June 15)

In this special extended Q&A session, you’ll begin with a powerful journey to meet the plant spirits of Apu Huachuma and Ayahuasca, along with their supporting animal guides  the jaguar and the anaconda for healing and deep connection, and the hawk, jaguar, serpent, and fox.

In this journey and visualization, these incredible spirits will help you heal your heart, physical body, and mind.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Have the opportunity to ask Puma questions
  • Receive his wise guidance
  • Integrate the work you did in the first 5 modules to move more deeply into the experiences you’ve had in this course so far

Module 7: Integration  Begin Receiving the Miracles & Magic of Sacred Medicines Through Different Instruments of Healing (June 15)

After the ceremony of connection with the plant spirits comes the integration and interpretation process  one of the most powerful and important parts of this sacred journey.

It’s important to remember that the process with the plant spirit will remain with you for the rest of your life and you will continue to receive the miracles and magic of these sacred medicines. You will learn how to interpret every aspect of the experience and how to journey deeper into the process with the plant spirits.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Develop a prayer that calls on the spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma
  • Create an altar or sacred space for working with sacred medicine
  • Learn how to protect yourself and your process when working with plant spirits
  • Discover the different instruments of healing you need when working with master plant spirits

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Working With the Plant Spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma Online Training

We feel honored that Puma Fredy Quispe Singona has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with an Andean Medicine Man whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about immersing yourself in ancient teachings for personal transformation and the healing of our planet, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.


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