Purchasing Advantage – Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law


Purchasing Advantage – Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law

Purchasing Advantage - Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law

Purchasing Advantage – Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $42.00.

(Available)The legal department isn’t looking out for your best interests anyway; they are trained to look for totally different things than you are.

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Purchasing Advantage – Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law

Purchasing Advantage - Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law

Archive: https://archive.fo/sn93L

Discover How You Can Virtually Eliminate Redlining and Slash Your Overall Time Spent On Contracts and Excursions While Getting Far Better Results With My Purchasing Contract Power Secrets – Guaranteed!”
The contract will be the reason why you are successful instead of the reason why you get bogged down.
Dear Purchasing Pro,
You know the feeling well. It’s that pit in your stomach that you get when a supplier redlines your contract.
You know the contract now has to go to the legal department for approval, which is where contracts go to die.
That blasted legal department, why are they so slow and understaffed?
That’s when things slow to a halt, and the lawyers go at it – but only when they are good and ready.
There are a pile of contracts ahead of you in line, and the legal department does not share your urgency for getting things closed.
Why did the supplier have to redline your contract? Why is the legal department so understaffed?
Your customer is in a rush, you raced to get the contract done, and now it’s come back marked up in red ink from the supplier.
What is going to happen to your negotiation timelines, and how are you going to explain this to the customer in a way that he or she will recognize that this big delay coming up is not your fault?
How can we streamline or avoid this time sucking process?
The first thing you need to do is completely change your entire perspective about contracts. All the heartache and headache that comes with negotiating contracts is preventable.
It’s preventable in six ways:
First is to stop thinking the legal department owns the contract and that a contract approved by legal is a good contract. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Legal is looking for completely different things than you are, and a legal department approved contract can still be a terrible deal for the business that causes you endless frustration.
Second is to stop contracting for goods and services, and to start contracting for performance results. Don’t forget, your customer asks for goods and services, but they will always complain about the performance results.
Third is to use powerful insider secrets to prevent suppliers from having the opportunity or desire to redline the contract.
Fourth is to use a special trick of the purchasing masters to SLASH contract negotiation total cycle time by 75% or more. Think of what you could do with all that free time.

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Here’s you will get in

Purchasing Advantage - Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law
Fifth is to stop thinking the standard contract template – which is just a piece of paper that has no idea whether you’re buying office supplies or nuclear weapons – offers enough protection for your situation specific purchase.
The contract is a pay now or pay later process. If you just slap a SOW or Spec to a standard contract template, you WILL pay later. Don’t fall victim to this.
By the way, don’t think you need to know “legalese” to write or modify a contract. This myth is holding our profession down like a lead weight!
Sixth is to STOP viewing the contract as a seatbelt in the event of emergency and to START viewing and using it as a powerful tool to enable supplier performance and PREVENT supplier excursions.
There are powerful documented processes and methodical steps, developed through painstaking research and efforts, that must be taken in order to properly achieve the above.
Once that is accomplished, contracts will shift from being a thorn in your side – something you HAVE to do – to actually being a great aid to achieving world class results in much shorter negotiation time frames.
In short, contracts will become something you WANT to do, because they make your life so much easier, and because they will be a difference in maker in your job, career, and income path in our profession.
It’s one of the most liberating experiences you can ever have in our profession as a purchasing professional.
You won’t need to rely on the legal department any longer!
The contract will be the reason why you are successful instead of the reason why you get bogged down.
Pretty soon you will be a high performing internal consultant to your peers, and that gets attention and spells promotion.
I know, because I went through that exact cycle, many times. I became a hero in my Fortune 50 company (Intel Corporation) for my contract law knowledge and capabilities.
Follow my lead on these areas and you’ll see exactly what I mean.
The results are a blast, and your career will get a big boost.
By the way, I want you to know that everything that is taught in this online course is 100% applicable to every commodity, every industry, every global region, and every set of laws. Don’t think for a minute that this breakthrough training series won’t apply to you.
While others teach is the definitions of contract clauses and how to use the contract as a safety belt in the event of emergency, I teach the the value and meaning of each clause + definitions + how to negotiate and customize these agreements to prevent excursions, produce better supplier performance and TCO results, and reduce risk.
This reduces reliance on the legal department and managing the contract negotiation process in much more expedited fashion.
I will help you conquer your fear of contracts and contract law (a very real fear) and help you to stop using the overwhelmed legal dept as a crutch to manage the process.
The legal department isn’t looking out for your best interests anyway; they are trained to look for totally different things than you are.
I also show you how you can customize a contract to your specific needs and requirements, so that you can prevent excursions instead of respond to them, and when excursions do happen, you can have the remedies already pre-defined in the contract.
All of this slashes your overall time spent on contracts and excursions and gets you far better results.
This means less stress and your career gets on the fast track.
Get download Purchasing Advantage – Power Secrets of Purchasing Contract Law


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