Release Technique – Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020

Release Technique – Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020

Release Technique - Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020

Release Technique – Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020


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The Butt System course instantly became the Release Techniques most requested and bought courses to date.

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Release Technique – Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020

Release Technique - Butt System 2.0 TeleCourse 2020

The Butt System has produced more of the BIG monetary gains than any other Releasing course.

Now, it can now do the same for you — let us teach you how to use the Butt System so you too can have BIG monetary gains showing up in your life, irrespective of the economy or your job or income.

Over the years, people constantly asked Larry Crane what the Butt System is and how it works.

It seemed everyone familiar with the Release Technique eventually heard about the “mysterious” Butt System…

…became fascinated by what they heard about it..

…and desperately wanted to know more about it.

So, in 2009, Larry finally developed a course specifically focused on teaching people how to use the Butt System for themselves.

The results of that first Butt System course were nothing short of astonishing.

People becoming a millionaire inside three months.

Real people, too.

People like Jim Whitman who used what you’re going to read on this page to receive more than a million dollars for himself.

People like Gordon Bray who used what you’re about to read on this page to receive $5,000,000 in just a 4-month period.

People like retired school-teacher Craig Haus. He thought what you’re about to read was too good to be true.

Until he tried it.

Then (when he did get round to using The Butt System for himself) his net worth shot up to over $1,700,000.

And let’s not forget Dr. Raul Rodriguez.

Dr. Raul Rodriguez is a prime example of the life-changing monetary gains that can be achieved simply by using what you’re about to read on this page…

Because he used the Butt System on a financial goal.

A little while later he experienced receiving an extra $2,500,000 into his bank account.

All made possible because of using the Butt System on the “reasons why it was impossible” to receive that kind of money.

Needless to say…

Ever since 2009, when word-got-out about the life-changing monetary gains people were experiencing just by using the Butt System…

The Butt System course instantly became (and has remained since) the Release Techniques most requested and bought courses to date.

Not entirely surprising.

Especially when you look at the monetary gains people were continually experiencing after (and even during!) the course…

Along with the fact that the Butt System is based on Lester Levenson’s approach to always having more than enough money…

Just by sitting on your Butt and releasing.

Sounds strange, I know.

But it really does work.

To give you a real-life example:

Here’s an account of when Lester Levenson used the Butt System to “bring in money” when there wasn’t any.

Here’s the story: At one time Lester was involved in a construction project and there was a meeting where it was reported that there was a lack of funding for the completion of the project.

All the other business people involved in that project were frantically concerned over the lack of funding.

They got very mentally busy trying to come up with a viable solution.

Trying to figure it out with the mind!

What did Lester do?

Lester when he heard there was a lack of funding did not put any attention whatsoever in trying to figure out a solution for more funding.

Instead, Lester simply said something along the lines of: “Oh, I need to use the Butt System on this!”

And that’s exactly what Lester did.

He used the Butt System approach to releasing.

Which simply means he sat on his Butt and released all thoughts, doubts and concerns about money being available for the project.

The result?

Funding for the project completion (in the form of unexpected “found money”) quickly became available with no apparent effort.

Another time Lester used the Butt System to “pay” for an impromptu vacation.

Lester wanted to travel over the Christmas period from cold New York to spend time in the warmer climate of Los Angeles.

He just decided to go. No reservations. Nothing.

Lester just packed a bag and set off for the airport and used the Butt System to release.

One block from his New York apartment he bumped into a friend who he hadn’t seen in a long time. The friend said:

“Hey, Lester! I’ve been looking for you. Remember that money I owed you? I’ve been wanting to pay you. I didn’t know what happened to you.”

And the friend voluntarily handed Lester enough cash to buy a round-trip ticket to Los Angeles; which Lester did, and immediately left.

Everything fell into place perfectly in Los Angeles for Lester. He had a place to stay with a friend at no cost. Was given use of a car. And had enough money “show up” to fully enjoy the vacation. He even flew back to New York without a reservation.

You can use the Butt System with any lack of money problem in your life too…

It just takes knowing how to correctly use the Butt System.

Unfortunately, most people think they know how to use the Butt System (just from reading about it) but end up getting it all wrong and then wonder what happened.

We don’t want that to happen to you.

We want you to know how to use the Butt System correctly – so it ALWAYS works for you quickly and effortlessly.

Especially so, since it’s looking like we’re heading into a major recession with people increasingly worried about losing their jobs and their income.

So, that’s why we’re inviting you to partake in the NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE

During the NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE we are going to work with you on your own goals…

…so you never have to be affected by what’s happening in the economy, or anything else that’s impacting the financial security of the rest of the world.

Financial security, unexpected monetary gains and longer-term financial abundance are what you can look forward to after completing the NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE.

In fact, whatever your current situation or circumstances in life (job or no job; income or no income; plans or no plans)…

The NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE is for you if you want to fully enjoy life and not have to worry about money.

The NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE is for you if you want to have an ever-abundant flow of money into your life – irrespective of what job or income you have or don’t have.

The NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE is for you if you want manifest money for whatever you need in life.

The NEW BUTT SYSTEM 2.0 TELE-COURSE is for you if you want to use the Butt System to have financial gains like these people:

“Monday I lost track of time and space… By noon my financial gains stood at 75k + 293k +47k +3k = $438,000!!!! totally from being hootless in full ‘butt’ system.” – James K.

“Yesterday I had a financial gain of $22,000! Turning things over to Beingness is really working for me! It could even be habit forming!”
 – Joe Passaretti, NY.

“I have had money showing up even when I was not releasing on a specific goal. $4,500 so far.” – Basant Arya, TX.

“A $40,000.00 transaction that was smooth and lovingly done. It will also produce 2 more art commissions. My accountant informed me S.O.S owes me $39,000.00 as they admitted the mistake.” – Georjean Hertzwig, NY.

Hey, it’s perfectly okay to be skeptical.

Susan Wright from Canada certainly was.

But then she tried the Butt System for herself and here is what she reports:

“Larry, I have often listened to other people recite their mega money gains and alternatively rolled my eyes or felt stupid.  My skepticism told me that they were probably already in professions where large money gains were possible.  After (using the Butt System)… a friend I had known 20-years ago called me out of the blue and asked me to take $250,000…” – Susan Wright, Canada.

See what Susan Wright (and now many others) have discovered is this…

Money is first “received” internally; before it can “show up” externally

What does that mean?

It’s simple: You have to “clear” your money blocks internally; before money will show up in your life externally (in the material world).

The good news is, once you “clear” all your “reasons” and beliefs about not being able to receive new sources of money – money will appear into your life.

Often from the most unlikely of places or people.

Life will literally astonish you with the ways in which it delivers unexpected monetary gains into your life.

See, when you are “clear” on the inside and ready to receive money – then money MUST and WILL appear into your life.

It’s the true Law of Attraction at work.

And the Butt System gives you material evidence of the true Law of Attraction at work better than any other technique or method out there.

Plus, the Butt System is repeatable. Once you’ve got it – you’ve got it.

It’s yours for the rest of your life.

To use whenever you need a monetary gain in your life.

And ideally something you use everyday so you always have a positive flow of financial abundance in your life.


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